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[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
I have fibromyalgia, but also severe nerve pain in my left foot. The doctor knows as does my neurosurgeon. Both are investigating whether the nerve pain centred of the left side of my heel and achillies tendon is do do with late diagnosed type 2 diabetes. But I walk with extreme pain and difficulty.

My doctor signed me off drivig so now I have to be driven around. This is because of the paikillers including BuTrans for the fibromyalgia, but that 'Class A' med is very effective; just not for nerve pain. I'm doing other painkillers, but they aren't touching the pain. It's maximum dose too.

Earlier I took a tablet of cyclizine to stop the feeling of nausea. Hope it starts making me feel better. I've only just woken and feel very very anxious. I took another med for it, and thankfull it is working now. Sophie tested my blood sugars with a finger pricker and blood mmols sensor strip. My blood sugars are good: 8.7 mmols.

At 7 am I had breakfast in bed ad my insulin then went to sleep. I've not long woken. Still feeling very ick. I'm scared. Don't understand why my left foot and heel is so painful. Told doc that I've not done anything. Just feel frightened. Sophie ad Peggyweg are with me now so I shouldn't feel panicky but I do.



  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Hey Mandy,

    I'm so sorry to hear everything you've going through. 

    It can be really scary when you've got something new you're unsure about.

    But rest assured your doctors are doing the best they can. 

    How are you feeling now?  Glad Sophie and Peggy are there for you it makes all the difference x

    Remember you don't have to go through this scary and painful time alone we're always here to help 💕

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    Laine said:
    Hey Mandy,

    I'm so sorry to hear everything you've going through. 

    It can be really scary when you've got something new you're unsure about.

    But rest assured your doctors are doing the best they can. 

    How are you feeling now?  Glad Sophie and Peggy are there for you it makes all the difference x

    Remember you don't have to go through this scary and painful time alone we're always here to help 💕

    Hi @Laine

    Thank you for being so caring and loving. I have cellulitis again, but staying at home instead of hospital and using a spare high dose of flucloxacillin antibiotic. Didn't go to hospital. Staying at home instead. I'm beginning to feel better already.

    Sophie is being extra loving and Peggy, too. A doctor arrived to give me a another spare pack of antibiotics.

    We hope to fly back to East Dean this Thursday because more terrible storms are forcasted and we can't stand them. Our hotel is being fully staffed to the end of the month, then the tourist season finishes.

    Thank you for the rest of your message. I'll answer more when feeling less ghastly. Need sleep again. So tired.

    Much love,

  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Oh so sorry you have cellutitis again :/ is that because of something underlying or is it likely to reoccur? I don't know much about it but it sounds really horrible x

    Feel better soon and definitely rest up 
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    edited September 2024
    Laine said:
    Oh so sorry you have cellutitis again :/ is that because of something underlying or is it likely to reoccur? I don't know much about it but it sounds really horrible x

    Feel better soon and definitely rest up 
    The cellulitis is likely to recurr; had it 3 times so far this year and once last year. There is something uderlying and my British doctor will see me about it this Friday when we fly home this coming Thursday. Sophie and Peggy will come with me. Our family are always home here.

    I am most upset, however, that so many people have read my post, but only you dear @Past User have had the caring and kindness to reply. For the rest who made no reply, that is reprehensible and I am not impressed one bit. It only takes a minute to wish me well, but now I really do know that I do not belong to the forum.  :/

    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hey @Floxy

    Having spent today in hospital myself I can really relate to how you're feeling when you're talking about being anxious and scared. Can't promise that everything's going to get better but I can say that you're not alone and send you loads of well wishes and positive vibes <3

    - Lucy
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here

    Sorry, the cellulities is affecting my writing spelling  and thought process. I am out of hosp now. terrible place, spanish hospital! worse than uk's NHS. NHS food is miles better. I discharged myself and came home with a lot of antibiotics. the Spanish heathcare sytem is chaotic, but discharging myself took a mre 5 minutes and I was given a sheef of printed papers of my treatment, drugs etc to take back to my British doctor. The cellulitis has affected my thought process; it's the infection, that's all. the antibiotics are very good indeed and I AM feeling better. a nurse has been in to  look at my leg and put dressings on it.

    Now the tourist season in Mallorca is closing end October 31st, I am going home to England  with Sophie and young Peggywegs my ward, and this we are doing on Thursday afternoon and have the most wonderful opportunity of using my Aunt Fiona's private jet. Every 12 months I pre-pay a block of lights based on flight hours, though my aunt allows me and her family substantial discount. All my gear and personal belogings are coming with us, my darling Sophie and Peggy's also. And once in England since amy family including their children have legal documentation pre-Brixit, we are free to stay or to move home to Mallorca.

