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Posing Nude. Would You?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I want to photograph some nudes this Summer (has to be Summer, as nobody's going to strip in this weather!). Obviously a key ingredient in this are models. No, I'm not asking any of you lot to pose for me :eek: but wondering what would make you consider it. I mean, money usually does the trick, but I haven't got any spare (can hardly afford the film, etc, in the first place), but what else would appeal to you. A couple of prints in return? Scans of photos on CD? Or what?

I may have to place adverts. What do you think I should say in the ads? Someone suggested saying something along the lines of "art student looking for nude models" (cheers Kally).
Would seeing a portfolio help, even if there isn't a single nude study or portrait in it (I've only really got landscapes, cars, and a couple of odd photos to show)?

What about the use of the final pictures. It's no good taking the photos if I can't show them to people. I'd obviously have to be able to show them to prospective models/clients. And to family/friends if I wished. But I'd also like to put them on my own website for self promotion, or on brochures and adverts (self promotional again), and post them on a couple of photographic websites for critiques. How would you feel about it?

Mr_Wobble ;)


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Tricky one there. I can't see putting an advert in the paper would yield results, I see plenty of similar ads in the Sport if you see what I mean. People probably wouldn't take you seriously. You could ask your college or school about contacts for a nude model if they've ever used them before. A woman came in for after school art class pupils to be drawn in the raw.

    Would any of your friends be up for it? You could always persuade them with alcohol. Other than that, I can't think. It IS 6:23 in the morning after all. Hope I helped a lil and good luck fluffy!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, Kurt, I'm not planning to put ads in The Sport. :) Just the local paper. I suppose putting ads up on notice boards in art colleges might yield results, and asking tutors if they can reccomend me to models, and vice versa, might work too.

    It's a bit of a catch 22 situation though if you haven't done it before, because you don't have any photos to show, and pursuade a potential model, yet you need to photograph a nude model to be able to have the photos. Hmmm, tricky.

    Mr_Wobble ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would do it if i was a little skinnier :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lil_kazzy
    I would do it if i was a little skinnier :)
    Skinny is not always a requirement. If you've got curves, that's just as good. Nude photography does have a tendancy to use very slim (though not skinny) models, but I've seen plenty of successful nude photographs using "normal" models too.

    Mr_Wobble ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Mr_Wobble
    Skinny is not always a requirement. If you've got curves, that's just as good. Nude photography does have a tendancy to use very slim (though not skinny) models, but I've seen plenty of successful nude photographs using "normal" models too.

    Mr_Wobble ;)

    Yeah, but I would feel more confident doing it if I had less of a belly. I'm not really terribly fussed about how the photos turn out.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    id do it....definatly!:D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kazzy I like your curves. Send me them please.

    Mr. Wobble I guess the only thing to persuade someone would be money. But seeing as you are out of money you should probably go to a friend. I think girls are always a little bit wary of going to a photographer nude because he might turn round and do some imprisonable offenses. So without the money you would probably have to go to someone you already know....

    sorry. might not work out that way in the end tho...

    our sexy Char_Baby seems enthusiastic doesn't she. I'm wondering, could we arrange a meeting. I want to do some.. artistic photography :D

    (oops if that sounds like im taking the pee im not - I would just really like to see Char_Baby in the buff hehe)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well i have a fare few times, but just for my mates and part of my art courses and stuff, but i won't give permission for them to be used for anything but portfolio's.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd want paying, maybe £10 for an hours work, (I'm cheap).
    I'd like a copy of the pictures, a decent print would be nice, and some proof that you really are a photographer and not a perv, so some credentials and a look at your previous work.

    This is ifI was a woman of course, right now there's only one person I'll pose naked for ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd do it as long as I trusted the person, or at least there was someone there that I trusted to look after me. As long as my fella was happy with me doing it and that the pics were kept to a reasonably tasteful degree.

    As for payment...just a copy of them would be nice. I aint that fussed about money....well not unless the photographer got famous then I might be. ;)

    And for where they could be put...I wouldn't mind too to much because likelyhood of anyone seeing them that actually knew me would be fairly slim, so why the hell not eh.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If it was a serious shoot, I'd expect the following things -

    Some money. (Depends on the destination of the photos)

    A history of previous work (not necessarily nudes but at least some work in whatever media is being used).

    A clean and respectful looking shoot area, unless it was pre-agreed that it was some kind of specialist thing, in which case the original deal would have to be done somewhere decent.

    I'd also say photo control would be good too, but that would be messy and involve lawyers and things.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As long as you dont come across as some random perv looking to get off on it, i dont think you should have much trouble trying to find a model.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is no way any body would be seeing me nude, not even my boyfriend! No I'm staying well and truly covered up. :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only thing that would persuade me to ever pose nude would be lots of money!!

    Is there an art college near you? I remember when I was at college and they asked for models for photography, fine art projects etc....so many people volunteered.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think you are all mad for wanting to do it. I mean that in a nice way. Ok I know we were all born naked but I think we all look better with clothes on.:)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I’d do it, as long as it wasn’t cold :p and there weren’t a lot of people watching. That would freak me out.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    kazzy I like your curves. Send me them please.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'd pose nude...as long as i get a few copies and had the right to decide what they get used for...oh and lots of copies did i mention that????
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We do all the most natural things in this world naked so why not being photgraphed naked? We come into it naked, we wash naked, we make love naked, we sunbathe naked, etc:

    I think you would just need to show some credentials.
    Are you am actual student?
    Perhaps if you can do it in the name of Art- with a reference from the college or use of their grounds people may be inclined to agree its not as seedy. But as to letting them use them as part of your portfolio could be tricky! Dont mention that to start with-
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    At the uni I go to people are paid to pose naked for photographs and paintings. YUCK!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by jacaranda
    There is no way any body would be seeing me nude, not even my boyfriend! No I'm staying well and truly covered up. :)

