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(TW: SH) GP appointment: confused by it

Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
edited February 14 in Health & Wellbeing
Today I decided i would contact my GP surgery to look at booking an appointment with my Primary physician, I decided today because I was working in a nursery and knew I wouldn't be able to answer my phone if the rang - which they did. Oops.

I filled out their online form about what I was experiencing, how long for and any like concerning factors (SH or SI thoughts/actions/intent) etc. So i did that and at the end I made a comment of how I feel like I hide this too much and and worried about various things: medication change or increase, other treatment options and Camp America. Also that i have previously been referred to CMHT but couldn't get any further treatment from them 😒

Because I missed the call, they left a text message for me to book the appointment online as "routine" meaning my appointment would be anywhere from 5-7 weeks away. However I don't understand this as on my NHS app my form has been triaged as "Emergency" but yet they are getting me to book and appointment in 5 weeks time.

Im so confused by all this and now i don't know if I want to follow through with the actual appointment 😩.
Like is it an "Emergency" - what classes it as an emergency? Or is it more "Routine". Ive never had this issue and usually get an appointment the following day 🤷🏽‍♀️

Maybe ill just give up and leave it and wait to see if they phone me again or email/text me about booking in.
Post edited by Sian321 on


  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    On a different note
    When I saw the eating disorder physical health nurse yesterday and she was my SH - we had a conversation about my safety and my thoughts as well as when my therapy is (even though ive finished that now)
    She was concerned that I'd basically been dropped by all around me and given no follow up or support etc since the end of my therapy. Because all all that i disclosed to her she was looking at bring my case back up with the team to see where my referral is to CEDT and was looking into getting someone to do weekly wellbeing checks whilst I wait for this.

    The only reason I mention this is because im worried she may have Emailed my GP raising concerns about my SH mainly and what if that's what's made my appointment an "Emergency?

    I also worried that she going to ask me lots of questions again when I next see her as she's booked me in for another appointment but also what if she bring in someone else?
    Maybe i just won't go to the appointment and say I can't make it - it's only really for blood test again with potential physical health tests (BP, HR, Wt, and O2 sats) as well - I can miss that right? It's not that important anymore? Basically "cured" from my Eating Disorder
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    An update on this 😩

    I just tried to book my appointment online but it wouldn't allow me to and now they want me to phone them to book the appointment 😩 i don't want to phone them now, although it might mean I get seen quicker but don't know if I want that either now 😔

    I also emailed the ED physical health nurse back and have an appointment next week with her - i was tempted not to email her but she contacted me again just to find out the best time and day.

    Camp America also emailed me and said they need a GP letter stating that im fit and healthy to work in america and there are no reasons for me not to be eligible to work in the US - they are just frustrating me at this point

    I fucking hate everything right now, all these appointment's stop me from picking up so many opportunities to work as a TA supply as have to book the whole day off 😒. Then the whole thing with the ED nurse is annoying and then camp America is stressing me out 😩

    Can I rewind time and not develop these issues.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    I managed to beat my anxiety and phone my gp practice about my appointment - I have one scheduled for 3 weeks time which is better than the inital 5 weeks is guess. However it's not with my primary GP it's with one that ive seen twice and they basically dismissed all what I was saying. Now I really don't want to go and might cancel it.
    Currently just crying because I feel too overwhelmed by everything right now 😢

    Worst of all things have happened at home and I feel even more shit about my life and all that im going through 😞
  • shannon_164shannon_164 Community Champion Posts: 1,032 Wise Owl
    @Lottie5433 always here for you if you need someone🫶🏻

    i really do hear how difficult everything is for you but you’re doing so so well im so proud of you!!! also well done for beating the anxiety and phong the gp - i know how hard that is to do, it’s amazing that you done that - i hope you’re proud of yourself🩷
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Thank you so much @shannon_164 ❤️

    It jsut been so difficult working out how they are viewing my case and what they think about what I initally said 😔
    Phoning them was so anxiety provoking as I opted for a call back when I reach position 1 in the queue, so nerves-wrecking waiting for the call. But I am proud for doing it and beating that anxiety.

    Hope your okay @shannon_164 🫂
    Always here for you too if you need anyone
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Hey @Lottie5433 , ive just read through all your messages and can imagine how difficult, confusing this situation is all for. I also however bear the courage you've shown in fighting to get support for yourself despite you havibg the thoughts to not do anything, not phone up for an app, not go to app etc... this isn't hard to do and lots woukdve guven up so well done!