    One of our family is interested in buying my private hotel. I would like that because the illnesses I've had particullarly the many attacks of cellulitis cannot be endured while living in Mallorca. I dischargged myself from that public hospital.  What a terrible place, Spanish hospital! worse than UK's NHS. NHS food is miles better. I discharged myself and came home with a lot of antibiotics. Unless you go private, the Spanish heathcare sytem is chaotic! A&E resembled a military hoppsital with beds living the walls - about 20 in A&E and the ward staff have their computers in the centre. I was put on a gurney overlooking a robust looking Spanish nurse who kept glaring at me - and farting. The woman farted like  a mual. A few well chosen hard words in Spanish told her to give me more respect. But I would not have liked to have met her on a dark night. What an old cow.

    Howevver , discharging myself took a mere 5 minutes. On signing I was given a sheef of printed papers of my treatment, drugs etc to take back to my British doctor. The cellulitis has affected my thought process; it's the infection, that's all. the antibiotics are very good indeed and I AM feeling better. This morning at home, a nurse has been in to look at my leg, carefully cleanig it with great getleness, cream it up and give lymphodemic massage before puttnng dressings on it. Nowing how pitifully low Spanishes nurses are paid - 7 eur an hour no more - I gave her 2 bottle of good wine and Sophie and Peggy their best homebread breads. I believe that when you take care of people, then they take care of you and it was always, always been true of my Mallorcan peolpe.

    Just not public Spanish hospitals.

    I am staying in England all winter. My travel insurance will otherwise be deffo hiked to pay a lot extra for private medical care. The cost could be at least £2,000 - which kinda sucks

    Looking forward to going home.
    Thank you for writing, Lucy. <3

  • Millie2787Millie2787 Community Champion Posts: 5,217 Part of The Furniture
    Lots of hugs and prayers 💖 
    sorry it’s not much xx
    Sometimes all you need is one person to believe in you , for you to begin to believe in yourself.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 3,590 Community Veteran
    I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time with your health  :'( keep us updated with what the Dr says on Friday? Sending lots of hugs!  <3 
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    Lots of hugs and prayers 💖
    sorry it’s not much xx
    Doesn't have to be much, buddy, because I know how much you care for me and my family. Thank you for posting. :)

    Mandy 💖

    I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time with your health  :'( keep us updated with what the Dr says on Friday? Sending lots of hugs!  <3 
    Hello darling thank you for your ongoing suppoert. :)

    My entire family are going home tomorrow, Thursday 25. I need to be home because Spanish hospitals are ghastly though I am feeling better for discharging myself and gettig to see a proper doctor more responsible for my ongoing health problems.

    Mandy 💖

  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Just wanted to jump in with some hugs <3 i'm not doing great tonight so can't offer much other than some love x

    wishing you well :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    edited September 2024
    Laine said:
    Just wanted to jump in with some hugs <3 i'm not doing great tonight so can't offer much other than some love x

    wishing you well :)
    Hugs back to you @Past User

    I'm sorry you've not been doing well lately and even sorrier is me not realising your state of health because this cellulitis has been affecting my thought processes.  Meaning, what I feel I want to say comes out like gobbledegook in typing which my doctor said it's what the infection causes for the first 24 hours during which antibiotics by IV are fighting the raging infection. Consequently I had aunty check my writing to make sure cos like last Monday I was feeling like this:  @_@ - I can laugh now about it, but back then I thought I was going bonkers!

    I wet to the public hospital outside Muro by some 30 miles, can't remember the name of it but OMG Spanish hospitals are dreaful unless one goes private. I was in what looked like a military A&E amog old people and young. A patient ext to me had the same and she was 28 years old poor soul was delerious. :/

    But I'm much better now though only halfway through the antibiotics, solouable this time and tasting okay except giving one the trots. Next week I'm having a full investigation because this bugger keeps repeating. I think it's 3 times now, and lord only knows what triggers it. Might me mosquito bites as despite spraying a strong military grade (no trade names), I still got severeal bites on my arms, legs and one on my booby. ffs. Everybody has been bitten, young or old. Nasty things, mozzies.

