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I’m hearing that you are feeling that you are pregnant but someone has told you you are not. That sounds really difficult. Who was it that told you, you weren’t pregnant? How would you feel about going to your GP or someone and asking them if they can confirm and to go through your options with you?
Oh hold on, the NHS actually has some info on this:
That link also has some more info you might find helpful to go through.
I would really encourage you to consider your options though Morgan.
To answer your question, it shouldn't be too late to get an abortion if that's what you'd prefer to do (depending on how far long you are). You might know this already, but there's no shame in getting an abortion, and there is support you can get before, during, and after.
If you want to chat to a specialist, Brook might be worth looking at.
Practicalities aside, how do you feel emotionally? (also, who told you you're not pregnant?)
I know before when you looked at a test you had looked after the recommended time , so I just wondered if you had done another test since then and looked at the results within the time frame they said ?
Like mike has mentioned before you can still carry on education whilst being pregnant- My sister fell pregnant with her little girl whilst only 16 and college put things in place to ensure she was safe whilst there and meant she could still sit her exams
If termination is something you want to seriously consider then your best option is to visit a sexual health clinic or your Gp who can sign post you to the local sexual health clinic if your unsure where that is. They can talk to you through your options and provide you with the termination if you decide to go ahead with it.
Everyone’s here to support you regardless of the choice you make
If you truly belive you are pregnant your next best step is to speak to your Gp again as they will need to refer you onto the midwifery team and/or people who can speak to you about terminations .
A pro and cons list sounds good but remember it’s something a decision that you’ve got to come to and be comfortable with , forgetting what anyone else thinks.
Your be surprised how many parents come around to the idea of having a grandchild . Yes in the beginning it’s a shock and there’s lots of emotions and that’s understandable so there may be some of those feelings in the beginning . Again with my sister there was those hurt feelings for the first few weeks and then slowly my parents came round to the idea and before you knew it they was baby clothes shopping together.
This sounds like such a deeply confusing situation for you to be right now, I can't even imagine how shocked you must have been to read the positive result and then all the more baffled when being told by doctors that you are not pregnant. It leaves you in this really uncertain space where you don't have clarity about what's going on in your body
I think you should certainly try to see another doctor, regardless of the outcome of an ultrasound it is really important that you can feel reassured that you have the true answer of whether or not you are pregnant. Plus, it's certainly true that it's better to know sooner rather than later, as this way you will be able to have time to think before making any type of decision. xx
It seems like you're pretty worried about how your family will react to this news, which is a huge burden to bear right now. Not only are you wrestling with the idea that you may be pregnant, but also thinking about how this will affect the people around you. Of course, this only reinforces your deep care and concern for others. Equally, this is a time when it is more than okay to think mostly about your own emotions and wants right now.
Sometimes, it can be useful to think about what the pros and cons are of any of the choices in a pregnancy. I know that probably sounds like I'm reducing this huge moment in your life down to a list, but sometimes simplifying things in this way can make it less daunting when you come to a decision.
Would you like to talk about your options a little bit?
Huge hugs, and we will be here for you no matter what! xxx
You are so brave for wanting to tell the truth and getting help and support for it. How are you feeling about everything at the moment?
Sending you hugs. We are all here for you
In terms of the police, that does sound very scary, especially because you're left in this uncertain state, wondering what will they say/do when you speak to them. It's no wonder it's left you feeling so anxious and nervous
Maybe it could help to talk about what kinds of questions they may ask you?
Huge hugs as always
So, maybe we start with the kinds of topics you're worried the police are going to bring up when you speak to them? x