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Super sizing...



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For God's sake this is rediculous!
    You can't take away a consumers right to choice and by taking away the larger sizes you are obviously saying 'we can't trust you enough'

    It's food pure and simple - you can't just force Fast food joints to advertise less or so on; it is the consumers decision what they eat and the reliability should not and can not lie in the coperations hands. Soon we'll be having people suing Thortons cause they don't have health lables on chocolate.....

    The obsession with food (either lack of or excess) is causing our world come to a halt. With all the press focused on people being FAT OVERWEIGHT ETC
    do u know what this has done to my brother??????????
    He's in a bloody place for his aneroxia and compulsive disorder which has come about due to our own obsession with food.

    We shouldn't see food as something which can make us feel better, nor something which we should limit and count calories. We should enjoy it but that is that.

    It si not our best friend nor is it our worst enemy

    It is people's responsibility to come to terms with tehir relationship with food - yes i do believe we need to do something about this problem but firmly belive that more healthier options in other shops and so on is a better option then suing, putting health warnings on food or taking away a consumers right to choice.

    And damn right if I want a big meal I WILL GET A BIG MEAL.

    culture is to blame, yes I agree that many parents in our earlier ages want us to scrap every last mossel of our plates......but is it not better to try and siolve this problem through changing our attitudes rather than scrapping options of a meal board?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fair point pepsi, but one thing must always be considered.

    McDonald's are a corporate enterprise- they exist to make money. If it was not in their financial and market interests to be seen to be doing something, then they would not do it. Basically, those saying that it is a restriction on consumer choice are missing the crucial point: if the consumers were demanding it, then the choice would be there.

    McDonald's haven't come over all caring, they're doing it in a desperate bid to prop up their crumbling market position.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit

    McDonald's haven't come over all caring, they're doing it in a desperate bid to prop up their crumbling market position.

    Yeah major fast food companies, tobacco and probably alcohol companies as well dont care about the well being of their customers, all they care about is making a profit so that the fat cats can get another pile of money to roll around in. Bastards.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by doc horation
    My dad isn't like that.

    Possibly not at home, possibly not with you but experience tells me that Kermit’s comment is true. I would be surprised if anyone in the NHS would disagree with it.

    Originally posted by Pepsi
    you can't just force Fast food joints to advertise less or so on

    Not “just”, but I don’t think that was the suggestion.

    What you can force them to do it advertise truthfully and not just the points they want to get across. Like it or not, fast food and unheatly eating has a massive effect on this country and – ensuring that the correct message is publicised is imperative.

    Adverts which say “95% fat free” sound good, but what that actually means is that the product is 5% fat, and that is not good.

    As for your brother, he has my sympathy, but I would question whether his anorexia/compulsions are a direct result of food, and our obsession with it, or a symptom of something else – which is what we tend to find… Either way I hope that he recovers soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People will just buy double or extra instead of super size.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its not down to McDs or any company to change, parents should educate their children, end of.
    At the end of the day, my mum was like BeckyBoo you had these things as treats and she dictated everything what was served at home, hence she didnt like it, we didnt eat it. There was no argument as it was futile. Thank God for sensible parents.

    People are just too weak or lazy these days, when I'm walking to college, it amazes me how few people I see walking. People are shocked and amazed that I do it. Its half an hour each way, school was 3/4 hour each way, I have little problem with weight, if I'm putting it on I lay off the beer for a month and walk more its gone. The trouble is we all want perfect lives and solution but we don't want to make an effort.

    Why do I know more people on the Atkins Diet than people who are prepared to walk at least 30 minutes a day?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BlackArab
    At the end of the day, my mum was like BeckyBoo you had these things as treats and she dictated everything what was served at home, hence she didnt like it, we didnt eat it.

    The thing is we go to BK maybe once every couple of months and she enjoys it, I take her shopping and we end up there for our dinners. Its nice just to have this treat every now and again.

    I tend to give our Becks a mixture of stuff even if I dont like it, Ive always been a fussy eater and didnt want her ending up like me.

    people are lazy these days, they take the car round the block to take the kids to school. By the time they actually get parked at school they could have walked it, but they are so lazy. I dont drive so when hubby aint around I walk for miles or Becks takes her bike to school, in summer we will probs bike it every day (thats when I get a bike).
    Schools dont do as much PE, they need to do more physical education to get kids into sport and doing excersise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by VinylVicky
    People will just buy double or extra instead of super size.

