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Regulars Intro



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ooooh, I feel all introductory. And yes, I did wade through all the pages before posting.

    I'm Melanie/Mellie. I'm 19 and I live in British Columbia, Canada. I'm actually from, uh... nowhere... though. I've lived in Canada, the US, Germany, Belgium, and England but never really stayed anywhere long enough to have it feel like home.

    I joined in October last year, went through a couple of stages of posting loads, then decided that I needed to cut down on time spent on thesite to get out a bit more. So now I tend to lurk more than post.

    I'm at uni, trying to get a degree in English Literature but no, I don't want to be a teacher when I'm done (as that's what everyone assumes).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All about me!

    Hey everyone,

    if you've traulled through these last 5/6 pages, well done, i think you should get some sort of reward!

    Im Dai, live in South Wales, i was born in East Anglia but have lived in wales for the past 11 years so i consider myself welsh.

    i swim for a local swimming club and climb for a local rock climbing club! i've just finished my GCSEs (WJEC French Reading was impossible!!!)

    Even though i've only been registered since February 2002, i think i count as a regular as i am on here just about every day!

    I have some really good friends:
    Clare (i met on holiday last year), kept in contact with her, and she's been a great friend to me :)
    Lucy, she's a year 9 im friendly with, she's been through alot but when she remembers im here, she's a really nice person!
    Katie, she's a Y10 who loves to hug me! Don't see why though!

    About 6 months ago, i fell in love with a girl (Xana - Met her at the same time as Clare). i went out with her for bout 4 months - the best time of my life - until she dumped me for someone else.

    You can find me on Relationships and Sex (although you'll sometimes catch me on Anything Goes when im bored!).

    If you wanna know anything else about me, PM me!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am Anna, I have nice teeth, and I like Pesto.:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi everyone. I'm Carody (yes, peculiar name...) and I'm 18 and....aaaand...I have run out of things to say already ;).

    I'm a bit like Snow White in that I'm not really from anywhere, so to speak. I'm English, and Kent is where I was happiest and where I spent the longest time, but I've also lived in Australia, Belgium, South Africa, Singapore and Kuwait. I'm moving back home to the UK in August 2002 and then starting my English degree at King's College London in September. I don't know what I want to do with my life post-university - I'd love to do my MPhil at Oxford or Cambridge, but who knows if I'll feel the same way in 3 years time, or indeed if I'll even do well enough to get in ;).

    Anyway - you'll mostly find me on the Anything Goes board. Should you ever find yourself utterly bored, please feel free to check out my rather stultifying DeadJournal (there's a link in my signature). Happy Posting, my friends.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One Big Hello

    Currently known as "Brantree," this user is mainly a lurker who wanders around glancing at threads but not saying much for lack of anything interesting to add. Female and aged 18, she has lived in the North since she was three and is going even further north when she studies Arabic and French at Grey College, Durham in 2003 after a gap year in France.

    One of these days she *will* get a driving license but she enjoys moaning about the lack of buses too much to do anything.

    George Lucas, please give her a part as an extra in Ep3.

    She just posted this so she can have 1 post and get an avatar.

    Au 'voir.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Dan the Man
    I'm a Derby County supporter, but don't hold that against me

    LMAO - Hello I'm Hitler, but I'm o.k really :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello I'm Katy, I will be 20 very soon. In September I will be starting a media and journalism degree right here in Birmingham, which I hope goes better than my disasterous first attempt at uni in Cardiff. I am on here about every day (sad I know) although I just started a bar/waitressing job so have less time now.

    I like writing, getting things for free, nearly all kinds of music and most things internet related. I would like to be living in my own swanky apartment doing freelance work and having lots of pets (which I can't have now).

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well... I'm not a regular but I'm introducing myself anyway! :p
    I'm 26, portuguese and was trying to get a life. But as that hasn't worked out I decided to start posting more often instead!
    I love browsing through the Anything Goes and Sex boards but don't usually post anything because you regulars usually do it much better than I would.

    Best wishes to everyone!

    PS: If I write anything overly stupid please blame it on my bad english! :D

    Oh and I just loooove Turtle posts! :o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rititi

    Oh and I just loooove Turtle posts! :o

    See. Everyone. Look. Look look look! GODDAMMIT LOOK! Someone likes my posts. :D:D *goes a lil jig*

    Ahem. Why thank you. And be you of the sexually externallly oriented genus, or the rather more internally oriented variety?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Turtle

    And be you of the sexually externallly oriented genus, or the rather more internally oriented variety?


