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the miracle of china.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
china is on the verge of being the economic super power of the world. theres no stopping it.
the U.S and europe will be the other two.
do you honestly believe our little island can survive on its own under this new world economic order?
three huge trading blocs will be sucking in earths recourses especialy oil.
how will we compete on the global stage with our pound ...a pound that will have become insignificant?
how will we be able to purchase raw materials etc if the UK is independant.
the sleeping giant has woken up.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah China is bound to hold massive economic power. Probably one of the reasons the Americans are over looking the totalitarian state it has...

    And I totally agree with what you said about the UK. If we are out of Europe we will just be knocked down from our place on the world stage. How can a country with a population of 60 million complete with one with 1.5 billion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Which is why the EU needs to gain more support. And why all the members of the EU need to adopt the Euro.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Jacqueline the Ripper
    Which is why the EU needs to gain more support. And why all the members of the EU need to adopt the Euro.
    well shave my legs! me and jacq agree on something!!!!
    must be the second time ...but ...
    in all seriousness those who wish to retain the pound are not looking at the big picture. the world has changed and is changing even more and very fast. yet people still want to believe that we can go it alone in this new order.
    it's time to get radical and move on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aspartame
    Yes. It would be nice if people though ahead rather than being stuck in the past.l

    But you know the Pound is our identity, and we'll lose that if we have the Euro... ;)
    with three giant trading blocs ...three very powerful currencies ...the pound will become meaningless.
    the worlds recources can only get scarcer therefore more expensive ...look at oil. oil is now being sucked into china on an alarming scale pushing world prices up.
    in five ten years time it will be near impossible to find anyone who wishes to take insignificant currencies.
    how will we purchase our raw materials against these super currencies is what i'd like to know?
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    Originally posted by Aspartame
    But you know the Pound is our identity, and we'll lose that if we have the Euro... ;)
    Drachmas. Lirettes. Othe countries' coins. They all got lost, and they all were each country's identity. It's not like the sterilng is any different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Zalbor
    Drachmas. Lirettes. Othe countries' coins. They all got lost, and they all were each country's identity. It's not like the sterilng is any different.
    our identity is not who's face is on a coin ...and the way things are going the faces of that london family won't be there for too many years into the future anyway.
    we need to be part of the big machines that are being built or we're up shit creek.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    china is on the verge of being the economic super power of the world.

    I wouldnt count on it. Chinas economy will very likely overheat within the next few years (no country can keep up 10% per year growth, it just isnt realistic) and the EU is no way going to be an economic superpower compared to the US.

    Falling birth rates, stunted economic growth, lack of military power, and an unwillingness to assert itself on the world stage all add to the EUs massive list of problems.
    do you honestly believe our little island can survive on its own under this new world economic order?

    It did ok when there were 2 huge trading blocks, then now when there is one.
    a pound that will have become insignificant?

    The pound still has for more global significance than Chinas 'currency'.

    China will collapse soon anyway. As its people become more affluent through economic growth they will demand more political freedoms which the despots in Beijing will be unwilling to provide.

    Cue civil war.
    How can a country with a population of 60 million complete with one with 1.5 billion.

    Theres a hell of a lot more to an economy than the number of people if has. Britain has a larger economy than India , which has 800 million people. And it has a larger economy than China.

    Besides , people have been saying China will become a superpower for years , yet they are still streets and streets behind the US and Europe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    and the EU is no way going to be an economic superpower compared to the US.

    Don't know if it is true, as I haven't bothered to check the facts, but Denmarks old primeminister said that with the enlargment, the EU has the largest economy in the world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    I wouldnt count on it. Chinas economy will very likely overheat within the next few years (no country can keep up 10% per year growth, it just isnt realistic) and the EU is no way going to be an economic superpower compared to the US.

    Falling birth rates, stunted economic growth, lack of military power, and an unwillingness to assert itself on the world stage all add to the EUs massive list of problems.

    It did ok when there were 2 huge trading blocks, then now when there is one.

