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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i agree with the most part of that

    but what i think a lot of people missunderstand, is not the happenings that go on in urban warfare, but the fact that just because your opinion is more justifiable than the next persons, doesnt always make it more right
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish
    A myth perpetuated by the military to justify actions like this.
    Perhaps you should enlist, and pay a visit, so you might have the basis to judge, firsthand?
    Originally posted by byny
    I was talking to a friend last weekend who used to be in the army...He served in the Gulf war and Bosnia.

    Even the Swedes and French think that their armies are "the best in the world"... lool.gif
    Clearing houses, house to house, up close and personal, is the province of the individual grunt. If the US were as your "friend" speculates? We simply would have cleansed Falluja by thermo-nuclear event.

    Fact is? Civilian casualties - as opposed to non-uniformed and armed combatants - have been incredibly low - in Falluja.

    Talking to your friend? Ain't exactly being there, yourself, now is it? Perhaps you would like a little road trip to Mosul, and decide for yourself?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MrG

    but what i think a lot of people missunderstand, is not the happenings that go on in urban warfare, but the fact that just because your opinion is more justifiable than the next persons, doesnt always make it more right

    Confusing statement...:confused:

    That I speak from personal experience, and the most speculate from supposition, does not indicate that I "might" have a clearer perspective of the issue? :confused:

    Care to re-phrase?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: the military view versus the civilian one. How do you explain military folk, from humble soldiers to high commanding officers, who contrary to your views believe there is such thing as war crimes and murders commited by troops? Are they traitors? Or just mentally insane?
    NO amount of money can repay me for the gallon of my own blood, bled into the soil of Vietnam. NO amount of money can purchase back the lives of the 100 Marines who died next to me, nor the 58,000+ whose names are carved into that long stone wall. NO amount of money can buy back the lives of those who have died in Iraq, nor the others who have sacrificed their well being there
    More the reason to be pissed off at past and present governments of yours, who used people who had joined the army to defend their nation for their own ends, namely protecting the interests of Big Business and advancing the plans of right wing ideology.

    Vietnam had absolutely fuck all to do with defending America. THAT IS A FACT. Ditto Iraq. You should be utterly revolted at your government wasting the lives of tens of thousands of people in such manner.

    I wonder how many of the 1,100 soldiers who've died in Iraq so far thought they would die defending the interests of Halliburton, Exxon and Lockheed Martin rather than their country.

    You want to find parasites? Look no further than the LYING, cheating, murdering, greedy scumbags sitting in government in D.C. and their circle of chums. Starting with your commander-in-chimp.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Globe they has been times where our liberties have been protected by the military and for that we should be grateful, I would be happy to admit that. However I would disagree that the Iraq war is one of them…

    However Globe you have to admit that in conflicts such as this the military needs to be held to account for actions taken by troops which break international law?

    Because every action taken which damages the creditability of the American army will cause a loss of respect from the Iraqi people and will make the situation worse.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    How do you explain military folk, from humble soldiers to high commanding officers, who contrary to your views believe there is such thing as war crimes and murders commited by troops?
    And how many of them are grunts, who have personally experienced the up close and personal of combat, much less the realities when it is in an urban setting?

    Vietnam had absolutely fuck all to do with defending America. THAT IS A FACT. Ditto Iraq.
    Vietnam was ONE BATTLE FIELD in a greater war, which brought down the Soviet Union. Are you now to pontificate how the Soviet Union was a blessing to the free world? Or was it your ideal, before Islamic terrorism?

    Iraq? Is not an entity to itself, any more than was Vietnam. It is ONE BATTLE FIELD, of a greater war. And as you are a constant proponent of Islamic terrorism, you would be on the opposing side of the war, now would you not?

    Your "facts" are nothing but your own personal supposition. They are hardly "facts"...

    And you can take your "chimp" commentary, and shove it up your ass. Or... grow a pair, and come say it to his face.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The War on Islamic Terrorism...

    Iraq and Al Qaeda-Hussein Link Is Dismissed


    9/11 Commission: No Link Between Al-Qaida and Saddam


    Saddam's al Qaeda Connection


    Experts See No Links Between Iraq And Al-Qaeda


    So if they is not a link between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein how can invading and destablising iraq help against islamic terrorism?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    And how many of them are grunts, who have personally experienced the up close and personal of combat, much less the realities when it is in an urban setting?
    Why don't you ask them and find out Thanatos?

    So basically you're saying that anyone, even fellow serving soldiers or high commanding officers of your own army, who disagree with your view that US soldiers can do no wrong in battle, are grunts, whims and assorted wholly liberals right?

    Truly priceless.

    Vietnam was ONE BATTLE FIELD in a greater war, which brought down the Soviet Union.
    The collapse of the Soviet Union was due to a number of reasons, mainly economic collapse and political reform. The war in Vietnam had about as much to do with it as a volcanic eruption in Titan.
    Are you now to pontificate how the Soviet Union was a blessing to the free world? Or was it your ideal, before Islamic terrorism?
    Yawn... change the record about my "supporting" of Islamic terrorism. When all else fails, revert to trolling eh? How honourable of you :rolleyes:
    And you can take your "chimp" commentary, and shove it up your ass. Or... grow a pair, and come say it to his face.
    Can I say it to his face? Really? Excellent. I'll tell him that as well as being a chimp he's thick murdering war criminal scumbag and an action-dodging spineless coward.

