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I despair at the human race sometimes...



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No it didnt. You have no idea what the far right is or you are just trolling.

    Well campaigning against asylum seekers seems pretty rascist to me, and rascism to me is highly asscociated with the right wing end of the political spectrum. And you have no right to accuse anyone of trolling Matadore.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They werent 'campaigning against asylum seekers'. They sought to put a limit on immigration numbers. Its hardly a racist policy and it doesnt seem like you actually read their manifesto.

    Putting a limit on asylum numbers is hardly the same as preaching racist hate messages against Jews and Blacks.

    Anyway thats not the point, the point is British governments, through successful race lesislation have done much to halt racism in the UK when compared with Continental nations.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They werent 'campaigning against asylum seekers'. They sought to put a limit on immigration numbers. Its hardly a racist policy and it doesnt seem like you actually read their manifesto.

    Putting a limit on asylum numbers is hardly the same as preaching racist hate messages against Jews and Blacks.

    Anyway thats not the point, the point is British governments, through successful race lesislation have done much to halt racism in the UK when compared with Continental nations.

    They did nothing to distinguish between immigrants and refugees though, knowing full well thet that groups of the public wouldnt question the considerable difference between them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What I find most laughable is the insinuated disgust for intolerance toward Europe's arab populations coming from the very same person who has repeatedly labelled them and their societies, "women-hating" and "fascist". His cognitive dichotomy borders on the schizoid, quite frankly.

    And btw, I do not, nor ever have dwelt in an ivory tower. I have however lived in France for two years and whilst I witnessed acts of racism, they were no more aggregious nor widespread than what one could easily cite the MET for perpetrating against ethnic minorities (or any number of high profile race hate crimes in recent years years) in the UK.

    I happen to currently reside in predominantly Moslem quarter of Brussels and again have seen selective incidents of apparent racism but nothing akin to the sort of nightmare to which Mat wishes to continuing subscribing.

    As for Gays and Lesbians (the original point of this thread), there is more insitutionalised tolerance in Europe than I have ever seen in my own country, which fraudulently hails itself "the land of the free".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, you are wrong. The answer is most definietly yes. In countries like France, Germany and Spain racism is not frowned upon like it is in this country.
    You've got any evidence, or even personal experiences to support such claim?
    Whats more Continental governments have never seen fit to legislate to outlaw racism, unlike British ones. One of the few good ideas of the Labour governments of the last century were the race relations laws which have resulted in vastly more harmonious race relations in the UK than in other European countries.
    Racial discrimination is illegal in every single European country I can think of. What on earth are you on about? :confused:
    Not to mention the Conservative party ensuring that the far right in this country never became nearly as powerful as it still is on the Continent.
    Because they have stolen their ideas for themselves, perhaps?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    every country has issues with the far right, however as a whole europe tends to be far more accepting minority groups and lets them do their own thing as long as they dont force it upon others - this applies in particular to the dutch who are just as tolerant as theyve been for past half century, they just annoyed with people going over to there, and then complaining its too liberal
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