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freerange chicken



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ffs. And you call me childish???

    I don't dislike all people who eat meat, I am the only vegan in my family, my mum and dad are veggie though, most my friends eat meat. What I dislike is people who can't see the disgusting effect that eating meat has on the world.

    sorry I forgot all the world problems are caused by EATING MEAT,

    You don't dislike meat eaters but they are murderers... wow you like murderers, what next pedophiles

    oh and why am I doing this because your pathetic, considering you even said your so superior to any meat eater, as far as I am concerned you can go and shove your ***** up your ******

    good luck in life with that attitude, I see you failing every step of the way
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    whoa whoa whoa if your taking to me the click fingers thing was a joke! so calm down there.

    Doesn't matter the word murderer will not be taken lightly, I don't care that much for your very narrow minded views, but you do not have to be so aggressive, yeah so you are stressed about what is going on right now, but that doesnt hold as an excuse here especially when you can type all the insults you want get rid of it and start again. Frankly you want a fight here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    whoa whoa whoa if your taking to me the click fingers thing was a joke! so calm down there.

    Doesn't matter the word murderer will not be taken lightly, I don't care that much for your very narrow minded views, but you do not have to be so aggressive, yeah so you are stressed about what is going on right now, but that doesnt hold as an excuse here especially when you can type all the insults you want get rid of it and start again. Franky you want a fight here.

    Umm i'd add the L to frankly or Franki will think you are asking her for a fight.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    Umm i'd add the L to frankly or Franki will think you are asking her for a fight.

    hahaha! sorry Franki if you see this :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    what next pedophiles

    Actually, yeah. I was stupid enough to become friends with pedos, and it doesn't end well.

    And, whatever, yeah I rrreeaalllyyy want a fight don't I NAUN. It is you who reads what I say, and you who responds, I am not responisble for your response, nor you for mine. You are smart enough to walk away, and not respond to what I say.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Actually, yeah. I was stupid enough to become friends with pedos, and it doesn't end well.

    And, whatever, yeah I rrreeaalllyyy want a fight don't I NAUN. It is you who reads what I say, and you who responds, I am not responisble for your response, nor you for mine. You are smart enough to walk away, and not respond to what I say.

    yeah I changed my mind if that comment, you are still pathetic narrow minded idiot who clearly "loves" the attention from confrontation and being "different"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Everybody just SHUT UP.

    Graeme stop being a pretentious asshole. She's allowed her opinion and if you disagree with it then suck it up and act like the adult you are. I know I said that she shouldn't play the "I'm twelve" card, but I am going to remind you that you are talking to a *child* who is going through a difficult time and to be a bit more understanding. I knew you at that age (or not much older) and you weren't exactly perfect so GOD SHUT UP. That was possibly the most insensitive and assholish thing you could have said, considering her circumstances, and right now I could slap you.

    B-A, nobody wants a fight. It is difficult for people to react well when they are referred to as murderers. Obviously you understand that. I have said this several times to you, but I think that when you are in a bad mood or having a bad time of things, threads such as this one are probably not a good place for you to be. Frustration and the like often can be translated into your posts and interpreted in the wrong way.

    Naun - I wouldn't have been offended ;). As I said to Hellfire - though you are not being as assholish, you are obviously aware of the trouble B-A is having at the moment so a little give would probably go a long way and be appreciated. Remember that it does take two people to start a fight.

    So yeh, everybody...shut up. Opinions are opinions and they often differ. That doesn't mean we can't be fucking civil.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But you started this, you did not have to come in here all guns blazing saying YOU MURDERERS!!!! (and oh noze yeh i over exaggerated that bit).
    Then play the but i'm 12 card. It doessn't work like that, this has turned into a 3 page argument over something that we all started. And with what you are saying people are going to get pissed with you, deal with it we all need to.

    EDIT: yes Franki, i see what you are saying, but...but like i just said i know we all started this, but there are somethings BA said that didnt need to be said and yeah i probs said somethings too. And why does this always happen between me and BA?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bollocks, so she had shit happen, whatever happened I do not know and frankly do not care to know, however I will say just because she had problems that excuses her, If I WANT to reply I will reply

    I know I was an arsehole when I was younger and I deserved all the shit I go, frankly after being called a murderer I think I say pretty much what I want....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, you can all get pissed off then. I don't care.

    A) Yes, I think you are all murderers if you eat meat. It doesn't mean I dislike you though.
    B) I am vegan. Deal with it.
    C) Go a head, eat as many animals as you wish.
    D) There is nothing special about you, I think all people who eat meat are animal abusers, and yea- the meat you buy means more animals have to be killed. It's like people who hire murderers.

    That is my last post in this thread, make what you wish of it.
    Oh, and yeah I am 12... so to be honest, you must deal with that. I am more mature than most 12 year olds, but at the end of the day I am still 12 and therefore am not as good as you at putting across my views. Even if I am better at it than some of my peers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    EDIT: yes Franki, i see what you are saying, but...but like i just said i know we all started this, but there are somethings BA said that didnt need to be said and yeah i probs said somethings too. And why does this always happen between me and BA?

