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Urban-75 resolves Iraq issue:

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Originally posted by RudolfTheRed

Can I make a suggestion? Why not knock off the bush job 1st. It might be possible to do the hussein job then through negotiation. That might spare 100,000 or more Iraqi children, women and men, who have nothing to do with what hussein is doing, from suffering an agonizing death or disability.

Just a thought.

So simple isn't it? Murder President Bush, then placate/negotiate/suck the dick of Hussein.

Then the administrator of Urban-75 weighs in to back up the post/poster...

Who woulda thunk it? :rolleyes:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That site is full of complete mixed up knob-heads. Most of them appear to be 16-year-old six formers.

    Anti capitalist – yawn.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The solution is to stick with the old socialist saying of "No War But The Class War", meaning that the only war worth fighting is the war against our own ruling class to overthrow the bosses and to bring the workers to power and that the ordinary people of the world have no interests in any bosses war such as the coming war with Iraq!

    By the way one reason that the Iraqi people haven't risen up and overthrown Saddam Hussein themselves is because they are kept so poor by western imposed sanctions!

    This comming war with Iraq may get rid of Saddam Hussein but in the proccess it will destroy an entire country and kill, maim and injure tens of thousands. The Iraqi people wont have much left to celebrate about after the war. The country has already been partially destroyed by the last Gulf War. Its infrastructure is already in ruins with things like water treatment plants and sewage works still damaged and the countryside still littered with left over ordanace from the last Gulf War. Another war would destroy the country completely and could lead to mass starvation of millions.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    The solution is to stick with the old socialist saying of "No War But The Class War", meaning that the only war worth fighting is the war against our own ruling class to overthrow the bosses and to bring the workers to power and that the ordinary people of the world have no interests in any bosses war such as the coming war with Iraq!

    By the way one reason that the Iraqi people haven't risen up and overthrown Saddam Hussein themselves is because they are kept so poor by western imposed sanctions!

    This comming war with Iraq may get rid of Saddam Hussein but in the proccess it will destroy an entire country and kill, maim and injure tens of thousands. The Iraqi people wont have much left to celebrate about after the war. The country has already been partially destroyed by the last Gulf War. Its infrastructure is already in ruins with things like water treatment plants and sewage works still damaged and the countryside still littered with left over ordanace from the last Gulf War. Another war would destroy the country completely and could lead to mass starvation of millions.


    Nobody cares what you have to say. The working class will not overthrow the leaders of the free world.

    Get over yourself already.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To paraphrase George Orwell:

    Throughout history there have been three classes of people: the High, the Middle and the Low. The aim of the High is to remain where they are. The aim of the Middle is to change places with the High. The aim of the Low -- when they have an aim, for it is an abiding characteristic of the Low that they are too much crushed by drudgery to be anything more than intermittently conscious of anything outside their daily lives -- is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be 'equal.'

    Marx thought he saw power moving from the High to the Middle and inferred that it would pass to the Low. What he in fact saw was an interchange of High and Low, the substance of all revolutionary changes of power. No-one but the High can hold power, for that is the defining characteristic of the High.

    By the way, Steely, I forgot to mention: you missed out the prime reason (according to Marxist theory) why the revolution in Russia failed. Come on, remember your communist theory lessons... What are the three stages of post-tribal society in Marxist theory? Feudal, capitalist, communist -- these three stages to be passed through in order and without omission. In 1917 Russia supposedly went from feudalism to communism -- WRONG! By your own theory, wrong! It 'missed out' the capitalist phase; in fact, it never changed. The feudal system remained; the names changed. Your are defeated by your own theory, Steely.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanatos: Cannot impeachment by the US Congress result in the legal removal of a US President without his assassination?

    Just a thought...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, but impeachment is very hard to accomplish without proof of serious wrongdoing.

    Personally I pray that some evidence eventually gets leaked proving that 9/11 was actually planned and executed by persons within the administration, but that also is unlikely.

    We're just gonna have to muddle through the next two years with this idiot in charge and hope America is suffering enough as a result of his woeful leadership that he doesnt get re-elected.

    Given the yahoo sentiment still goin on in the heartland though, that too may be hoping for too much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "knock off" infers assassination.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Greenhat
    "knock off" infers assassination.

    "knock off" is generally taken to mean MURDER when used in connection to a human being.

    Later in the thread, they are waffling to state that they are simply advocating the invasion of the US in order to free the people from the illegal US government.

    Since 11 Sept last, the welcome mat has been out for those entertaining such thoughts.
    Originally posted by atitlan
    "Knocking off the bush job" was a reference to this:

    we should go into the US and freeing the people from the equally-evil and illegally-elected Bush administration

    The thread has been wiped away, but not before being secured within my harddrive.

    Should make entertaining reading. The alphabet types seem to have lost the humor concerning such things...