    Do you think he would sum up the courage to attempt to give me a slap Thanatos? I'd very much like that. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by marv
    However Globe you have to admit that in conflicts such as this the military needs to be held to account for actions taken by troops which break international law?

    And exactly when is it that the Islamic terrorists will be held to account for THEIR acts?

    Curious, is it not, that everyone has immunity from accountability, BUT the United States?

    That individual Marine WILL be held to account, and will be judged, by the military. Hopefully, it will be by those who comprehend battle, and not the touchie/feelie parasites who prattle on without the slightest clue as to the true nature and realities of combat.

    "International law"? Is a joke, just as is the United Nations, because... who will enforce it? OBJECTIVELY, rather than subjectively? WITHOUT an agenda? THAT is a reality, whether you care to face it or not. You think those terrorists in Iraq - or the Islamic terrorists worldwide - give a good goddamn concerning "international law"? Saddam Hussein himself knew the truth concerning "international law"...

    As has been clearly demonstrated within this forum... The most have not the slightest clue as to what transpires - by necessity - in combat. They consider the taking of life - for ANY reason - to be "murder"...

    So much safer to be secure within your protected existence, than to face the reality of the world, without that wall manned by us "lawless barbarians", is it not?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by marv

    Experts See No Links Between Iraq And Al-Qaeda
    Beyond the obvious fact that self styled "experts" at one time thought that the world was flat...

    And whatever ANY group of "experts" might postulate, can be confronted by another from disparate perspective...

    Al Qaeda is one terrorist group, of many. They are NOT the only terrorist entity being confronted, presently. Hussein supported terrorism, even IF not al Qaeda, directly. Are you to defend Hussein, now? Simply because he was not al Qaeda? Be my guest...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin

    Can I say it to his face? Really? Excellent. I'll tell him that as well as being a chimp he's thick murdering war criminal scumbag and an action-dodging spineless coward.

    Do you think he would sum up the courage to attempt to give me a slap Thanatos? I'd very much like that. :)
    Oh... please DO book your flight, and confront George Bush, face-to-face. :D I would LOVE to have a ticket to view the moment, and then watch your reckoning...

    And as for your support of Islamic terrorism? That is rather well known in this forum, that those are your PERSONAL HEROES... :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Globe said
    Are you to defend Hussein, now? Simply because he was not al Qaeda? Be my guest..

    tell me where the fuck anyone said saddam was/is a good man because he doesnt support bin laden

    and do you live in a hole, cause saddam and bin laden have completely different ideologies and hate the crap outta each other and have publicly said so
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MrG

    tell me where the fuck anyone said saddam was/is a good man because he doesnt support bin laden

    and do you live in a hole, cause saddam and bin laden have completely different ideologies and hate the crap outta each other and have publicly said so
    Just because they are "enemies of each other", does not mean that EITHER one is a friend of the US, now does it? They do not need to be swapping spit to both be considered enemies who need to be taken down.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Oh... please DO book your flight, and confront George Bush, face-to-face. :D I would LOVE to have a ticket to view the moment, and then watch your reckoning...
    LOL... had we been talking about Arnie I might have been a bit worried... good old Dubya? I'd be almost embarrassed to be honest.

    You forget that he would most probably not have the balls to put his arse on the line... not being one of his habits.

    Then again they say chimps are much more stronger than humans...
    And as for your support of Islamic terrorism? That is rather well known in this forum, that those are your PERSONAL HEROES... :rolleyes:

    Stop lying.

    Stop making things up.

    Stop resorting to smearing and insults when you lose the plot.

    And last but not least, don't ever complain again if anyone calls you 'certain' things, since you're so happy to embark in simlar namecalling on a daily basis.

    Or at least look up the meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin


    Stop lying.

    Stop making things up..
    Originally posted by bongbudda
    Yes, Aladdin really thinks the people who did this are heros, and your post was worth writing.

    Bongbudda and I agree on virtually NOTHING, except... ;)
    Originally posted by Aladdin

    And last but not least, don't ever complain again if anyone calls you 'certain' things, since you're so happy to embark in simlar namecalling on a daily basis.
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    I put it to you that every single US soldier in Iraq is a murdering, torturing, raping cunt.

    Oh, please do put up more of your "baby killer", "rapist", "war criminal" bullshit, it goes so well with your "white trailer park trash" racist epithets...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this will be the 136th reply in this thread.
    have we had this much interest when a hostage is beheaded ...a woman disembowled alive?
    a load of iraqi civilians blown to bits by trerrorists ...just wondering.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    this will be the 136th reply in this thread.
    have we had this much interest when a hostage is beheaded ...a woman disembowled alive?
    a load of iraqi civilians blown to bits by trerrorists ...just wondering.
    Of course not. That would be inconvenient to the agenda of many, and outside the parameters of prejudice, would it not?