    Anyway Laine, some of my family have a prayer group in the evenings. You're on it, a few others here are and me. I just hope you begin feeling better soon and your doctor help get to the botton of what has been the root of your terrible times. ((HUGS)) to you and your lovely partner too. :)


    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    edited September 2024
    Floxy said:
    Laine said:
    Just wanted to jump in with some hugs <3 i'm not doing great tonight so can't offer much other than some love x

    wishing you well :)
    Hugs back to you @Past User

    I'm sorry you've not been doing well lately and even sorrier is me not realising your state of health because this cellulitis has been affecting my thought processes.  Meaning, what I feel I want to say comes out like gobbledegook in typing which my doctor said it's what the infection causes for the first 24 hours during which antibiotics by IV are fighting the raging infection. Consequently I had aunty check my writing to make sure cos like last Monday I was feeling like this:  @_@ - I can laugh now about it, but back then I thought I was going bonkers!

    I wet to the public hospital outside Muro by some 30 miles, can't remember the name of it but OMG Spanish hospitals are dreaful unless one goes private. I was in what looked like a military A&E amog old people and young. A patient ext to me had the same and she was 28 years old poor soul was delerious. :/

    But I'm much better now though only halfway through the antibiotics, solouable this time and tasting okay except giving one the trots. Next week I'm having a full investigation because this bugger keeps repeating. I think it's 3 times now, and lord only knows what triggers it. Might me mosquito bites as despite spraying a strong military grade (no trade names), I still got severeal bites on my arms, legs and one on my booby. ffs. Everybody has been bitten, young or old. Nasty things, mozzies.

    Anyway Laine, some of my family have a prayer group in the evenings. You're on it, a few others here are and me. I just hope you begin feeling better soon and your doctor help get to the botton of what has been the root of your terrible times. ((HUGS)) to you and your lovely partner too. :)


    So glad the antibiotics are helping 💗 I'd be super cheesed if it was just bloody mozzies causing it haha but at least then you would know :)

    My physical health isn't too bad apart from my breathing lately,  I'm just not tip top mentally but i'll get there x

    Bunch of hugs to you as well :) 
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    edited September 2024
    Not a lot of us are tiptop emotionally/mentally which is why we're all here helping one another on, ad you have been helping a lot of us get our confidence back including me. Bless you, dear @Past User  :)

    This afternoon my lady doctor said that cellulitis could be caused by mosquitos, but wouldn't be drawn into further discussion. I asked was she stonewalling on me? Laughing she said no, because there are different ways of contracting the infection. 'And no, while you're still on antibiotics you cannot drink alcohol!' she added. I said thanks a bunch.  :joy:  But I'm feeling better and mighty relieved to be gone from Mallorca. Its public hospitals are ghastly. :#

    Hugs back, darling. And have a super weekend! :)
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,160 Boards Champion
    Hey Mandy,

    So sorry to hear about that - I can't imagine how scary it must feel! Really hope that the medication is helping soothe the pain a little, and it's great to hear that Sophie and Peggy are there for you - it really helps to have someone's support through this :)

    Hope you feel better soon - we're all here with you through thisx

    Much love <3
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here

    The hospital doctor switched my antibiotics to something much stronger which was done intraveniously istead of orally. By IV means medicines ca be increased in amount so for the short time I was stuck in that emergency ward, I was given 4 doses with 6 hour spacings. And I believe that is how I came to survive the infection.

    This time I couldn't afford private which my dear aunt Fiona paid for. This time I had to go to the public one.  This was the hospital I was sent to:  http://ibsalut.es/hcin/ca/    Google rated it at 2.8 out of 5 stars.  - In other words, the hospital was a shit hole, the medical staff rude (except my hosp doc) and if I'd have had the strength, I swear I'd have bopped one of the ward nurses. You know what I'm like: I don't let people mess with me.

    I will never criticise an NHS hospital again. Even the food is better, and that's saying something!

    It's actually great being home for the winter. I can't take the cold and snow though naturally I hate it. But it's way better than suffering Mallorcan thunderstorms. They were terrifying!

    It's walkig around that's painful. Eventually it will go, and then I'll be back to normal again. Define normal! :joy:

  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,130 Legendary Poster
    I am so sorry that I didn`t reply to this thread. Maybe you shouldn`t bop nurses although it sounds tempting.  :p
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    Kasa2103 said:
    I am so sorry that I didn`t reply to this thread. Maybe you shouldn`t bop nurses although it sounds tempting.  :p
    Nooo nooo noo I didn't even have the strength to bop a nurse. But I sorely wanted to. :joy:

    Thank for posting, my little love. :)
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,130 Legendary Poster
    Very funny. And no problem at all
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
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