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Things to do on a long evening alone.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Fiend and arctic I would just say perhaps look at this from the other angle. What if you had tried all these things and they hadn't worked out? Despite this being a big community, that doesn't mean it's an encyclopedia of ideas rather than an echo chamber of the most popular ideas. Sometimes they just don't work out and that's a difficult fact.

    I'm not entirely sure what your point is?

    I can't speak for fiend, but I'm certainly not saying that it is as simple as going to a book club is a panacea to all the world's ills.

    But the awkward truth here is that, actually, there is a basic formula which generally does work. If you do something that you're passionate about, with a group of people who are like-minded, you will make acquaintances. If you make acquaintances then something more will grow out of some of those relationships. It doesn't really matter what that passion is, whether it's stamp collecting or BDSM, the same basic principle applies.

    The issue I've picked up with Tom (used in the third person for clarity not as some sort of nasty personal attack), especially in chat, is that he is always very quick to reply to any suggestions with an angry response as to why something won't work, or why something is a rubbish idea, or why the person making the suggestion just Doesn't Get It and is therefore an idiot.

    With such a negative defeatist attitude, it isn't a wonder that things aren't working.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The issue I've picked up with Tom (used in the third person for clarity not as some sort of nasty personal attack), especially in chat, is that he is always very quick to reply to any suggestions with an angry response as to why something won't work, or why something is a rubbish idea, or why the person making the suggestion just Doesn't Get It and is therefore an idiot.

    With such a negative defeatist attitude, it isn't a wonder that things aren't working.

    This is pretty harsh Arctic, you're making a lot of assumptions about what Tom's thinking about those offering him their help and advice.

    Tom, I've always seen you thank people for their efforts and suggestions when you're looking for new ideas and there's no harm in telling people what you've already tried or why it might not be suitable for you. For example, reading isn't for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that. You've also admitted that you do feel you've got a bit of work to do on yourself - I wonder what sort of things about yourself you'd like to work on?

    If you had a defeatist attitude I don't think you'd have posted this thread in the first place and you've battled that feeling of wanting to give up on it all in the past. It can help to hear how other people spend their alone time not only in getting new ideas but realising that other people have a lot of time to kill on their own too and although sometimes it might feel that time is slipping away, spending time on our own can be really valuable too.

    I was pleased to hear in chat last night that the new dance class you're doing at the moment is going well :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it harsh? It's not meant to be. I don't know what is being thought, but that's how it comes across to me. The buses are crap, Derby is crap, reading is crap, bars are crap, Nottingham is crap. And so on and so forth.

    Think about what you are passionate about and do that. You'll be doing something you enjoy and that will show through. That's the way to enjoy things more and not feel so much like you're wasting time. But it is ok to have down time too.
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    Derby is crap

    Nobody can argue against that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There may well be lots of issues which are making it difficult to make friends and I totally understand where you're coming from. I've lived in rural areas, not been able to work, couldn't drive and all the clubs I gave a go I ended up being the youngest by 40-50 years, and I got thrown out of one knitting group for talking about politics! It's not easy and sometimes it is a case of having to move. But I think a big thing which I mentioned earlier and several people have mentioned is that you need to feel comfortable with your own company. Of course you need to find stuff that works for you and that's not always easy, but it's a lot easier to do when you feel comfortable with yourself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    This stupid thread reminds me of that family guy episode:
    "Jackal, jackal, it's a jackal, jackal!"
    "It wasn't right the first time you said it why the hell would it be right the next ten times?"

    Tom, don't listen to those idiots, they are obviously trolls. I literally only joined to post this, because this is the first thing that comes up on google search results when you google for ideas of things to do in the evenings!

    If you've stumbled here looking for ideas, like I have, don't pay attention to the morons in this forum and go here instead:


    Or here:


    Now I bet you're happy that I was bored enough this evening, to register and post that.

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    TheMixTheMix Posts: 3,049 Boards Guru
    Hey @thunderseed - cheers for your ideas!

    This thread is from back in 2013 so I'm going to close it now but feel free to start a shiny new one :thumb:

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