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English Democrats



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Renzokuken
    Didn't churchill mention a 'United States of Europe' :confused:

    As far as I understood he was very supportive of EF, but didn't want Britain to join.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    returning to the talk about the English party they do not seem very original, normal stuff really, against the Euro, tighter immigration, St GEorges day bank holiday (does it matter really?)

    Tyhe only original policy appears to be an English parliament in the style of the devloved Welsh and Scottish assemblies and I don't think that is a good idea.

    better to stop the Scots and Welsh MPs from voting on English only issues in my mind....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Isn't St George an East European folk story?

    Why exaclty does it matter so much?

    Which bank holiday of the ones we have now would you cancel?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really don't know why it is obvious.

    St Georges is just an old story, it doesn't represent anything particular about England does it?

    I am not bening anti-English, just think that if we are to have celbrations, holidays etc they shoudl be about something wothwhile, not just an old fairytale..........

    Maybe a democracy day or a freedom day? Celbrate the Glorious revolution or the signing of the Magna Carta, something with some meaning?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you a christian, do you believe in Saints with the power to perform miracles, who are touched by God?

    I don't, and nor do most English people.....

    i did not suggest for one second that St Georges day was racist......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So your very interested in celbrating something you don't believe in? hmmmmmm.......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    2 World Wars? Millions upon millions slaughtered because of race, religion etc. , colonialisation , the slave trade , the holocaust , the crusades, empires , bloody wars , the common agricultural policy, cowardly governments , appeasers, cheese eating surrender monkies, communism , nazism, totalitarianism, racism, anti-semitism etc..?

    Europe isnt that great.

    I certainly would not consider myself European , and I dont think the vast majority of British people would.
    Aside from the fact that some of the above is many hundreds of years old, and aside from the fact that Europe today is a completely differently place that it was 60 years ago, and aside from the fucking disgusting xenophobic bigoted comments ("cheese eating surrender monkeys"?... go fuck yourself!), I wonder what happened if I were to list the more unpleasant achievements of your idol and god the United States of America.

    Somehow I think you would not apply the same 'logic' and that the catalogue of atrocities committed by the US government in the last 60 years would not stop you from proclaiming your undying devotion and love for that country.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    2 World Wars, millions upon millions slaughtered because of race, religion etc. , colonialisation, the slave trade, the crusades, empires , bloody wars , the common agricultural policy, cowardly governments , appeasers, communism, nazism, racism, anti-semitism......

    have all existed in or involved Britain.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    no I don't believe in that.

    just leave it yeah.
    why? cos you haven't a clue what it's all about ...you just mindlessly follow ...would explain a lot.
    please explain to me ...an englishman, what it is even vaguely about. how does this 'saint' ...who you don't believe in ...represent me and my country?
    another thing ...since your so fired up about being english and proud and wanting to celebrate it ...WHAT IS ENGLISH CULTURE?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    exactly, proove dmy point. it's disappearing. we need to get it back on track.

    I can'tunderstand people when they say why do people want to celebrate englishness. This is the only plce where you get this crap.

    If Rolly doesn't know what it is, no one does. He's been around a while. (No offence, just proving a point)

    Let's all get the flags out, have a curry and listen to some Cliff Richard! Or eat a kebab and dance to some DnB. Or a sandwich......

    No one can define English culture. People have tried and failed a million times.

    And the board is only a reflection of real life. We don't all live in your cultural bubble.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    stupid boy ...the dream ...the vision of a united europe was born from these mens suffering. 1st and second world wars meant two generations of young people had slaughtered each other in a very short space of time. the european wars before these two are many and often for a kings vanity. the dream of a united europe was to try and avoid this kind of suffering again.
    here we go ...hitlers dream will get a mention ...

    Actually, alot of what the Nazis were trying to do was exactly the same or very similar to what the EU is trying to achieve.

    The EU War Baby

    Back in 1942, a book called "The European Community" was published. Its principal author, a Doctor of Economics, had argued in 1940 for a "Central European Union" and "European Economic Area" and for fixed exchange rates - EMU in all but name. In this book, he wrote that "No nation in Europe can achieve on its own the highest level of economic freedom which is compatible with all social requirements...The formation of very large economic areas follows a natural law of development....interstate agreements in Europe will control [economic forces generally]...There must be a readiness to subordinate one's own interests in certain cases to those of [the EC]."

    One of his co-authors wrote that the "classic national economy..is dead...community of fate which is the European economy...fate and extent of European co-operation depends on a new unity economic plan". Another observed that "We have a real European Community task before us...I am convinced that this Community effort will last beyond the end of the war."

