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The importance of being genuine
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Another thing is, why should someone have to prove their hurt? If they are here with a story be it true or false, why should they prove to us that what they are saying is true? It's not an interrogation, it's people being there for others. The wonderful thing about The Mix is that we are in full control. If we want to stop and give someone our time and support, we can... if we decide that we just want to scroll past, we can do that too. If they are gaining nothing from what they are doing, why would they keep doing it? they are clearly hurting in one way or another. Everyone is different, that's why we should always show kindness. This is something that not you nor I can understand, but its something which is obviously helping the individual, else they would have gotten bored ages ago.
Everything you see and read on the internet needs to be taken with a pinch of salt anyway. I dont think its like "running to a teacher "... It's informing the staff moderators that there's an issue which needs to be looked into, that's what they're there for..no? If we make judgments and then act on them with no solid proof, we run the risk of pushing away those who are here for genuine reasons. If SC and the boards turned into interrogations, i for one would definitely never use them for support.
If someones story isn't adding up, Mike said it's okay to ask questions to make the story clearer, if it still seems like lies... Message the staff so they can deal with it. I don't really understand what the issue with that? It just seems like the most sensible thing to do anyway rather than creating tension and putting people on the spot. The issue can be dealt with behind the scenes where others won't see so the community continues to feel like a safe space to reach out without the fear of judgment.
btw, not saying you have to believe everyone or support them if their story doesn't add up.. just explaining why constant questioning or calling them out, whether outright or with constant questions could make others feel uncomfortable. I am not excusing the people who are making up stories, im just saying... there has to be a reason for why they are doing it and its not exactly our job to find out what that reason is.
i was just basically saying you shouldn’t get point for calling someone out if not being horrible about it Cause like mike said if doesn’t add up can say. I’m not asking people to “prove their hurt” I’m saying when people are clearly not making sense and getting lost in their lies and keep slowly admiting their lies ... that’s a valid reason to wonder
and I’m defo not a person who comfortable with opening up about struggles. So dunno where got that from lol. Even online it’s taken me ages to open up about things I find embarrassing and horrible. But I’m just saying I ain’t going to get lost in my lies so it ain’t going to happen to me. So idk why people would get worried it would happen to them.
I don't really understand what you mean, idk if it's because its late or idk but ill leave it there..
then “why does someone have to prove their hurt” cause never said they did
and then was confused by “I don’t understand what the issue with that is” as no issue withThat & never said was one
then I was confused by “ its not exactly our job to find out what that reason is.” As never said it was. And made out like I said all these things so I was a bit confused. That’s all
What i meant when i said why should someone prove their hurt was, if they have explained their issue and it doesn't sit right with you, why should they prove to you that they are telling the truth? Why not give them the benefit of the doubt?. Sure, if they then go onto say something which doesn't match with the rest of the story, ask them what they mean but i've seen the "calling out" that's happened recently and it wasn't done gently or with kindness. It looked to me like an interrogation and borderline bullying. (Which made me uncomfortable, i bit my tongue and Stephanie removed the comments within a day)
What i meant when i said i don't understand the issue is when you picked up on what Jelly had said about it being like running to a teacher? I don't understand that at all? What's the issue with going to the mix for support with a concern... its literally their job to support us.
When i said It's not our job to find out what the reason is, it was probably bad wording again but i meant it's not our job to determine whether or not the person is indeed lying. Obviously we can go with our gut feeling but we don't need to continuously question them (like i've seen happen in the past). If something doesn't sit right, why not scroll past or report it so it can be dealt with?
Hope that clears up what i meant, sorry for bad wording i have heavy eyes, im going to sleep now anyway lol.
yeah there was a time where I could of been nicer about it all. -where you get points for if done not nice. But I’m talking about more recent times where I just ask. Which shouldn’t get points for. Which GreenTea made out like should And dunno if missed it but I put why I always ask questions. Hope helpful.
I agree with Liam that it's intimating etc..
and yeah I agree.
if someone gives feedback it’s for the staff lol not written so you two can write how our opinion is wrong
I didn't pick apart anyone. I tried to explain my opinion the best I can. I'm sorry if my opinion makes you uncomfortable.
It was my opinion and even mike mentioned points... I was basically backing his bit on that too.
Sorry that offends you.
@Mike @GreenTea @liam
It might seem harsh and I know that some (not all) of the newer member might not be so transparent but I can assure you that (some not all) veteran members of the community have witnessed a very troubling and reoccurring theme. When a person is able to manipulate people into giving them a response by exploiting their very traumatic experiences its not okay. If it's not known to them that it's not okay to do, then who's to say that they won't happen again? We're all just as vulnerable. All that's wanted is the truth because this is what it does, It tears apart accommunity that's supposed to built on trust.
