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American Hypocrisy

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I just have to say that America think that they can just go about doing whatever they like. They have just recently added terrorist groups from Northern Ireland to their wee list of people who are a threat. They are the people who have killed many innocent people and started many wars. They have so much problems in their own country but yet they just forget about them and interfere in other peoples business. Wise up America when is this going to end?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah they froze the assets of some of the protestant terrorists...GOOD

    You say that they are interfering but its the Irish terrorists who are operating and fund raising in the USA, not the other way round.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And they get all surprised when the people from the rest of the world get upset and fly planes into their buildings.

    The average american thinks that their country is a shining example of truth and honesty, that they are the "white hats". And this includes the smart ones.

    Even with Israel/Palestine and India/Pakistan folling their example they can't see that it is wrong.

    Ho hum
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And they get all surprised when the people from the rest of the world get upset and fly planes into their buildings.

    People from the rest of the world? Dont you think thats a little far fetched? One group flew planes into their buildings. I dont like some of Chinas policys but I dont fly planes into Chinese civilian centres.

    You cannot say that people are so pissed at the US that they all want to kill them...One tiny, tiny minority wanted to do that to the USA.

    Please name one nation that has done more humanitarian work than the USA...You want them to stay out of other countries affairs...Would you also be willing to see their VAST aid payments removed as well? Youd have a fuck of a lot more starving people and wars than you do now.

    Americans hypocrisy? How about the hypocrisy of people like you...You have a go at the US for being scum but youre perfectly happy to take their money...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:

    People from the rest of the world? Dont you think thats a little far fetched?

    not at all, but then I have a mathematical background and "people from the rest of the world" is not equivalent to "the people of the rest of the world".
    <STRONG>One group flew planes into their buildings. I dont like some of Chinas policys but I dont fly planes into Chinese civilian centres.
    Very few of China's policies affect those outside the area that China claims as its own. However, if the Himilayans were to start doing it I would see their justification. I wouldn't agree with it.

    Of course, if America doesn't like your policies, it'll drop bombs on you. But that's alright, because ?

    And of course, China is big enough to actually have a go back, so America plays a very different game. Remeber the spy plane? Why isn't America driving the unwanted Chinese from Taiwan?
    You cannot say that people are so pissed at the US that they all want to kill them...One tiny, tiny minority wanted to do that to the USA.
    quite a bit more than a tiny majority were pleased to see it happen. Unfortunately.
    You want them to stay out of other countries affairs...Would you also be willing to see their VAST aid payments removed as well? Youd have a fuck of a lot more starving people and wars than you do now.

    Americans hypocrisy? How about the hypocrisy of people like you...You have a go at the US for being scum but youre perfectly happy to take their money...</STRONG>

    If the price of them keeping out of world affairs was for them to stop their targeted and conditional aid then it probably would be a fair price to pay.

    Of course to claim that this aid is conditional on being allowed to intervene is itself a huge hypocrisy in itself.

    I do object to being accused of "have[ing] a go at the US for being scum", when I do no such thing. They are far from perfect, but there are many further yet, and not many closer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Carriage Return:

    If the price of them keeping out of world affairs was for them to stop their targeted and conditional aid then it probably would be a fair price to pay..</STRONG>

    Sounds like an out of control case of jealousy... and penis-envy. Perhaps you should discuss it with your analyst...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Thanatos...AGAIN:

    Sounds like an out of control case of jealousy... and penis-envy. Perhaps you should discuss it with your analyst...</STRONG>
    This from the man who only feels happy holding a big gun?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And they get all surprised when the people from the rest of the world get upset and fly planes into their buildings.

    just because America might not be everyones flavour of the month, thats no excuse to do that sort of thing

    an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind - Ghandi

    <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by go_away:
    <STRONG>just because America might not be everyones flavour of the month, thats no excuse to do that sort of thing</STRONG>
    I quite agree; that it happened I find inexcusable. I was commenting that they were surprised that anyone should hate them that much andf that they can't understand why.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally, I think that the whole of western civilisation is fucked up.

    I do believe that America is a hypocritical country partly based on the way it exploits the third world through capitalism, throwng them into sweatshops and trading ith them, paying them poorly. Of course it's the same through most, if not all western countries. Nestle usd Thai consumers as guinea pigs for their new GM products....hardly fair...

    So western counties interfier with and exploit other countries, but then complain if other countries interfier with their buiness. I know that what Bin Laen did was VERY wrong...but let us not forget the atrocities of Vietnam, the Europeans moving into America and the terrble things they did to the natives.

    Nobody is completely innocent.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    By the way, sorry if there were varius spelling mistakes or whatever in my work today...I've been battred lat nite and still recovering.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If the price of them keeping out of world affairs was for them to stop their targeted and conditional aid then it probably would be a fair price to pay.