    Sorry but you got me confused....
    It must be all the big words! :rolleyes:
    No, seriously, what do you mean?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rititi


    Sorry but you got me confused....
    It must be all the big words! :rolleyes:
    No, seriously, what do you mean?

    It wasn't supposed to make sense. :p I was wondering if you were male or female.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If that was your question than my answer is: definitely female!:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    A female admirer. Hey, what more could I ask for? :p:D:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I aim to please!

    *blushes and looks sweet*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Am I a regular? No. But i don't want a whole thread dedicated to me because there is really not much to myself....

    I was born in Wales, but have only ever lived in Portugal and Belgium. (Prefer Portugal by far!). Now living in Belgium. Consequently, I speak a few languages and have friends all over the world, including England which I visit regularly.

    Uhh..... I like sleeping, going out with friends, causing havoc, salsa dancing and just dancing like a plonker in general, meeting new people, chatting on MSN (add me add me!), watching fine men i can't get, swimming, flirting, drinking, reading... etc etc.

    You could class me as the little git that prances around causing mayhem and slobbering all over fine men in suits.
    Any more information you will find on my Faceparty - if you can be bothered going there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What the hell i might as well do me itll kill afew minutes:rolleyes:
    16 Year old, Male Welsh bloke living in England, Thin, lacking strength:(, and weight and confidence. VERY SHORT TEMPER
    Likes: Girls, Final Fantasy stuff, TV, Goin out, Eating
    Dislikes: My mates half the time, Physics (Never hav 2 do it again)
    Miscillaneous: Attends All Boys Grammar School so must be good at something. Luckily Girls School is accross the road. Er....struggling to find a summer job (Why do i need two 30 minute intiviews for a crapp tesco job for summer?)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well i might not be have been here that long, but i certainly visit the site regularly, so i like to think that makes me a regular.
    Im Abbie, im 25 (26 in a couple of weeks) I was born in Glasgow and lived there till i was 4 but now live in Colchester Essex. Im married and have a 1 year old son. Lifes pretty hectic but probably boring to all you youngsters:p :p, but it keeps me busy and im quite a happy person . I dont have a proper paid job at the moment but am thinking of going back to college to do an access course maybe next year (as ive got fuck all qualifications except for my O levels) and then doing teacher training, well - its either that or getting a shit job down at tescos for more immediate money, its a tough choice.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I like love. Chocolate-chip cookies, hard house and Colin Farrell. Muse, Spencer from BB3, sunbathing and all the interesting souls on TheSite. I like liking people, people disliking things and bananas. Uplifting, hyperdelic trance. I like urban75.com. Watching Oxford Street from afar. Music and cheddar cheese (You know, the big cheapo plasticky lump from Sainsbury's). I like taking time over my posts, the limelight, postcards and fantasizing about heaven. Goals. Nokia handsets. Hand jobs. Cactii. Wondering if romance is dead, or has just gone home. I like it when people eat cat food by mistake, I like Lara Croft mouse mats, Hamleys, shiny new tube stations and hash pipes. The massive ones. Licking my fingers and tight skirts (not on me, on girls). I like my transvestite friends and Ewan McGregor. Movies. Requiems, dreams, and everything in between. I like the way we're all ultimately exactly the same. Moreish food. Playfights. Diaries and Yahoo! Mail. The pizza guy knocking at your door at 3am on a caned Wednesday. Orwell. Yes, George. Ben & Jerry's. Chinese babies. Cute PCs. I like Thursdays, but that's just me. I like ego-boosting friends, caring for my hair, expensive restaurants and the EuroMix Dancing Stage. The act, the stage, the zing and the snap. Greek myths, boarding school, making lists, gimps, tarts, Teachers and expandable memory. Channel 4. Chanel No 5. The number 6 and Sesame Street. The grasp of a child's fingers. Pink (the singer not the colour). People who play the guitar and Popeye. I like my lion, single beds and Tyler Durden (who was he?). I like pressing buttons, neat gadgets and Harry Potter paper towels (available from Tesco). I like lying. To myself and on the sofa. Potatoes. But not boiled. Drugs. So long as they're fun. Grins, the moon, plugs and Plug-In Baby. Pulling the plug, plugging a show and pulling. On E it's even better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: !
    Originally posted by tidycrash
    Chanel No 5.

    Dear god, I read that as "Channel No 5", and thought "no one likes channel 5!".

    Oh, and you might want to rearrange all that information so that it's actually readable, I'm sure there's some interesting stuff in there, but it's just too hard to read.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Nice Kick
    Back to the subject - my real name is Kevin, I am 25 so I think I am the oldest here :(


    I'm 32 so no you're not!!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right here we go (again....!)

