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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The use of the term "anti-Israeli lierature" indicates that the CST are amalgamating the Israeli state and Judaism. As is the way with the Israeli government: to attack Israel is to be anti-semitic.

    The reason why people blame all Jews for Israel's shocking and disgusting ills is because the Israeli government has set itself up as the "defender" of Judaism, and attacks all those who attack Israeli policy as "anti-semitic". The Israeli government has blurred the lines between state and religion, and state and ethnicity, and so the buck has to stop with them.

    If the Israeli government condemns all those who condemn it as "anti-semitic", then opponents of Israel with less education than us cannot be blamed for blaming all Jews for the Israeli state's barbaric cruelty.

    I would also note that the CST is fudging the "rise", no doubt it justify its own continued existence. Whilst distasteful in the extreme, a few swastikas on a few graves does not constitute a serious issue.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Actually it is proposed that the Jews survival is because of their success at integrating into the societies in which they have been living, all while keeping up with their culture.

    so you don't deny there is powerful jewish influence in the u.s. and u.k then? and that wouldn't have anything to do with their success? :chin: ..........and you could call it integrating, but for instance why do some jews refer to gentiles (non-jews) as 'goyim', which translates as cattle............its quite clear the jews make a distinction between themselves and they don't trust anyone else, they've formed monopolies first in banking, and from there hollywood/media, porn industry to name a few........did this happen by magic?.........this is nothing new, King Edward I passed a law in 1275 forbidding jews from practising usury, which he was morally opposed to......he allowed them to work other occupations, but when they didn't listen he ordered them out of the realm in 1290 (Statute of Jewry).....look it up......

    something else which doesn't fill me with confidence is the Kil Nidre oath Jews take every year which says they don't have to tell the truth for the next year, any promises or oaths are nullified, so they can go out and lie and cheat...........

    obviously this doesn't concern all jews, but i didn't just make this up.........maybe theres a case for "anti-gentilism", but obviously i'm just "anti-semitic"..... :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    apollo_69 wrote:
    so you don't deny there is powerful jewish influence in the u.s. and u.k then? and that wouldn't have anything to do with their success? :chin: ..........and you could call it integrating, but for instance why do some jews refer to gentiles (non-jews) as 'goyim', which translates as cattle............its quite clear the jews make a distinction between themselves and they don't trust anyone else, they've formed monopolies first in banking, and from there hollywood/media, porn industry to name a few........did this happen by magic?.........this is nothing new, King Edward I passed a law in 1275 forbidding jews from practising usury, which he was morally opposed to......he allowed them to work other occupations, but when they didn't listen he ordered them out of the realm in 1290 (Statute of Jewry).....look it up......

    something else which doesn't fill me with confidence is the Kil Nidre oath Jews take every year which says they don't have to tell the truth for the next year, any promises or oaths are nullified, so they can go out and lie and cheat...........

    obviously this doesn't concern all jews, but i didn't just make this up.........maybe theres a case for "anti-gentilism", but obviously i'm just "anti-semitic"..... :rolleyes:

    May I ask where you have that from? What's your source?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    which bit?.........

    the kol nidre oath...

    Statute of Jewry

    as for the goyim thing i read that a while ago from an interview with Harold Rosenthal (Jewish politician and aide to Senator Davitts)......google it im sure youll find something........see if i can find it, bit stoned...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Explanation to the Kol Nidrei

    What Kol Nidrei (which is probably one of the most beautiful prayers in Judaism) symbolises, is that we're only human, and which is what Yom Kippur in essence focuses on. We're human and humble, and therefore begging for forgiveness for our sins. As said this is all in a personal level, and everyone has responsibility regarding their fellow humans. From a religious point of view the ten commendments remind us thet lying is not accepted within Judaism.

    Regarding Goy (singularis) I looked it up and nowhere did it suggest that Goyim = Cattle. You might be interested to know that God promised Abraham to make him and his descendants a "Goy Gadol", which means a Great (big) People. Don't know when the transition was made from refering to Jews to non-Jews.
    Either way will ask my mom (Hebrew and Arabic is her field).

    Regarding Jewish influence, it exactly shows integration. Instead of staying the low of society they have been able to work their way up in most countries in which they have been living.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    alrite jacq but you would say that.......you cant deny the literal wording.......

    May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths

    ........im not sure i agree with beautiful, but hey........ask your mum about goyim, ill find that interview just not now, i need to eat...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thing with the Hebrew language is that it is very ambiguous.
    Take out a bible, and see how many footnotes you'll have about words with a double meaning or about phrases with wordplays in then.

    But yes, I understand that it might seem odd when taken out of context. Most things are though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In the interests of fairness, here's the reply from the BBC to the accusation they gave too much coverage to the Charles & Camilla story.

    "The BBC believes the announcement about the heir to the throne is an important news story that not only merits coverage across our scheduled news bulletins but deserves to be reported in separate programmes. We recognise that not all viewers are interested in stories relating to the Royal Family, but equally there is a significant audience who do wish to be informed of such decisions."

