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Please don't blame President Bush



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unes wrote:
    I hear people are criticizing President Bush for the short fall of the disaster relief in the city of New Orleans. And also for the lack of resources for the victims' relief. Such a ungrateful people!

    Well to me it did seem like he needed CNN to point out that there were armed gangs roaming the streets before he decided to send in some kind of military to try and keep order. That and the rapes, murders and drugs that are going on in the Superdome or whatever it´s called. The facts don´t lie amigo.
    Unes wrote:
    President Bush gave us the $300 tax-cut that we all enjoyed which created the boom in economy in USA. How soon people forget. You can not have it both way; either the tax-cut or the social services, there is no magic about that.

    Oh yes, the "mammoth" $300 tax-cut. Consider some of his more impressive budget changes.

    1. The Bush Administration cut $1.5 billion for military family housing, despite Department of Defense statistics showing that in 83,000 barracks and 128,860 family housing units across the country are below standard (U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards Press Release, June 17, 2003)

    2. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget underfunded veterans' health care by nearly $2 billion (Washington Post, June 17, 2003)

    3. More than 173,000 veterans across the country would be cut off from health care because of Bush Administration proposed budget cuts and its plan requiring enrollment fees and higher out-of-pocket costs (Washington Post, June 17, 2003)

    4. Despite the war efforts of America's National Guard and Reserve Members, the Bush Administration announced in October 2003 its formal opposition to give the 1.2 million Guard and Reserve members the right to buy health care coverage through the Pentagon's health plan. One out of every five Guard members lacks health insurance. (Gannett News Service, October 23, 2003)

    5. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget cut $172 million of impact aid funding. Impact aid funding assists school districts by making up for lost local tax revenue from tax-exempt property, such as military bases. These education cuts will especially affect school-age children of troops serving in Iraq who reside on military bases. (Washington Post, June 17, 2003)

    6. The families of 262,000 children of military personnel do not receive the child tax credit increase because the plan fails to cover taxpaying families with incomes between $10,500 and $26,625 (Children's Defense Fund, July 23, 2003)
    Unes wrote:
    So please don't blame President George Bush. He is a fine Jesus loving man, may Jesus bless him for all that he does. I love him so much.

    I don´t really see why we shouldn´t blame Bush for all of this. He gave the green light to all these proposals aswell as the ridiculous Iraq war.

    Read this for a start.

    After 9/11, the White House asked the FBI to come up with links between Al-Qaeda and Iraq. There were none, so they were made up. Still to this day no evidence has ever been found linking Saddam to Al-Qaeda. Maybe ask Donald Rumsfelt, after all, he´s met them both.

    And so what if he loves Jesus? I´m sure there are people in the world who love Jesus and kill babies and molest children (like certain members of the Catholic faith). Loving Jesus does not allow you carte blanche to be a wanker.
    Unes wrote:
    Since President Bush took office he showed the world who is the boss. He demanded action everywhere, now the whole world fear us and respect us.

    Respect good. Fear? So that´s why the grateful Iraqi population is try to kill all the Coalition soldiers...
    Unes wrote:
    Just nine month ago we, the people, re-elected him to the job with a mandate to proceed with his fine work.

    Which he had been allowed to do despite overwhelming evidence of gross-election fraud in the 2000 elections.
    Unes wrote:
    Few month ago Gallup poll reported for the ranking of the American's presidency, people voted overwhemingly that President Bush and President Reagan had tied for the first place, George Washington was at far distant second.

    Is that more a reflection on Bush or on the American people that George Washington, your first president (albeit a slave owner), the man largely responsible with the founding of the USA, is beated by Bush (enough said) and a B-movie actor whose response to student protests while he was governor of California was "if it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with, no more appeasement", who described AIDS as "the gay plague", supported the Nicaraguan Contras to overthrow the democratically-elected president because the US didn´t like him, a man whose administration funded and armed Saddam Hussain during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-8, the list goes on. Jeez, what a guy!
    Unes wrote:
    Let us whole heartily support our commander in chief and encourage him in his fine work, he was borne a leader and a visionary. May Jesus bless him in his deeds.

    As you may know, this is largely a British forum. He aint our commander-in-chief.
    Unes wrote:
    He single handedly killed a lot of terrorists in Iraq.

    Yeah, whatever. Dubya went over to Iraq with an M-16 and killed some terrorists. Or do you mean he executed some people with the mental age of 6 who, because of the colour of their skin, could have turned out to be terrorists?

