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am i an e-head?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
My friends are all very impressed with my stamina for drugs, especially with pills. I sometimes even pop 7 in one night because one doesn't really do anything to me at all.
when I pop just one pill, it does nothing to me, I feel straight..I just feel a bit like a vegetable with an air bubble head but I don't feel quite out of it.

I usually have to pop 2 at one go and then I actually start feeling something.

Most of my friends just pop one or 2 max....I don't know how they do it.

I have been taking pills for about 7 years now, nearly every w/end.

How come I hve to take so many to actually get fucked and off my rocker?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You've built up a tolerance. Simple
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But that's not a good thing though to have built up a tolerance. That means that my body is imune to it because I've been doing it for so long....

    How do you build up a tolerance though? does it build up because my brain is totally fucked with mdma and all the shit they put in pills?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Of course it's not a good thing.

    And if I recall my psychology lessons correctly (which is unlikely), the tolerance is something to do with your brain getting used to the substance you're plying it with & so the recepetors need more and more stimulus to produce the same effect.
    I'm really pissed off now that I can't recall why this happens. I know that it does tho. It's the same thing as alcohol. When you start drinking it only takes a few pints to get pissed. Over the years, your body gets used to it & it takes more to give you the same feeling.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You have indeed lost the plot
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    didnt u ever look in2 information on drugs b4 u actually tried them? seriously how the fuck could u do pills for 7 years and not know the basics? judgin from ur posts u dont have the intelligence 2 use them........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Meatballs125
    didnt u ever look in2 information on drugs b4 u actually tried them? seriously how the fuck could u do pills for 7 years and not know the basics? judgin from ur posts u dont have the intelligence 2 use them........

    that's a bit harsh! anyway, i don't think you need a high intelligence to put a pill in your mouth, swallow it and then have a fucking wicked time! i also don't think there's much point in looking into how pills work and how they fuck you up, if your having a good time you might as well just enjoy it while you can.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i wasn`t on about needin high intelligence 2 drop pillz i was referrin 2 the tolorance side of things.... Drugs are good but the more u do the more u have 2 take 2 keep gettin the highs simple as that..... i totally agree with u about not lookin in2 the risk side of things 2 much but u can`t just do things for years and years and not be able 2 figure out why u have 2 do more its a simple question with a simple answer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Meatballs125
    i wasn`t on about needin high intelligence 2 drop pillz i was referrin 2 the tolorance side of things.... Drugs are good but the more u do the more u have 2 take 2 keep gettin the highs simple as that..... i totally agree with u about not lookin in2 the risk side of things 2 much but u can`t just do things for years and years and not be able 2 figure out why u have 2 do more its a simple question with a simple answer.

    Fair point! i suppose there comes a point where everyone wants to know why certain things are happening to them because of drugs, and lost the plot is at that stage, even if it has taken 7 years to get to it! it sounds like lost the plot has had a good time getting there though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lol ali :D

    Lost The Plot u couldn`t of thought of a better name 4 urself ;)

    Lost the plot surely after 7 years of pillin the comedowns must last for a week or so? then it takes about 2 weeks for ur head 2 stop being so up and down.... when u get to that stage its time 2 stop 4 a bit i know cos im at that point myself :( :mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm at that stage aswell meatballs, and i feel so much better for having a break. i've been doing them for a few years but did them every weekend for about 6 months not 7 years! my emotions were all over the place and i'm glad i've stopped for a while. the break will also make it even better the next time i get mashed! i reached a point where they werent really doing anything to me and, like lost the plot, i'd have to do loads to get a good feeling.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by *ali*

    i also don't think there's much point in looking into how pills work and how they fuck you up

    No course not, if Leah betts had looked into pills and how they work she would be here today, on occasions ignorance is bliss, where drugs are concerned ignorance is dangerous. Surely its better to have a good time and know how to react if things go wrong ? How to help your body recover ? Be aware of exactley what you are doing to yourself ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its always a good idea 2 do ur homework b4 u try a new substance like what 2 do when things go wrong side of things..... At the moment i`m findin out as much as i can on acid because i maybe gettin a few tabs in soon :D *looks smug* yes they still do exist there was me thinkin i`d never get 2 try em out seein as there so hard 2 come by! :eek:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ebb

    No course not, if Leah betts had looked into pills and how they work she would be here today, on occasions ignorance is bliss, where drugs are concerned ignorance is dangerous. Surely its better to have a good time and know how to react if things go wrong ? How to help your body recover ? Be aware of exactley what you are doing to yourself ?