    {edit} ~ so much for the effectiveness of their administration's threats to have my provider terminate my internet service, not being sated with simply banning me. Terrible thing, threatening a Marine. Be certain you really want to dance before you request the music...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Vox populi, vox Dei
    Thanatos: Cannot impeachment by the US Congress result in the legal removal of a US President without his assassination?

    Just a thought...

    Even the proven lying while under oath was insufficient to remove Komrad Klinton from office, and as I remember, even Nixon stepped down from the presidency, rather than having been forced from office. "Encouraged"? Yes. Forced? No...

    Not an easy thing, to remove a president, even with a bullet. Ask Ronald Reagan about that...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In 1917 Russia supposedly went from feudalism to communism -- WRONG! By your own theory, wrong! It 'missed out' the capitalist phase; in fact, it never changed. The feudal system remained; the names changed. Your are defeated by your own theory, Steely.
    No it went from feudalism to state capitalism, it didn't stay feudalist. What came after the revolution in 1917 was a very brief period of real communism which degenerated into state capitalism which wasahighly industrialised society but where the state officals were tthe capitalists instead of private companies!
    The working class will not overthrow the leaders of the free world.
    How come there have been mass anti-capitalist uprisings over the past three years them such as Seatle, Gothenburg, Genoa and Barcelona! In Genoa 300,000 people took to the streets and in Barcelona 500,000 took to the streets!

    Capitalism is also on the rocks, a few months ago there were the biggest company collapses in world history with Enron and Worldcom going bankrupt! The economy of Argentina also collapsed last year and Brazil was only saved from bankruptcy by a massive bailout loan from the World Bank.

    The coming war with Iraq will also inspire a massive uprising by the people both here and in America! On September 28th hundreds of thousands of people will march through London and bring the city to a stand still!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Urban-75 resolves Iraq issue:
    Originally posted by Thanatos...AGAIN
    So simple isn't it? Murder President Bush, then placate/negotiate/suck the dick of Hussein.

    Who woulda thunk it? :rolleyes:

    Come off it, there are even people on this board who would support such a move.

    Some people don't realise that there are people in this world who will never "negotiate", just prevaricate...
    Originally posted by Steelgate
    By the way one reason that the Iraqi people haven't risen up and overthrown Saddam Hussein themselves is because they are kept so poor by western imposed sanctions!

    Sanctions were imposed in 1991, after the Gulf War. Are you trying to tell us that the Iraqi people were rich before then?

    More from the Steelgate chap
    The solution is to stick with the old socialist saying of "No War But The Class War", meaning that the only war worth fighting is the war against our own ruling class

    Yes, perhaps we should help the workers of Iraq overthrow their "rilung classess" first tho', eh?

    Or doesn't that ruling class count?
    Originally posted by Clandestine[/i]
    Personally I pray that some evidence eventually gets leaked proving that 9/11 was actually planned and executed by persons within the administration, but that also is unlikely.

    Possibly because it's complete bollocks.

    Do you have one shred of evidence to back this up, or is it just the insane ramblings of someone who hates the US?
    Back to Steelgate
    How come there have been mass anti-capitalist uprisings over the past three years them such as Seatle, Gothenburg, Genoa and Barcelona! In Genoa 300,000 people took to the streets and in Barcelona 500,000 took to the streets!

    Which have achieved precisely fuck all. Except perhaps alienate them from the population at large, who seem them as thugs...

    Haven't seen many of the "ruling classess" overthrown as a result, have you?
    More rambling from Steelgate
    The coming war with Iraq will also inspire a massive uprising by the people both here and in America! On September 28th hundreds of thousands of people will march through London and bring the city to a stand still!


    a) There won't be "hundred of thousands", because you don't have that kind of support. You'll be lucky to get 100,000.

    b) Even 500,000 wouldn't represent a "massive" uprising. Just 1% of the population.

    c) Bringing London to a standstill is a huge exagerration. Maybe "part" of London. ie The three streets/Trafalgar Sq where the protest is...

    Just a thought, do you see the irony in protesting in Trafalgar Sq. A place built to celebrate a military victory...

    ALthough, I think that this time you are all off to Hyde Park. I can understand that, much better secenery...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the terrorists at Urban 75 get a telling off

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just a thought, do you see the irony in protesting in Trafalgar Sq. A place built to celebrate a military victory
    The demonstration is not going to Trafalgar Square, it is going from the Embankment to Hyde Park. It starts at the Embankment a 1pm on Saturday the 28th of September. And by the way it will be massive! I bet we will get at least 200,000 people and possibly 300,000 on that march! The majority of the population are behind us and know that an attack on Iraq would be madness causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi people!