    The pound still has for more global significance than Chinas 'currency'.

    China will collapse soon anyway. As its people become more affluent through economic growth they will demand more political freedoms which the despots in Beijing will be unwilling to provide.

    Cue civil war.

    Theres a hell of a lot more to an economy than the number of people if has. Britain has a larger economy than India , which has 800 million people. And it has a larger economy than China.

    Besides , people have been saying China will become a superpower for years , yet they are still streets and streets behind the US and Europe.
    i think the chinese leadership no about freedom resulting from prosperity ...i think they know exactly what they are doing.
    that 10% growth is not a free market growth but a highly controlled economy ...it will keep going for a long time yet.
    the recourses now being sucked into china effects us all.
    the euro is set to be massive.
    your living in the past and hoping in the past.
    the realities have changed. the world has changed. we HAVE to change with it.
    this keeping the pound malarky is old fashioned sentimentalism if you ask me.
    one big trouble for the uk is that it has no real manufacturing base anymore. we no longer have the skills either. the service based economy can and probably will be stolen from under our noses anytime soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    UK should NOT adpot the Euro. Why should we?

    Did you even read anything? :rolleyes:

    Anyway this thread is about China *not* the Euro get it out your posts for once.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Theres a hell of a lot more to an economy than the number of people if has. Britain has a larger economy than India , which has 800 million people. And it has a larger economy than China.

    India's economy is larger than the UK's via the PPP method. As is China's.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    UK should NOT adpot the Euro. Why should we?
    i tried to explain the way i see the very near future luke. recourses are diminishing and therefore will get pricier. china is a giant that has woken from it's slumber. mercedes and bmw have opened up there as have other big companies. more will be doing as china rapidly grows. rapid is an understatement.
    these big companies are eager to invest where the potential to make the mostest is at hand.
    the money tobe made over the next five years and on will be europe america and china. others will get shoved aside to use up what recources are available.
    argentina and brazil are begining to make money hand over fist by supplying foodstuffs to feed the ever growing cities of china.
    china needs so much food and more. china needs oil and a myriad of other things.
    how long could our little island last in these new circumstances? what can we provide on our own.?
    who will be interested in accepting the english pound?
    we don't have the huge landmasses of south america or north america or europe so we won't be providing much timber or other agricultural goods will we.
    on our own we are going to be left high and dry.
    the times they are a changing ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    Maybe Europe should adopt the Pound, after all it's a sucess.
    oh if only!
    all i'm trying to point out luke is that the world is changing very fast. we have to change with it to survive.
    which smaller countries do you have in mind?
    we are a very small island and in todays world we have less and less to offer on our own.
    if we were to pull out altogether from europe ...could we build and sell enough planes ...manufacture enough cheap steel etc to have a chance of competing?
    do we have lots of natural rescourses we can fall back on to sell to the world?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    Yeah i agree, we must keep with the Asian tigers and the United states for sure.

    The smaller countries I'm referring to are Swizerland, norway them ones.

    I have always said that pulling out of the Eu might not be such a good idea. I like what the Tories say, cut all the useless laws that come with it. REd tape and stuff like that.
    and if europe were to forge ahead without us ...maybe building the USE ...we're in the shit big time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    why woudl we? because we are loosing out on Brussels ruling us?

    As long as we have strong trade links with them that only matters.
    how would we keep those strong trade links? when investment is starting to pour more and more toward asia and those within the euro? thats what is starting to happen. what do we have to offer?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    if we are loosing lots trade because we are not in the Euro then I would be worried but from the look of it, we are doing better than the Euro countries.

