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Look out for Labour tax rises!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Is it just me that doesn't care?

I'd happily pay more in taxes if society was seen to improve. Obviously it depends upon the relative cost to the individual and the benefits of the perceived improvement but how else do people expect things to be paid for? I suppose those with the money can buy all they want for themselves whilst the majority need the help to get it. Does it all come down to if you trust the government of the day to get the best out of the cash they take?

More tax isn't necessarily a bad thing.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ginner wrote:
    More tax isn't necessarily a bad thing.
    More tax is a bad thing if, as I'm surewill happen, it'll be squandered by Labour.
    The trouble with Labour is they're never open and honest about their tax hikes.
    Last time Brown promised no tax increase on Income Tax then neatly put 1% on National Insurance, an income-based tax, plus gave us around 150 "stealth" taxes!

    We want a low tax economy to provide incentives for entrepreneurship and financial endeavour, not just so Brown can hand out bigger benefits to the army of welfare scroungers. But the inherent problem is, Labour is by instinct and tradition, a party that is addicted to "tax & spend"!

    Gordon has got to fill the huge hole in his buget so one thing guaranteed is that he will increase taxes. He's done nothing much to help those caught in Inheritance Tax, mainly because of the value of their homes, and he's done nothing to help the old & infirm with their nursing home bills. Council tax for ordinary couples will rocket once the election is over, fuel tax will rise, interest rates will probably rise, the cost of the war in Iraq will continue to soar, and who knows we could dip into recession on the back of a slump in the housing market!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    More tax would be fine by me. Of course I'm not earning at the moment but I doubt that would change my values anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Renzo wrote:
    More tax would be fine by me. Of course I'm not earning at the moment but I doubt that would change my values anyway.
    If you've got nought then any tax rate is acceptable, come back when you're earning and then tell me the same thing!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    More tax is a bad thing if, as I'm surewill happen, it'll be squandered by Labour.
    The trouble with Labour is they're never open and honest about their tax hikes.
    Last time Brown promised no tax increase on Income Tax then neatly put 1% on National Insurance, an income-based tax, plus gave us around 150 "stealth" taxes!

    We want a low tax economy to provide incentives for entrepreneurship and financial endeavour, not just so Brown can hand out bigger benefits to the army of welfare scroungers. But the inherent problem is, Labour is by instinct and tradition, a party that is addicted to "tax & spend"!

    Gordon has got to fill the huge hole in his buget so one thing guaranteed is that he will increase taxes. He's done nothing much to help those caught in Inheritance Tax, mainly because of the value of their homes, and he's done nothing to help the old & infirm with their nursing home bills. Council tax for ordinary couples will rocket once the election is over, fuel tax will rise, interest rates will probably rise, the cost of the war in Iraq will continue to soar, and who knows we could dip into recession on the back of a slump in the housing market!

    Good, houses don't half cost a lot!

    I'd be in favour of setting a low ceiling on the amount any one person can inherit and heavily taxing the remainder. Why should wealth be amassed in just a small minority of families?

    Do you ever consider how tax improves schools and hospitals?

    Keeping you healthy into your old age and provides the education to future generations who'll provide you services and pay the taxes for your pension provision?

    By all means don't let me stop you looking at the small picture and feeling sorry for yourself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ginner wrote:
    Good, houses don't half cost a lot!
    Whats that got to do with the price of fish?
    I'd be in favour of setting a low ceiling on the amount any one person can inherit and heavily taxing the remainder. Why should wealth be amassed in just a small minority of families?
    Already happens my friend!
    Do you ever consider how tax improves schools and hospitals?
    Thats the problem, it doesn't!
    Keeping you healthy into your old age and provides the education to future generations who'll provide you services and pay the taxes for your pension provision?
    As I've said its wasted!
    By all means don't let me stop you looking at the small picture and feeling sorry for yourself.
    Don't worry, you won't! But I don't feel sorry for myself, rather I feel sorry for people like you!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    If you've got nought then any tax rate is acceptable, come back when you're earning and then tell me the same thing!

    As I said my morals won't change. You know some people do actually like to think of others....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    He's done nothing much to help those caught in Inheritance Tax

    i support inheritance tax wholeheartedly. why should people inherit bags and bags of money and live a life of luxury whilst giving nothing to society? because daddy did loads of good things to be rich? no - daddy inherited from his daddy who etc etc..who made his fortune at the expensive of poor labourers.

    money should be earned on merit - not given to some and withheld from others.

    the government should bite the bullet - stop picking on the middle classes and tax the really rich
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it just me that doesn't care?