    Did you attend your app with the nurse? I know you sat your worried byt it seems as if she's really genuinely concerned about you and wants to make sure your getting the support you need- take it! When you've got someone lije that it majes things feel easier.
    I hear your worry in beibg dismissed and concerned this could happen again as your seeing that GP rather than yirr GP.
    I'm asking have you built a relationship with your GP? Would you prefer to see your GP? You are entitled to and wherefore:
    - cab you speak to the nurse, explain the situation and say you want to speak to your GP, she might be able to do something for you.
    - can you phone up and ask you want to speak to yoyr GP take that app and if you want keep the current appt, see hoe it goes and if not youve got appt with yours as a back up.

    My gp is so supportive but its taken a while for me to get there. I had very similar issues not being taken seriously, struggle to get apo with her etc and now she's lovely and just gets me. When I saw the other doc few times he will see me and if he felt like I was holding back or I requested he booked me in himself with her for like the next day.

    Please keep going and reaching out for the support you deserve. Were hear for you.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Thank you @Invisible_me 💕

    It is a rather confusing and difficult situation to manage ans surprised I am even doing this.

    I attended my appointment on Wednesday with the ED health nurse and I'm booked in again this coming Wednesday - anxious about it coz it's in the same place I had therpy and at the same time (do im likely to cross paths with my old therapist - rather not do that). She has since phoned me and emailed me to just check in with how I am and has been getting CMHT crisis team to ring me as well just to ensure I'm safe and can use my safety plan and that I don't require urgent support from them etc.

    I am slightly concerned the GP [dr M] I'm seeing isn't going to be helpful be dismissive but maybe I can give them a change as it is booked for a 15 min appt so maybe that's a passive that they are going to help me 🤷🏽‍♀️.
    I have built up a relationship with my primary GP [Dr S], he's been amazing at getting me support and referring me to other when he feels unable to support me - i would prefer to see him but maybe this Dr M (although previously dismissive) will give a fresh pair of eyes ro the situation 🤷🏽‍♀️.
    Idk if the nurse could do anything coz she's not attached to the surgery at all the only communications she tends to have with them is to issue prescription meds, ask for my latest results or ask them to complete some testing. So not sure she could even help the situation (but no harm mentioning it tk her.
    This issue with phoning up for an appointment with Dr S is that he's probs not available due to being duty dr and oncall dr, probs would require waiting longer for it - yes I would have it as a back up with if the appt with Dr M doesnt go well, but don't want to repeat anythjng it's a struggle getting it out in the first place 😔.
    My gp is so supportive but its taken a while for me to get there. I had very similar issues not being taken seriously, struggle to get apo with her etc and now she's lovely and just gets me.
    I totally get this Dr S gets me and has taken me some time to trust the system again and trust professionals.
    When I saw the other doc few times he will see me and if he felt like I was holding back or I requested he booked me in himself with her for like the next day.
    I wish my surgery operated like that but only receptions can book with other GPs, and when you see someone they can only book you in to see them again they can see other GPs appointment scheduled 😩

    Thank you for the message 💕 idk what i would do without this community
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Thank you @Invisible_me 💕

    It is a rather confusing and difficult situation to manage ans surprised I am even doing this.

    I attended my appointment on Wednesday with the ED health nurse and I'm booked in again this coming Wednesday - anxious about it coz it's in the same place I had therpy and at the same time (do im likely to cross paths with my old therapist - rather not do that). She has since phoned me and emailed me to just check in with how I am and has been getting CMHT crisis team to ring me as well just to ensure I'm safe and can use my safety plan and that I don't require urgent support from them etc.

    I am slightly concerned the GP [dr M] I'm seeing isn't going to be helpful be dismissive but maybe I can give them a change as it is booked for a 15 min appt so maybe that's a passive that they are going to help me 🤷🏽‍♀️.
    I have built up a relationship with my primary GP [Dr S], he's been amazing at getting me support and referring me to other when he feels unable to support me - i would prefer to see him but maybe this Dr M (although previously dismissive) will give a fresh pair of eyes ro the situation 🤷🏽‍♀️.
    Idk if the nurse could do anything coz she's not attached to the surgery at all the only communications she tends to have with them is to issue prescription meds, ask for my latest results or ask them to complete some testing. So not sure she could even help the situation (but no harm mentioning it tk her.
    This issue with phoning up for an appointment with Dr S is that he's probs not available due to being duty dr and oncall dr, probs would require waiting longer for it - yes I would have it as a back up with if the appt with Dr M doesnt go well, but don't want to repeat anythjng it's a struggle getting it out in the first place 😔.
    My gp is so supportive but its taken a while for me to get there. I had very similar issues not being taken seriously, struggle to get apo with her etc and now she's lovely and just gets me.
    I totally get this Dr S gets me and has taken me some time to trust the system again and trust professionals.
    When I saw the other doc few times he will see me and if he felt like I was holding back or I requested he booked me in himself with her for like the next day.
    I wish my surgery operated like that but only receptions can book with other GPs, and when you see someone they can only book you in to see them again they can see other GPs appointment scheduled 😩

    Thank you for the message 💕 idk what i would do without this community

    Well uts positive you are.. so well done..
    That's good she's checking in on you ans that! Hope you find that helpful. Don't worry too much about crossing paths with old therapist they may not be there or be in their room so you may not see them. If you feel it's triggering or anything let her know. Oh okay she's not directly linked. Still thoigh you can mention it see what she says. They might be something she can do, make a nimote for you etc..