    They probably won't though. People will only ever eat what is put in front of them. It's still seen as rude to ask for seconds, would you go upto the counter in McD's and ask for another big mac?
    If you give someone a supersize portion they will eat it. If you give someone a regular portion they will eat it, but because they won't have known about the bigger size they won't care and they'll be happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    They probably won't though. People will only ever eat what is put in front of them. It's still seen as rude to ask for seconds, would you go upto the counter in McD's and ask for another big mac?
    If you give someone a supersize portion they will eat it. If you give someone a regular portion they will eat it, but because they won't have known about the bigger size they won't care and they'll be happy.

    Nah so many people I know add a burger, some selects or some nuggets onto their order. Yes they may only eat whats put in front of them but they are the ones ordering it. If your still hungry your not gona be happy and seeing as the food isnt realy filling, then you get more. If im not full on the way out i'll get another cheeseburger, though I dont go regularly.
    It's not seen as rude asking for seconds, espeicially when its you or your parents paying for it. I can only see it being rude, when other peopl (apart frm parents) people buy you food out of generosity, When have you have gone up to a burger counter, asked to purchase more and felt like you were being rude? That's ridiculous!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Man Of Kent
    Possibly not at home, possibly not with you but experience tells me that Kermit’s comment is true. I would be surprised if anyone in the NHS would disagree with it.

    I don't want to turn this into a debate about doctor/patient relations but if someone comes in saying " My son has been coughing for a few days now shall I take him to A+E?" then surely you are going to think that person is a retard. I would.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    I don't want to turn this into a debate about doctor/patient relations but if someone comes in saying " My son has been coughing for a few days now shall I take him to A+E?" then surely you are going to think that person is a retard. I would.

    That isn't really what MoK or I meant:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just to clarify the point about super-sizing. The point is not to remove extra large portions - what is ending is the practice of providing extra sized portions for a fraction of the cost of buying a similar large portion separately (so for example a double portion of chips would cost only 20p more rather than buying two small portions that would cost double).

    Now I could draw a connection here to the decision by MSN to get rid of chat rooms to protect children when there was clear evidence that it was just losing money anyway. After all it could be suggested (though not by me) that McDonalds is just getting to charge more money for a large portion and yet gets to claim it's helping with the obeseity problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and just to show I'm not anti-McDonalds their decision to reduce the salt content in their foods is as far as I can see a choice that would have a positive health benefit with no financial gain for the company...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Jim V
    and just to show I'm not anti-McDonalds their decision to reduce the salt content in their foods is as far as I can see a choice that would have a positive health benefit with no financial gain for the company...

    less money buying salt!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think it's good that they've taken the super-size option away. if you're making an order and are asked do you want to supersize for an extra 50p (or however much it is) then people are likely to say yes.

    i only ever used to get McDs as a treat when i was younger and i rarely eat it now. i know the food they serve is unhealthy but i was so shocked when i read just how much fat and calories there is in a meal! i doubt that children even care anyway, i know i didn't think about it until i was a teenager.
    in an article i read it said how much exercise it would take to burn off a McDs meal and that is a very useful way of getting across to people what these food do to you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    McDonalds... :yuck: if I had kids it'd be the last place I take them. I've worked in Burger King in the past (and I wouldn't again, though it wasn't that bad) and the food... well it's all this processed crap, so much goes to waste... and considering people are starving in some third world countries...

    I mean there's also the animal rights issue to consider. I don't mean the idea that we should all turn veggie, but if you've looked behind the scenes of these big corporations the treatment of the poor creatures before slaughter is horrific.
    heir growth is forced and they are killed after about seven weeks. Often the forced growth causes such pain in the limbs of the birds that they are unable to move around at all. Often these chickens suffer from Hock Burns and ulcerated feet. When they are gathered for slaughter they are often grabbed by their legs and carried upside down which frequently causes dislocation of joints and other injuries, including bruising and broken wings and legs. The method of slaughter is by stunning and then cutting with a knife. About one third of all broilers are not stunned properly and so are sentient when they go to the knife. Some birds even enter the scalding tank fully conscious

    Then we have the environmental reasons not to eat in those 'resteraunts' or whatever they call themselves and issues concerning employment and how they treat their staff.