    And youre happy to speak on behalf of the starving millions of this world? Speak from your cushy UK home...I suspect that if you ask the millions of people the US feeds then the answer might be a little different than from someone as fortunate as yourself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>And youre happy to speak on behalf of the starving millions of this world? Speak from your cushy UK home...</STRONG>
    No, I merley gave my opinion, speaking for no one but myself. Either you or a posturing buffoon, or simply an idiot.
    <STRONG>I suspect that if you ask the millions of people the US feeds then the answer might be a little different than from someone as fortunate as yourself.</STRONG>

    On the other hand, ask someone on the other end of American foreign policy, and they'll no doubt tell you that almost any number of starving people is preferable to being bombed over oil positioning.

    So what have we discovered?

    As someone neither reliant on American aid, nor vulnerable to America, I am in a better position to make a judgement than either group.

    However, it is still only yourself that is insisting on this aid / intervention link, how do you feel for making it a requiremnet that for thestarving to get aid we must allow America uncritised freedom to bully as it sees fit.

    And try to come up with a decent response this time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How did I know you would resort to personal attacks..Well done.

    You stated it was a fair price to pay. I merely pointed out that you cannot judge what is a fair price to pay for someone who relies on US aid. I doubt youve faced starvation in your life, i sure havent. Obviously you arent literally speaking for the starving of this world but you make the assumption that you know whats best for them.
    However, it is still only yourself that is insisting on this aid / intervention link, how do you feel for making it a requiremnet that for thestarving to get aid we must allow America uncritised freedom to bully as it sees fit.

    Never have I said there was any kind of link between the aid and the intervention. That was your claim. I asked would you be willing to see them remove their aid as well.

    Having said that, I dont doubt the two are linked. You touched on it in your post, self interest. Why should the US provide billions of dollars a year of aid while receiving nothing in return? The goodness of their heart? Please. No country in this world does anything for purely selfless reasons. America is no different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>How did I know you would resort to personal attacks.
    this was a much improved response. However, I made no person attacks, just described yor debating style. "You are a dickless infant" would have been a personal attack. Your continued logic-chopping puts you squarely in the "posturing buffoon" camp, but at least there was some substance to this reply.
    You stated it was a fair price to pay. I merely pointed out that you cannot judge what is a fair price to pay for someone who relies on US aid. I doubt youve faced starvation in your life, i sure havent.
    In this land of plenty it is only by deliberate act or illness that you starve. I've had to live of the land, as it were, for a couple of weeks; filling your belly with grass is no fun. I've been cold and homeless for a week. I've lived off state handouts for six months. I've eaten nothing but that which friends have had to spare for 3 months. I've been locked in a cell for 4 hours. So I know about hunger, I know about Charity, I know about state extortion.
    Obviously you arent literally speaking for the starving of this world but you make the assumption that you know whats best for them.
    Utter nonsense. I made a statement on balance, in response to your hypothetical scenario, of what I considered best for the world; not what was best for "the starving of this world" That was entirely your interpretation, and as such was quite meaningless.

    I will say that the current aid situation might not be the best thing for TSOTW - as a short term measure it may be appropriate, but population reduction, relocation may be a better long term solution. I am not in a position to say, but then again neither are TSOTW,
    Never have I said there was any kind of link between the aid and the intervention. That was your claim. I asked would you be willing to see them remove their aid as well</STRONG>
    my emphasis, your link. I can't add much to the nonsense you wrote
    Having said that, I dont doubt the two are linked. You touched on it in your post, self interest. Why should the US provide billions of dollars a year of aid while receiving nothing in return?
    because that is part of the contract with it's people, "we tax you, but we are charitable in your names"?
    <STRONG> The goodness of their heart? Please. No country in this world does anything for purely selfless reasons. America is no different.</STRONG>
    Britain used to; it also tended to do things that it thought were the "right" thing, which were horribly wrong.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice one USA, terrorists are terrorists add all the terror groups in Ireland to the list.

    Carriage Return
    In this land of plenty it is only by deliberate act or illness that you starve. I've had to live of the land, as it were, for a couple of weeks; filling your belly with grass is no fun. I've been cold and homeless for a week. I've lived off state handouts for six months. I've eaten nothing but that which friends have had to spare for 3 months. I've been locked in a cell for 4 hours. So I know about hunger, I know about Charity, I know about state extortion.

    So I know about hunger, NO YOU DON'T, live off the land, you wouldn't have a clue.
    I know about Charity, NO YOU DON'T
    I know about state extortion. NO YOU DON'T

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Damn i wish i could master your arguing technique. Its marvellous...You make stupid points and then just dismiss any counter arguments as nonsense and move on..

    Youve managed to get totally off topic and turn your entire post toward arguing against my posting style rather than my arguments..