    That's good your willing to give dr M a chance. Maybe see how they are see how ut goes sometimes a new dr can be a fresh lair of eyes. If it helps write things down and give it to them, I always do that with my dr and now she expects it from me. It's good you have a relation with dr s. You say his duty dr etc so may not do appts. If you fmdo feel you need to talk to him and sounds like his been very supportive perhaps explain the situation to receptionust and say you would like to speak to him. They ca always pass the message on and ask him to see you call you. My dr also doesn't see patients anymore but she continues to see me so it might be a possibility. Uts but of a pain but a note is now made on my system.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Im so annoyed with this now.

    Just had a phone call from my GP practice cancelling my appointment as the Dr M that I was seeing isn't in that day - why book me in to see them then?

    Now I am booked to see a completely new Dr that ive not seen before - Dr D. Im still nervous about going an anxious but im hoping seen as ive not seen them they may have a diffent perspective an view of my situation and offer better help maybe.
    I'm scared to open up fully about my SH and SI mainly because its someone new - yes it's on my record and form but it still feels a bit uncomfortable.

    In a way I still don't really want to go because I dont feel like im going to be heard completely and they are just going to address one issue and avoid the rest. Im just holding out till the day.
    Ive been making notes of things to bring up incase I shutdown when im there.
    The main thing I'm looking at it to get new medication to try because the one I'm on and have been for a while dont seem to do much anymore (^as mentioned in the previous post/comments^)

    🤞🏻I can maintain hopeful for this appointment and continue to fight this long tiring battle
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,574 Master Poster
    so proud of you lottie <3 keep going i rly hope they listen to you bc you deserve to be listened to. <3
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Im so annoyed with this now.

    Just had a phone call from my GP practice cancelling my appointment as the Dr M that I was seeing isn't in that day - why book me in to see them then?

    Now I am booked to see a completely new Dr that ive not seen before - Dr D. Im still nervous about going an anxious but im hoping seen as ive not seen them they may have a diffent perspective an view of my situation and offer better help maybe.
    I'm scared to open up fully about my SH and SI mainly because its someone new - yes it's on my record and form but it still feels a bit uncomfortable.

    In a way I still don't really want to go because I dont feel like im going to be heard completely and they are just going to address one issue and avoid the rest. Im just holding out till the day.
    Ive been making notes of things to bring up incase I shutdown when im there.
    The main thing I'm looking at it to get new medication to try because the one I'm on and have been for a while dont seem to do much anymore (^as mentioned in the previous post/comments^)

    🤞🏻I can maintain hopeful for this appointment and continue to fight this long tiring battle

    Hey... ohh that's fustrating and only adds to your anxiety that you already had.
    Sometimes these changes can happen, doc may have booked leave for that day since then etc.. but atleast theyvr contacted you before hand and booked you in. Some don't bother letting you know and you end up turning up to see someone different or just send you a text and ask you to rebook self.
    I appreciate the anxiety of seeing someone else, as you said though it may be a case that a fresh pair of eyes can do good and you're going in with a purpose of new meds/treatment? Are you receiving counselling of some sort? Some docs depending on your age may say to have counselling alongside meds so useful bearing that mind just incase.
    Sharing your self harm and suicidal thoughts can require a lot of courage and even if it is on your notes it's still hard and scary to re bring it up. Exactly same here if I was yo see another doc I would be scared to mention it in fact forget mentioning sh and si I wont even let them weigh me.
    Write ut down. You can ask the doc to read your past noted (they should already do this but...) if that helps, that way you knkw they already know.
    Remember if worse comes to the worse and so you knkw at the bavk of your head yoyve got the option of asking to see Dr S and they should respect this.
    When is your appt? I hope this goes well.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    eylah wrote: »
    so proud of you lottie <3 keep going i rly hope they listen to you bc you deserve to be listened to. <3

    Thank you @eylah ❤️ I do hope they losteb to me this time round 🤞🏻
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,574 Master Poster
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    eylah wrote: »
    so proud of you lottie <3 keep going i rly hope they listen to you bc you deserve to be listened to. <3

    Thank you @eylah ❤️ I do hope they losteb to me this time round 🤞🏻

    im praying they listen to you bc you deserve to be listened to and helped by ppl <3
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Im so annoyed with this now.