    we could easily adpot the US Dollar if the Pound sunk. that is a worldwide currency.
    hang about ...i thought you wanted to keep the pound at all costs! so you wouldn't mind being ruled from washington
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    yes I would, certainly. I was referring to, if the pound ever sunk and we couldn't get ack up again. Why have the Euro that comes with red tape? Might as well sell out for the Dollar. thats all I said.
    somehow i don't think the yanks would be into that ...but i already see that the pound is going to become almost worthless in this fast changing world so i too am ready to sell out ...by joining the euro ...before it's to late and they tell us to fuck off.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    maybe we should adopt the yen ...anything but those cheese eating surrender monkeys aye ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think we have waited long enough.
    back to the miracle that is china ....oil steel food timber etc are pouring into the country ...so the yen is getting more and more attention. it's in more hands than ever before meaning more and more banks and big bizz are dealing with it. what do WE have to offer besides some investment in brazil and argentina etc. europe and the euro are moving in there big time supplying machinery and raw materials ...don't you see how easyily we can be sidelined and if we wait and wait ...=we could be too late. i fear we may already be to late.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Other countries might be able to emulate this miracle growth if they had armies of pliable workers living in cramped accomodation working in unsafe conditions conditioned by years of harsh totalitarian rule, plus a willingness to dump industrial by-products into rivers and contemplate wholesale enviromental destruction as will happen with the damming of the Yangtse

    Something to fear especially if China starts asserting itself militarily against its neighbours.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    oh if only!
    all i'm trying to point out luke is that the world is changing very fast. we have to change with it to survive.
    which smaller countries do you have in mind?
    we are a very small island and in todays world we have less and less to offer on our own.
    if we were to pull out altogether from europe ...could we build and sell enough planes ...manufacture enough cheap steel etc to have a chance of competing?
    do we have lots of natural rescourses we can fall back on to sell to the world?

    You said yourself we need to move into the future and manufacturing will have no place in Britains economy in the future. Wage rates here are far too high for this. Britain will move more and more into a service economy, hence why 80% of jobs in the future will require a degree.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ladymuck
    Other countries might be able to emulate this miracle growth if they had armies of pliable workers living in cramped accomodation working in unsafe conditions conditioned by years of harsh totalitarian rule, plus a willingness to dump industrial by-products into rivers and contemplate wholesale enviromental destruction as will happen with the damming of the Yangtse

    Something to fear especially if China starts asserting itself militarily against its neighbours.
    and theres part of your answer luke ...a lot of stuff you buy in B and Q is made in china by prisoners for not much more than a bowl of cabbage soup twice a day.
    terrible as it is the fact is china is rebuilding itself into a 21st century economic powerhouse. new cities springing up older cities expanding rapidly. massive engineering projects etc.
    the rise in oil prices is partly down to the fact that china is now buying oil on a massive scale as it is everything else.
    the scale of this thing has no precedent. the ammount or raw materials etc that china is now sucking in from around the world is phenominal and accelerating.
    china doesn't have any timber ...bye bye rain forrests. the chinese are buying all the timber. they have already purchased just about all the worlds seasoned oak. when the forrests are gone they are buying up whatever is planted ...be it beef or soya to feed the massive growth in urban populations.
    nothing on this scale has been seen before ...and still people want the U.K to somehow go it alone. i'd like to know how people think we can do that.
    the yen the dollar and the euro are going to be huge currencies ...the sort of money the banks, the investors, the builders, the oil men will be dealing in.
    please tell me how the pound can retain any strength in such a world?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    I understand, good points there mate. but why does it seem that Pound is stronger and better than the Euro?

    To work out the value of a currency you get the whole countries wealth, and divide it by the amount of currency. If you print too much money, or if everything is worth less, then money is worth less. If you don't print enough, then the money is worth more.

    To compare countries economies you don't look at the exchange rate, you have to see how they have changed compared to each other. I think it would be a mistake to go into the Euro at the moment because we have too many different policies; we need to synchronise. Then it would only make sense to go into the Euro in my opinion. However, switzerland opted not to join the Euro because they are such a rich country, and they fare ok for themselves.