    Shit, this has got to be my longest post ever. Ok, rant over.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unes wrote:

    now the whole world fear us and respect us

    Let us whole heartily support our commander in chief and encourage him in his fine work, he was borne a leader and a visionary.

    no we don't and he was born a moron :rolleyes:
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Jonny8888 wrote:
    America is like the chav of the world, goes around getting into peoples faces n doin what it wants. How can yer respect something like that

    Ahahahaha. :lol:

    Best thing you've ever said. But worryingly true, as just like Chavs, it seems to be above the law.

    *Gets flamethrower* Well, at least I can solve one problem with this beast.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Thunderstruck,

    Thank you for the long post. I think you need to visit my site TheTruthShall.com
    Please read the link "Good and Bad, Angels and Devils"

    May God Bless us all,
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    What if I don't beleive in God? Who blesses me then?

    This isn't a site to sell stuff, by the way.

    I blame Bush. It is his fault, directly or indirectly, it is still his fault. It is not directly Sir Ian Blair's faulth the innocent man was shot, yet he must take the fall for it, being the guy in charge at the end of the day. Same applies to Bush.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So the Bush administration can create hurricanes now?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    That isn't the Question Matadore. :rolleyes: *sigh*

    The Question is why didn't they react? Or even seem to CARE about the people?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So the Bush administration can create hurricanes now?
    thats not the point ...bush and his cronies are responsible for the lack of action after the fucking hurricane.
    no food no water etc etc.
    don't give me the bullshit they couldn't get food and water in there ...they managed to get armed men in there to protect property.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So the Bush administration can create hurricanes now?

    As I've said, noone is suggesting that. Stop being such a Bush arse licking trolling moron.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    But that is his job, to attempt to defend a crappy governemnt who couldn't give less of a damn about its people.

    By taking the well used "Ignore the issue" approach.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please don't blame President Bush
    Originally posted by Matadore:
    So the Bush administration can create hurricanes now?

    Maybe I missed a reply, did anybody claim Bush can create hurricanes?
    And some thought my original post did not resonant the truth!
    We are dealing with strange people with strange reasoning.

    May God Bless us all,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Matadore, I know that you think the sun shines out of Bush and the Republican party, but when it is so clear that Bush has totally mishandled the crisis, when even staunch right wing supporters of Bush such as Fox Network and even many Republican Congressmen have rightly criticised him and the government for the incompetence they have shown, perhaps it is time for you to admit, even just for once, that Bush and his government have done wrong.

    Is it really that hard a thing to do? :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cause our governments just so great :no:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stop telling us that God blesses us all!
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    I think he's refering towards the chief of the Metropolitan Police.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Done wrong what? THe hurricane was one of the biggest to ever hit the continental US and it devastated roads and railways. Not to mention the difficult nature of the Louisana coastline which made it hard for aid to arrive by boat.

    The delivery of aid was hampered by logistics and the sheer size of the disaster, not because Bush wanted a few blacks to die.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unes wrote:
    Hi Thunderstruck,

    Thank you for the long post. I think you need to visit my site TheTruthShall.com
    Please read the link "Good and Bad, Angels and Devils"

    May God Bless us all,

    I notice you neither refuted nor aknowledged anything in my post so your comment "Thank you for the long post" is very patronising.

    And please learn that this site is a forum for intellectual banter and debate, and not a place to try and plug your book which I am not interested in one little bit. I, like many people have been completely disillusioned and alienated by Christianity so you´re flogging a dead horse.

    If you really want to make a decent contribution to this forum, try going and actually reading my post and making comments based thereon, otherwise, go away and stop wasting everybody´s time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stop telling us that God blesses us all!
    um why?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    um why?

    Because its irritating.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NQA wrote:
    Because its irritating.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    um why?

    Because He doesn't. As this story behind this thread shows ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Done wrong what? THe hurricane was one of the biggest to ever hit the continental US and it devastated roads and railways. Not to mention the difficult nature of the Louisana coastline which made it hard for aid to arrive by boat.

    Even though you are talking about major ports there...
    The delivery of aid was hampered by logistics and the sheer size of the disaster, not because Bush wanted a few blacks to die.

    Do you try to see how far you can miss the point by, or are you showing the very reactionary unthinking responses which the republican.right-wing are accused of on these boards.

    There has never been a accusation that Bush wanted blacks to die. The accusation is that he didn't care either way because it didn't suit his politican interests to be overly concerned. Just as his reaction to the tsunami was found wanting, in comparison to other nations of the world.