    Just had a phone call from my GP practice cancelling my appointment as the Dr M that I was seeing isn't in that day - why book me in to see them then?

    Now I am booked to see a completely new Dr that ive not seen before - Dr D. Im still nervous about going an anxious but im hoping seen as ive not seen them they may have a diffent perspective an view of my situation and offer better help maybe.
    I'm scared to open up fully about my SH and SI mainly because its someone new - yes it's on my record and form but it still feels a bit uncomfortable.

    In a way I still don't really want to go because I dont feel like im going to be heard completely and they are just going to address one issue and avoid the rest. Im just holding out till the day.
    Ive been making notes of things to bring up incase I shutdown when im there.
    The main thing I'm looking at it to get new medication to try because the one I'm on and have been for a while dont seem to do much anymore (^as mentioned in the previous post/comments^)

    🤞🏻I can maintain hopeful for this appointment and continue to fight this long tiring battle

    Hey... ohh that's fustrating and only adds to your anxiety that you already had.
    Sometimes these changes can happen, doc may have booked leave for that day since then etc.. but atleast theyvr contacted you before hand and booked you in. Some don't bother letting you know and you end up turning up to see someone different or just send you a text and ask you to rebook self.
    I appreciate the anxiety of seeing someone else, as you said though it may be a case that a fresh pair of eyes can do good and you're going in with a purpose of new meds/treatment? Are you receiving counselling of some sort? Some docs depending on your age may say to have counselling alongside meds so useful bearing that mind just incase.
    Sharing your self harm and suicidal thoughts can require a lot of courage and even if it is on your notes it's still hard and scary to re bring it up. Exactly same here if I was yo see another doc I would be scared to mention it in fact forget mentioning sh and si I wont even let them weigh me.
    Write ut down. You can ask the doc to read your past noted (they should already do this but...) if that helps, that way you knkw they already know.
    Remember if worse comes to the worse and so you knkw at the bavk of your head yoyve got the option of asking to see Dr S and they should respect this.
    When is your appt? I hope this goes well.

    Thank you @Invisible_me ❤️ I am glad they contact me now instead of later on.
    Im hoping Dr D will bring a new perspective and consider the change in medication - as that is kind of what im looking for with this appointment.
    Im not recieveing any sort of counselling or therapy anymore - although the ED health nurse is chasing up my referral to CEDT and whether on not they will take me on now. There is a potential that they will suggest therapy/counselling alongside the meds as in not 100% sure if they can prescribe the meds that I was looking at, but at that point it is something CEDT can do all going well with the referral - so I am bearing that in mind currently.
    I have been writing down how I feel and what im struggling with mainly - usually my GP is good at reading my notes if not i will remind them to do this so I dont have to repeat alot. 🤞🏻they don't have the focus towards my ED which it has been the last couple of times I've seen them.
    My appointment is February 10th now so only about 2 weeks to wait which is better than 5 weeks. If this doesn't go to plan I will try and get an appointment or phone call with Dr S.
    Thank you again for you kind words ❤️
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Im so annoyed with this now.

    Just had a phone call from my GP practice cancelling my appointment as the Dr M that I was seeing isn't in that day - why book me in to see them then?

    Now I am booked to see a completely new Dr that ive not seen before - Dr D. Im still nervous about going an anxious but im hoping seen as ive not seen them they may have a diffent perspective an view of my situation and offer better help maybe.
    I'm scared to open up fully about my SH and SI mainly because its someone new - yes it's on my record and form but it still feels a bit uncomfortable.

    In a way I still don't really want to go because I dont feel like im going to be heard completely and they are just going to address one issue and avoid the rest. Im just holding out till the day.
    Ive been making notes of things to bring up incase I shutdown when im there.
    The main thing I'm looking at it to get new medication to try because the one I'm on and have been for a while dont seem to do much anymore (^as mentioned in the previous post/comments^)

    🤞🏻I can maintain hopeful for this appointment and continue to fight this long tiring battle

    Hey... ohh that's fustrating and only adds to your anxiety that you already had.
    Sometimes these changes can happen, doc may have booked leave for that day since then etc.. but atleast theyvr contacted you before hand and booked you in. Some don't bother letting you know and you end up turning up to see someone different or just send you a text and ask you to rebook self.
    I appreciate the anxiety of seeing someone else, as you said though it may be a case that a fresh pair of eyes can do good and you're going in with a purpose of new meds/treatment? Are you receiving counselling of some sort? Some docs depending on your age may say to have counselling alongside meds so useful bearing that mind just incase.
    Sharing your self harm and suicidal thoughts can require a lot of courage and even if it is on your notes it's still hard and scary to re bring it up. Exactly same here if I was yo see another doc I would be scared to mention it in fact forget mentioning sh and si I wont even let them weigh me.
    Write ut down. You can ask the doc to read your past noted (they should already do this but...) if that helps, that way you knkw they already know.
    Remember if worse comes to the worse and so you knkw at the bavk of your head yoyve got the option of asking to see Dr S and they should respect this.
    When is your appt? I hope this goes well.

