Post for the month - April (Part 1 of 2)

So the @The Mix have given me the opportunity to present to you all this months (April) post of the month. For April we have a total of 15 nominations that are chosen by you all,
starting off with jellyelephant's post in 'Trigger warning - half rant and half about pressure and body image' by kasa2103
I'm really sorry to read about this

Number 3 is Millie2728's post in 'Being discharged from MH services' by Shaunie

Number 4 is jellyelephant's thread 'Looking to the future'
Hey guys
I hope this is the right place for this. Anyway I went to an offer holders open day on Wednesday at uni and it made me really excited for the future. It made everything seem so real for me and I can’t wait. I am going to be doing a degree in mental health nursing for those who don’t know and I am so proud of myself for using my experiences to care for others. I can’t wait for September to get started and be able to officially call myself a student nurse! Never thought I’d be able to get to this point but what it shows is that it’s never too late to follow your dreams and even if you take a different path, you can still end up at the right destination. I am 25 now and this will be my second degree, so it has taken me quite a while to get to where I want to be haha!
Does anyone else else have any future dreams? Doesn’t have to be career goals can be anything. Even if it seems impossible I’d love to hear

Number 5 is Laine's post in 'But who's meant to support us ?.' by Millie2787
Definitely sending loads of hugs Aimee! 💕
It can be a really tough thing to do especially juggling Carering with your own stuff but I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I'm amazed and proud of what you achieve everyday! We're all here behind you, and we'll all try our best to help as will other services x we're not getting fed up of you and you're definitely not attention seekin, everyone deserves to get support

Sending love and hugs 💕 Give yourself a huge pat on the back x
Number 6 is BubblesGoesBoo's post in 'Flashbacks TW' by
Past User said:
Hey @NatalieMT
I can really relate to the feeling of not wanting to let anyone in, especially
if you've been hurt in the past. Its really hard because letting new people in
can make your life better, but building the trust and confidence to do so is
It sounds like you're a great mum and really care about your daughter
Number 8 is Valerietto's post in 'love and relationships
- i am feeling very down as I love him by MathsLily
Hello dear @Past User,
It is so nice that you share your concerns here and I can tell you that you're very brave to tell about your feelings, not everybody can do that. I understand your feelings, uncertainty always scares..
First of all I'd like to tell you a bit about age gap, I really believe it doesn't matter at all, moreover 11 yeas difference isn't that big and the older you'll be the less you notice it. But it's kind of important that both partners feel the same about it... cause if he feels strongly uncomfortable aboutit, it's doubtfully that you can change that. But again the main thing for you is how you feel and if you are okay with that it's okay!
I understand that you are scared because of uncertainties but look, you never know what other person thinks so it's useless to torture youself with thoughts about his possible thoughts (sorry for "thoughts" repetition

‘But what if ... ?’ ‘Don’t “what if”. I don’t know, you don’t know, none of us knows.
Do not "what if" it brings you nothing but sadness and more concerns. I understand easier to tell than to do but think of it, try to distract on some interesting activities and ....(here is quote again)
Things are as they are. What I can see, feel, hear and smell right now.
You love him, you text, you have a lot to discuss and a lot in common so...Enjoy it!
Catch this fantastic moment of being in love cause you never know what tomorrow brings you. You never know what happens when course finishes and in fact, I think, your man behaved really good towards you telling about his concerns. He accepts his worries as well as accepts his feelings , but he asks you to give him some time. So give him this time to think and take your time either to know him better if it's mutual wish.
As for now there is nothing to worry about, you worry just about possibility that smth bad happens. So in fact you worry about thing that isn't real ))
I hope I could support you at leat a bit, text me any time you want to talk

Number 9 is another post from jellyelephant's in 'I don't know what to do
(possible TW)' by Millie2787
Hey lovely,
Sorry things are so tough for you right now, I hope things improve soon. It's so frustrating being in pain all the time and can leave you feeling very down. If the painkillers aren't helping have you considered going back to the doctors and talking to them about it? I know they like to start off with the OTC stuff but if it doesn't help and you are in a lot of pain they can prescribe you stronger medication to help you feel better. They also may be able to bring forward your scan appointment so that you can find the cause of the pain sooner.
You are being so strong, keeping on going despite the thoughts. Your nan would be so proud! It's ok to feel emotional coming up to the anniversary of her death, but make sure you practice self care and perhaps doing something to remember her would help? On the anniversary of my grandmas death I like to share stories about her, or listen to her favourite songs. It helps me keep her memory alive in my mind and feel connected to her. If you feel at risk to yourself remember there are services to support you, you can ring Beth or go to A&E, or you can contact services such as the mix crisis line, samaritans, childline, papyrus etc.
Keep fighting, we got your back

Number 10 is Lucy307's post in 'small announcement' by
To echo everything above, PLEASE don't feel like you have to hold back anything here - we're all here for you and care about you. These boards exist so we can share and learn from each other and you deserve to be here as much as everyone else

I will post part 2 shortly after this post goes out so keep an eye out for it and make sure you vote on this one and the other one,
love you all and keep posting