    Anyone who supports the coming war on Iraq must be very misguided and must not have read about the facts of how much suffering such an attack would cause. I reckon that if everyone had read about the situation in Iraq due to the last Gulf War and to Sanctions and knew about the enormous suffering an attack on Iraq would cause then at least 80 per cent of the population would be against the coming war with Iraq!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    The demonstration is not going to Trafalgar Square, it is going from the Embankment to Hyde Park.

    Er...I think I actually said that.
    And by the way it will be massive! I bet we will get at least 200,000 people and possibly 300,000 on that march!

    From a population of 55,000,000.

    Again hardly representative. Besides, it will be the usual faces there. I would be very surprised if you managed to motivate the rest of the population.
    The majority of the population are behind us

    No they aren't. They see you a midless idiots, in the main.

    You may find that a large percentage of the population doesn't want war, but would support it once the facts come to light.
    and know that an attack on Iraq would be madness causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi people!

    Prove it. Prove that tens of thousands would be killed.

    Or is that just your supposition...
    Anyone who supports the coming war on Iraq must be very misguided and must not have read about the facts of how much suffering such an attack would cause. I reckon that if everyone had read about the situation in Iraq due to the last Gulf War and to Sanctions and knew about the enormous suffering an attack on Iraq would cause then at least 80 per cent of the population would be against the coming war with Iraq!

    I have read this. I am aware.

    I still believe that removing the regime would be the better solution, rather that than sitting around and doing nothing.

    You cannot bargain with Saddam. At the end of the day, Iraq is in this position because of the instringance of its leadership.


    NB What no comment about anything else I said. Nothing to say about the condition of Iraq before the Gulf War? No comment about Iraqs "ruling class"?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only Iraqis who will die in the tens of thousand will be soldiers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    The only Iraqis who will die in the tens of thousand will be soldiers.

    Probably even that isn't true...more likely they will surrender in the tens of thousands...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im laughing at the people over at U75 who think nothing will happen to them if they continualy threaten to kill the President.:rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere, thanks for posting that thread over here...I have honestly come to the conclusion that 'editor' is much like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland...you don't agree...'off with your head!'

    Actually, I say that kindly...I really can't argue with someone elses paranoia.

    As I attempted to point out to editor, the Carnivore and related programs are heartless in sorting out 'words' on the internet...current policy by US is to follow through on everything found that even remotely sounds threatening.

    Once again word usage came into play...the owner of the bbs is ultimately responsible for everything that is posted there...when Thanatos says 'you' posted such and such...it is true even if editor had no knowledge of the post prior to it being pointed out to him.

    As i've stated many times before; we are friendly visitors in your living room...if debate gets heated then it must be intertaining...but the facts remain...buttermilk has little 'sales' value on a politics thread!

    About SEATTLE; someone posted above mention of the WTO demonstrations here...I live in Seattle...the demonstration was hijacked by less than two dozen anarchist from Oregon who got themselves into serious trouble by deliberately breaking windows, etc. The police got into a lot of trouble for using excessive force...ultimately nothing meaningful was acomplished and most people here have forgotten it.

    If you are going to demonstrate against a war in Iraq on 9-28-2002 it just may be too late...! Just my opinion as previously stated elsewhere.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Someone had fun changing my profile...I might keep the fish though!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    About SEATTLE; someone posted above mention of the WTO demonstrations here...I live in Seattle...the demonstration was hijacked by less than two dozen anarchist from Oregon who got themselves into serious trouble by deliberately breaking windows, etc. The police got into a lot of trouble for using excessive force...ultimately nothing meaningful was acomplished and most people here have forgotten it.
    The movement against capitalist organisations like the WTO and World Economic Forum has snowballed since Seatle two years ago. Over the past two years there have been mass anti-capitalist demonstrations in Melbourne, Washington DC, Gothenburg, Prague, Genoa and Barcelona! These demonstrations have gone from about 50,000 people to 300,000 and 500,000 in the latest demonstrations. The black block action has continued to with active black blocks being active in most of these demonstrations and causing millions of pounds worth of damage to banks, burger bars and to posh stores!

    The anti-war demonstration will be really big and will help to expand the anti-capitalist movement even more as people make the connection between global capitalism and war and terrorism.

    Globalise Resistance the voice of the UK anti-capitalist movement
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Steelgate, I suppose you believe that...and I can't argue about demonstrations elsewhere. However, as for the black block...at least here in the US the only folks interested in it is the democratic party and then only in the large inner cities such as Chicago, NYC, etc.

    Don't get mad at me for the quote but former President L.B. Johnston made the comment after the JFK assasination that; "...if we pass the civil rights bill the ni**ers will vote democrat for the next thousand years!" He was only partially right...there is now some swing away from the democratic party because of some of their public stands that verge on treason...that is treason in US parlance!

