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Self harm

Former MemberFormer Member Fast NewbiePosts: 23 Boards Initiate
edited June 2018 in Health & Wellbeing
I am self harming my doc evan gave me a tablet and said it will make me stop but I am having bloody violent urges to hurt myself. Fuck I dont know. I need someone to talk to 😡
Post edited by TheMix on


  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,152 Boards Champion
    Hi Elisia,

    Sorry to hear what you're going through. Not sure why the doctor said that, but a tablet won't stop you self harming - psychological help (therapy or counselling) would be more helpful. I'm here for you if you want to talk - drop me a PM if you'd like!x

    Much love <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Elisia,

    Sorry to here this it sounds like you are going through a hard time at the moment. Do you have any coping strategies which work for you when you feel the need to self harm? The mix have a great article http://www.themix.org.uk/mental-health/self-harm/self-harm-coping-tips-and-distractions-5696.html which might help.

    You spoke about your doctor giving you a tablet I am wondering has your doctor offered you anything which might help for example like azziman said counselling? Well done for talking to your doctor and on here about how you are feeling this is a great step. :) How are you feeling at the moment?

    We are here for you.
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Hi nothing works when I need to self harm voilently I just need to do it. Thankyou for the link to the article.

    My doc is going to see whats available. I see him weekly so he will keep me informed. I'm feeling shit😔 my head is too loud and it feels like blood is trickling down my brain and my son wont stop crying
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand

    I am sorry that nothing seems to work for you. Its great that you see your doctor regularly and that he is going to see what is available for you. Do you have any help with your son?

    Sorry to here that you feel rubbish at the moment hopefully this feeling will pass soon and you will feel better.

    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    edited June 2018
    Hi no I dont have any help with my son. I took something last night I slept for 14hours woke up this afternoon. Hugo's nappy was a mess when I woke. Been meaning to go and have a bath but my leg will sting and I have no energy to cook tea
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Elisia.

    I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through! I know there isn't much I can do to help from here but if you need someone to talk to or to just vent, please PM me.
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Elisia

    Remember if you do feel you are in a crisis then there are services which you can talk to I have listed them below:

    Samaritans - are available 24/7 to talk through anything anyone's going through you can all them on 116 123 or email them at jo@samaritans.org - http://www.samaritans.org/

    Papyrus - can be contacted on 0800 068 41 41 or emailed at pat@papyrus-uk.org or text at 07786 209697 - https://papyrus-uk.org/

    I’m Alive – are an online crisis network that can offer you advice and support if you are in crisis or considering suicide - https://www.imalive.org/

    If you need emergency help then you can call 999 or go to your closest A&E.

    We will also be here to listen and help as much as we can but the other services are also there to help if you need them. Sounds like you could really do with some support.

    Keep talking hope it gets better soon.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Thankyou goodnight
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    No problem hope your feeling a little better.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • JustVJustV Inactive Posts: 5,640 Part of The Furniture
    Hey Elisia,

    It's great that you're continuing to talk things out here. :)

    I just wanted to drop in and say I removed the name of the drug you mentioned in post #7. We tend to ask that, particularly in the case of something like an OD, that people avoid mentioning both the dosage and the name of the drug to avoid any potential triggers for others on the community.

    As @Rayofhope said, if you do find yourself on the brink like that - having strong urges to self-harm or if you've just taken an OD for example - we would strongly recommend reaching out to one of the below services:
    Rayofhope wrote:
    Samaritans - are available 24/7 to talk through anything anyone's going through you can all them on 116 123 or email them at jo@samaritans.org - http://www.samaritans.org/

    Papyrus - can be contacted on 0800 068 41 41 or emailed at pat@papyrus-uk.org or text at 07786 209697 - https://papyrus-uk.org/

    I’m Alive – are an online crisis network that can offer you advice and support if you are in crisis or considering suicide - https://www.imalive.org/

    If you need emergency help then you can call 999 or go to your closest A&E.

    These places tend to be better for when you're in the 'heat of the moment', such as when you've taken an overdose or are having overpowering urges to self-harm. They'll be able to get you that all important support much quicker than we can on a forum, and it also helps make sure any discussions on the boards are kept at a community-friendly level and don't cause any worry or panic for others. :thumb:

    That being said, it's wicked to see you making use of these spaces to get some support. :) Hopefully we can help you work through what sounds like a tremendously difficult time for you and your son. Talking about these things is never easy, so you're doing incredibly well to chat about everything here.

    @Azziman made a great point about counselling - do you think that would be something you'd be interested in? How are you feeling today? *hug*
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    I just woke up I slept for more than 14 hours I must have. Not deep sleep though but still I dont know how I can be asleep for that long when I judt woke up I thought I was dead but sound makes me realise I am still awake so I am still here. I'm confused as to what Themix you are saying to mr your giving me mixed signals saying keep on talking on here but it might not be the right place for me on here. Urghh ffs😔
  • JustVJustV Inactive Posts: 5,640 Part of The Furniture
    Elisia wrote: »
    I'm confused as to what Themix you are saying to mr your giving me mixed signals saying keep on talking on here but it might not be the right place for me on here. Urghh ffs😔

    Apologies, that probably wasn't actually that clear! :rolleyes:

    I guess what I was trying to say was that these spaces can be perfect to talk about day-to-day stuff and reach out for support with a lot of different issues, but when you're in a particularly intense moment (having strong urges to self-harm or immanent suicidal thoughts, for example), reaching out to one of the services mentioned earlier tends to be best. :yes: Does that make sense?
    Elisia wrote: »
    just woke up I slept for more than 14 hours I must have. Not deep sleep though but still I dont know how I can be asleep for that long when I judt woke up I thought I was dead but sound makes me realise I am still awake so I am still here

    Aah, I feel you on this. Mental exhaustion can be just as (if not more) debilitating than physical exhaustion, so it's understandable to have slept for quite a while if you're going through all this difficult stuff. It's super common for people struggling with their mental health. Do you find yourself sleeping for a long time quite often, or has it just been happening recently?