    Thank you @Invisible_me ❤️ I am glad they contact me now instead of later on.
    Im hoping Dr D will bring a new perspective and consider the change in medication - as that is kind of what im looking for with this appointment.
    Im not recieveing any sort of counselling or therapy anymore - although the ED health nurse is chasing up my referral to CEDT and whether on not they will take me on now. There is a potential that they will suggest therapy/counselling alongside the meds as in not 100% sure if they can prescribe the meds that I was looking at, but at that point it is something CEDT can do all going well with the referral - so I am bearing that in mind currently.
    I have been writing down how I feel and what im struggling with mainly - usually my GP is good at reading my notes if not i will remind them to do this so I dont have to repeat alot. 🤞🏻they don't have the focus towards my ED which it has been the last couple of times I've seen them.
    My appointment is February 10th now so only about 2 weeks to wait which is better than 5 weeks. If this doesn't go to plan I will try and get an appointment or phone call with Dr S.
    Thank you again for you kind words ❤️

    It seems like you have a mental plan of what to do.. yes go for it, see how it goes with Dr D (your braver than me honestly, I wont see anyone else and if ny doc ever leaves I haven't got a clue what I'll do??l).. prepare before hand, write things down and see how it goes. Try not over think it.
    Not to long away then, shorter wait than before.
    That's good then the nurse is chasing up the referral. Again this is something you can speak to Dr D about.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Thank you again @Invisible_me 💛
    I dont really want to see Dr D but I know if i want things sorted soon I have to go through with it and cant wait for Dr S to become available.
    I'll try not to overthink it - that's when I usually shut down anyway so 🤞🏻 i can stay out my thoughts for those 15 minutes at rhe appointment.
    Idk if i can speak to Dr D about the referral as its currently in limbo with CMHT as it was denied but was told once I finish ED therapy then they would look at the referral again - i might just ask Dr D about it though
  • shannon_164shannon_164 Community Champion Posts: 1,032 Wise Owl
    @Lottie5433 just hopping in to say i’m so proud of you for continuing keeping going with this when it seems like a really challenging time for you - i know how frustrating it can be with doctors etc and it’s really unfair! i hope everything works out for you, always here for you🩷
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Thank you again @Invisible_me 💛
    I dont really want to see Dr D but I know if i want things sorted soon I have to go through with it and cant wait for Dr S to become available.
    I'll try not to overthink it - that's when I usually shut down anyway so 🤞🏻 i can stay out my thoughts for those 15 minutes at rhe appointment.
    Idk if i can speak to Dr D about the referral as its currently in limbo with CMHT as it was denied but was told once I finish ED therapy then they would look at the referral again - i might just ask Dr D about it though

    You are being quite commendable! As said, in a way better than me.
    I think see how you go with Dr D and take it from.there. As an option, you can call receptionust and explain to them that you would like to see and speak to Dr S and tha you don't feel comfortable speaking to anyone else, see what they say they may be able to book you in with him and it do yoy can decide whether to go with Dr d or wait and see Dr S.
    You can still mention it they can advice and or just tell you what's going on.
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Just another quick update from me on this,
    So im even more confused with my appointment as Dr S made a comment on my record to say "needs tci rev gp f2f" so now idk if im gonna get another appointment with the GP i actually want to see.

    But also for the time being im still going to be under the eating disorder team and be seeing them for physical health monitoring mainly.
    The health nurse I've been seeing as been amazing, she has chased my referral to CEDT which has been left with both team admins to see what's happening but in the mean time my old therapist has agreed to provide wellbeing calls whilst i await the referral/assessment. Im not sure how i feel about it coz i feel like im gonna lie and say things are fine even when things aren't okay - coz i don't want them to get concerned and put a safeguarding thing in as that's what they've done in the past. I also hope they don't focus on the whole eating disorder and actually focus on my overall wellbeing

    But I guess time will tell with these.

    Also dont need to see the health nurse again till the 12th so I have like 2 appointmments that week which will be "fun"
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Just another quick update from me on this,
    So im even more confused with my appointment as Dr S made a comment on my record to say "needs tci rev gp f2f" so now idk if im gonna get another appointment with the GP i actually want to see.