It's unfortunate that a person may feel as if dishonesty is the only way for their needs to be met but they should also understand that it's hurts people. Boundaries are important and they shouldn't be shielded, it should be seen as opportunity for growth but with that their needs to be honesty on both sides.
Should a person be held accountable, yes. Is it uncomfortable yes but it's also there to teach a lesson. The person my feel a bit sad from lies being pointed out, but what about the people who empathised and offered them genuine support? How do you think they'd feel knowing that they were manipulated and exploited?
I knew somone for 3 years. I considered her a sister and a best friend. For 3 years she played me. She took me for a fool and I believed all the lies to the point of helping her organise a wedding that wasn't going to happen. 3 years of friendship down the drain. She's 26 years and still a troubled soul. I'd never sit back and watch the same thing happen to another person. I felt like my kindness was exploited and I felt so hurt and humiliated.
I am completely aware that this is about one person and I’m also aware that you guys noticed a pattern with previous accounts, I know this because you guys pointed it out on a thread, tagging the other accounts. There are links, I agree but I just think there’s ways to go about things.
i apologise, Shaunie and Jelly if you feel I picked apart your opinion and made you feel uncomfortable by doing that. That was not my intention and I certainly wasn’t saying that your opinion is wrong and mine is right. I was just saying how, if we react in certain ways it can make others feel uncomfortable... I know it because I’ve seen it and felt it.
i see your point Jelly and Salix. I don’t disagree either. I guess I think that if we are going to question people we do just have to be careful and gentle with how we word it.
i do get it though, I was just sharing my opinion and maybe I worded it badly but I am much younger than you guys and don’t have the knowledge that perhaps you do. Sorry about that, and sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with what I said, I would never intentionally make someone feel that way.
ill not comment on this thread anymore, I’ve shared my opinion and I’ve heard you guys, I hope the issue gets dealt with soon either way.
And yes, that’s hugely insensitive to people who really have gone through that situation, if they’re just making that up. And that makes it difficult for us to offer them the support within this community, because we feel we’ve been taken advantage of and that makes us defensive. But that’s why we tell the mix - so that they can handle it, give the necessary consequences, but still offer that person support rather than just ostracising them the way we might (albeit if only out of frustration and vulnerability).
You’re right, though, @Jellyelephant and @Salix_alba_2019, this is our community and as adults we should get some voice in how this kind of thing is handled - which is why this thread exists, to get our opinions, and why we’re always allowed to ask people questions to clarify things we’re unsure of, and why we can PM the mix to let them know our concerns. And (although it’s not always the best option), we always have the right to just avoid a thread or conversation. There’s no obligation to reply to everyone, the mute function exists, live and let live.
Honestly more than anything I feel like it does us no harm to be kind. But when we start saying people are lying, we’re too close to the situation to do that objectively and kindly, and that’s when we start attacking people. The thread we’re all referring to was there when I was much newer and the whole thing was stressful - the fact that someone was saying they were in such a traumatic situation but wouldn’t give us enough detail to support them, and the fact that people got pretty frustrated about it. And, as you said, @Shaunie, sure, it would have been stressful to support them as a newbie and then realise that they were lying. But it was more stressful to see that sometimes, even in a supportive community, people could respond in ways that weren’t always kind.
@Liam You don’t need to apologise, buddy. You’ve shared your opinion, which we all have every right to, and honestly you did so very respectfully and eloquently. Props to you. Sometimes misunderstandings happen, but that’s no one’s fault at all. It’s just what happens in an online community like this one where we don’t have the advantage of tone and body language to read what everyone else is feeling. I completely agree with most everything you’ve said. We lose nothing by being kind, even when that’s difficult - but there’s everything to be lost in attacking someone for lying when we have no concrete proof at all. And even if they are lying - that may frustrate us, but it doesn’t make us unsafe. And if we can treat them kindly, even without proof of truth, that proves to them that we’re worth trusting, no matter what they’ve gone through.
exactly yes this thread is for our opinions and it is shitty to take shots at people for having different opinions to yourself. Like that bit you wrote to Liam at the end you may as well @ me on it.
this thread is called the importance of being genuine not the importance of believing people. Because we need people to be genuine for the community to work. Being anonymous - We base support purely on what we are And some one is clearly not. Not because we just feel like it’s probs all lies. But cause it’s not making sense. Like facts not opinions And I feel like some people just wanna let them carry on not telling the truth. Probably not but that’s how FEELS. I can’t imagine how unhealthy mentally that is for that person to be doing it, let alone the community.
@Shaunie, we aren’t just letting them carry on not telling the truth. We’re handling it, whether by choosing not to reply, or by telling the mix, or by asking them gentle questions without accusation, to find out what’s going on. We don’t want people to lie and neither do we want to attack them, we just want to handle it as carefully as possible.