    The Hate America First Club would fold, were they required to address the terrorists with the same fervor as they spew toward America... ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    this will be the 136th reply in this thread.
    have we had this much interest when a hostage is beheaded ...a woman disembowled alive?
    a load of iraqi civilians blown to bits by trerrorists ...just wondering.
    The only thing that's keeping this thread going is Thanny's apparent desire to get himself banned again, by repeating ad nauseum his claims about Aladdin's 'heroes'.

    Maybe we could have a little competition to select his new screen-name? I plump for 'Oo-rah!' Can anyone do better?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Bongbudda and I agree on virtually NOTHING, except... ;)
    Notes on Thanny: also more than willing to ignore sarcasm when it suits...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He's also more than willing to answer questions he doesn't deem appropriate or that he is unable to answer with a cut and paste.

    You babble on about the low wages the armed forces recieved Thanny, but it's BUSH who pays the wages.

    Wasn't it Bush who cut them, and also reduced the pension available to veterans who gallantly defended South Vietnam all those years ago?
    What happens to the partner of a soldier if the soldier dies and they aren't married? Last I heard she was fucked if she thought she could squeeze some money out of the tight fisted bastard you call a boss.

    As for Saddam being America's enemy, I only recall him becoming your enemy in 1990. Before then when he was invading Iran and gassing the Kurds he was your best buddy.
    I think he was quite content doing all those things with your approval and knew he'd never be able to take the fight overseas.

    Those "experts" who have disproven every attempt to link Saddam to Al-Qaeda have more knowledge of the matter than you. You prove that by attempting to fit every situation into something like Vietnam.
    It's also a view acknowledged by your government and our government. It appears yours is the only voice still retarded enough to believe it was Saddam who was responsible for killing 3000 people who had nothing to do with the Middle East (except possibly involved in covertly "aquiring" their oil).
    Couldn't have been Saudi Arabia, because they're you friends, despite all the hijackers being Saud, or having links to the country.
    When can we expect the invasion then?

    And inviting one of us to go and give Bush a slap, I hope the secret service aren't reading because they could, (and probably would) confuse that comment with you inciting people to violence. be careful, they're watching you, you may find youself in a prison being ass raped because you asked someone to slap the boss man.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Bongbudda and I agree on virtually NOTHING, except... ;)

    Are you sure you're reading his remarks correctly?

    Methinks you've made a mistake there. :D

    Oh, please do put up more of your "baby killer", "rapist", "war criminal" bullshit, it goes so well with your "white trailer park trash" racist epithets...
    Do you understand the concept in which my remarks were posted?

    How funny that you have chosen to omit the rest the post concerned...

    How funny that you continue to take things out of context.

    So let me make it reeeeeeaaaalllly clear for you (again).

    If you insist on simplifying the situation on Iraq and on pretending that every last fighter in there is a beheading, woman-killing "terrorist" (or 'turrist', as your chimp President calls them) when you know very well that is not the case, then it is fair for everyone else to say every last serving US soldier is a torturing, murdering scumbag. You can't have it both ways my friend.

    It is simply fucking extraordinary that the man who boasts so proudly about America's militias, proliferation of guns and how any invasion of America would be deemed to failure due to all those gun-toting patriots prepared to repel the invader at any cost, has the cheek of branding others who are doing just the same as "terrorists".

    And before you start ranting again, we're not talking about terrorist cells who kidnap and behead people. We're talking about armed fighters who engage the illegal invader (that's you) in their struggle to kick you out.

    The level of hypocrisy is, once again, breath taking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    And exactly when is it that the Islamic terrorists will be held to account for THEIR acts?

    When the US military gets its act together and actually bombs the right target perhaps?:rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It came on the news today that this radical in Iraq came towards Marines waving a white flag...and then reached for a hidden gun and shot at them. I don't they respect anything from the west including rules set up to save innocents.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It fits the profile of the fanatical sects. They don't believe in surrender, so they screw up the possibility of anybody else, insurgent or otherwise, coming out peacefully. It doesn't make much difference really, as few Iraqis would trust the 'Coalition' forces not to shoot them anyway, 2 to 3 times out of ten, but for a tiny fraction of the population to undermine an internationally recognised symbol because of their narrow philosophy is deplorable.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh, no... look guys... you've made Thanny frown... :crying:

    Warning: context free zone ahead
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm honoured. :)

    But of course, typical of Thanatos to quote one sentence out of context...

    Funny how he forgot to mention what the sentence was in relation to...

    Amazing the debating skills of that bloke...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Uncle Joe
    Oh, no... look guys... you've made Thanny frown... :crying:


    *awaits mil.com trolling*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in case you guys want to read up on all the stuff that led to this battle royale, this is the blog of the guy who actually filmed the shooting.


    i think kevin sites is a little pink on the inside but he never called the marines murderers, rapists, or ****s. go figure...

    EDIT: what's the deal? does this site censor language now?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it always has, you have to get the mods to turn off your filter you can't use words like

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