    LINK: NewsWatch - Notes & Corrections
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    With reference to goy (which I've heard before on an internet chatroom, didn't know what the hell it meant though) google says (btw, great function, type in define: before your google query :D)

    "Gentile: in this sense `Gentile' denotes a Christian as contrasted with a Jew; `goy' is a derogatory word for Christians used by Jews"

    "No definitions were found for goyim."
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So my mom just got home (how sad, her social life is better than mine), and I asked her, and I was right. Goy's original meaning is "people", and only in modern times do some apparently use it derogatory.
    Though it's important to note that it isn't the general feeling concerning the word as there for example is the term "Shabbat Goy", who is a non Jew turning on electronic appliances and the likes which is not allowed fo Jews on the Sabbat. Why should a non-Jew do this for Jews unless he was their friend, and why should Jews let anyone in to do this if they viewed him as inferior.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Goy's original meaning is "people", and only in modern times do some apparently use it derogatory.

    Doesn't Goyim mean "nations"?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Doesn't Goyim mean "nations"?

    No. But it is connected in the phrase "Goyimg Rabim, Amim Gdolim", meaning many people, big nations.
    So maybe it could mean that under the right context.

    Actually maybe that times "people" were what we view as nations today? Don't know.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1 entry found for Goyim.
    goy Audio pronunciation of "Goyim" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (goi)
    n. Offensive pl. goy·im (goim) or goys

    Used as a disparaging term for one who is not a Jew.

    One entry found for goy.
    Main Entry: goy
    Pronunciation: 'goi
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural goy·im /'goi-&m/; also goys
    Etymology: Yiddish, from Hebrew gOy people, nation
    sometimes disparaging : GENTILE 1
    - goy·ish /'goi-ish/ adjective, sometimes disparaging

    And the piste de resistance:
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    (Redirected from Goyim)

    Goy is a Hebrew word meaning "nation" or "people". The first use of Goy (plural, Goyim) in the Hebrew Bible is in Genesis 10:1, in reference to non-Israelite nations. Its first use in reference to Israelites is in Genesis 12:2, where Abraham is promised that his descendants will form a goy gadol or great nation. The word (in its various forms) is used over 550 times in the Hebrew Bible; in the earlier books it more often refers to the Israelites, but in the later books it more often refers to non-Israelite nations. As a result, in Hebrew and Yiddish goy has come to refer to a member of the Gentile (i.e. non-Jewish) nations. While its use in Hebrew and Yiddish is neutral, its use in English is usually considered derogatory, and many Hebrew and Yiddish speakers have come to see it that way in those tongues as well. As a result, it has somewhat fallen out of favour, and in recent decades written works in Hebrew and Yiddish have begun using circumlocutions which generally translate as "non-Jew" instead.

    eta: I :heart: google :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1 entry found for Goyim.
    goy Audio pronunciation of "Goyim" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (goi)
    n. Offensive pl. goy·im (goim) or goys

    Used as a disparaging term for one who is not a Jew.

    One entry found for goy.
    Main Entry: goy
    Pronunciation: 'goi
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural goy·im /'goi-&m/; also goys
    Etymology: Yiddish, from Hebrew gOy people, nation
    sometimes disparaging : GENTILE 1
    - goy·ish /'goi-ish/ adjective, sometimes disparaging

    And the piste de resistance:
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    (Redirected from Goyim)

    Goy is a Hebrew word meaning "nation" or "people". The first use of Goy (plural, Goyim) in the Hebrew Bible is in Genesis 10:1, in reference to non-Israelite nations. Its first use in reference to Israelites is in Genesis 12:2, where Abraham is promised that his descendants will form a goy gadol or great nation. The word (in its various forms) is used over 550 times in the Hebrew Bible; in the earlier books it more often refers to the Israelites, but in the later books it more often refers to non-Israelite nations. As a result, in Hebrew and Yiddish goy has come to refer to a member of the Gentile (i.e. non-Jewish) nations. While its use in Hebrew and Yiddish is neutral, its use in English is usually considered derogatory, and many Hebrew and Yiddish speakers have come to see it that way in those tongues as well. As a result, it has somewhat fallen out of favour, and in recent decades written works in Hebrew and Yiddish have begun using circumlocutions which generally translate as "non-Jew" instead.

    eta: I :heart: google :)

    There you have the explanation. American Jews castrating the language.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    In the interests of fairness, here's the reply from the BBC to the accusation they gave too much coverage to the Charles & Camilla story.

    "The BBC believes the announcement about the heir to the throne is an important news story that not only merits coverage across our scheduled news bulletins but deserves to be reported in separate programmes. We recognise that not all viewers are interested in stories relating to the Royal Family, but equally there is a significant audience who do wish to be informed of such decisions."

    LINK: NewsWatch - Notes & Corrections

    I think they gave too much on it on Thursday night, 20 minutes by my watch. Apparantly N. Korea declaring nukes wasnt that important....
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