    The last three words explain things. The principal author was Nazi Economics Minister and war criminal Walther Funk. The other two were respectively Nazi academic Heinrich Hunke and official Gustav Koenig. Nor were they just eccentrics. Goering's orders in 1940 were followed by a project for the "large-scale economic unification of Europe" Goebbels, in the same year, compared Germany's road to unification in the nineteenth century with Europe's in the twentieth, believing that "in fifty years' time [people] no longer think in terms of countries."

    The Same Old "New Europe"?

    Ribbentrop, in 1943, endorsed plans for a European confederation. Seyss-Inquart, Gauleiter of Holland, spoke of "The new Europe of solidarity and co-operation among all its people... will find...rapidly increasing prosperity once national economic boundaries are removed."

    Their collaborators felt the same way. Quisling himself stated that there was no opposition between European economic co-operation and National Socialism, Vichy French Minister Jacques Benoist-Mechin that France had to "abandon nationalism...take place in European Community with honour."

    In the words of Rodney Atkinson, "The European Community was therefore intended by the Nazis.... as a common cause against British...economic systems of trade and free exchange." Mr. Atkinson goes on (in his book "Europe's Full Circle") to kindly provide us (pages 92-93) with a list of parallels between "Hitler's Europe" and "Today's Europe."

    - Europaische Wirtshaftsgemeinschaft
    - European Economic Community

    - European Currency System
    - European Exchange Rate Mechanism

    - Europabank (Berlin)
    - European Central Bank (Frankfurt)

    - European Regional Principle
    - Committee of the Regions

    - Common Labour Policy
    - Social Chapter

    - Economic and Trading Agreements
    - Single Market

    A few further quotes may be of interest -"The Germans alone can really organise Europe... The future will belong to the Germans when we build the House of Europe...The Anglo-Saxon economic system, the classic national economy, is dead...It is important to establish a European Single Currency core in order to stand firm against Anglo-Saxon values."

    I just quoted, respectively, Goebbels, Kohl, Hunke, and (in 1996) Belgian Finance Minister Philippe Maystadt. No, I'm not just indulging in cheap jibes or insinuating that all Europhiles are closet Nazis. Obviously they don't share Hitler's racial paranoia. No doubt they see them selves as good liberal-minded democrats. However, all totalitarian regimes stand for concentrating power in central hands. They're all prone to meddle in people's private lives and pursuits and to issue directives without properly consulting a free Parliament first. In short - the Eurocrats may not be totalitarians but they are totalitarian-minded in their behaviour.

    For further details, I recommend "Europe's Full Circle" by Rodney Atkinson, "The Tainted Source" by John Laughland and "Britain Held Hostage" by Lindsay Jenkins. Click for stockist details

    A final thought: The Nazis used referenda to seduce power out of the hands of the people's representatives and concentrate it in the hands of a few. With the prospect of a UK referendum on the single currency and the dangers of concentrating economic powers in the hands of a virtually unaccountable European Central Bank - remember: NEVER AGAIN!
    The Ominous Parallels: Nazism and the EU

    The EU War Baby

    Back in 1942, a book called "The European Community" was published. Its principal author, a Doctor of Economics, had argued in 1940 for a "Central European

    Nothing like a good, biased article
    :D Its top notch, highlights some excellent comparisons, even if they are just for fun.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aside from the fact that some of the above is many hundreds of years old, and aside from the fact that Europe today is a completely differently place that it was 60 years ago, and aside from the fucking disgusting xenophobic bigoted comments ("cheese eating surrender monkeys"?... go fuck yourself!), I wonder what happened if I were to list the more unpleasant achievements of your idol and god the United States of America.

    You were the one who mentioned ancient civilisations , and Racism, communist and facist sympathisers , xenophobia, anti-semitism are all still rife in Europe.

    'Cheese eating surrender monkies' is a joke you moron, its from The Simpsons. :rolleyes: (but i guess this too is a mouthpiece for the evil Mr Bush and his evil administration)

    Im not denying America has done some unopleasent things, but when you place them alongside the atrocoties committed in Europe they pale.

    Dont try to make out Europe as a land of milk and honey , because it certainly isnt.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You know as well as me that your inclusion of the ''cheese eating surrender monkeys" remark was no joke. Why would it be? Everything else in your post was anything but a joke. Nice prejudice there...
    Racism, communist and facist sympathisers , xenophobia, anti-semitism are all still rife in Europe.
    Firstly, it isn't rife. And secondly, those very things are present at the same levels, and in most cases at much higher levels, practically everywhere else in the world including your beloved Britain and USA. So I take you are not proud of the former or in awe of the latter then...

    Not that being a communist sympathiser should be anything regrettable anyway. I find your attempt to place communism at the same level as fascism or racism pathetic and laughable.