    But also for the time being im still going to be under the eating disorder team and be seeing them for physical health monitoring mainly.
    The health nurse I've been seeing as been amazing, she has chased my referral to CEDT which has been left with both team admins to see what's happening but in the mean time my old therapist has agreed to provide wellbeing calls whilst i await the referral/assessment. Im not sure how i feel about it coz i feel like im gonna lie and say things are fine even when things aren't okay - coz i don't want them to get concerned and put a safeguarding thing in as that's what they've done in the past. I also hope they don't focus on the whole eating disorder and actually focus on my overall wellbeing

    But I guess time will tell with these.

    Also dont need to see the health nurse again till the 12th so I have like 2 appointmments that week which will be "fun"


    I.m not too sure what TCI means. But im presuming this means to have something review with a gp face to face.. because his put it on the system.doesnt neccerdarily mean with him just means that he has noticed it and put a note on the system. Nor do I think this will affect your current appt. However, I would phone up to confirm and at the same ask if you can speak to Dr S seeing that his made the note and you feel comfortable. If the doc I'd understanding of you and your needs I'm sure he won't mind!

    That's good she's chased it up.

    I understand you fear of safeguarding being put in place if you be honest but they are aware of your needs, history. Maybe gage it., open up slowely. I know the default askwer is im okay... change it to " things are still difficult but im trying"... the more they know the more they support.
  • Sian321Sian321 Community Manager Posts: 515 Incredible Poster
    Hey @Lottie5433 ], thank you for keeping us posted <3 I just wanted to check in to ask how you're feeling today? It sounds like this has been such a draining process trying to get the appointments and support that you need, and advocating for yourself like this whilst you're also struggling takes so much stregnth.
    But also for the time being im still going to be under the eating disorder team and be seeing them for physical health monitoring mainly.

    This sounds like a shift, Lottie! How are you feeling about being under that team?
    The health nurse I've been seeing as been amazing, she has chased my referral to CEDT which has been left with both team admins to see what's happening but in the mean time my old therapist has agreed to provide wellbeing calls whilst i await the referral/assessment.

    This is also so wonderful to hear! <3 I'm really glad that you have someone in your corner like this and that your nurse has been so amazing. I can imagine that's a relief, and great also to still have contact with your old therapist.

    You mentioned that a part of you wants to hold back on sharing about just how much you're struggling now because you're afraid that safeguarding might get involved again. I hear you, and I can see just how daunting that feels esspecially when things are already overwhelming and you don't want to feel like you're losing any control over your situation. I wonder if you'd feel able to share that dilemma with your nurse or therapist? E.g. to let them know you feel conflicted because there are things you really do want to share with them, but you're scared about what will happen if you do? Maybe sharing that dilemma could be a helpful middle ground where you're still able to let them in, but you're also going at a pace that feels right now you?

    Sending stregnth, Lottie, and keep us posted <3

    You deserve to be treated with kindness and care!
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster

    I.m not too sure what TCI means. But im presuming this means to have something review with a gp face to face.. because his put it on the system.doesnt neccerdarily mean with him just means that he has noticed it and put a note on the system. Nor do I think this will affect your current appt. However, I would phone up to confirm and at the same ask if you can speak to Dr S seeing that his made the note and you feel comfortable. If the doc I'd understanding of you and your needs I'm sure he won't mind!

    That's good she's chased it up.

    I understand you fear of safeguarding being put in place if you be honest but they are aware of your needs, history. Maybe gage it., open up slowely. I know the default askwer is im okay... change it to " things are still difficult but im trying"... the more they know the more they support.

    Thanks again for your comment @Invisible_me it means alot.

    Since I saw the comment I've been in a bit of a Google spiral trying to work out the why?
    The 'tci' just means to come in i found out - i don't really want to phone my gp surgery i hate calling them 🙃 I get so awkward. Im just going to wait coz last time when a similar comment was made I had a phone call to book an appointment - im just gonna wait and see 👀.

    I do like that the nurse chased up the referal as she has helped quite a bit and I've only seen her 3 times.

    I try to gage it when I speak to anyone from the team about my MH, and whenever the questions start prying more and more I close up and say things are fine than I basically shut down and say very little. I'll give it ago and try to change how I respond but idk I'm still unsure 😕
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Sian321 wrote: »
    Hey @Lottie5433 , thank you for keeping us posted <3 I just wanted to check in to ask how you're feeling today? It sounds like this has been such a draining process trying to get the appointments and support that you need, and advocating for yourself like this whilst you're also struggling takes so much stregnth.
    But also for the time being im still going to be under the eating disorder team and be seeing them for physical health monitoring mainly.

    This sounds like a shift, Lottie! How are you feeling about being under that team?
    The health nurse I've been seeing as been amazing, she has chased my referral to CEDT which has been left with both team admins to see what's happening but in the mean time my old therapist has agreed to provide wellbeing calls whilst i await the referral/assessment.

