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>>>gentlemen! It's Time To Tbtc!!!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by n00b1e
    women are annoying, never satisfied, always complaining, and they bring nothing to the table but demands....sorry, girls suck, all they have is the beaver and once you over that its no problem....

    no longer shall we be slaves to our dicks!!!
    There is a great difference between not being able to get laid and simply not desiring it
    men like u never satisfya, always do things wrong, the dont supply tables.......and if we suck it cant be that bad!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by LonDoNErcHriS85
    not one to bring up an old post again but..........

    next time they want it, just as theyre gettin into it, pull it out and finish urself off in the bathroom WUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    </silly mood>

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    TBTC cannot be stopped.. it is a worldwide movement already!
    here are some wise words from our illustrious leader:
    Originally posted by ~(.) (.)~
    Welcome, you either clicked this thread because you are curious about the TBTC movement, or you know about it and want to officially join.

    Our mission here at TBTC is simple....

    To regain male dominance in the race for sexual control...

    For almost the last century females have been leading this movement. It wasn't always that way though. Think back in time, when men reigned supreme and women threw themselves at us. Clearly women have gained some respect, and rightfully so. This movement is not designed to send women back to the kitchen at all. No sir, the point of this mission is to put a cap on what women can control. The current state of affairs is a sad one, we see men committing terrible crimes against one another for a helping of some bearded clam. Well, fellas, that hatchet wound you call heaven can give life just as easy as take it.

    Women have slowly gained control of the sexual realm by using the one thing they have that we don't, self control. A woman can manage her desires, a man cannot, until now.

    Men, do you enjoy being made a fool of? How many times have you thought "I'm so in with this one" only to be sent home with a blue balled chubber and a slacking confidence?

    Can you imagine what life would be like if women no longer had power over the decision? It would be a new world, I can tell you that. If you TBTC, Take Back The Cock, you will see how quickly you can rock the foundation of clitoral confidence.

    Next time a girl is giving you all the signs that she wants to go home and do the nasty, do the unthinkable, leave her standing in her damp panties wondering what the fuck just happened. Before you laugh fellas, how many women have you met at the club, danced with all night, made out, felt up and what not, then all of a sudden they leave with their troop and you go home to release, alone.

    Well, next time, you be the one who leaves. Say something to let them know we are back and the movement is here...

    "Listen honey, I'm outa here, if we go home your going to more than likely back off and wanna makeout all night. If I go home alone, I'll score for sure"


    "Sweety, I'll get more action alone with a spanish soap opera than with you"

    I know it sounds hard, your mission, should you choose to accept it is not an easy one. There will be times you cannot help yourself, these times will occur and they are ok. This is a place for the TBTC members to come together and discuss strategies, stories, success', and failures together. So, without further comment, welcome and good luck. Gentlemen, lets TBTC!!!

    Founder of TBTC
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    First Coming 1:1 "On the first day, the teachings of the Movement were laid before the faithful by the glorious One. He, of the glorious Light, through his own redemption created before those in darkness a path to their own redemption. So it came to pass, this day would be known as the First Coming of the Leader, both Parent and Child to and of the Movement. And for a time, it was good."
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Humility 5:1 "Let ye of those who are faithful be known, but act with humility lest you be singled out by those who are ignorant of the glorious Movement."

    lipsy and my_name the great ignorants pay attention!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Humility 5:2 "Nay, do not judge those who GTCF- for they are your misguided brothers. Do not pass judgement on those who share your goals, regardless of the ends to which they seek their means. Act with humility to your brothers of this creed, for they too know the suffering the cruel grip of Vaginal Sorrow."

    Humility 5:2 "Do not fall victim to your own hubris, for that is the way of the darkness. Yay, and so Blue Balls or Wet Panties shall be striken unto anyone who is proud or arrogant. Be humbled, for you are a single part of a greater whole."

    The Light 8:1 "Always must the Light be available to those shrouded in darkness, for you are your brother's key to redemption. But be wary of your arrogance and pride, for those are the ways of the followers of the creatures of the Vaginal Abyss."

    Redemption 9:1 "Let no man, regardless of gravity of sin be turned away, for in the Movement there is redemption."

    Redemption 9:2 "And so on this day of the darkness, let it be known that all brothers are welcome to the Movement."