    Europe is by no means perfect but I believe is the least imperfect place on earth to live. And to be frank in many cases with fewer instances of the issues you've listed above than Britain. So if you feel that it is okay to be 'proud' of the place you have been born then there is no reason not to be proud of the Continent where you were born and live.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You know as well as me that your inclusion of the ''cheese eating surrender monkeys" remark was no joke. Why would it be? Everything else in your post was anything but a joke. Nice prejudice there...

    Its not an offensive thing to say , it was on an exteremely popular and worldwide primetime television show for Gods sake.
    Firstly, it isn't rife

    It is much more widespread than you think. Germany has a huge problem with neo-Nazis.
    Not that being a communist sympathiser should be anything regrettable anyway. I find your attempt to place communism at the same level as fascism or racism pathetic and laughable.

    Are you serious? Communism has caused more human misery than facism. It is an even more hate filled and unnatural form of government than facism (class warfare anyone?)

    Soviet Russia and Maos China are two shining examples of what Communism acheives.
    not to be proud of the

    I do not consider myself European , so how could i feel proud of being a European?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    exactly, proove dmy point. it's disappearing. we need to get it back on track.

    I can'tunderstand people when they say why do people want to celebrate englishness. This is the only plce where you get this crap.
    typical! you slag everyone off for having a point of view different to yoiurs and then ...when asked a question you can NEVER ...put an inteigent reply together.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I guess that's fair enough. Many people don't consider themselves British even though they were born in Britain.

    Re: the monkeys. Once thing is using it within the context of a satirical cartoon, the other is when talking about what's so bad about Europe and when basically accusing a whole nation of being unworthy 'funny foreigner' cowards. Which is the only meaning the expression has had since the neo-cons started using it after the French government had the outrageous temerity to object to the US' illegal imperialistic wars on sovereign nations.

    Re: communism. It has categorically failed to improve the lives of the people who have been under it, but the ideal of communism is a noble one. Whereas the ideal of racism and fascism is simply an inhuman abomination that cannot be justified or tolerated in any circumstances.

    Re: other problems. Germany might have a problem with neo-Nazism. Britain has more of a problem with xenophobia, prejudice and even racism than many other nations in Europe. To try to depict Europe as one undesirable place ridden by social unrest (while presumably Britain and the US are a harmony of tolerance and equality) is complete and utter bollocks and could not be further than the truth.

    Can you name a single place on earth with nearly as good living and social standards as Europe?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by minimi38
    Actually, alot of what the Nazis were trying to do was exactly the same or very similar to what the EU is trying to achieve.

    see ...i told you so!
    we could take it back further ...to the holy roman empire ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Can you name a single place on earth with nearly as good living and social standards as Europe?

    Sure - Japan, Canade , NZ , Australia, the US , SOuth Korea.
    but the ideal of communism is a noble one

    No it isnt , class warfare , violent revolution , dictatorship of the proletariat. There is nothing noble about the state seizing private possessions.
    To try to depict Europe as one undesirable place ridden by social unrest (while presumably Britain and the US are a harmony of tolerance and equality) is complete and utter bollocks and could not be further than the truth.

    To depict Europe as a land of milk and honey is also utter bollocks , many East European countries are exteremely poor (thanks to communism i might add) and countries like Spain, Portugal and Sicily have a long way to go to catch up with the rest of Europe.

    And dont forget the Balkans - mass genocide on the Eu's doorstep , which was eventually stopped by the Amricans.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    Sure - Japan, Canade , NZ , Australia, the US , SOuth Korea.
    I don't know about the others but if the US is anything to go by then there's no competition.

    No it isnt , class warfare , violent revolution , dictatorship of the proletariat. There is nothing noble about the state seizing private possessions.
    About a million times more noble than the ultra greed, fuck everyone else in the name of my own benefit, ugly, selfish concept of free market capitalism.

    To depict Europe as a land of milk and honey is also utter bollocks , many East European countries are exteremely poor (thanks to communism i might add) and countries like Spain, Portugal and Sicily have a long way to go to catch up with the rest of Europe.
    You don't quite know what you're saying are you?

    In which way exactly does Spain for instance have to catch up with the rest of Europe? Have you had a look lately at their infrastructure, public services, welfare and health, social fabric, quality of life? If you did you might find yourself wanting to move. Not as if you weren't in desperate need of broading your horizons anyway... :rolleyes:
    And dont forget the Balkans - mass genocide on the Eu's doorstep , which was eventually stopped by the Amricans.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    About a million times more noble than the ultra greed, fuck everyone else in the name of my own benefit, ugly, selfish concept of free market capitalism.

    Jesus fucking christ, you really are insane. THERE IS NOTHING NOBLE ABOUT CLASS WARFARE AND VIOLENT REVOLUTION, its a million times more 'ugly' than capitalism. Free market capitalism is about individual, private freedoms, but i guess this doesnt matter.