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Reasons why America is a hypocrisy:
    They criticise other countries for every single bloody little thing then do exactly the same themselves.
    Take ethnic cleansing around the world, most recently serbia. They go in guns blazing forgetting about how until recently in world terms they had one of the largest slave trades in the world, until we started sinking all their ships.

    Ah, I'm too tired and annoyed to come up with a decent argument, fuck it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere, I seem to remember that we were in Serbia as well....The Balkans is one area where the US has done a lot for zero gain.

    I also think you will find that the US did very little slave trading compared to us and the Spanish. We were the ones that took the slaves to America, they were just the end users.

    Also, its unfair to talk about the US in world terms relating to time. Theyve not been around for very long. They ended slavery in their country after 100 years, it took us a hell of a lot longer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Leave me alone, i said I wasn't in any posistion to make a proper argument!
    I'm tired, drunk and need sex. Bully someone else you....bully.

    Anyway, America sucks ass, thats all I care about. They are a bigger, crapper version of what the European Union will become in a few years. America is essentially a collection of 52 odd different countries, with different laws e.t.c. with one currency in an attempt to make themselves into a something resembling a nation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There never has been nor never will be a crapper version of the EU.
    America is essentially a collection of 52 odd different countries, with different laws e.t.c. with one currency in an attempt to make themselves into a something resembling a nation.


    Go back to sleep you bloody drunkard <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Happy new year btw.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Think about it:
    Europe:A collection of 12 countries, all with different laws and languages. Different cultures and different ways of doing things, all trying to unite under one flag, one currency and maybe one language.

    America:A collection of 52 countries, all with different laws, many with different languages, ever heard a southerner talking about a negro?? They have different cultures, different ways of doing things. They currently masquareade as one country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thats just the federal system of government. Its what the more cynical among us, IE me, would say the EU is trying to become but they vehemently deny.

    Theres 15 EU nations btw. One language? LOL.

    Theres little difference between the US states. Local laws and ordinances may differ but the important stuff is pretty much dictated by fed.gov. With the exception of Spanish these days, the Americans all speak the same language..Dont quite understand your southern US reference, the southern US is one of the most racially tolerant areas in the US.

    Your logic can also be applied to just about every country on earth. Every country has local councils and the like. Our county system could be classed as seperate countries all masquerading as one country. Accents and dialects differ massively. Each county has its own local government, its own local laws, its own police force.

    Same can be said for the regions of France, Germany, Italy, Austrlia, China, Russia and all the other countries in the world that are larger than a ten pence coin.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere:
    <STRONG>America:A collection of 52 countries,</STRONG>

    Uh, no... The USA comprises 50 states: 48 in the main corpus plus Alaska and Hawaii. Unless you wanted to count all nations on the continent, but that still doesn't total 52.

    No, I think the ultimate hypocrisy to be found in the USA is this:

    First Amendment to the Constitution:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    And yet the Supreme Court ruled that freedom of religon is not a protected right. Moreover, the standard-issue oaths of alliegance and so on all invoke "God."

    The real hypocrisy is that America claims to allow freedom of thought and yet allows itself to be dominated by the WASPs and the upper echelons of the government (GWB, specifically) would like to strip atheists of their citizenship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by peacechild:
    <STRONG>Nice one USA, terrorists are terrorists add all the terror groups in Ireland to the list.</STRONG>
    the problem with such a list is how you decide who goes on it. Who would donate money to a terrorist organisation?
    Given that this list exists
    So I know about hunger, NO YOU DON'T, live off the land, you wouldn't have a clue.
    I know about Charity, NO YOU DON'T
    I know about state extortion. NO YOU DON'T

    How do YOU know otherwise, peacechild? These are things I know about, I don't say these are things I know all about.
    I am assuming that you weren't being deliberately offensive.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>Damn i wish i could master your arguing technique. Its marvellous...You make stupid points and then just dismiss any counter arguments as nonsense and move on..
    I was imitating yours
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    America was and still is a Christian country. They were founded by Christians on Christian ideals and morals.

    I wasnt aware of that supreme court ruling. Can you gimme a link so i can read about it? Wouldnt surprise me though, theyve violated their constitution so many times its impossible to count.

    I dont quite see how the army or police pledging allegience while invoking God is any way hypocritical. If you arent Christian then you dont have to invoke Gods name. Can you explain just how this goes against anything said in the 1st amendment?
    the upper echelons of the government (GWB, specifically) would like to strip atheists of their citizenship.

    LOL, source please.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Carriage Return:
    This from the man who only feels happy holding a big gun?</STRONG>

    Unlike some, I do NOT suffer from individual cowardice and insecurity sufficient that I would wish every man to be shackled into submission... leave THAT for the sheep. I would rather live in a nation where ALL are armed, and then mouthy little punks would not/could not subjugate everyone else to their perversion of "freedom" immune from responsibility for their actions/words. A red herring... typical "debating" style...
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    Never have I said there was any kind of link between the aid and the intervention. That was your claim. I asked would you be willing to see them remove their aid as well.

