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worried about the future

Community Champion Posts: 1,292
Wise Owl

to make this make sense i guess, here’s some background info:
sooo basically my absolute dream was to be cabin crew for many years - i literally always wanted to work for easyjet - after my gcses, i went to college and studied cabin crew and ground operations then got my first job working in the airport, albeit hospitality, but it was in the airport - i turned 18, i was grateful my birthday falls when airlines do their recruitment usually, i applied for multiple airlines and got interviews for all of them and then after the assessment centre / interviews, i was offered jobs with easyjet, aer lingus, british airways and virgin atlantic - at 18 being offered the job i dreamed of, it felt surreal! i accepted the job with easyjet and was meant to start on 21st june 2022, however, i cannot pass the medical exam currently so was then unable to actually start the training and was devastated to say the least:( but i then left my job in airport hospitality and then worked for a ground handling agent which i absolutely loved, though i left that job nearly a year ago now.

in 2021, i experienced first hand the impact that a youth worker can have on someone - i still think of those youth workers i had then every single day. since then, i changed my mind completely on what i wanted to do, while trying to force myself to want to do my original dream job - i finally accepted the fact that cabin crew wasn’t what i wanted anymore in in february 2023, and have been really interested in youth work since then. in the last few months i have now also considered social work, psychology & mental health nursing too, but i keep going back to youth work in the end and im not sure either about if im smart enough for things like psychology lol as to do psychology at uni i need D* D* D* (i do level 3 btec by the way) sooo im a tad screwed because exams pull my grades down as i am so bad at coping in exams - in my two mock exams this year i got a merit in both of them although my coursework all year so far has been distinctions.

i went back to college in september 2024, started working towards my ocn level 2 youth work qualification too with the organisation that has genuinely saved me, had a voluntary role in a primary school which i loved, volunteer with a helpline which is amazing & starting a super part time role working with young people soon, however, i also start another part time job back in the airport and im really worried im going to go back to the airport and just drop out of college and give up on it all - my new job is working alongside the team i previously worked with, so i know most people working there already and i know from experience, working in the airport during a chaotic summer, as exhausting as it is, its incredible so i am actually really scared im going to go back to the airport and just decide to stick to what im comfy with in life i guess? though for a part of the ocn level 2 youth work, you have to design and deliver a youth session and i actually really enjoyed the whole designing aspect of it and even the delivering part, which is really out of my comfort zone, i enjoyed that too so im hoping that will maybe keep me on track i suppose?

basically im just worried that im gonna fall outta love with what ive spent the last 6 months working towards and genuinely have put so so much into coursework and revision.

thank you for reading <3


  • TheNightmareTheNightmare
    Posts: 3,380
    Boards Guru
    Hey @shannon_164 , I can sense how much you’ve been through and how much you care about what you’re working towards. It’s completely normal to worry about your future, and I’ve definitely been there too. I think everyone does at some point, but some of us just worry more or for longer. I remember when we first started talking, you sounded like you’ve done so much already, and it’s clear that you’ve got a lot of potential. The fact that you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone with things like designing and delivering a youth session shows a lot of strength, and it’s amazing that you enjoyed it. You’re ambitious, and I believe you’ll do well just keep going and trust that all the hard work you’re putting in will pay off.
  • AzzimanAzziman
    Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,218
    Boards Champion
    Hey @shannon_164, thank you for sharing this with us. It's brilliant that you've found a couple of career options that you really like, and through your hard work, you were able to secure a role in the industry you wanted to work in, as well as working on the youth work qualification too!

    Though, it now sounds like you're caught between the two paths - which to take? It's a tricky one. It's not uncommon for people to switch career paths in their lives, though the key there is giving each path enough time for proper training and time in the field. You can absolutely do that too - you're not making a commitment to one career for life by any means. The key question to ask yourself is, what one path do you want to commit to right now?

    If you're training for the youth work role right now and that's the direction you want to go for, then making a mental commitment to it is important. It doesn't mean you have to quit your role at the airport now, but keeping it clear in your mind which one is the priority is helpful. That way, you can enjoy the airport role you're doing now, without worrying about the dilemma of choosing between the two (it's one less decision to have to think about each day).

    How do you feel about making that choice? We're here to listen to you <3
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  • Sian321Sian321
    Community Manager Posts: 607
    Incredible Poster
    edited March 7
    Hey @shannon_164 ], thank you so much for this post and for letting us into what's been happening for you lately <3 It feels like a real honour to get to read more about what your journey has been like since first getting those job offers when you were 18. I'm really struck by the courage that it can take to listen honestly to yourself and to accept that the path you had always envisioned for yourself and always dreamed of might not be what you desire any longer. I can imagine that might have felt like a really vulnerable point of recognition, and it feels so clear that you have been working incredibly hard towards your passion of youth work, mental health, and psychology since 2023, starting your youth work qualification in Sept 2024.

    I totally hear what you're saying about how a part of you is afraid that when you do begin your new role in the airport (what date are you due to begin?), you might find the role so comfortable and familiar, and your old teammates so nice to be around, that you might lose the drive and ambition you feel right now as you work towards a career in youth work. Have I got that right? I hear you, and it sounds like you're being really self-aware in this and are wanting to ensure that you honour all the work that you've put in since 2023 to be working towards this new goal which truly does fulfil and excite you.

    I wonder if it might help perhaps to write a letter to yourself from the perspective of where you are now - before starting back at the airport again. In the letter, you could list out all the reasons why youth work is something you're passionate about, or create a vision board for the career you'd like to build in the world of mental health. And then this could be something you could look back on as an 'anchor' in the future if ever you're at the airport and starting to consider leaving youth work behind? Maybe even putting some sticky notes up around your bedroom with prompts to remind you just how much you care about youth work and how much you'd like to stay focused on this goal? Or sticky notes listing all the things you're excited about in your youth work qualification coming up, e.g. like designing and delivering the youth session! (That sounds so, so cool!)

