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What exactly is the work programme meant to do?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I am on this and was referred to Remploy. All I've done is job searching - something I am capable of doing myself. They've tried (and failed, thankfully) to get me to apply for an unsuitable job.

They also want me to do a work placement - I did that last year and am still there on a part-time basis. When I asked why, they said it's because I need the experience (I do?) and because they want feedback. Why can't they just contact the manager where I am now? I've been there since May last year. He knows me much better than someone who I won't know at all.

Before, I was with another provider and basically did nothing. Well, I was told to go on to ESA - despite the fact that I would lose around £29 a week in benefits.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its meant to make money for the provider...

    I'll try to answer your question,

    The work programme providers get paid on what they provide, ie they get an initial payment when you are referred to them, then they get another payment after you have done the job search and interview skills workshop/ seminars, etc
    They don't care if you are capable of doing this already.
    They probably get another payment when they put you on a work placement, this is why they don't care about what you have or are dong, there's no money in it for them.

    They get a major payment if you get a proper job , even if you got this yourself.
  • LauraOLauraO Posts: 535 Incredible Poster
    Hey Melian :wave:

    Have you seen this fact sheet on direct.gov about The Work Programme? It gives a simple explanation of what it is. If you want a more thorough explanation (although it's a bit of a long read) then this document from the Department of Work and Pensions explains it in depth.

    In short the Work Programme is all about helping people to get into or back into work and is run for JobCentre Plus by other organisations which these articles will call 'providers', and Remploy is one of these providers.

    As Lucidorchid starts to explain it is a payment-by-results programme (you can see how much per person in the document I linked to above) which means the providers will receive payments if you secure a job. A large part of the programme seems to be 'work placements' which give you the chance to get experience in the workplace.

    It sounds as though you are quite frustrated about being on this programme, and that it is not suiting you at the moment. It also sounds as though you are happy with the placement you are already on and don't want to have to complete another one, is that right? Have you explained this to your advisor? Unfortunately, they may want you to complete another placement in order to get more varied experience and because it's what they are contracted to do.

    I can't give you an exact answer about whether it is compulsory for you to do another placement or not, but for a more detailed answer you could ask your question to askTheSite, contact JobCentre Plus or you could chat to the Citizen's Advice Bureau who will be able to help with advice about your benefits too.

    I hope this starts to help, it sounds as though another conversation with your advisor at Remploy may be a good place to start.

    Let us know how you get along :thumb:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LauraO wrote: »
    It sounds as though you are quite frustrated about being on this programme, and that it is not suiting you at the moment.

    That's correct. This is the second provider I've been with and neither have done anything to help me. They also don't seem to understand that I can't do certain days - they want me to do 3 Tuesdays with them which are 1 hour long. This is smack bang in the middle of volunteering and would leave them short-staffed.
    It also sounds as though you are happy with the placement you are already on and don't want to have to complete another one, is that right? Have you explained this to your advisor?

    Yes and yes. She won't take no for an answer. Never mind the fact that I'm happy and settled where I am.

    Thanks you two. :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its purpose is to fool the general public into thinking the conservative government is doing something about unemployment, by falsifying the reports (because while you're on these work programme courses, you are technically employed, taking you out of the unemployment figures.) It's other purpose is to pay billions to private companies who are making more each day with each new unemployed person signing on.

    Obviously labour did the same thing, but theirs were better and more helpful by a fraction - also came with less sanctions and bullshit.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bit of an update - had enough of Remploy and them giving me appointments they know I can't make. They kicked me off and told me to go back to Prospects. Went back to them and had to attend courses. I've had nothing but problems with these courses - no-one has bothered to put stuff (despite asking at least 3 times now) in a suitable format for me.

    I've received no help at all from them and these courses are a waste of my time. I feel as though I've learnt nothing.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Go back to the job centre and complain! You know the DDA and I'm damned sure that making that handouts they give you are in a format you can read is "reasonable adjustment"
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Isn't Remploy the ones who were recently mentioned in the news as closing something like 65 of their centres, or am I just thinking of something else?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JavaKrypt wrote: »
    Isn't Remploy the ones who were recently mentioned in the news as closing something like 65 of their centres, or am I just thinking of something else?

    That's them
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Miss_Riot wrote: »
    Go back to the job centre and complain! You know the DDA and I'm damned sure that making that handouts they give you are in a format you can read is "reasonable adjustment"

    Prospects have assured me they'll sort this out and have refused to give me their complaints procedure.

    Their excuses for not giving me stuff in the right format were "oh, I didn't think about that".

    I will go back to the job centre and see what they say.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've put in a complaint to the job centre, who were really appalled at the way I was treated. I have finally been told by Prospects that they have a form for me to fill in for making a complaint.
  • LauraOLauraO Posts: 535 Incredible Poster
    Melian wrote: »
    I've put in a complaint to the job centre, who were really appalled at the way I was treated. I have finally been told by Prospects that they have a form for me to fill in for making a complaint.

    :thumb: sounds like a good step in the right direction Melian and good to hear the Job Centre have listened to you and are taking your complaint seriously.

    Have you got the form to complete yet? Is this in a suitable format?

    Keep keeping us updated :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yes it was in a suitable format. I've now been told that I have no more courses to attend and that I can be referred to someone else.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh FFS

    Emailed provider on Friday asking her if there was anyway she could phone me instead of me having to come in and see her. (I'm still having issues with my hearing) I also told her that I have Autism.

    She replied on Tuesday and said that I need to bring a doctor's note in for the next day. I can't do that until my psych has written his report and sent it to me and my GP.