    Having said that, I dont doubt the two are linked. You touched on it in your post, self interest. Why should the US provide billions of dollars a year of aid while receiving nothing in return? The goodness of their heart? Please. No country in this world does anything for purely selfless reasons. America is no different.</STRONG>

    Naw, Balddog. The arrogant sot would prefer that we had refused to come to your aid in WW2, so that you would all now be speaking German. US did NOT win that war alone; neither would UK have survived w/o us. Pushed REAL hard for repayment of debt, haven't we??? <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
    Originally posted by Carriage Return:
    Britain used to; it also tended to do things that it thought were the "right" thing, which were horribly wrong.</STRONG>

    Britain selfless??? Altruistic??? ROTFLMFAO!!! Are you so hopelessly full of yourself that you cannot concieve that stripping colonies of the wealth has been the CAUSE of rebellion against British rule, for centuries? No one comes COMPLETELY clean in THAT wash, least of all Britain.

    If the US were so damned imperial in its foreign policy, we would have pumped BILLIONS of barrels of oil out of Mexico to repay the debt that they have renigged upon. We could forclose that country, IN A HEARTBEAT! We OWN them! What do we do? We allow millions of illegak aliens every year to cross into the US and drain our economy by supporting them.

    Reality is so unpalatable, and delusions ever so more delicious, right? <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0">
    Originally posted by Balddog:

    I also think you will find that the US did very little slave trading compared to us and the Spanish. We were the ones that took the slaves to America, they were just the end users...</STRONG>

    OO-RAH!!! Africans sold other Africans to British and Spanish, then they were transported to America in trade for the wealth here. So WHO was so opportunistic? We carried on (for a realitively short time) the practice that Britain dumped upon us. {Not directed @ Balddog... 'tis not HE who suffers from the cranial suppository...}
    Originally posted by Whowhere:

    Anyway, America sucks ass, thats all I care about..</STRONG>
    Reality IS such a bitch, ain't it? Why confuse your self induced delusional stupor with reality? <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
    Originally posted by MacKenZie:
    The real hypocrisy is that America claims to allow freedom of thought and yet allows itself to be dominated by the WASPs and the upper echelons of the government (GWB, specifically) would like to strip atheists of their citizenship.</STRONG>

    The US was founded with the belief of freedom OF religious belief, not a state enforced coercion AGAINST the expression of religious belief. The athiests have the upper hand when it is illegal to have a Christmas tree in a public place...

    WTF do you get the delusion that athiest would be/could be stripped of citizenship???

    Sorry to pack it ALL into one bundle, but I actually have a life away from here, and besides, didn't want to fluff the old post count, don't you know? <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    <STRONG>Unlike some, I do NOT suffer from individual cowardice and insecurity sufficient that I would wish every man to be shackled into submission... leave THAT for the sheep. I would rather live in a nation where ALL are armed, and then mouthy little punks would not/could not subjugate everyone else to their perversion of "freedom" immune from responsibility for their actions/words.
    But the Gun doesn't give you that; it gives you a situation where you all sit quiet, in case you get shot and killed. With no Guns, you get beat-up but tend to live. I know where I'd rather be. I'll not convince you otherwise, because you're an "end justifies the means" kind of person; you'll not convince me, because I'm a "doesn't matter if you win or lose, its how you play the game"
    <STRONG>A red herring... typical "debating" style...</STRONG>
    Actually it was an insult in direct response to yours. I'm sorry if it was a little subtle for you.
    Would "You only like guns because your little peashooter fires blanks" have been better?
    <STRONG>Naw, Balddog. The arrogant sot would prefer that we had refused to come to your aid in WW2, so that you would all now be speaking German. US did NOT win that war alone; neither would UK have survived w/o us. Pushed REAL hard for repayment of debt, haven't we??? </STRONG>
    I think the Americans got a fair return, rocket, turbine and nuclear sciences; military bases and cola bottling plants throughout Europe;
    <STRONG>Britain selfless??? Altruistic??? ROTFLMFAO!!! Are you so hopelessly full of yourself that you cannot concieve that stripping colonies of the wealth has been the CAUSE of rebellion against British rule, for centuries? No one comes COMPLETELY clean in THAT wash, least of all Britain.
    don't look to me to defend England. I was only saying that some of the things we did were out of the goodness of our hearts, and that those tended to be some of the worst things that we did.

    Anyway can you tell me about
    Bush's "faith based" initiative funneling tax monies to religious charities?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God."
    -- George Bush

    Sorry, my mistake: the "W" was of my invention, so it could have been father or son.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was father in his 1987 election campaign. He made the statement in an informal interview with some chap from American Atheists. It was also his own personal opinion, not the opinion of WASPs and 'the upper echelons of government'.
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