    At the same time, what I'm hearing from your journey here is that time and time again you have listened into yourself with honesty and courage and dared to follow the ambitions and dreams that are arising for you at each chapter in your life. And that feels really powerful - that abilty to look inwards and ask yourself, is this really making me happy? What would I dream of it I knew the sky was the limit? What do I really want for myself next? And asking these very same questions to yourself over these next few months as you begin work at the airport again will be a really great way to continue steering yourself towards your goals. It sounds like both youth work and aviation are two fields that are/have been really important to you, and it feels beautiful that you're finding ways to honour both parts of yourself in this.

    How are you feeling currently about this dilemma, and I wonder when you're due to start back at the airport? We'll all be here as Community to listen along the way!
  • shannon_164shannon_164
    Community Champion Posts: 1,292
    Wise Owl
    hey @TheNightmare 🙂

    thank you so much for your reply, i really appreciate it <3
  • shannon_164shannon_164
    Community Champion Posts: 1,292
    Wise Owl
    hey @Azziman 🙂

    thank you so much for your reply, i really appreciate it!

    i am so stuck with what i actually want to do, mainly because at one point, i didn’t even expect to have a future…

    i think at the moment, i need to sort my own life out first before going any further with youth work or something along those lines however, on the college course i’m doing i have to do 100 hours of placement and i don’t want the stress of college, working, placement & volunteering (which i definitely don’t want to give up), and anyways, the airport definitely won’t work with doing college & placement come september as they aren’t in any way flexible which is frustrating - for example, monday & tuesday i am working 3am starts then finish at 8am and straight to college for classes:/

    i am really trying but i just feel like no matter what, i end up feeling worse than ever.
  • shannon_164shannon_164
    Community Champion Posts: 1,292
    Wise Owl
    hey @Sian321 🙂

    thank you for your reply, i really appreciate it <3

    i started my training on monday of this week then have my first shift tomorrow, bright and early at 3am lol

    that’s right yeah - im really worried ill just give up with everything else and be stuck in a job that i don’t necessarily hate, but wishing i could’ve done what i wanted, that being youth work.

    i’m not even sure how i feel about it all:/ at training i was kinda like “this definitely isn’t for me” on the first day and partly the second day too, but then on day 4 when we went over to the airport, getting to see some of the people i previously worked with and being in a place i know, it felt so much better? though now my first shift is tomorrow, im really anxious about it - i don’t even know what im anxious about as i already know everyone that i will work with apart from about 5 people as well as a lot of other staff in the airport in other jobs, as well as the layout of the building, the actual job role itself from parlay doing it in my previous job and working directly with the company i now work for as i worked for the ground handling agent that checks in / boards / meets / dispatches their flights so i am in a good position in terms of familiarity but yeah, i still feel so anxious:/
  • Sian321Sian321
    Community Manager Posts: 607
    Incredible Poster
    Hey @shannon_164 , that feels so valid! Starting in a new role can feel really, really daunting - even if you're returning to familiar faces, job remit, and the building itself too. There is still a lot of newness and uncertainty about how the role is going to feel when you're in it, whether you'll enjoy it, and what it will mean for your future in youth work. That's a lot of uncertainity and questions to be holding right now, on top of a really demanding work-load already <3 We hear you.

    What is your day looking like today? Is there anything you'd ideally like to do before your first shift tomorrow to help you feel more prepared or reassured, or perhaps something lovely and comforting that feels self-caring?

    No matter what happens during your first week and what kind of feelings this new role brings up for you, we're here as a Community to explore them with you.

    I hope you can allow yourself to feel whatever comes up - no feeling is wrong. Whether it's anxiety, or you start thinking, 'oh maybe this isn't for me', or 'ooo, I really like this!'.

    I know when I'm really nervous for something it helps me to think about something practical I might like to do AFTER the thing itself, to almost help reassure me that I will get to the other side! What might you like to do after your first day's work? What would be a nice way to relax and treat yourself? <3

    We're rooting for you, Shannon!
  • shannon_164shannon_164
    Community Champion Posts: 1,292
    Wise Owl
    hey @Sian321 🙂

    i am planning on going to bed for 5pm as i need to get up at 1am so i made a to do list for today - so far i have started getting my washing done, tidied and hoovered my room and sorted my cats stuff out. i am currently doing a face mask then going to get in the shower then afterwards i am just going to put my washing away, put fresh bedding on my bed, organise clothes for tomorrow then sort my bag for both work and then college too. i want to have everything done by 3pm so then i can go for a walk before going to bed as the weather is so so lovely today!!

    as for after work tomorrow, i am gonna be driving straight to college (and probably sitting it a LOT of traffic😩) then at college until 12pm at least, idk what time im having a meeting with a class tutor at though so potentially after 12pm then just home and organise everything for tuesday as im back in work again at 3am, then college straight after again until meant to be 3:30pm but i need to leave around 2:15pm as i have an appointment at 3pm that lasts til usually 4/4:15pm then i will hit all the traffic on the way home so wont be home till like 5:15/5:30pm ughhh then not in college again until 1pm the next day thankfully, but i need to go in earlier so i can go to the library and get caught up with coursework as im so so far behind:(

    i am so so exhausted before the week has even started…
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare
    Posts: 3,380
    Boards Guru
    hey @TheNightmare 🙂

    thank you so much for your reply, i really appreciate it <3

    No problem ❤️
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