    As someone who has been a 'radical social activist' since early childhood I can only share with you the point that almost none of these demonstrations led to anything lasting or worthwile...as Mao once said; "power comes out of the barrel of a gun!" And if anyone is to be empowered they must take it and be able to hole it on their own...all the rest is but pablum.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Methinks Diesel/Deeeeb have a little sign-in issue.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No trouble really...just a few oddities to correct and deal with!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Editor is about to be edified as to the true nature of WEAPONS FREE, MUTHA-FUCKAH!!! ;) He has declared war upon an American "gunboard"... and might soon be running for his cyber life. If you think that I am a nutcase, then you will not believe them who make me appear to be a pillar of reason. :D

    Not the smartest thing to get the focus, motivation, and commitment of a jarhead. :eek:

    He started a pizzing match, and now there are no rules...

    Several times, I offered a "truce", and got a FUCK YOU! in return.

    So be it...

    Just in case Echelon 4 missed what was going on, the alphabet boys have the threads in their possession.

    MI5 have reportedly been notified concerning an Urban-75 regular that reputedly has close ties to Hamas, and got that person (who did the reporting) banned. Editor does not realize that banning the messenger does not kill the message, but compels the completion of the task...

    btw ~ My thanks to Whowhere and others who entered the fray on the side of sanity. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In all honesty I must say that I am often baffeled as to where editor is coming from...he has put together an albumn of photographs taken in US cities, NY & Chicago, in a manner which does not cause me to think he harbors either bad or evil feelings towards US...but I am totally confused by some of his reasoning regarding posts on U75 and a tendance towards paranoia regarding the individual(s) posting thereat.

    For a long time it appeared to me that it was mostly a difference in language usage...and I still hold to that view to a considerable extent. However, I also detect a desperation in editors writing that makes me wonder about the man rather than the poster.

    Frankly, I found a cynical amount of satisfaction posting at U75 because of the ol 'sheeple' thing but also because I really don't think we cousins know each other very well and thought it time well spent to drop into the politics board and 'visit' or argue...but never to attempt to damage or destroy the board or anyone on it.

    Alarms went off when a poster for whatever purpose chose words that apparently had a more sinister meaning in US than they did in the UK...and emotions flared. Name calling began...which I find a bit confuseing because most folks there don't know any of us well enough to use such language. And now we have an interboard squabble which must be discussed off site because those involved were banned and could not defend at hand what was said.

    And to top it all off I am left trying to figure out how to correct the Deeeeb to Diesel...really, I'm not very computer literate...but I'll get there...think I'll keep the fish though.:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    The only Iraqis who will die in the tens of thousand will be soldiers.
    That wasn't the case in the last Gulf War when 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians died, due to things like the carpet bombing of Bagdad and a large per centage of so called smart bombs missing their targets, evena bomb shelter was bombed killing dozens of civilians in one go. And through the use of cluster bombs many failing to explode only to be set off later by accident killing innocent civilians. Water and Sewage treatment plants were also bombs created a massive outbreakof water borne diseases and the use of depleted uranium shell created cloud of radioactive dust which resulted inmany radiation related illnesses among the Iraqi people such as cancers, birth defects and leaukemia!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    causing millions of pounds worth of damage to banks, burger bars and to posh stores!

    Ah, mindless destruction.

    I thought that was something you didn't support Steelgate.

    Just think of those poor innocent workers who will be forced out of work, thanks to the cost of repairing this damage...
    That wasn't the case in the last Gulf War when 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians died, due to things like the carpet bombing of Bagdad

    Do you have any evidence of this?

    Most notably the "carpet bombing" aspect, because it has never been reported previously. In fact you are the first person I have ever heard mention it.

    Now the Republican Guard, there's some people who will tell you all about carpet bombing...
    Water and Sewage treatment plants were also bombs created a massive outbreakof water borne diseases

    You know, the more I read of your crap, the more I look forward to the violent revolution. I now know that you and your kin won't attack anyone in a car, you'll let your enemy have fresh water supplies. I know I can hide in any public building... yadda yadda yadda. Guaranteed to lose really, aren't you...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Carpet bombing?!? lol. Dumbass.

    I've enjoyed backing up Greenhat over there. He made references to the ceasefire between us and Iraq, but noone believes him. One poster in particular was demanding evidence. So I gave it to her http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/737483.stm

    It is such common knowledge, I can't believe how stupid some people can be (knows the irony, shut up before anyone mentions it).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice try Whowhere, but it hasn't worked because that isn't what they asked for. They want to read the ceasefire agreement themselves.

    For some reason they still haven't got the idea of what a ceasefire actually is.

    But then they are stupid.

    Hell, I read that they think you love the US :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah, I noticed that. being unable to think for theselves, and obviously unable to type anything into a search engine apart from "where to buy heroin" I've had to find the terms for them.

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