    And don't give me that shite about logistics. As has already been pointed out, that didn't seem to matter in Asia. It didn't take five days for food/water to arrive there and if it was such a problem, why did it take the US Govt until yesterday to ask for help? A whole week?

    Hell, that sounds just like the old Soviet Govt at Chernobyl...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Done wrong what? THe hurricane was one of the biggest to ever hit the continental US and it devastated roads and railways. Not to mention the difficult nature of the Louisana coastline which made it hard for aid to arrive by boat.

    The delivery of aid was hampered by logistics and the sheer size of the disaster, not because Bush wanted a few blacks to die.
    In addition to what MoK has already said, let me add:

    - Cutting the flood defence budget by nearly half to finance wars and imperialistic adventures

    - And basically, doing fuck all to help for an astonishing five days after the flooding started.

    Nice to see that you are even more of an ultra right wing neocon Bushbot now than even the Fox Network.

    You must be proud.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1. Its a myth that any aid got the tsunami 'immediately' and what aid did arrive was brought by the US navy.

    2. No flood defences could have prevented what occured.

    3. Bush didnt do 'fuck all' to help - he sent as much aid as he could - and this wasnt much because of the difficulty of the area hit.

    4. Aid was at first concentrated at the state and municipal level - something whcih Bush has no jurisdiction over.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please don't blame President Bush

    thunderstruck, I am sorry that you felt I was patronizing, that was the last thing in my mine. I do apologize if my comment had such a tone.
    Originally posted by Matadore:
    Done wrong what? THe hurricane was one of the biggest to ever hit the continental US and it devastated roads and railways. Not to mention the difficult nature of the Louisiana coastline which made it hard for aid to arrive by boat.

    The delivery of aid was hampered by logistics and the sheer size of the disaster, not because Bush wanted a few blacks to die.

    Dear Matadore;
    There are many streets in the New Orleans that are under water, and some free ways have been destroyed, but there are some roads that reaches to New Orleans and they are fine. Next day after Katrina had passed five trucks of Wal-Mart supplies reached to New Orleans, and Homeland Security ordered them back. One would wonder why?

    Even though some of those damaged roads are unaccessible for the civilian cars, but for the army it is totally different story. An army unit is trained to move in the wilderness terrain where there is no road. Army can advance over the hills, valleys, rivers, lakes and so on, and all with amazing speed while they are under enemy fire and also they are dealing with mines. Under a competent leadership the army could have secured the city of New Orleans within TWENTY FOUR hours. Of course that required to take the disaster seriously! The minute it was announced that a flood wall had breached a concerned and informed Government would have gone into high gear and would have put the emergency plan into action. The flood danger of New Orleans is not a surprise to anybody, and it has been studied thoroughly. By the way, none of the levees broke, this was the flood wall which was protecting the city against the mighty Mississippi. Could you believe this DANGEROUS flood wall was only 14 to 19 inch thick and the Government refused funding to strengthen it! But whose idea was it to give the meager $300 tax-cut to the middle class and billions to the rich and to the corporations and in return cut massively from the social services?

    I saw a helicopter which reached to some stranded neighborhood in the city. There were many people in that location. The soldier instructed the people to bring their sick people from their homes to that cross section, and he clumsily attached himself to a sick woman and they were pulled by a wire to the helicopter above. The army very easily could have removed the obstacles from that cross section, like the posts and some cables, and land the helicopter on the ground with ease. That would have meant, just one helicopter in few hours could have saved the whole neighborhood, by taking the sicks to the safety and bringing supplies to the stranded people.

    The stories that you hear from different officials give a picture of very disorganized operations. Each agency is creating obstacles and road blocks for other agencies. FEMA wants to be in charge, Homeland Security wants to be in charge. They are in the midst of power struggle amongst themselves! These agencies also have interfered and hampered the relief efforts of the state and local agencies. You wonder what happened to all those disaster plans that Homeland Security has been planing and practicing since 911, 2001.

    There is something very wrong with the whole operation. My heart goes to the people of New Orleans. Both in 911 and now in flood, we see weird behavior of our Government.

    However Matadore, I know none of these points make any difference for you, you find a way to elude the hard facts. I do admit that you are very good at that.

    May God Bless us all,
    I do believe we all need it, especially now; when the devil is on the loose!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2. No flood defences could have prevented what occured.
    Wrong. Existing flood defences were only built to withstand a category 3 hurricane. Experts have been warning for many many years of the disaster waiting to happen, with some predicting an event which was pretty close indeed to what has happened. But instead of upgrading the flood defences, the chimp halved its budget.
    3. Bush didnt do 'fuck all' to help - he sent as much aid as he could - and this wasnt much because of the difficulty of the area hit.
    He did fuck all for 5 days. It was only after mounting outrage across America- including many Republican quarters- that he finally got his finger out.