    Personal freedom be damned eh? As long as the workers have their revolution. :rolleyes:

    Dont forget the EU itself is a capitalist club, why do you support it?
    You don't quite know what you're saying are you?

    Sure as hell do, Spain Portugal and Greece have GDP's more associated with third world nations than the decadent EU.

    Your un-fucking-believeable. You go on about the EUs place in the world as 'the new superpower' of 'counterweight to america' and how this noble organisation is the most just and peaceful society on Earth, but then when peopel start slaughtering each other 300 miles or so from its fucking borders they sit backand do NOTHING.

    Moral cowards, unwilling to do anything without a UN mandate , even if it means saving millions of lives.

    Not as if you weren't in desperate need of broading your horizons anyway...

    Ive been to many countries, and West is Best.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you know one thing that seems to strike me from all this debate is that most of you obviously dont consider yourself proud to be English. You can argue all you want that what is there to be proud of 'slave trade, colonial wars' etc. Yet all countries have their flaws and things they have done wrong and yet even Germans French Spanish people still show strong patriotism when representing their country. The whole point of The English Democrats is to restore some national pride in a time where, people are criticised for displaying St George flags because it is politically incorrect. This is not being racist, This is not the BNP. I think its a fucking disgrace to be ashamed of being English if you were born and bred here, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not ashamed of being English, but I'm not particularly proud either. Its just something I am, an accident of birth.
    I don't see what all the fuss is about really. :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    eh? What the hell have I done now?

    I'm just sick of the debate whether English people should be able to celebrate their culture, their country and their language, everything English. Why it should be a question I'll never know because go out in the real world,. they would smack you one if you said St Geaorge's shouldn't be celebrated, we get enough of that off councilors.
    just answer the friggin questions put you for once instead of this mindless prattle!
    yes i'm english. no i'm not ashamed to be english.
    will you answer a question and explain yourself just this once ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Jacqueline the Ripper
    To some extent you're right. On the other, you can be proud of your heritage, and their struggles in order for you to be alive and being able to write that online. Pretty simple.
    but how can i feel pride for someone elses achievemants? glad yes but where does pride fit in?
    national pride leads down the road to superiority ...envy and even war.
    statements about the the northern hemisphere as opposed to the southern are complete ignorance of other values and ideas about how to live on this planet ...or maybe not ignorance ...just targeted bigotry. anything to fuel further hate and ignorance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being patriotic isn't a crime, but neither is not being patriotic.

    If it was gay pride, black pride etc, you may think it is stupid to celebrate being what you are. Well, in my opinion, having a St. George's Day parade is the same.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh come on its not fate being born in Britain its just luck and it is accident of birth. Its like being born into royalty or into a family with money it all comes down to luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    Jesus fucking christ, you really are insane. THERE IS NOTHING NOBLE ABOUT CLASS WARFARE AND VIOLENT REVOLUTION, its a million times more 'ugly' than capitalism. Free market capitalism is about individual, private freedoms, but i guess this doesnt matter.

    Personal freedom be damned eh? As long as the workers have their revolution. :rolleyes:

    Dont forget the EU itself is a capitalist club, why do you support it?
    There is nothing noble either about absolute greed and exploitation of workers.

    The bottom line is: communism is not nice but is not in the same league as fascism and racism, which are a hundred trillion times worse. I can think of many things worse than communism if we're to embark into a "which country is best/worst" contest...

    Sure as hell do, Spain Portugal and Greece have GDP's more associated with third world nations than the decadent EU.
    LOL. You really don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about do you?

    1. Do some research.

    2. Study some basic economics.

    3. "Decadent" EU? What are you on about?

    Your un-fucking-believeable. You go on about the EUs place in the world as 'the new superpower' of 'counterweight to america' and how this noble organisation is the most just and peaceful society on Earth, but then when peopel start slaughtering each other 300 miles or so from its fucking borders they sit backand do NOTHING.
    Still better than PROMOTING wars, OVERTHROWING democracies and SUPPORTING dictators and brutal murderers. Which is exactly what your idols the US have been doing non-stop for the last 6 decades.
    Moral cowards, unwilling to do anything without a UN mandate , even if it means saving millions of lives.
    What millions would that be?

    Don't be lecturing me about moral cowardice... being as you are a staunch supporter of the most amoral government in the history of mankind.

    Ive been to many countries, and West is Best.
    That's Europe, right?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    white pride would be classed as racist though wouldn't it?

    That is completely missing the point beyond belief.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lukesh
    your all the same on here all about this rubbish "accident birth" get real and thnak god your born in a decent country.

    Not the same as "pride" though is it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore

    Sure as hell do, Spain Portugal and Greece have GDP's more associated with third world nations than the decadent EU.


    This stemant is very wrong, try looking up the World Bank income classifications, all these cpountries I do believe are in the high income band........
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