    Im Em, im 16 and ive just finished my GCSES (phew...:D )

    I live in sunny ol' Brizzle but i originally come from Norfolk! I've lived here for 5 years having previously lived all over England and Germany!

    I live for my garage music! I used to sing and be part of a local DJ/MC team comprised of 2 DJs and 4 MCs...but i'l still see ya'll on TOTPS :D

    I love cars and cruising! I can't drive yet (obviously!) but when i can, and i got enough cash im gonna get a motor and mod it! :D I am the Y2k3 girl racer :p

    Thats bout it really! Oh and i apoligise again for anyone i offended before...i've learnt my lesson :p

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Following on from the above post!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: !
    Originally posted by Turtle

    Oh, and you might want to rearrange all that information so that it's actually readable, I'm sure there's some interesting stuff in there, but it's just too hard to read.

    Hi there Ninja Turtle :D,

    Making it more readable would have defeated the point.. It's supposed to be a creative writing piece! :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi I'm known as Knee High Stripy Socks on here or K.H.S.S but my real name is Heather and I've just finished my G.C.S.E's. (I'm 16) I class myself as a regular because I come on here everyday (nothing to do cos I've left school). I haven't had any fallouts with people on Thesite but there is time!

    I love kayaking (canoeing is easier to say, but you know what I mean!) and I do that most of the time. I've done lots of canoe marathon races, ranging from 4 to 14 miles, and a 26 mile relay. I've also competed in 500m sprints at the National Water Sports Centre (Pierre Holmepoint) in Nottingham, and I'm going in a couple of weeks, but it is the Nationals, so I will be racing under 16's, and most of the under 16 girls are in the national squad! I'm not because I have only started sprinting this year. :rolleyes: so I will come last!

    One of my best friends won gold and silver medals at the sprint nationals last year.

    Other than canoeing I like reading, drawing, animals and children. I babysit a lot. I've got 2 sisters and a brother, 4 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs and 2 hamsters. My hair is really long but a bugger to brush. Thats about it really. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi All !
    My name is Tony, & I think I maybe the oldest on the site. 40 going on 25, gay man.
    I'm English, living in Brussels with my wonderful 39 year old boyfriend, he is Belgian.
    Used to work in a bank in UK, until 6 years ago decided to give it all up to travel around Europe. Spent some time in Southern Spain, working on a yacht. Sailing is my favourite pastime.
    Met my man there, & came back to live with him here in Belgium.
    We plan to go back & settle in Spain A S A P !
    Been a member for only a month or 2.
    Like to browse, & post the odd reply if I get the urge. Mainly look at the Sex, Anything Goes, & Politics bits.
    Well thats all I think I will say, so hello again to everybody.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish
    Hello, I am Kentish.

    Surely a typo? ;)

    I'm 31 and a father of two. I hide in the politics forum, occasionally venturing out to say something football related, or just to take the piss.

    Been here too long...I only came for a day.

    Where the fuck is the way out?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    More irregular than regular methinks!!

    Well hello peoples!! I'm Loopi although probably don't live up to my name all that often ... well, not on here anyway. I have nothing of interest to say about myself and so I won't go on for ages and bore you all. In short ..... I'm 22, female, and have just completed (and passed) my degree at the University of Dundee. I've been away from the site for the last month but I'm sure that I will make up for it with countless pointless posts over the next few weeks now that I have a computer again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello People...

    My life, lets see-> 18 years old, I was born in Tottenham on feb 13th 1984... Went to school just behind the Tottenham ground and when I was 13 I moved to another area. I've lived in Harlow which is in Essex, Kensington and Maida Vale where I am now and plan on staying for a while.

    Currently working in a law firm in the city whilst studying 3 A-levels part time at a nearby college. Will hopefully get a degree of some sort in a few years and hopefully work in my companies offices in Madrid for a while...

    I support Tottenham and have a beautiful girlfriend called Suzanne who is almost 20, thats my life so far with a few deletions :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Dan_London
    Hello People...

    My life, lets see-> 18 years old, I was born in Tottenham on feb 13th 1984... Went to school just behind the Tottenham ground and when I was 13 I moved to another area. I've lived in Harlow which is in Essex, Kensington and Maida Vale where I am now and plan on staying for a while.

    Currently working in a law firm in the city whilst studying 3 A-levels part time at a nearby college. Will hopefully get a degree of some sort in a few years and hopefully work in my companies offices in Madrid for a while...

    I support Tottenham and have a beautiful girlfriend called Suzanne who is almost 20, thats my life so far with a few deletions :D

    Welcome to TheSite, Mr High-Flyer and fellow Londoner!

    (PS I went to college in Maida Vale)

    Have fun!

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