    Afraid so. Most of our tax is spent on the "national debt" which is, if you think about it a very strange proposition. the nation has to collect lots of money to pay itself back? How does that work? Why doesn't it just let itself off the debt?

    I can easily see the economy going tits up in the mid/long term. As horrible as I find RK it's a simple truth that all goods and services are provided by business either directly or in the form of cash. The more you shrink the business sector, the less there is for everyone to be shared out.

    House prices are ridiculously inflated and have to be dragged back at some point. As a vast amount of home owners have taken out loans (backed by their increased property values) to improve their properties I expect to be seeing the words "negative equity" a lot in the next 1-2 years.

    The three cycles of business under a force based system of government -

    “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.”
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    If you've got nought then any tax rate is acceptable, come back when you're earning and then tell me the same thing!

    Are you earning money they Rich "Kid" I would think not given your name.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    If you've got nought then any tax rate is acceptable, come back when you're earning and then tell me the same thing!
    I'm earning money and I agree with Renzo. So there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piccolo wrote:
    I'm earning money and I agree with Renzo. So there.
    Good for you sucker! Do you want to pay my tax bill as well?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm earning money as well and I believe taxes should go up.

    It would seem that it's mostly those who can afford it without any kind of problems, such as "Rich" Kid here, who moan about having to pay tax.

    With a few hounourable exceptions, the richer a person is, the more greedy, selfish and dehumanised.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Taxes = theft.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Property = theft
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Then why do you own any? I assume you do, and if so you should give it back to the place you got it from ASAP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If property = theft then you must be stealing from a thief.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Then why do you own any? I assume you do, and if so you should give it back to the place you got it from ASAP.
    When the rich return what they've stolen the rest of us can follow suit ;)

    I always find the 'property = theft' statement a wonderful antidote to the supreme absurdity the 'taxes = theft' claim is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When the rich return what they've stolen the rest of us can follow suit

    Why? YOu should set an example. You can start by giving away that computer you use to post drivel like this on:
    I always find the 'property = theft' statement a wonderful antidote to the supreme absurdity the 'taxes = theft' claim is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why? YOu should set an example. You can start by giving away that computer you use to post drivel like this on:
    Given that the rich have the biggest track record of thieving, amassing wealth and not giving anything back, I think it's definitely best if they are the ones to return everything they own first before normal people follow suit.

    Anyways, as I explained earlier the property = theft is simply an answer to the infinitely more absurd taxes = theft claims. And every time someone posts such unspeakable absurdity I shall retort with property = theft.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    The rich don't pay tax? Who does that leave then?

    If property = theft then how did the person who is "stolen" from get the properrty in the first place?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Given that the rich have the biggest track record of thieving, amassing wealth and not giving anything back,

    They shouldnt have to give anything back. Nobody should, its sheer theft by the establihsment in the name of a pie-in-the-sky conecpt of 'society'.
    I think it's definitely best if they are the ones to return everything they own first before normal people follow suit.

    You would consider yourself 'normal'?

    THe fact is that people pay more in tax than ever before - and pretty soon they are going to wake up to the fact that they get sod-all in return.
    Anyways, as I explained earlier the property = theft is simply an answer to the infinitely more absurd taxes = theft claims. And every time someone posts such unspeakable absurdity I shall retort with property = theft.

    \you havent explained why property is theft.

    Tax= theft is perfectly explainable. You give the state your hard earned money or they come and put you in jail. Its mass robbery.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They shouldnt have to give anything back. Nobody should, its sheer theft by the establihsment in the name of a pie-in-the-sky conecpt of 'society'.

    I'm alright Jack, pull the ladder up!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm alright Jack, pull the ladder up!

    "I can't earn it myself, I had better get someone to rob it for me."

    And let's not forget -

    "We just about trust you to to tie your own shoelaces.....for everything else.........theres GOVERNMENT!"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They shouldnt have to give anything back. Nobody should, its sheer theft by the establihsment in the name of a pie-in-the-sky conecpt of 'society'.
    Society is very much real and very much to stay, regardless of what you and your heroine Maggie might wish.

