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world war 3



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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    turlough wrote:
    That would be the league of nations

    It failed mainly because the US was involved in an isolationalist policy after WW1 and also internal disputes between the France and Britain (still colonial powers) meant that disputes couldn't have been settled properly. Also they couldn't have done nothing about Hitler anyway.
    But doesn't that mean something similar to Hitler could happen with the UN, and so its existence doesn't mean much for the prospect of a 3rd WW?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Zalbor wrote:
    But doesn't that mean something similar to Hitler could happen with the UN, and so its existence doesn't mean much for the prospect of a 3rd WW?

    The league of nations was quite a shitty institution compared to the UN (which is nothing special itself) Lets just say, even if a Hitler like character tried something like that, there'll not be man to man war fighting where millions of people will die like we've seen in previous wars
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    I want to buy a Scud Launcher. Just to drive round town, seeing what folks do.
    before I take the dog for a walk I strap a chain gun on her back
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    before I take the dog for a walk I strap a chain gun on her back

    That dog has a strong back!

    Leauge of Nations was everyone trying to fuck over Germany, in the end.

    The UN... well... if we start expelling Nations (e.g: Iran), it'll fuck right up. Doesn't help it is nothing but a US Lap-dog. Prepared to ignore China's human rights abuses, but picks on Cuba's. I mean, come on! China even made jokes about it ffs... note how the UN still fails to take action over the Illegal Iraq war - because the UK and US are the ones doing it.

    UN needs alot of work to exploit its full potential. It needs true independance.

    WW3 could bestopped by the UN, but it is doubtful. All it takes is one slightly physco leader with a powerful country under his belt, and a quest for world dominance. Another Hitler, if you please. The UN wouldn't have stopped Hitler.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    The UN... well... if we start expelling Nations (e.g: Iran), it'll fuck right up. Doesn't help it is nothing but a US Lap-dog. Prepared to ignore China's human rights abuses, but picks on Cuba's. I mean, come on! China even made jokes about it ffs... note how the UN still fails to take action over the Illegal Iraq war - because the UK and US are the ones doing it.

    UN needs alot of work to exploit its full potential. It needs true independance.

    WW3 could bestopped by the UN, but it is doubtful. All it takes is one slightly physco leader with a powerful country under his belt, and a quest for world dominance. Another Hitler, if you please. The UN wouldn't have stopped Hitler.

    I'm doing an essay now concerning all this and it just seems to me more and more that the UN is just a facade for balance of power politics. Anyone else agree?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    turlough wrote:
    I'm doing an essay now concerning all this and it just seems to me more and more that the UN is just a facade for balance of power politics. Anyone else agree?

    Yeah. West wants good relations with China - they get left alone.
    Nations west dislieks get picked upon.

    It's a tool. Sad but true, it has done admirable work - but beneath the surface... it's not so pretty.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bloke sold a scud missile launcher on ebay for about 20k
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    bloke sold a scud missile launcher on ebay for about 20k

    I could have got one off Milweb for 15k... even better!

    Think there may be a FROG Launcher still on there... oooh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with Turlough here, I just can't foresee WW3, although I could be wrong of course.

    Capitalism has hold across the world, with that national conflict between the heavy powers diminishes. Most of the conflict will continue to carry on in the third world, which we'll continue profitting from, and in the areas where we're trying to Westernise and capitalise.

    Unless capitalism goes tits up, which could mean anything...the return of fascism, socialist revolution, the emergence of a pan-Islamic state...who knows.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Iraqi's continue to fight us, .

    talk about the power of brainwashing!

    it's the other fucking way round ...wake up for fucks sake!

    did ya know the scud missile got its name from a scouser?
    he saw one in action and said ...'thats scud innit larrr'.

    how any of you can live in such a dream world of the unlikeyness of a third world war the state this worlds in is beyond me.

    the mightiest nation in the world is broke ...in hock to asia ...relying desperatly on imported energy ...hated in more places than it's loved ...or even tolerated ...and you ;lot think global war is unlikely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i believe your comfortable little lives are about to be washed away in the near future and we'll all be faced with realities that other peoples have been living with for generations.

    but by all means ...ignore the writting on the wall and ...eat drink and be merry ...for tommorow we might die ...
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    but by all means ...ignore the writting on the wall

    Why change the habit of generations? We thought Hitler wasn't a threat. Only the apparently "Mad" Stalin saw him as a threat and asked to ally with us in the case of war. So we rejected him. Then, he later signed the non-aggrettion pact. Hitler invades regardless, and we want him back on our side.