    This is also so wonderful to hear! <3 I'm really glad that you have someone in your corner like this and that your nurse has been so amazing. I can imagine that's a relief, and great also to still have contact with your old therapist.

    You mentioned that a part of you wants to hold back on sharing about just how much you're struggling now because you're afraid that safeguarding might get involved again. I hear you, and I can see just how daunting that feels esspecially when things are already overwhelming and you don't want to feel like you're losing any control over your situation. I wonder if you'd feel able to share that dilemma with your nurse or therapist? E.g. to let them know you feel conflicted because there are things you really do want to share with them, but you're scared about what will happen if you do? Maybe sharing that dilemma could be a helpful middle ground where you're still able to let them in, but you're also going at a pace that feels right now you?

    Sending stregnth, Lottie, and keep us posted <3

    You deserve to be treated with kindness and care!

    Hi @Sian321 thanks for your comment and support 😊
    To answer the intial question, idk how im really feeling - i guess im fine/okay-ish 🤷🏽‍♀️.
    It has been a draining process so far - especially since I wanted to stop reaching out for the support particularly from the GP coz I found them hit or miss with what they do with getting me help.

    Idk how I feel about still being under the ED team like I thought once January 8th hit, i would finish with them and I wouldn't need to be in contact with them (unless I decided to go back coz i was struggling with my Eating disorder again (which i don't know if I would)). Like for the most part its nice to still be under a team within the CMHT but it kinda feels like im never gonna get away from the ED side of things - I want to put it in a box and lock it away again.

    It is a relief that the nurse has been in my corner and has almost advocated for me to get the support- as I didn't know where things were as it was down to my therapist to followup with the CEDT referral/ refer me back to them- but never heard anything and he also didn't seem aware that it was his job to do that as well (I had to ask him to do it in my final therapy session!!). It is nice to still have that cobtact with my old therapist but idk how I feel about 《as mention in previous comments about it》but I guess having his support is good coz he know me and everything I've been through etc.

    If anything I'd probably feel more able to talk to the nurse about it (as she has been the one to follow up with me recently when ive disclosed things - and allowed me to have thar control still) but im not sure about actually saying it out loud to her. But also from the limited amount of contact ive had with her she seems better able gage how comfortable I am talking about things and will back off if I seem to be shutting down or diverting the conversation.
    My therapist is aware that I don't like sharing too much that would cause concern or require safeguarding to be involved coz he knows I don't like the potential outcomes or saying I need more help than I have - but he also just reminds me of the places to go/reaxh out too (fully aware that I won't do that coz I hate phone calls or taking away resources/support coz I don't feel I deserve it).
    If I mention the dilemma I'm having that will just automatically raise either of their concerns - but atleast with the nurse she asks my concent before talking to anyone and tell me that she will do this even if I don't want them too ~ ill proably have better luck talking to her than my therapist. But still unsure of sharing it.

    Thanks again, I have a weeks break from appointments and the stress of them but am greeted with stress from work 🙃
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »

    I.m not too sure what TCI means. But im presuming this means to have something review with a gp face to face.. because his put it on the system.doesnt neccerdarily mean with him just means that he has noticed it and put a note on the system. Nor do I think this will affect your current appt. However, I would phone up to confirm and at the same ask if you can speak to Dr S seeing that his made the note and you feel comfortable. If the doc I'd understanding of you and your needs I'm sure he won't mind!

    That's good she's chased it up.

    I understand you fear of safeguarding being put in place if you be honest but they are aware of your needs, history. Maybe gage it., open up slowely. I know the default askwer is im okay... change it to " things are still difficult but im trying"... the more they know the more they support.

    Thanks again for your comment @Invisible_me it means alot.

    Since I saw the comment I've been in a bit of a Google spiral trying to work out the why?
    The 'tci' just means to come in i found out - i don't really want to phone my gp surgery i hate calling them 🙃 I get so awkward. Im just going to wait coz last time when a similar comment was made I had a phone call to book an appointment - im just gonna wait and see 👀.

    I do like that the nurse chased up the referal as she has helped quite a bit and I've only seen her 3 times.

    I try to gage it when I speak to anyone from the team about my MH, and whenever the questions start prying more and more I close up and say things are fine than I basically shut down and say very little. I'll give it ago and try to change how I respond but idk I'm still unsure 😕

    Ohh okay.. that'd fine.. wait and see what happens. You've got an appointment coming up see bkw that goes...

    That's really good of her!! Its natural to feel unsure on changing response and being honest. It's not easy perhaps once you've got a relationship going over phone you'll feel better.

    Seems like you've got a brak from appts this week so enjoy that..having appts can be draining at times and uts nice to have a break. Hope work goes okay- did I read you do supply TA (same here!)
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Yeah I'm just going to wait and see with this appointment it might be nothing and I'm jsut stressing about nothing.