    You would consider yourself 'normal'?
    From a financial point of view, yes.

    Most people don't 'normally' earn six (let alone seven) figure sums and employ an army of accountants to exploit every loophole in the law to avoid paying tax like greedy little thieves.
    THe fact is that people pay more in tax than ever before - and pretty soon they are going to wake up to the fact that they get sod-all in return.
    The best NHS there has ever been (fact), minimum wage, welfare, education...

    Are you on crack?

    you havent explained why property is theft.

    Tax= theft is perfectly explainable. You give the state your hard earned money or they come and put you in jail. Its mass robbery.
    Er no. You contribute toward expenses you and your fellow men will incur later in life by using a great number and variety of public services, as well as benefiting from various welfare programmes should you need to do so.

    The fact is that practically no one at all other than the super-rich (2% of the population at the most) could afford to pay for all the services the government provides through taxation if these did not exist and the only alternatives were private companies.

    What makes me laugh the most is that people like you, the sadly departed monocrat and practically everyone who has advocated here the libertarian utopia of no taxation would be just as fucked as everyone else (unless Matadore you or your family happen to be multi-millionaires).

    Talk about turkeys voting for Xmas...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    "I can't earn it myself, I had better get someone to rob it for me."

    And let's not forget -

    "We just about trust you to to tie your own shoelaces.....for everything else.........theres GOVERNMENT!"

    Yes, thank goodness you had the benefit of government funded transport, education and healthcare. You've turned out so well!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, thank goodness you had the benefit of government funded transport, education and healthcare. You've turned out so well!

    And the "government" using force to rob people is the only thing capable of providing those things, is it?

    Don't talk shite.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    And the "government" using force to rob people is the only thing capable of providing those things, is it?

    Don't talk shite.

    I was actually hoping you'd say that you have never used such things.

    Then why deny others the privileges you've benefitted from?

    Doesn't that make you one huge hypocrite?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Society is very much real and very much to stay

    'Society' as you see it (and wish it to be) died in 1979. Get over it. Move on.
    Most people don't 'normally' earn six (let alone seven) figure sums and employ an army of accountants to exploit every loophole in the law to avoid paying tax like greedy little thieves.

    Youd be very. very suprised how many people earn high 5 or 6 figure salaries these days. They pay for wasteful, ineffieicnt public services which enfeeble the population and drive down economic power. They wont put up with much more. Hopefully, by then the whole nature of government will have changed.
    The best NHS there has ever been (fact), minimum wage, welfare, education...

    Its pretty goddamn shoddy for the best NHS ever, wouldnt you say? No, the time will come (Id say in about a decade) when people will realise that centrally funded welfare systems are a waste of everyones money and time.
    Er no. You contribute toward expenses you and your fellow men will incur later in life by using a great number and variety of public services, as well as benefiting from various welfare programmes should you need to do so.

    You pay the government money to build useess things you will never use. This cavalier attitude towards peoples earnings is sickening.
    The fact is that practically no one at all other than the super-rich (2% of the population at the most) could afford to pay for all the services the government provides through taxation if these did not exist and the only alternatives were private companies.

    Wrong. Properly privitised services would end up being cheaper than what we pay in tax today. Not to mention more efficient and better providers.
    What makes me laugh the most is that people like you, the sadly departed monocrat and practically everyone who has advocated here the libertarian utopia of no taxation would be just as fucked as everyone else (unless Matadore you or your family happen to be multi-millionaires).

    No. Unlike you I am not hopelessly wedded to a system that should have been ditched in the 1980's, but because of Tory cowardice will splutter on for a decade longer before crashing to a fiery death, taking billions upon billions of taxpayers cash with it.
    Talk about turkeys voting for Xmas...

    Every time someone votews Labour (and the Tories as they stand today) they are essentially asking the government to come to their house and take their possessions.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Then why deny others the privileges you've benefitted from?

    Who the fuck said anything about denying anyone anything?
    Doesn't that make you one huge hypocrite?

    What the fuck are you on about man?
    Every time someone votews Labour (and the Tories as they stand today) they are essentially asking the government to come to their house and take their possessions.

    Absolutely spot on. Why is all the argument on here about what stolen cash is going to be spent on?

    Or is it just me that thinks theft is wrong?
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