    And as for the logistics, please don't make me laugh. Are you suggesting the mighty American military machine, one you don't cease to sing the praises of, able to invade and occupy countries tens of thousands of miles away, couldn't organise aid relief to the area?

    They already did, and they have managed it well. But they should have received their orders 5 days earlier. The spineless chimp and his government are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of people who died because they did not receive assistance earlier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unes wrote:
    thunderstruck, I am sorry that you felt I was patronizing, that was the last thing in my mine. I do apologize if my comment had such a tone.

    Dear Matadore;
    There are many streets in the New Orleans that are under water, and some free ways have been destroyed, but there are some roads that reaches to New Orleans and they are fine. Next day after Katrina had passed five trucks of Wal-Mart supplies reached to New Orleans, and Homeland Security ordered them back. One would wonder why?

    Even though some of those damaged roads are unaccessible for the civilian cars, but for the army it is totally different story. An army unit is trained to move in the wilderness terrain where there is no road. Army can advance over the hills, valleys, rivers, lakes and so on, and all with amazing speed while they are under enemy fire and also they are dealing with mines. Under a competent leadership the army could have secured the city of New Orleans within TWENTY FOUR hours. Of course that required to take the disaster seriously! The minute it was announced that a flood wall had breached a concerned and informed Government would have gone into high gear and would have put the emergency plan into action. The flood danger of New Orleans is not a surprise to anybody, and it has been studied thoroughly. By the way, none of the levees broke, this was the flood wall which was protecting the city against the mighty Mississippi. Could you believe this DANGEROUS flood wall was only 14 to 19 inch thick and the Government refused funding to strengthen it! But whose idea was it to give the meager $300 tax-cut to the middle class and billions to the rich and to the corporations and in return cut massively from the social services?

    I saw a helicopter which reached to some stranded neighborhood in the city. There were many people in that location. The soldier instructed the people to bring their sick people from their homes to that cross section, and he clumsily attached himself to a sick woman and they were pulled by a wire to the helicopter above. The army very easily could have removed the obstacles from that cross section, like the posts and some cables, and land the helicopter on the ground with ease. That would have meant, just one helicopter in few hours could have saved the whole neighborhood, by taking the sicks to the safety and bringing supplies to the stranded people.

    The stories that you hear from different officials give a picture of very disorganized operations. Each agency is creating obstacles and road blocks for other agencies. FEMA wants to be in charge, Homeland Security wants to be in charge. They are in the midst of power struggle amongst themselves! These agencies also have interfered and hampered the relief efforts of the state and local agencies. You wonder what happened to all those disaster plans that Homeland Security has been planing and practicing since 911, 2001.

    There is something very wrong with the whole operation. My heart goes to the people of New Orleans. Both in 911 and now in flood, we see weird behavior of our Government.

    However Matadore, I know none of these points make any difference for you, you find a way to elude the hard facts. I do admit that you are very good at that.

    May God Bless us all,
    I do believe we all need it, especially now; when the devil is on the loose!

    You need help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1. Its a myth that any aid got the tsunami 'immediately' and what aid did arrive was brought by the US navy.

    Perhaps you should read this report about US media coverage, including that of the pro-republican arena. It includes "As the heads of the Homeland Security department and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) appeared for network interviews, their defensive remarks about where aid was arriving to, and when, were exposed immediately as either downright lies or breath-taking ignorance." - although you seem to continue to repeat those comments, that defence to a piss poor response.

    Just a thought but where was this armed force this time then?

    Have you asked yourself where the local Nationard Guard units were? Well that article gives you the answer: "The president looked affronted when a reporter covering his Mississippi walkabout had the temerity to suggest that having a third of the National Guard from the affected states on duty in Iraq might be a factor. ".

    But hey, Bush did everything he could, eh?

    Then you could try this article. Gives a different slant on the great US of A, doesn't it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This disaster defintely shows the cracks in American society.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This one's for Mat:

    "The rich were able to leave, the poor stayed there, and it is now that they are evacuating them, four, five days later. That is the model they want to sell us. Racial segregation - the mayor of New Orleans said it - is a question of social classes; the rich were able to leave, the poor were left, enduring the hurricane."
    President Hugo Chavez - Venezuela
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