    Redemption 9:3 "And so, let it be known that always can one be redeemed. For in confession there is redemption, and in redemption there is strength, and through strength the Movement is the Light."

    Redemption 9:4 "And so it was decreed that no manner of oppression from outside the ranks Vaginal Matriarchy shall be met with open hostility, further showing the virtues of true humility in the face of the non-believers. Yay, do not waste thine strength in matters concerning the non-believers, for the truly reverent shall find their path in time- and let no faithful be turned away from the Movement, for the Movement is all forgiving. And on this day it was decreed, let no sin be too great for the Movement's compassion to redeem."

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Vaginal Sorrow 10:1 "Nay, do not let your faith interfere with your natural urges. Do not feel shame for desiring the instrument of your suffering, for it giveth the life of the Movement, and of all living things. And so, ye must be wary of that which wishes to taketh your cock, and ye must always keep in mind the creed of the Movement and the teachings of your brothers. And so, when you are at your darkest moment, remember the glory of the First Coming of the Son and Father of the Movement that was shrouded with darkness by the non-believers- only to be rekindled by the Second Coming and the completion and decimation of the trinity when he returned to that which he birthed and was borne of."

    Vaginal Sorrow 10:2 "Be reminded that not all commanders of the instrument of your suffering use the instrument in malice. The Light can be found in all things, and so none shall be judged harshly lest she has first vexed ye or one of your brothers. And nay, let not your goals to be to anger and incurr the wrath of the Vagina Carriers, lest she did incurr unworldly suffering of ye or one of your brothers. Let the battle be fought on fair terms, for ye must show humility and compassion to not just your brothers, but for all living things. Ye may take joy in fighting of the battle, but the dangers of becoming that which we seek to fight are ever present, keep in mind the teachings of humility in the Scripture."

    and last quote from the scripture...

    Scripture 13:3 "And let the Scripture guide you through times of unknowing. But nay, do not let the Scripture become an absolute truth, but mere guidance along your journey."
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cynical women who think they're better than TBTC
    Blah.gifblah blah blah
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We will not falter in the face of the oppressive Vaginal Matriarchy!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Erm. You need to get laid. Women can hold out longer than men. I've done it for a wee while now, thanking you. PLUS! We have the Rampant Rabbit. Plus, we don't get heavy sacks if we don't get laid. Plus, no bloke - unless he was getting sex on a regular basis - would be able to take back before he was all set to shag. I'm sorry, you wouldn't. No guy would, it's totally a universal known thing that guys won't say no to sex, and seize any chance of boabying.

    Personally, I think you're a bit queer to flame TBTC. So, TBTC to your boyfriend, k? :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can hold back and I am in control.

    My GF wants sex 24/7 but she only gets it when i want it. I am in control, i will not give in to temptation. Respect n00b1e.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Lickalotapuss
    I can hold back and I am in control.

    My GF wants sex 24/7 but she only gets it when i want it. I am in control, i will not give in to temptation. Respect n00b1e.

    TBTC has empowered at least one member of this very very cynical forum..

    notice how every woman who replied has a tone of "superiority" they are all certain that we cannot keep it up! the Vaginal Matriarchy shall crumble!
    would be able to take back before he was all set to shag. I'm sorry, you wouldn't. No guy would, it's totally a universal known thing that guys won't say no to sex, and seize any chance of boabying

    this... is exactly why TBTC has begun. because frankly my dear, you are wrong. :D

    and no, you can't TBTC*nt.... women have been doing that for years that's why TBTCock has begun!!!! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by my_name
    not just weak minded men, all men. And we just do, you can't change it. Its human nature, the way the world works. Women will always ALWAYS have you men whipped. I say drop the subject. Not only because you are annoying, or because it is a dumb subject, but because you can't win.

    you are merely afraid... afraid of that which you do not understand... afraid of that over which you have no power!

    your jedi mind tricks have no effect on me because i took my cock back!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with you totally!!!!

    ..... Some of the more sadistic of you might think that this is because I am single right now...

    .... and you'd be right.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I must say, blokes are a bit sad. They make life hard for those of us that don't want to be under the thumb and want to have things all square by being pussy whipped, jumping when their girl says jump, sucking up to any girl they find slightly attractive and so on and so forth. BLOKES ARE FUCKING SAD. Except me. And a few others I know like me.