    I was talking more about the long term effects of taking drugs, not the basic rules of taking ectasy- drinking enough water, not getting too hot etc- which is obviously what Leah Betts was not educated enough about. We all know an understanding of these aspects is vital. I was talking about dwelling on the long term effects- an aspect of the drug which many hold differing views about and something which doesnt effect you're immediate chemical experience.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No1 knows the long term effects of pills, its just speculation.

    The reason why the pills dont fuck u up is simply because u have built a massive tolerance to them.

    From the sounds of it u have cained it proper and i think u will never regain the magic of ecstacy :(

    u will need to take a good long break for the pills to start taking more effect on you and for them to be stronger for you and fuck u up more. Im talking bout a good year to 2 years break, a few months in my opinion simply wont be enough
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i started pillin about 6 months ago, i only still need 1 to come up, which is good, give urself a target, the least amount of pills to come up the better, if u get over 4 or 5, take a break for a couple of months and ur tollerance will come down
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok, so I do agree that I seriously need to take a good 2 year break because these one month breaks do not seem to work!.

    As for Ali, it's good to know that there is someone out there going through the same thing, so If you ever need to chat I'll be happy to listen.

    Well yes, It's funny but I do agree that I couldn't have chosen a better name so cheers!...yes during these seven years i never really stopped to ask these questions...I woz having a great time and woz loving it. I love enjoying myself and really i have no regrets...it doesn't bother me the fact that I'm asking myself these questions after 7 years. I think that's okay. I don't think it's a matter of being intelligent or not, i think it's just a matter of everyone is different and everyone goes through things in life at different stages than others. Some people go through life asking loads of questions and other people go through life just living it to the full and having a good time. I can say that I've had a good time for 7 years and now It's time for a break. Nothing wrong with that, it couldn't have taken one year or 2 years but in my case I went on a journey of enjoyment for 7 years. Has nothing to do with a low intelligence...it's just a matter of me being me and you being you. So cheers everyone, thankx for d advice...woz all taken in positively and will now engage in a serious break!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you really in Malta? I went there on my hols a while back and there really didnt seem to be much of a club culture.
    As for having to have two to even feel effect, its not a good thing but hay, if you can mentaly and finacialy stand up to it then thats your business.
    I would point out if your doing pills that often and they have speed in them it might be that which causes you to keep doing them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yep bongbudda i'm really here!...oh yes there's a clubbing scene especially in d summer!.

    I think u r right regarding the speed they put in pills actually...that's a very good point actually!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To be honest it sounds like you have a snowballings drug problem, I know, I've been there.
    I started going clubbing when I was about 19 and then went lots, every week, doing 4+ pills.
    I then started going to raves and my consumption mounting, I always had speed in the house because, well I liked having it there when I wanted it.
    But when I wanted it went from once a week to every day, it does tart quite slowly but I realised that basicaly my life was speed, I'd do a line before I even got out of bed in the morning. And then keep doing it, I got really habitual and a bit scary in how organised my life was, I was quite obsesive.
    I'd recomend getting rid of all the drugs in your house and just not having any around for a while because if your anything like me then if you have them your'll take them.
    If I have speed in the house now I have my wife seal it up in two envelopes and write on one so if I open it she'll know! Otherwize I just cant be trusted with it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    nope, i don't have a serious drug problem...i mean i don't go looking for drugs when i don't have them, like during the week I can easily stay without. It's on the weekends and perhaps on a wednesday night that i do drugs because i know i'm going out and i'm going clubbing. During the week i like to chill. Well, right now for example...i wouldn't mind doing some charlie but i wont go out and look for it coz one i cannot afford a drug habbit that goes beyond w/end consumption and second of all i have a job to keep up with and i cannot afford getting fucked every6 day.

    The only thing i know that i do feel is exceedingly tired all throughout the day and soooo god damn lazy. I don't think it's pilling though that makes me this way, it must be showbiz sherwood i reckon. I'm always feeling tired and i'm all the time needing to sleep as i feel physically exhausted.!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    feeling that tired all the time like that probably means that you do have an amphetamine addiction. your body forgets how to stay awake without it. when i was giving up speed it was so hard as i could barely stay awake. It does pass but it might take a few months. really hard when youre trying to hold down a job too
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    after reading rainbow bright's msg, and after also giving it much thought yesterday night i do come to terms that maybe i do have a little bit of a problem. Infact, it's been so hard to keep up my job that i've given in my resignation yesterday....I am so tired i just need to be sleeping all the time.