    In the west, we are always so self-assured we are right, it is shocking. After all, how could such a great system ever be challenged? Or wrong? As good Christian people, it is obviously correct for us to tell the world what to do, and ignore what the Bible says. Just say you beleive in it, and it's OK. Don't accept Islam, go and declare war in their homeland and wonder why they hate us.
    don't know what's so wrong about the love of a good woman...

    ACUD launcher is easier to get. Alot easier. And less demanding. :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cant be bothered reading all these posts so;
    World War 3 will most likely never happen, not in a "real" world war situation anyway!
    Probably just be America fighting all middle east and muslims to protect Israel from Iranian expansionism and use of nuclear weapons.
    I doubt there wil be a hollocaust in it though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    subject13 wrote:
    cant be bothered reading all these posts so;
    World War 3 will most likely never happen, not in a "real" world war situation anyway!
    Probably just be America fighting all middle east and muslims to protect Israel from Iranian expansionism and use of nuclear weapons.
    I doubt there wil be a hollocaust in it though!

    So many innacuracies in that.

    Iranian expansionism? Any hard evidence?

    "and use of nucleaur weapons....doubt there will be a holocaust in it though!" :lol:
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    turlough wrote:
    "and use of nucleaur weapons....doubt there will be a holocaust in it though!" :lol:

    Only nuke Israel... Iran might, if hte US is to be bleived... but Iranian Expansionism... Israel is the one being like that, although now startig to rectify.

    If anything, WW3 will be in Asia, Bush has now just told the Chinese to be more open, etc, let people be free, blah blah. Like, keep out of it twat. Do you wnt cheap imports or not? IF they invade Taiwan, let them. You invaded Iraq. Try not to have double standards...

    Got that prick annoys me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Do you wnt cheap imports or not?

    the simple answer to that will be a no then.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    the simple answer to that will be a no then.

    You know the kind of sitaution we'd be in here if our companies had to pay Chinese workers the same wages as western counterparts?
    We'd be fucked!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    You know the kind of sitaution we'd be in here if our companies had to pay Chinese workers the same wages as western counterparts?
    We'd be fucked!
    not sure what your saying here gerbil but all these cheap imports ...more and more by the day ...mean every western nation is now in debt to china ...china are actualy lending the usa billions of dollars every year to purchase this stuff ...whilst their own industries go into decline.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    not sure what your saying here gerbil but all these cheap imports ...more and more by the day ...mean every western nation is now in debt to china ...china are actualy lending the usa billions of dollars every year to purchase this stuff ...whilst their own industries go into decline.

    Well, see... one problem would be the companies would be paying out more in wages, decresing thier profit margin drastically. Many would be in problems and possibly collapse.

    The consumer would pay more for his product, making him poorer and more pissed off.

    So, it is in the interests of Capitalism to pay Chinese people feck all to produce our stuff, so we get it cheaply. It's the way it works - the less you pay the worker, the more you make, the more you can make.

    The USA is in debt because Bush is a twat. Clinton had it all fine and sorted out. The US was doing well then. Bush couldn't manage the economy if he tried.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Well, see... one problem would be the companies would be paying out more in wages, decresing thier profit margin drastically. Many would be in problems and possibly collapse.

    The consumer would pay more for his product, making him poorer and more pissed off.

    So, it is in the interests of Capitalism to pay Chinese people feck all to produce our stuff, so we get it cheaply. It's the way it works - the less you pay the worker, the more you make, the more you can make.

    a wee bit simplistic and misguided me thinks.

    economic power is shifting to asia ...not what western capitalists realy want to see ...certainly not the consumer or the worker in the long run.

    the economic power of china is now so great that precious recsourses of every kind are being sucked into asia and away from us.

    soon to leave us very impoverished.

    with economic might comes political might and military muscle.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    a wee bit simplistic and misguided me thinks.

    economic power is shifting to asia ...not what western capitalists realy want to see ...certainly not the consumer or the worker in the long run.

    the economic power of china is now so great that precious recsourses of every kind are being sucked into asia and away from us.

    soon to leave us very impoverished.

    with economic might comes political might and military muscle.