    I know. Everybody says things they shouldn't. Murderers is a bit strong and while it does grate on me, if that's how she feels about it then so be it. Nobody *glares at Hellfire* is going to change her opinion by being argumentative about it. Also (again, not directed at you naun), telling a 12 year old child who has just found out the man who raped her is not going to prison to go and befriend a paedophile was hardly the wisest move and is a million times more offensive than being called a murderer to be fair. So yeh, Hellfire, shut the hell up until you can act like an adult.

    I get that you two clash a lot, but you also seem to get on a fair bit too. I will repeat my point about B-A avoiding potentially controversial threads when she's upset because it causes WAY TOO MUCH drama.

    Um.....flowers for everybody?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, you can all get pissed off then. I don't care.

    A) Yes, I think you are all murderers if you eat meat. It doesn't mean I dislike you though.
    B) I am vegan. Deal with it.
    C) Go a head, eat as many animals as you wish.
    D) There is nothing special about you, I think all people who eat meat are animal abusers, and yea- the meat you buy means more animals have to be killed. It's like people who hire murderers.

    That is my last post in this thread, make what you wish of it.
    Oh, and yeah I am 12... so to be honest, you must deal with that. I am more mature than most 12 year olds, but at the end of the day I am still 12 and therefore am not as good as you at putting across my views. Even if I am better at it than some of my peers.

    Ok last post from i promise :D

    A) good for you...
    B) I admire you in this respect, even if i dont agree with your views.
    C) You will be glad to know i hardly eat anyway, but i will eat meat.
    D) Nothing special about you either. and are forests not choped down for your veg to grow?

    I know your 12, you are a very smart 12 year old that does tent to put the wrong emotion across with your posts but it doesn't mean you get away with that.

    Edit: flowers please!

    And yeah Franki i get what you are saying.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, you can all get pissed off then. I don't care.
    A) Yes, I think you are all murderers if you eat meat. It doesn't mean I dislike you though.
    you cannot have it both ways and i think a lot of people do not want to be friends with someone like that, I mean god who would want to be friends with someone who called them a murderer
    B) I am vegan. Deal with it.
    I never had a problem with Vegans, never said I did many of my friends are vegans
    C) Go a head, eat as many animals as you wish.
    I do not need your permission but thank you I will
    D) There is nothing special about you, I think all people who eat meat are animal abusers, and yea- the meat you buy means more animals have to be killed. It's like people who hire murderers.
    Yet you think you are oh so special, you even said you are better than us
    That is my last post in this thread, make what you wish of it.
    Oh, and yeah I am 12... so to be honest, you must deal with that. I am more mature than most 12 year olds, but at the end of the day I am still 12 and therefore am not as good as you at putting across my views. Even if I am better at it than some of my peers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I take that apoligy back. Hellfire- I can be friends with who I like, I do not have to agree with their entire lifestyle. I am friends with people who hate the idea of veganism, and I am friends with many vegans too. I did not have to join a whole new society when I became vegan, I did not have to kill all my meat eater friends. I am not friends, however, with people who can not except my views, I don't care if they agree they must just except that I do not wish to harm animals.

    I am sorry to the rest of you though, yes my behaviour has been out. I can't think of an excuse that justifys it all, but I am stressed atm.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote: »
    I know. Everybody says things they shouldn't. Murderers is a bit strong and while it does grate on me, if that's how she feels about it then so be it. Nobody *glares at Hellfire* is going to change her opinion by being argumentative about it. Also (again, not directed at you naun), telling a 12 year old child who has just found out the man who raped her is not going to prison to go and befriend a paedophile was hardly the wisest move and is a million times more offensive than being called a murderer to be fair. So yeh, Hellfire, shut the hell up until you can act like an adult.

    I get that you two clash a lot, but you also seem to get on a fair bit too. I will repeat my point about B-A avoiding potentially controversial threads when she's upset because it causes WAY TOO MUCH drama.

    Um.....flowers for everybody?

    You know what, AS I HAVE SAID I have never read B-A's threads no nothing about a paedophile etc and I DID edit it out.

    I am still curious if she only eats veg which have not been grown in animal fertilizer (and thats a legitimate question)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    I am still curious if she only eats veg which have not been grown in animal fertilizer (and thats a legitimate question)

    Most the veg I eat we grow ourselves. But, I have not rang up companies and asked if they use animal fertilizer or not.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Most the veg I eat we grow ourselves. But, I have not rang up companies and asked if they use animal fertilizer or not.

    so surely that is going against your own ethos?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As a child, Hellfire, I am unable to have the final say on what I eat. In four years time, I shall move out and eat what I please.

