Post of the month - August

Congratulations to @Shaunie for winning July's post of the month. It's time to vote on August's post of the month. Here are the nominations:
1. @Past User's reply in 'Time for another ranty thread'

'Theres an end to every storm. Once all the tree's have been uprooted, once all the houses have been ripped apart. The wind will hush, the clouds will part, the rain will stop. The sky will clear in an instant and only then, in those quiet moments after the storm, do we learn we were strong enough to survive it'
2. @Azziman's reply in 'Grief and bereavement advice'
I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. Losing a loved one is something that is really difficult to deal with, but we find a way to move forward.
I know that she was your best friend, and sometimes it can feel like if you'd done X or Y, this wouldn't have happened. The truth is, mental illness is more complex than that - if it were that simple, it would've been resolved ages ago. You did the very best you could, and that's all we can do. Please don't blame yourself for what happened to Ellie - I'm sure she was proud to have someone like you by her side throughout your time togetherx
My advice to you would be to let yourself feel those emotions. Go through the motions of grief, take as much time as you need, and rely on the family and friends around you for support (as well as us here!). You're in a tough place right now, but in time you'll get back on your feet and move forward x
Of course, I'm always available for a chat if you ever need to talk - you're not alone in this!x
Much love

3. @Thoughty 's thread 'Thread for writing recovery letters'
Hello everyone that is reading this,
I wanted to create a place where we can write recovery letters to motivate members of this community.
I am going to write a post about recovery letters and in the comments, my hope was that people would write some recovery letters of their own for others to read. I am going to explain about recovery letters and then some tips on writing one of your own.
Recovery Letters in my eyes, are a beautiful way of giving others hope. These recovery letters may be the one thing that keeps someone going, pushing through all that pain because they have realised there’s hope for their recovery. I think it is lovely that these letters can spread such a powerful message and if they just save one person that is incredibly rewarding and it gives that person a chance to carry on living. I realised that there was hope for me after reading some recovery letters and although it would be difficult I know that I can pull through this.
After losing Ellie, it made me value my life so much more and if she had read a recovery letter maybe she could have realised that there was hope for her recovery. Ellie lost her fight and I want to give others that motivation and reassurance that although it will take time recovery is possible and things will get better.
If these help one person then it’s definitely worth it because everyone deserves to have a chance to recover and it is possible.
Some tips for writing your own:
1.Make the letter relatively short (max around 1000 words) as people’s attention spans may be short.
2.Try and avoid specific advice and aim to give the person motivation and reassurance that things will get better and recovery is possible.
3.Include a little bit of personal experience but link it to the idea that things get better.
4.Aim to write in first person ‘i believe that...’
5.Be addressed to ‘Dear You’
I am happy to give ideas on how to write one if you are unsure or if you have any questions pm me. I would prefer to keep the comments just for recovery letters so they are easy to find.
I found a really useful website, which I will link below that has many absolutely beautiful recovery letters. Some days a recovery letter is what I really need, reassurance that recovery is possible and that I won’t be in this state forever is really comforting to hear. On the website, you can write your own and get it published if you are older than 18 or you can just read through the many letters written by people that have been through mental illness. The important thing to remember is that, there is hope for your recovery.
The website is:
In the comments, feel free to have a go at writing your own recovery letter. I am going to start everyone off with my recovery letter I wrote. Your very welcome to use the website for ideas of how to start your letter off or to have a read through some on there but please may I ask you all write in your own words.
I hope we can continue as a community to support one another and these recovery letters are just another way of making that possible.
Your not alone in this.
There is hope for your recovery! ♥️
Here’s a short letter to get you all started.
5. @Aidan's thread 'Thank You'
This isn't just a website, it isn't just another pale addition to the mindless data already streaming across the internet- this website would be though, but it isn't, because the mix is only ever gonna be as great as the people here. And the people here are great.
Whether you work or volunteer here, just pass by or have made a second home here, this place is only as great as the people who make it, and the people who make it are you.
If I forget to mention you, that is my fault not yours and this post is still for you- but here are but a few people who make this site:
Thank you all. I do apologise for the countless notifications you'll all now receive, but I am shameless

@TheMix thank you for existing and for having me and the rest of us here- though thick and thin, through bad updates and awful spam and terrible password systems and prizes I didn't win and hilarious or terrible miscommunications. Thank you.
If there's someone I haven't mentioned, or someone you personally would like to thank, absolutely feel free.
Oooh and this isn't a goodbye or anything if you're wondering, although I'll find it a little harder to ever make my farewells when it comes to it now because I probably can't top the effort this has taken

Again, thank you all.
Aidan : )
- Aife, Mike & Ed
Well done to all the nominees too
- Aife