    Why do you think girls think blokes think with their dicks and all they think about is sex? Because every time a girl fancies sex, regardless of the blokes mood, he will oblige, even if he didn't really fancy it right then. Why do that?

    By the way, don't mistake me as a take back the cock worshipper or any of that shit you over the top loon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this thread..... :no: *sigh*

    Good for you at taking your cock back. Im sure the power trip will make your lack of a sex life and sitting alone in the bathroom tossing yourself off instead of having a sexy girl do it for you all worth while.

    Have fun.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Probably true minx, and now you will be the image in their heads as you trod into their sacred topic!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lil_minx

    Translation - Now the blokes you referred to will be wanking over you as you spoke up within their little topic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Me thinks n00b1e has just been using this to boost his post count, and the fact that he was bored and horny, and therefore posted all this due to lacking a good woman to sort him out...
    I agree with Sir Cum on that even if the bloke doesnt really fancy sex, he will give it to his woman cos he cant resist... What man could resist the woman he loved being totally up for it...?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lucifer devil
    You really really need to get out more

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really cant help thinking that nooble or whatever his name is isnt for real...

    nobody could be that obsessed with ruining their sex life could they?!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you seriuosly need to get laid mate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cute_Baby_Bear
    Me thinks n00b1e has just been using this to boost his post count, and the fact that he was bored and horny, and therefore posted all this due to lacking a good woman to sort him out...
    I agree with Sir Cum on that even if the bloke doesnt really fancy sex, he will give it to his woman cos he cant resist... What man could resist the woman he loved being totally up for it...?

    Not quite. I think its more to do with the fact that men can't be seen to be turning down sex...If they do they are clearly not a REAL man. And if a man EVER rejects his girlfriends/his wifes/ a strangers advances then the female will be devasted and utterly rejected. In a relationship this is hardly ever worth the hassle. Better to do the deed. Men have to put up with this "rejection" all the time when the girl isn't in the mood but get on with life like the troopers they are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Sir Cum
    Not quite. I think its more to do with the fact that men can't be seen to be turning down sex...If they do they are clearly not a REAL man. And if a man EVER rejects his girlfriends/his wifes/ a strangers advances then the female will be devasted and utterly rejected. In a relationship this is hardly ever worth the hassle. Better to do the deed. Men have to put up with this "rejection" all the time when the girl isn't in the mood but get on with life like the troopers they are.
    This is soooo true and there is nothing in the world to reverse it once you have had your advances turned down. not that they ever have been :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, if that really is the case, then men should stop pussying about and do what they want because they want to, not because theyre scared of what others will think.

    I dont think the idea that men have sex with women to avoid upsetting them is true, at all, maybe in some cases but realllly...?!!

    If men feel they have to have sex at every opportnity to be a man then the only people to blame are MEN for creating that idea, no woman thinks a man is less of a man for not having sex with her, so men have no-one to blame but themselves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by VinylVicky
    This is soooo true and there is nothing in the world to reverse it once you have had your advances turned down. not that they ever have been :p

    ...exactly. women are quaking in fear of having their advances rejected! because THEY EXPECT to be in control. they EXPECT to have the power... well expect no more ladies cos TBTC is here!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i see many haters (mostly women, duh) and many appreciators in this thread..

    ..i have concluded that TBTC is like marmite. you've all probably already made up your minds whether you love it or hate it... or maybe you're just afraid? you FEAR the TBTC and it's members...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this guy shoulda taken back the cock
    Kinda reminds me of the other night (sunday) when my ex-girlfriend came over to my place really really horny. was thinking about the old 'take back the cock' ideology that i was reading a few days previously and thought i'd give it a go. didnt last long.

    she was being complete filth which she never usually is around me anymore and thought maybe i'd better just get the shag in and we'd both be happy. on the other hand i knew she was just using me for my quality cock and i'd be history afterwards.

    i decided against withdrawing the cock and went for the lay. worst mistake. we were down at it with the oral stuff, then when she climaxed said she didnt want to have sex coz she was tired. bitch. i had to spend the rest of the night horny as fuck whilst she got what she wanted and went to sleep.

    she pissed off later that night. havent spoken to her since. i'll know which way to go next time. TBTC

    it makes perfect sense. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pussy_palace
    you seriuosly need to get laid mate.

    the topic speaks for itself :p

    noob is simply unable to get a pice of ass.
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