    Oh, saying I'll fail every step of the way? When did I say I would sucseed in anything?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    You know what, AS I HAVE SAID I have never read B-A's threads no nothing about a paedophile etc and I DID edit it out.

    I am still curious if she only eats veg which have not been grown in animal fertilizer (and thats a legitimate question)
    It's still not a fantastically mature argument though is it? Editing it out does not take away the effects.

    At the end of the day, you are an adult (in theory, perhaps not in practice...) and she is a child. She may be (and don't take this the wrong way b-a, I don't mean it offensively) misinformed about some things, she may be a little over emotional, but she is still a child. Treating her like an idiot is not going to get your point across, it is going to make you look like a dickhead. Maybe one day she will change her opinions, maybe one day she will look back on this and facepalm. Maybe she won't, and I would absolutely respect her for sticking to her morals in the way she does. Murderer is a strong word, but obviously it's something she feels very strongly about and she obviously has not had the practice you've had at communicating her opinions in a way that won't cause mass offense (although you're not much better than she is right now :yeees:).

    You may well not care about what she is going through, but it is obviously very difficult for her and it should still factor into how you speak to her. She is not the only one acting like a 12 year old in this thread, but she is the only one with the excuse that she is acting her age.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As a child, Hellfire, I am unable to have the final say on what I eat. In four years time, I shall move out and eat what I please.

    Fair enough I understand you cannot always control but surely your parents respect your wishes? I mean all you would have to do is phone up the specific companies find the ones which do NOT use animal fertilizer and ask your parents to buy them ones instead.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    Fair enough I understand you cannot always control but surely your parents respect your wishes? I mean all you would have to do is phone up the specific companies find the ones which do NOT use animal fertilizer and ask your parents to buy them ones instead.

    My father would, but at this current time I no longer see him. My mother, on the other hand, says I must eat what she gives me. She doesn't give me eggs, dairy ect. But she'd draw the line at me ringing companies. I pay for my vegan society memborship, and I pay for the make up I wear, and I pay for my soap and hair gel and all other cosmetics. If my mother buys me clothes that have wool ect. I wont wear them, but she has already said if I become fruitarian I must buy all food myself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If my mother buys me clothes that have wool ect. I wont wear them

    This is going to sound patronising and I'm sorry in advance, but do you know that it is actually painful and massively uncomfortable for the sheep to keep their wool through summer? They don't just shave them for aesthetics ;).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is why I don't wear wool:
    Vegans avoid using wool to avoid causing suffering to sheep. A sheep kept primarily for its wool does not die of old age. The commercial production of wool is inextricably linked to meat production. A sheep always finishes up on someone's plate, or kebab stick. Indeed, a young lamb may not even be allowed one year of life before it is turned into chops - usually at about 6 months of age, or even as young as 4 months. Every year, Australia and New Zealand export around 500,000 tonnes of sheep and lamb carcase. Around 7 million live sheep and lambs are also exported - mostly to Middle Eastern countries where those that survive the journey face ritual slaughter. Some wool (called "pulled wool" in the trade) is a direct slaughterhouse product, being taken from the skins of slaughtered sheep and lambs. If you buy wool, you are supporting slaughter. Vegans avoid using wool to avoid supporting slaughter.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is why I don't wear wool:
    Vegans avoid using wool to avoid causing suffering to sheep. A sheep kept primarily for its wool does not die of old age. The commercial production of wool is inextricably linked to meat production. A sheep always finishes up on someone's plate, or kebab stick. Indeed, a young lamb may not even be allowed one year of life before it is turned into chops - usually at about 6 months of age, or even as young as 4 months. Every year, Australia and New Zealand export around 500,000 tonnes of sheep and lamb carcase. Around 7 million live sheep and lambs are also exported - mostly to Middle Eastern countries where those that survive the journey face ritual slaughter. Some wool (called "pulled wool" in the trade) is a direct slaughterhouse product, being taken from the skins of slaughtered sheep and lambs. If you buy wool, you are supporting slaughter. Vegans avoid using wool to avoid supporting slaughter.
    Aha. I didn't know that.

    Have you looked into sourcing your wool from other places? I don't know much about it tbf.

    What do you wear to stay warm then?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wool is only about 3% of the worlds fiber market. I can manage with out :p

    I copied and pasted the last post from the vegan society btw, just because they can word it better than me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wow, missed this thread until now. I don't think there's a lot more to add to what Franki said earlier but if this does decide to go off the deep end again I think it will be best it's closed.

    So try to remember a few points - when discussing a topic you're talking about the viewpoints of other people - not the people themselves. Equally it's important to have some awareness of how you or other people are reacting to a thread - especially if it's expressing anger from other sources. So if you're feeling really angry when replying to a thread it's best to take a few minutes out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't even understand the arguement I was having now. I keep getting to arguements on this site at the minute. Bad times.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cripes, i only asked if anyone knew if chickens still had their beaks clipped in reference to free range. haha:yum:
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