    Not even your boyfriend? ok....
    Originally posted by jacaranda
    At the uni I go to people are paid to pose naked for photographs and paintings. YUCK!

    why is it yuck? If people have the confidence to do it then I think it's cool, I just personally don't have that confidence!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Set up a good looking website and try it from there?

    www.theladsmag.co.uk have a section called, "babes" or summit most of them have websites and will do nudes...For money tho.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmm :chin: well i would *maybe* consider doing something like that, if i was a little more confident about my body and maybe was browner :crazyeyes
    aslong as i was happy with the pictures taken and new they were going to be used only in a portfolio etc..:eek2:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    seeing as you are out of money you should probably go to a friend
    I don't have any friends (appart from a few workmates) here, so that's a non-starter.

    Originally posted by Mist
    If it was a serious shoot, I'd expect the following things -

    Some money. (Depends on the destination of the photos)

    A history of previous work (not necessarily nudes but at least some work in whatever media is being used).

    A clean and respectful looking shoot area, unless it was pre-agreed that it was some kind of specialist thing, in which case the original deal would have to be done somewhere decent.

    I'd also say photo control would be good too, but that would be messy and involve lawyers and things.
    As already mentioned, money is a problem. Photography isn't cheap, and I can barely afford the materials, let alone paying anyone.
    Don't have a studio, or access to one, so it would have to be creative use of a house/flat, or go out looking for a location (free of course).
    Nooooo way to control over my photos! I would have to agree the use, and have a model release form signed beforehand. I wouldn't have anyone dictating to me how I use them afterwards. It would all have to be agreed beforehand.
    As I've already said. I would want to be able to use them beyond just a portfolio, or I'm just wasting my time and money otherwise. Some people instantly get the wrong idea about that though.

    Originally posted by Docter Lurve
    I think you would just need to show some credentials.
    Are you am actual student?
    Perhaps if you can do it in the name of Art- with a reference from the college or use of their grounds people may be inclined to agree its not as seedy. But as to letting them use them as part of your portfolio could be tricky! Dont mention that to start with-
    All I can show is a range of my past work.
    No, I'm not currently an art or photography student. Computer Science student actually. But I've been taking photos for many years now, and have been a photography student in the past.
    I think I would advertise as a student, but have either avoid answering questions about it, blag it, or come clean about it - the hope my previous work can convince people that I am serious.
    I think saying it's in the name of art is a good serious argument, because that's what it would be. It's not about building a portfolio (which would be for gaining work), nor is it about being pervy - if I were that desperate to take cheesy glamour photos I would just pay for that if that's all I were interested in doing. But I want to create great photos, which will take time and money to make, hence not being able to afford to pay for a model on top of everything else.

    Originally posted by LacyMay
    As long as you dont come across as some random perv looking to get off on it
    I dont' think I would, and that's not what I would be doing it.
    I think most people's worry is about other poeple seeing the photos and the possibility of having someone perv over a picture of them. That's a risk that the model would just have to take. It's extremely unlikely that anybody would ever identify the model. The next worry that people have is that friends or family may see them. Well, once again, that's a risk they will have to take. It goes with the territory.

    As I've already said, I would want to put some on my own website. I wouldn't mind selling prints if I could. That makes it sound like pornography to some people, but the prices I would be charging for a single picture would make it bloody expensive pornography for the purchaser. I'm interested in creating nude and erotic photos that evoke an atmosphere and feeling, and that feeling doesn't always have to be one that instantly connects with the contents of a perv's pants. :)

    Mr_Wobble ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you might want to say that you're perfectly happy for models to bring a partner/friend with them, in case they think that it's dodgy, etc etc... I've posed nude for my friend's graphics work and a different friend's art portfolio, and i have no problem with it. I think you just need to make sure that people feel comfortable and safe when working with you.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Sa-ra-ra-ra
    you might want to say that you're perfectly happy for models to bring a partner/friend with them, in case they think that it's dodgy, etc etc... I've posed nude for my friend's graphics work and a different friend's art portfolio, and i have no problem with it. I think you just need to make sure that people feel comfortable and safe when working with you.
    Well, it goes without saying that I'd be more than happy for them to have a friend there. I wouldn't be so keen on them having a partner there unless I'd previously met them, and was convinced that they were completely happy with it, otherwise they may constantly try to intefere with the shoot.

    Mr_Wobble ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by jacaranda
    At the uni I go to people are paid to pose naked for photographs and paintings. YUCK!

    Yuck? what do u mean yuck?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As I think I mentioned in a post earlier, ok we were born naked put we all look far better with our clothes on don't we?

    As for my boyfriend seeing me naked I don't think I'm ready just yet we've only been going out less than a week.

    Yes my personal view is I think seeing naked people is disgusting and that clothes must be worn the majority of the time. I guess its just a personal thing and I don't want it thrust in my face.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd luv to do it. I think it would be great fun. Obviously money would be an incentive, but if it was for a mate who I trusted then it wouldn't be necessary.

    I don't see the problem with seing naked people. It's far more natural than wearing clothes, and would make it easier to get up if I didn't have to decide what to wear!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by 1st_angel

    I don't see the problem with seing naked people. It's far more natural than wearing clothes, and would make it easier to get up if I didn't have to decide what to wear!

    Wouldn't it just. Deciding what to wear in the morning just takes far too long. I just love the feeling of being naked, so much more natural and free feeling.

    But Wobble....I've already told me that I'll do it for you....remember...you send me a pic of you, just so I know what you lookk like for my own peace of mind and I'll be a model....sorted. :)
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