    Speaking of china, I love the country :p and india is set to be a major world player as well. we just need to sort out those damned human rights :chin:

    I just found an interesting quote: "Chinese factories turn out 38% of the world's mobile phones, half the world's cameras and half of its shoes. They assemble 40% of all laptops after making none three years ago." - read through this article it's quite interesting...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    i think the chinese leadership no about freedom resulting from prosperity ...i think they know exactly what they are doing.
    that 10% growth is not a free market growth but a highly controlled economy ...it will keep going for a long time yet.
    the recourses now being sucked into china effects us all.
    the euro is set to be massive.
    your living in the past and hoping in the past.
    the realities have changed. the world has changed. we HAVE to change with it.
    this keeping the pound malarky is old fashioned sentimentalism if you ask me.
    one big trouble for the uk is that it has no real manufacturing base anymore. we no longer have the skills either. the service based economy can and probably will be stolen from under our noses anytime soon.

    Quite wrong. It is not highly controlled, they have gone through market reforms for a reason.

    And whose going to steal the service economy for us :lol: China has neither the educated work force or the demand for this sort of stuff.

    Oh and what do you thing makes London a world financial centre, that brings in so much cash and investment from around the world? Yes, thats correct. The Pound Sterling.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    . the yen the dollar and the euro are going to be huge currencies ...the sort of money the banks, the investors, the builders, the oil men will be dealing in.
    please tell me how the pound can retain any strength in such a world?

    The dollar is in the shitter at the moment. It is weak and laden with huge amounts of debt. OPEC want to change from the Dollar to the Euro, this will further discourage investment in America.

    What makes the Yen so brilliant? Last time i chekced Japan wasn't doing too well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just found an interesting quote: "Chinese factories turn out 38% of the world's mobile phones, half the world's cameras and half of its shoes. They assemble 40% of all laptops after making none three years ago." - read through this article it's quite interesting...

    This quote shows just how dependant China is on the Western consumer market.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by minimi38
    What makes the Yen so brilliant? Last time i chekced Japan wasn't doing too well.
    sorry ...is it the yuan?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by minimi38
    This quote shows just how dependant China is on the Western consumer market.

    And how dependent the Western consumer market is on China - it's a mutually dependant relationship. If China suddenly stopped all exports in a few years our factories would be back up building the products for ourselves, but at a huge cost. A large proportion of our products are made in China and without the supply prices will shoot sky high - people will sell what they have for 10 times their worth.

    Same would happen to China - if we boycotted China then all these products would be just left around, they would have no source of income, the factories would close, we're in a global depression.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    And how dependent the Western consumer market is on China - it's a mutually dependant relationship. If China suddenly stopped all exports in a few years our factories would be back up building the products for ourselves, but at a huge cost. A large proportion of our products are made in China and without the supply prices will shoot sky high - people will sell what they have for 10 times their worth.

    Same would happen to China - if we boycotted China then all these products would be just left around, they would have no source of income, the factories would close, we're in a global depression.

    If China stopped exporting then another country would start to make our goods, there are plenty of countries with large amounts of cheap labour, like Vietnam, Indonesia, South America etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by minimi38
    Quite wrong. It is not highly controlled, they have gone through market reforms for a reason.

    And whose going to steal the service economy for us :lol: China has neither the educated work force or the demand for this sort of stuff.

    Oh and what do you thing makes London a world financial centre, that brings in so much cash and investment from around the world? Yes, thats correct. The Pound Sterling.
    it is highly controlled despite reforms.
    it is very easy to steal the service economy from us and the chinese have millions upon millions of highly educated people.
    the financial centre of the universe can also be moved at the click of a switch or the press of a button.
    the UK is already largely a service economy and there are thousands hee with degrees who cannot get suitable employment that meets their qualifications.
    a service economy wont feed 60 million people for much longer ...especialy if we go it alone.
    things change very fast these days. as somone said ...look at china's high tech industries that didn't exist three years ago.
    of course china needs western markets ...whats that got to do with the UK'S place in the scheme of the things?
    all countries are becoming ever more reliant on others.
    are you suggesting that the chinese will be kind enough to bail out the pound should we leave europe/
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