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The Catholic Church puts its foot in it again....



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If that book explains that if you take creationism as a metephor for evolution, then that is obviously a very good book.

    I believe that the Bible is only metephor for most of it- 40 days and 40 nights merely meant "a long time" in common parlance, for instance. Anyone who isn't bright enough to see the metaphor scares me.

    Creationism and evolution are merely two parts fo the same theory, IMHO. Evolution works back to "the big bang", but the big bang couldn't actualy ahve happened according to a growing number of physicists.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Regardless of whether you believe that man was created by a superior being...

    FACT: the Earth is billions of years old, not 6,000.

    FACT: the land animal species were not saved by a man who managed to get a pair of each species into a boat and save them from drowning.

    FACT: even if it hasn't been proven that man descends from ape, the evolution of species is beyond any doubt.

    Even most of the Catholic priests my mum knows admit that not everything in the bible can be taken literally.

    The scariest thing is, countless children in America (and tragically a few here as well) are being brainwashed to believe such drivel.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But amy failure in current scientific knowledge just highlights the advances yet to be made, it doesn't mean you should fall back on a religious position. Surely you can either adopt a scientific view or a religious view, not both.

    Either you trust to rational methods of enquiry and hypothesis testing based on evidence, or you trust to faith alone.....

    PS miximmusic you will probably find scientists to support most views. There are undoubtedly some climatologists for example that deny global warming, but the vast majoirty I beleieve assert that glovbal warming is a reality. Normally better to trust the majority I think..........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    RFACT: the land animal species were not saved by a man who managed to get a pair of each species into a boat and save them from drowning.

    Although geologists have indicated that a large area roughly around the Caspian Sea did severely flood at roughly the time the Bible indicated the stopry of Noah.

    But if people think the Bible should be taken literally, go along and see how long Noah lived for.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think we can be pretty certain that most stories get their theme from real events, but they are still storiies......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Toadborg
    But amy failure in current scientific knowledge just highlights the advances yet to be made, it doesn't mean you should fall back on a religious position. Surely you can either adopt a scientific view or a religious view, not both.

    But the religious viewpoint shouldn't be discounted just because it is religious. As I've explained, quite a few of the Bible stories have their basis in fact which has now been rpoven; such as severe flooding for Noah.

    A growing body of scientists are arguing that The Big Bang is an impossible event...which leads us to creationism. The truth undoubtedly lies in between both; read Genesis, and the "days of creation" roughly coincide with prehistoric ages, and they roughly correlate with Darwinist theories. Just because the Bible is written in the language of the ancients, and as such relies on simple matephor a lot (as human understanding had not progressed further), it does not mean that it is inaccurate.

    PS miximmusic you will probably find scientists to support most views. There are undoubtedly some climatologists for example that deny global warming, but the vast majoirty I beleieve assert that glovbal warming is a reality. Normally better to trust the majority I think..........

    The majority used to believe that the earth was flat, apropos of nothing.

    I'm skeptical about global warming- when the dinosaurs were around the earth was hot, wet and swampy, no? Then we had two ice ages. Perhaps it is all just a natural cimalctic change- history doesn't go back far enough.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    Although geologists have indicated that a large area roughly around the Caspian Sea did severely flood at roughly the time the Bible indicated the stopry of Noah.

    But if people think the Bible should be taken literally, go along and see how long Noah lived for.
    Certain passages of the bible reflect incidents that happened at the time. The bible then spins the story and claims it to be the wrath of god.

    Nothing new there. One of the oldest tricks in the book really. Same difference as other cultures attributing solar eclipses, volcano eruptions or earthquakes to the 'displeasure of the gods'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Toadborg
    I think we can be pretty certain that most stories get their theme from real events, but they are still storiies......

    You shouldn't be so dismissive of them as "stories".

    Personally I think they are metaphorical most of the time, and any simplicity is because human understanding wasn't progressed enough to fill in the gaps.

    Take the parting of the Red Sea- it is widely believed that the sea did not literally part, but rather Moses led them across an estuarine mud flat of some description (think Morecambe Bay or The Wash). It was taken as a sign from God because human understanding did not grasp the concept of tide.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Certain passages of the bible reflect incidents that happened at the time. The bible then spins the story and claims it to be the wrath of god.

    Of course.

    The difference comes in whether or not you believe in the said God, and whether you believe he is vengeful.

    Personally I don't think natural disasters then were venegeful just like they are not now. I somehow don't think that Church collapses are vengeful, although who knows, eh?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    FACT: the land animal species were not saved by a man who managed to get a pair of each species into a boat and save them from drowning.

    Yeah but if someone believes in that then it is wrong to doubt them, i dont think it would be right to come on here and doubt that an elephant with several arms exists, likewise doubting the existance of noah and his ark is wrong.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People can believe whatever the hell they like. But when they start using these beliefs to justify bigotry and oppression, I have the perfect right to point out how idiotic they are.
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