    Keep us updated, and take care. :)
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
    I no longer work at The Mix! If you need anything, message or tag @TheMix
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    No it still dosent make sense to me 😔 ffs. I only sleep 14hours when I double up on my meds.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    The urges to violently hurt myself are back!!😔
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
    Hi Elisia

    How are you today?

    So sorry to hear you are having those thoughts, and going through a tough time. It can sometimes feel extremely difficult to control, but there are instant non-triggering ways to distract such as listening to gentle or instrumental music or watching light comedy or cartoons. You say your thoughts are 'violent', can you tell us more about how this feels? Putting it into words may help relieve some of the pressure, but only if you feel comfortable to do so.

    I would strongly advise reaching out to your GP requesting some counselling / behavioural therapy sessions. A counsellor would guide through through techniques and coping strategies for self harm. From my experience, it had helped greatly. Also they could possibly offer advice on childcare support. Is this something you would consider?

    Above all, I want to reach to say that you are not alone in this, and we are here to support and get you through this.

    Please do keep referring to the article with coping tips kindly shared by Rayofhope : http://www.themix.org.uk/mental-heal...ions-5696.html

    If you ever feel overwhelmed, please do not hesitate to contact Samaritans on 116 123, or visit your local A& E.

    Take care and big hugs,
    Nikki x
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Hi. Not good😔 I cant eat because my voices make me feel incredibely guilty and I just throw up. I dont have any control over any of this but I can control the self harm thats why I do it. I do listen to earphones and it quietens my brain but then I cant hear Hugo then I am "deemed" not looking after him😠 it dosent feel good at all that my thoughts and also the voices are voilent so it dosent feel nice at all.

    I will mention counselling to my gp when I see him Thursday he was going to have a look and refer me on to some places so I will ask him if he has done this but if I had counselling sessions, I dont know what I would do with Hugo😞

    Thankyou and I will reach out to other services if I need to.
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand

    Sorry that you aren't feeling good? Its great that you were going to discuss counselling with your GP on Thursday and see if he could help. How did this go? I am sorry to here that the voices are really loud that must be really hard to deal with.

    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,152 Boards Champion
    Elisia wrote: »
    No it still dosent make sense to me 😔 ffs. I only sleep 14hours when I double up on my meds.

    Hi Elisia,

    I think what @Mike means is that while posting on online forums in general is a good way to talk about things, more serious issues (like this one) may not be the best for this one in particular. For issues with Mental Health, you may find contacting Mind (mental health charity) helpful, or posting on a forum like SANE or Mental Health Forum.

    I really think you should see a GP for medical and psychological support. They can give you the medication needed to rebalance your brain chemicals, and help you find therapy to resolve the psychological and behavioural issues you are experiencingx

    Much love <3
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    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Fs 😡😡
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Are you okay?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Text me xx
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
    edited September 2024
    Hi @Past User, how are you doing today?
    Did you have any luck with your GP or any other services?
    Let us know how you're getting on. You're doing brilliantly reaching out to us on here.
    Nikki x
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    Not good, I cant really talk openly and honestly here because I have to censor myself out. I havent been eating and have been self harming. My gp has reffered me to therapy but its a long waiting list and I dont know if I want therapy
  • JustVJustV Inactive Posts: 5,640 Part of The Furniture
    edited September 2024
    Hey @Past User,

    Just a heads up that I've removed some of the physical description in that first post - it's best if we don't talk about any of the physical details around self-harm, just to make sure everything is safe for everyone to read and we avoid any triggering language. It's more productive and healthier for a group space like the boards if we focus on feeling and emotions behind self-harm instead. :) We've got a post about self-harm guidelines here if you'd like to have a read.

    While we do have some rules in place here to keep everyone safe, there are some alternative places you can go if you'd like to share what you're going through more freely. One-to-one services in particular are really good for this. For example, 7cupsoftea offer one-to-one chats with a huge variety of volunteer listeners. You can also reach out to our one-to-one helpline via phone, webchat or email (11am-11pm everyday).

    All that being said, therapy is definitely something we can talk about here. :yes: Great news about your referral, by the way! What makes you say you're not sure if you want therapy? It can be hard to know before we try these things, and there a lot of different approaches therapists can take. It's really positive that you're even considering it, so good on you. :)

    How are you feeling at the moment? :rainbow2:
    Post edited by TheMix on
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
    I no longer work at The Mix! If you need anything, message or tag @TheMix
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
    edited September 2024
    Hi @Past User,
    I wanted to see how you are getting on - how have the past few days been for you?
    Do keep reaching out on the boards we are here to support you.
    Take care,
    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Fast Newbie Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    The past few days have not been good at all. I have been an inpatient for 6days got out today and all I want to do die.
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Elisia,

    I am so sorry to here that. Are you still getting support while your not an inpatient anymore?

    Hope you feel better soon.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Newbie Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
    Hey Elisia, How are you doing? Hope you're feeling a bit better. I'm really sorry to hear that your having such a tough time. My recommendation would be is to speak to your local GP. They can then make referals to groups and CPN's.

    Remember you can always reach out to the team at the Mix - Can get in touch various ways by chat and phone by clicking here. http://www.themix.org.uk/get-support.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 64 Boards Initiate
    Hi Elisia,

    I'm sorry you're feeling this way, but it's very brave of you to talk about this. You mentioned your doctor gave you tablets to stop you self harming? You shouldn't feel bad if the issue isn't resolved straight away, maybe you should try talking to your doctor again?

    If you want someone to talk to, we're always here to listen. :)
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