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feelings atm

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
have i upset ppl by stuff they sorted out in the past hadnt worked out. ive moved now n im thinking about wat n where i was eekkk. has the memoriees gone or will flashbacks n bad feelings come n go still

Crazy mad insane


  • AislingDMAislingDM Moderator Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    I think this is a really insightful point you're making @ellie2000 , when you have experienced complex pain in your life it can be near-impossible to fully be 'free' from it. Wondering whether your mind will ever be at ease is stressful, but important.

    I think moving away from places that are linked to your stress can be an awesome starting point to have a fresh start of sorts. Additionally, finding new hobbies and interests of focus can be a welcome distraction to everything going on in your head I reckon.

    In terms of having upset others, i am a firm believer that apologies are always valuable even if people choose not to forgive you. Equally, most people do not spend their days dwelling on each person that has caused them a bit of pain.

    I wonder, is there anyone/anything in particular you're worried about having upset or 'done wrong'?

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