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ideas on preventing climate change in the UK

downtherabbitholedowntherabbithole Posts: 32 Boards Initiate
edited June 2023 in Politics & Debate
I know I'm in no position to enforce these things however I'm wondering what your thoughts are on them,and how I can get these thoughts to be noticed by those with the power

Income is rationed
Everyone in the UK is given a set income based on prices in their local shop.

Money can be set aside for other expenses such as house repairs, house-safety items, health products, and a small amount of fun money.

However this money has to go to an agency (I don't know if such an agency exists as of yet) who you would apply to, and then they'd approve reasonable expenses. To prevent fraud, the agency buy the items on the behalf of individuals but have them sent to the individuals address.

Rules would be implented from the start. For example, if you apply for a certain amount or type of shoes that goes beyond what is justifiable (kids who are growing and worn shoes are an exception) the application for more shoes will be denied.

Money can be set aside for house repairs, house moves, furniture, etc however this money has to be kept with an agency and only justifiable purchases will be approved by them. Everyone can keep a reasonable amount of 'fun money'.

All savings have to be declared and given to an agency. Any extra money must be given in tax.

rationed electricity
This is mreasured based on the individuals needsin the household. It would encourage everyone to be responsible and careful w/ their electricity use.

a baby license
You must prove that you can afford one, have done complete and thorough research, have the capacity, and stand a reasonable chance of getting pregnant. Then you will be given permission to buy justifiable items in preperation for your future baby (unless you already have these items in a reasonable condition)
and once everything has been made ready for your baby, then you will be given a baby license which grants you permission to give birth to one. The exception to all of the above is if you sign an agreement before birth to say that you will be adopting your baby straight away, as in handing them over to the adoptive parents upon birth, or they are being taken immediately by social services.

No one can have above 2 children, Pre-existing children are an exception, as well as already pregnant woman when the rule has been enforced. Those with more than two children prior to the rules being enforced cannot legally have more children unless they sign an agreement to give the baby to social services upon birth. If they don't sign an agreement w/ the intention to to keep them they will fase legal action as well as the baby being removed from them by social services to enforce the rule.

Every woman must take regular pregnancy tests and abort any children over the allowed amount that have been concieved. The exception to this is if they sign an agreement to give the baby to social services during pregnancy. Otheriwse the baby will be forcefully and legally removed and given to social services upon birth.

No one can live in an unjustifably large property. Property sizes are allowed based on number of occupants and their ages and needs. Those who need their own space, for example if they are autistic will be entitled to it.

rationed petrol, fuel, and vehicle electricity
The exception to this is ambulance vehicles, police vehicles, the armed forces, etc, or if you live rurally enough that you would have to drive to a hospital yourself in an emergency.
Otherwise, you are allowed a certain amount of fuel based on your personal needs, so necessary outings, such as dentist checkups and hospital appointments.
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  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,998 Extreme Poster
    These are interesting ideas, happy to discuss and have some questions!

    The income idea mainly sounds like an agency is control of all the money, and you have an allowance that you have to apply to use for each purchase? It sounds like a highly authoritarian government to me, and I doubt that'd be very popular at all. I'm not really sure how this relates to climate change either?

    On electricity, how would one decide how much electricity a person needs? If someone accidentally leaves a light on or a fuse blows, do they have to go the last day of the month without any power?

    On the baby license, again this all sounds highly authoritarian - ideas like mandatory abortion, mandatory pregnancy testing, and forcing people to give children away to social services are definitely controversial and unlikely to be popular at all. I'd guess that this relates to climate change because of a concern about overpopulation, but if you look at the data, the UK really doesn't need to worry about that - if anything, we should be more concerned about a declining population in the future!

    The rationing of housing and vehicle fuel also feel quite authoritarian - for example, dropping children to different schools would use more fuel than dropping them to the same school, but that's not always possible. Also, some jobs require a lot more travel than others (e.g. delivery driver). How would this work in practice?

    Overall, a lot of these feel very authoritarian - rather than individuals having the freedom to decide these things, control is instead given to an agency or state that oversees all this. Lots of applications, rules and limits won't be popular. I find it interesting that you've gone for this approach - personally, I feel that it's better to work with people and encourage society to move to more sustainable practices, rather than strongarm individuals on lots of smaller decisions we make. Even though I disagree with the whole idea, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts :)
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  • downtherabbitholedowntherabbithole Posts: 32 Boards Initiate
    edited August 2021
    My idea is that the agency would only accept reasonable applications. Tthe agency would be in authority, because imo no one should have the autonomy to make unreasonable decisions that negatively impact someone else. It would be in favour of everyone in the country. I don't see why it wouldn't be popular?
  • gia9720gia9720 Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    Insulating homes decreases the amount of fuel needed to heat them, reducing carbon emissions. Increasing the number of insulation measures installed is necessary if the UK is to meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. :)

  • AbandonedTrolleyAbandonedTrolley Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    Maybe more of us should be livng like this in sustainable small communities called eco villages!
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,523 The Mix Elder
    @AbandonedTrolley I honestly love the idea of sustainable eco villages as they would be very beneficial to the environment. Speaking of off the grid living, it is one of my dreams to live off grid possibly and be more sustainable. Just watching this video is so interesting and actually quite peaceful.

    I think theres a place in Wales (I'm not too sure if the place is in wales) but it is actually similar to the village in the video and has the same concept.

    I do feel though in respect to the UK and climate change, that there should be more investment in solar panels and wind generated power as they wont be constantly relying on big power plants for energy.

    I actually find this thread very interesting :)
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • civic2506civic2506 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited November 2022
    Oh, honestly I appreciate the good intent but find this horrific, almost Nazi-esque.
    We have too few people in western countries - not too many. It is not the government's job to tell people whether or not they have the right to have a baby. I guess you would also agree with abortion rights? Same principle. It's not the government's right to tell women how they should control their bodies. The population explosion is in Africa and parts of Asia, not Britain.

    Restricting fuel people can have, honestly this is a wtf moment from me

    We cannot prevent climate change, we can mitigate some of its effects.

    In the UK, any change in the climate would not necessarily be a bad thing given how northerly we are.

    The best ways to reduce carbon emissions would be improving and building new public transport infrastructure to reduce car use, better insulation of properties, moving to nuclear power. Why would we rely on wind and sunlight in an era where the climate is changing? We cannot rely on the weather to be constant, it will be more variable.

    As said, these are extremely authoritiarian ideas, and I along with many of millions would quite frankly, riot, if these ideas were either implemented by yourself and others. Even China has scrapped the one child policy and now has a three child policy because it recognises how catastrophic population decline there is. Happy to debate, but I think your ideas are absolutely hideous and have no place in a democratic and free society, or any society that values human life, respects private property, and the liberty of individuals.
  • AbandonedTrolleyAbandonedTrolley Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    civic2506 wrote: »
    Oh, honestly I appreciate the good intent but find this horrific, almost Nazi-esque.
    We have too few people in western countries - not too many..
    I think that you will find that we actually do have far too many people in western countries now! For example in the United States the population was 150 million in 1950. Now it is about 330 million people! And Western Europe has got about 340 million people as well! The population of western countries has been rising for centuries. With only a few countries like Ireland having a big fall in population, mainly due to mass emigration. But Irelands' population is now creeping up again gradually. Very high populations are not sustainable for long. And if the human race to to avoid climate catastrophe then we need to find ways to gradually reduce or a least halt population growth. There will be no future at all if we don't stop climate change. The entire human race could be eventually wiped out if global temperatures continue to keep on rising for a few more decades!

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