    I hope I will somehow succeed and manage to get out of this situation which indeed is very hard especially since i'm surrounded with people with drug habbits. My boyfriend is one of them.

    It also has to come from me and that is something i'm going to have to work on.

    Someone told me that the crack pipe can cause infertility in women, that should be enough of a motivation to make me calm it down for a while.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thats the worst thing when you have a habit you want to give up, because its a whole lifestyle, and without that you feel a bit lost. its especially hard when youve got a partner who does it too, as if one of you says `oh just one more` then its too easy. It can be done though, both me and my husband managed to give up after 4 years of heavy abuse for me and about 10 years for him. Thats a shame you resigned from your job as that could have been a good incentive to stop. as long as you dont fall into the trap of just taking a drug cos youve got nothing else to do.
    good luck.

    ps I love malta although havent been there since i was a kid, my nana is maltese and i have family who live in Dingli (my nana is originally from Sleima)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well, should you decide to ever pop by this little island, just let me know!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some ppl just have a natural high tolerence to drugs same as ppl have lo tolerences. One of my mates has been poppin pills every single weekend without pause for the last 5-6 months and he still vomites his guts up if he takes anymore than 3 in one night. While unfortunatly i take anywhere between 8 and 12 in same space of time. My first time i needed to take 2 1/2 to get somethin.. while everyone else was fucked off 1. You're just one of us unlucky bastards. Hey but heres a trick that might help u out. Stick em up ur arse.. seriously, no shit..theyre fucki lethal like that! :( not that i'd know or anythin:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think what Loco is refering to is a pracice called 'pluging' its quite comon in the US. The theory is that because the drug doesnt pass through your digestive system then more is absorbed, a bit like snorting it.
    I would however suggest not doing this as MDMA is a fairly causic chemical and could well chemicaly burn your anus. If you want to make better use of your drugs I'd recomend snorting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah the art of plugging

    If u eat a pill u get about 40-50% of the pills effectiveness
    If u snort it u get about 60-70% of the pills effectiveness
    If u plug it u get about 80-90% of the pill, so it feels like u have double dropped but off 1 pill.

    Ur supposed to crush it up and put it in a quickly dissovable capsule, say like a 5-htp capsule. U crush it up because once the capsule dissolves the pill disolves and absorbs into ur body quicker (same happens when u eat it, if u put a pill in ur mouth and chew it to a fine powder then swallow it will hit u harder and quicker) If u dont crush it up and just stick it up ur bum whole, then it takes longer to dissolve and u dont feel it as much so therefore a waste.

    U shove it up ur arse to about ur second knucle deep on ur middle finger, this will put it deep enuff so it doesnt burn ur arse too much.

    I wouldnt worry about getting an infection because ur arse is used to handling all the gunk and crap in the form of ur poo (and dont put it in ur vagina, big no no, upsets ur ph balance and more prone to infection)

    Once its up there u will feel like u need a shit but dont go coz u shit it out, just hold it in till bout an hour after u done it, then go because it would most likely have been absorbed by then.

    Ive never tried it and dont really wanna try it, but heres the info if any1 wants a go
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by nutty_raver
    i started pillin about 6 months ago, i only still need 1 to come up, which is good, give urself a target, the least amount of pills to come up the better, if u get over 4 or 5, take a break for a couple of months and ur tollerance will come down

    i dont mean to be rude here but this cant be a serious topic.
    "i use £50 a day on heroin and never had a day off sick in my life.......am i a heroin addict ?"
    "i've been smoking what i shouldn't have been for the last 35 years....do you think i'm a dope head " ?
    do you think ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Saying that you do 1, 2 or even 20 pills means absolutly NOTHING!
    How long is a piece of string??!
    Can you compare the mg content of each pill you take? We dont know how strong his pills are do we?
    We're not all taking the same ones!
    Whats important is how he feels, wether he thinks he's doing too many.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll

    "i use £50 a day on heroin and never had a day off sick in my life.......am i a heroin addict ?"


    a friend of mine had a heroin addiction for 9 months, where she woz plugging heroin every day. It woz only when she tried to stop taking that she would be taking time off work because without heroin she wouldn't be able to function properly and wouldn't be able to go to work because she'd be constantly sick. I have seen this poor girl going through very big emotional strains and very often this drug has made her suicidal too. You are lucky if you have been going 'strong' for so long, my only question though is, I just wonder for how much longer.
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