    It is nice to have a break from appointments- no vampires taking my blood this week 🤣🤣.
    Yeah @Invisible_me i have recently taken up supply TA work with an agency but the stress is coming from my normal job as i have a meeting with some person from like head office. Then my GM is making a separate meeting with me also for the following week so I'm stressing about all those.

    How do you find the supply TA work - ive only done 2 shifts so far but going back next week for 2 more
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Lottie5433 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm just going to wait and see with this appointment it might be nothing and I'm jsut stressing about nothing.

    It is nice to have a break from appointments- no vampires taking my blood this week 🤣🤣.
    Yeah @Invisible_me i have recently taken up supply TA work with an agency but the stress is coming from my normal job as i have a meeting with some person from like head office. Then my GM is making a separate meeting with me also for the following week so I'm stressing about all those.

    How do you find the supply TA work - ive only done 2 shifts so far but going back next week for 2 more

    Yeah I think the best bet is to wait and see what happens at the appt and take it from.there.. prepare for it and don't stress too.much about it. Use it as an opportunity to get support also it's okay to let out- I know you mention the worry of crying and them calming down and not wanting people to notice, the GP prob won't let you out in floods of tears anyway (well mine wouldn't) but just like cryings is a natural response sometimes and your body just cries, calming down is also a natural response and in way your body naturally "temporarily calms down when ut needs to".

    No vampires taking blood 🤣🤣. When I saw the male doc first time and I wasn't saying anything he was like dknt look at this vampire and say what you need to lol he called himself a vampire.

    So I've done TA 5 years or so.. but I prefer having long term contracts where I know what and when to expect supply is okay but I find uncertainty difficult. Let me know how you find it?
  • Lottie5433Lottie5433 Posts: 521 Incredible Poster
    Sorry for the late rely @Invisible_me but it means alot to me that your taking time to respond ❤️

    Im taking it that I don't have another appointment yet as ive not had a call to book one hopefully it's just the one on Monday 🤞🏻. I have been preparing as much as I can by writing down things ive noticed in myself hopefully I can show/tell Dr D about it on Monday.
    the GP prob won't let you out in floods of tears anyway (well mine wouldn't)
    im hoping this is the case as ive never actually cried at the GP so 🤞🏻 if I do they give me that time to collect myself before leaving the room.
    cryings is a natural response sometimes and your body just cries, calming down is also a natural response and in way your body naturally "temporarily calms down when ut needs to".
    i get is all natural and like our bodies clearly do it for a reason but im scared if I do cry I won't stop - just wishing i don't cry in the room and can wait till I'm in my car on the way home.
    No vampires taking blood 🤣🤣. When I saw the male doc first time and I wasn't saying anything he was like dknt look at this vampire and say what you need to lol he called himself a vampire.
    honestly it's like a weekly occurance that i have blood taken but thankfully haven't had any this week. Even the ED health Nurse that does my blood says she like a vampire because how much she's had to take mine in a short space of time 🤣
    So I've done TA 5 years or so.. but I prefer having long term contracts where I know what and when to expect supply is okay but I find uncertainty difficult.
    im glad you enjoy TA worker if think I'd prefer long term co tracts but coz it and in-between job till the holiday site i work at opens up properly again. The last 2 shifts I've had have been in a primary school as a SEN 1:1 TA which has been rewarding but I'm also in a mindset that I don't want to go back tomorrow or next week but ive already agreed to them and need the cash - i think im only sont want to go because I get exhausted with my MH and then supporting a complex child too is draining anyway. But I do enjoy the work 💕
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,574 Master Poster
    sending you so many hugs <3
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Im taking it that I don't have another appointment yet as ive not had a call to book one hopefully it's just the one on Monday 🤞🏻. I have been preparing as much as I can by writing down things ive noticed in myself hopefully I can show/tell Dr D about it on Monday./quote]

    That's good amd hope the appointment goes well. Remember you can always hand the notes over to them for them to read jf you don't feel ablw to say it.

    Jus take the app as it goes and go with your emotions... don't beat yourself over it, so if you do cry it's fine.. I cat comment on your docs and others etc but mine would give me some time and space but obviously it would depend on their time schedules.
    The last 2 shifts I've had have been in a primary school as a SEN 1:1 TA which has been rewarding but I'm also in a mindset that I don't want to go back tomorrow or next week but ive already agreed to them and need the cash - i think im only sont want to go because I get exhausted with my MH and then supporting a complex child too is draining anyway. But I do enjoy the work 💕

    It can be draining!! But guve yourself praise for trying to work..and good about supply is you have a break in between as well.
  • Invisible_meInvisible_me Posts: 248 Trailblazer
    Good luck for tomorrow 😀
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