    She has also called me a liar for not saying anything sooner. I was diagnosed on Thursday.:rolleyes:

    She had a go at me because apparently, my hearing has been fine up until now. Um, I woke up one morning with blocked ears. That was 3-4 months ago and I've had problems since.

    She now wants me to come in for job search - all their computers are inaccessible and my laptop is set up for my needs. I am not carrying that around just to do job search.

    She had a go at me for not bothering to chase stuff up. My life doesn't revolve around job hunting. I am chasing stuff up, I'm studying and I'm also trying to sort my health out.

    I am getting seriously fed up now. She moaned because I refused to go on a course. She can't say for definite if it'll be accessible for me.:rolleyes: Last time I was sent on an inaccessible course, I got the blame for her and someone elses inability to do stuff that should have done.

    Unfortunately, this is mandatory. If it wasn't, I would just leave.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have I read what you've put above right?

    You're claiming benefits for being out of work - but you think it's unreasonable that you should be putting significant effort into finding work?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd send a letter to her superiors applying for her job.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    white elephant the work programme

    im on the work programme have been since i finished work in january, then i developed cancer, so had to have some time out to get the ops done.

    I just feel like piggy in the middle between pertemps the service provider and the jobcentre, they have done nothing to help me look for work, i was only sent to learn direct when i made a complaint, and last wednesday, i was told the work programme doesnt work, and there is no incentive for them to get people back into work, they dont think they can find me a job and to look for home work instead.

    And today i have had to sign on and put all this down on my record, and the brown stuff has hit the fan with the jobcentre, ( if they feel service providers are not helping us we will get out money sanctioned) who think its ludicrous that im educated, and skilled and the best the service provider can come up with is taking betterware catalogues around the streets, which with my mobility is a joke.

    ive contacted the service provider if i can speak to them, no reply.
    other than that i will have to make a formal complaint to the jobcentre.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm meant to be on the work programme, but I've heard nothing from the DWP nor the service providers since my tribunal in May. So I'm just sitting around doing my own thing, trying to get myself better so when they do contact me I might actually be able to do something.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have I read what you've put above right?

    You're claiming benefits for being out of work - but you think it's unreasonable that you should be putting significant effort into finding work?

    You've read it wrong. They've decided in their non-medical opinion that I don't have Autism or Hyperacusis. Or if I do have either, they can't be that bad because apparently I "coped before". Um, Hyperacusis can and does come on at any time. Mine did. My psychiatrist, Audiologist and ENT doctor claim otherwise.

    I am putting effort into finding work. They're forcing me to do things which are physically painful. They told me I must do things I can't do. I've told them that time and time again. They've decided they know my needs better than I do. Funnily enough (or not) both the ENT doctor and Audiologist (who both had a look in my ears and did a few other things) decided that yes, there is a problem with my hearing and that I shouldn't be exposed to noises that are painful. I am being forced to be exposed to noises that are painful.

    They keep putting things in my way. They can't guarantee that the courses they want me to go on will be accessible.

    I've now been signed off sick due to this. Neither of the GPs I've seen about this are happy and have demanded that reasonable adjustments are made. Despite this, I am still being contacted by my adviser. I've been told that as soon as my fit note expires, they will contact me. I am going to speak (again) to the job centre about this. I am fed up being treated like crap because they don't have a clue.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please get your facts right
    JavaKrypt wrote: »
    Its purpose is to fool the general public into thinking the conservative government is doing something about unemployment, by falsifying the reports (because while you're on these work programme courses, you are technically employed, taking you out of the unemployment figures.) It's other purpose is to pay billions to private companies who are making more each day with each new unemployed person signing on.

    Obviously labour did the same thing, but theirs were better and more helpful by a fraction - also came with less sanctions and bullshit.

    Please don't post something without knowing facts

    1. While youre on these programmes you're technically employed - no you are not. You are not taken out of any unemployment figures so don't know where you got that idea.
    2. Billions are paid to private companies. I have read quite a few times people commenting on the fact that the providers receive payments for people going into work. Yes that's right, why do people have a problem with this though. The unemployed are being referred to the providers now where staff genuinely want to help people find work and yes it is also in their best interest to help them find work because these companies could go to the wall if they don't. A lot of funding has dried up over the last couple of years so these providers have had no option but to tender for the delivery of the work programme. The difference between this work programme and previous programmes that were being delivered is the providers do not receive the funding up front to run them. Instead they have to provide a service to unemployed people, while paying staff wages, expenses, rent for premises, overheads, all running costs for running a business as well as reimbursing the unemployed their travel expenses for each time they are askd to come in and the only way they will get their money back is if these people get a job. You could be working with people who have no interest in working and you need to work with them for two years. All that time and money will have been spent on that person and they will never receive a penny funding back except for a small start payment at the beginning. These providers are out of pocket running this programme and the government is totally to blame. Some providers are going to the wall and people are losing their jobs because of the way they are getting their funding to run this. I'm so sick of certain unemployed people being up in arms about having to go to this programme and having a lot to say about how these providers are paid. They are the ones taking a big chance ruining it in the first place and as far as I'm concerned the only ones that are moaning constantly about the work programme are the ones who don't want to work in the first place. If you really hated being unemployed and living on benefits and were desperate to find employment you would be glad you were being sent to these providers, you would be grateful for all the help you could get. The work programme is good in a way that it is making the people who don't want to work get off their backsides. Unfortunately there are alot of cases of people being sent who shouldn't be working.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Although old thread, I'm pretty sure there are some schemes that class people in work and therefore do reduce the unemployment figures.
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