    You are forgetting the people currently in charge will probably be dead before any of this is a problem - so why should they care? Let future generatinos deal with China's immense and growing military power. For now, they make big bucks and the people gobble up cheap goods.

    We have no industry left, we grow ever economically weaker - wont be a problem for a couple of genreations anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i hardly think systematic genocide will be part of world war 3.
    the recent inserexion of iranian clerks into iraq.
    etc, etc. there if you look for it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    We have no industry left, we grow ever economically weaker - wont be a problem for a couple of genreations anyway.
    you have to be joking right?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    you have to be joking right?

    China is no significant Military threat ot the west for at least a good few years yet - they, china themselves, plan to have a significant Blue Water Navy by 2050 - The current generation will be dead by then, i'd say. Hell, I will be an old man!

    Feck, war breaking out in my retirment. That'd sure ruin it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    China is no significant Military threat ot the west for at least a good few years yet - they, china themselves, plan to have a significant Blue Water Navy by 2050 - The current generation will be dead by then, i'd say. Hell, I will be an old man!

    Feck, war breaking out in my retirment. That'd sure ruin it.
    i aint talking about a war machine ...i'm talking about an economic one.

    i always find it amusing when people convince themselves ...not in my lifetime.

    war breaking out in my retirment. That'd sure ruin it

    things don't just happen one morning ...the economic events are happening now and accelerating ...the sucking in of resources and money ...is already having effects.

    china are already economicaly active in a very disturbing way for america.

    pipelines from iran to india pakistan and china ... chinese economic influence and impact on a growing scale in africa ...yanks are very worried.

    russia china india and pakistan having joint military ventures and trade agreements ...along with most other nations in the area making up over half the worlds population.

    and your still hoping you'll be an old man before you feel the chill!
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    and your still hoping you'll be an old man before you feel the chill!

    Im just playing Devils advoacte - this attitude is the reason no-one takes action now, before it is to late - the people who could be harmed are sure they are dead.

    I don't doubt at the rate we are gonig, if conscription or a call for men to join the military comse up - I will be prime age to do so. It's not far off, but the big palyers kid themselves they'll be gone before it.

    As far as I can see, China doesn't need a blue water navy to invade Taiwan - it's a short hop. The US will no doubt jump in to defend Taiwan. This is where the problem occurs - that is China's stomping ground, and the US will be overstreched - they can't cope with Afghanistahn and Iraq as it is!

    And as such, the UK will go off to help thier freinds. And more countries get involved as no dobut the aim becomes to Liberate Asia. North Korea must go, Vietnam must be freed... War in Asia would be WW3 if it will be anywhere imho.

    But as I say, the big business players are quite sure action isn't necessary - they'll die safe in their minds. The big threat in my mind is - if we go to war with China, we won't get our stuff we import from them. That's alot. That'll bring us to a halt. Everyday items unavailible - we'd be up shit creek alright.

    When a big nation such as China holds such control over the manufacturing industry, what are we to do? If we take action, and they react in a hostile manner, they can cut us off. We are quite nearly fully at their mercy now. How long until the equipment our armed forces use has a small gold sticker saying "Made in China."
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd put a nice wager on 2012 being a year of interest in terms of large scale conflicts, from what I heard from a few friends in the army and marines The UK has large numbers of new militray units due, e.g. new subs, ships, lots of new planes and tanks.

    Remember it's predicted we run out of Oil worldwide in this year.

    food for thought :chin:
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    We have two new Aircraft Carriers on order, I know that.

    About time!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    effectively the uk can strike any nation in the world with a nuke due to our superb subs that can carry i think 12 nukes each, maybe more i can't remember what my friend said now. he guards them by the way , said when the hippies when on one outside his base it got annoying because they kept trying to break in, what they would have done i dont know, spray save the whales on the side of the sub?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    In Scotland they burnt down a Hippie camp that did that!

    Yes, we could Nuke China. Then they would nuke us. GREAT IDEA!

    12 Nukes each? Typhoon class tbh. Can strike anywhere in the world, whilst docked at its home port in Archanglesk.

    I want one. 20 Missiles on board.. mmm... If only they didn't cost several million...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Look Hamster, for Gods sake stop pretending like you know anything about weapons and war.

    All you have done is play a few computer games and read janes.com so just shut the fuck up, ok?
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