    For those reasons alone I wouldn't eat that crap. :yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Buuuuut back on the topic of McDonalds supersizing meals...

    It doesn't take a genius to tell that McDonalds food is full of crap and if they're aiming unhealthy food at children via television and offering toys with meals, then it shows that they don't give a damn about customers, their welfare. And because of reasons like this we're becoming fatter as a society, we aren't aware enough about what we eat or about where the food comes from.

    It's like when Cadburys were sponsoring sports equipment for schools (or was that Walkers?) by encouraging kids to collect wrappers from their products. Or how Gary Lineker is the Walkers mascot. Brainwashing maybe?

    Super-sizing... the meals are too shite to fill anyone up anyway, why not supersize them? If people get fat it's their own fault.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MoonRat
    McDonalds... :yuck: if I had kids it'd be the last place I take them.

    so lets assume you have a 7/8 yr old. Its their birthday and they say "please can we go to McDonalds for my birthday" you would refuse ?

    There is nothing wrong with any fast food as long as its in moderation, just because you dont like McDonalds dont mean a child o yours wont.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If theyre going to take away anything from the menu, it should be Happy Meals..... giving away toys etc is terrible.

    They should stop aiming it towards kids, instead of stopping aiming towards people with a bigger appetite.

    Maccy's is so cheap anyway that instead of buying supersize, you may as well buy another fries or another burger...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dont macdonalds put something in the food that makes you hungrier anyway? Im sure they do...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and another anti macdonalds fact...

    They are responsible for the demolition of a large part of the Brazillian rainforest.

    Grazing land for cattle.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    so lets assume you have a 7/8 yr old. Its their birthday and they say "please can we go to McDonalds for my birthday" you would refuse ?

    They can have a yummy plate of pulses! Good and goooood for you!
    When they are gathered for slaughter they are often grabbed by their legs and carried upside down which frequently causes dislocation of joints and other injuries, including bruising and broken wings and legs.

    I don't understand what is wrong with this. They are going to be slaughtered anyway. Should they be treated with care and dignity right up to the point where their heads are taken off?

    The rest of the quote disgusted me...well to an extent, I'm not one for animal rights when it comes to them being food at the end.....but so what if they dislocate a wing 30 seconds before they die?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Man Of Kent

    Adverts which say “95% fat free” sound good, but what that actually means is that the product is 5% fat, and that is not good.

    As for your brother, he has my sympathy, but I would question whether his anorexia/compulsions are a direct result of food, and our obsession with it, or a symptom of something else – which is what we tend to find… Either way I hope that he recovers soon.

    So you want them to say 'our (product) contains 5% fat'?
    That just wouldn't work would it? And I wouldnt say that's being untruthful....the fact's being stated perfectly well; just ina more positive, marketable way. Its the consumers own fault if they dont know that a 100% - 95% = 5% - which isn't that bad considering :P

    No. It's not JUST that. But its a factor which played a significant part. Culture influences everything we do - as does the media...Damn things *kick*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    I don't understand what is wrong with this. They are going to be slaughtered anyway. Should they be treated with care and dignity right up to the point where their heads are taken off?

    I eat meat, but I ain't condoning animal cruelty. It seems Ok in this society to chase a fox down, exhaust it and watch it ripped apart for 'sport' or to mutilate a chicken's beak, keep it in a tiny pen and feed it until its legs give way from weight... yet if we did that to a cat or dog then it's disgusting.

    Yea we're not eating our pets, but say you had a dog and were going to put it to sleep because it was ill. It wouldn't matter then if you broke its legs, then electrocuted it and boiled it alive because the stunning didn't help?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    McSpotlight has been proven to be completely false in a court of law. Using it as proof of anything is stupid.

    And yes, Pepsi, food manufactrurers should be honest about what they are selling. You will find that many 'diet' options of products are only x amount of calories per serving because the suggested serving is miniscule, and you will find that nearly all 'diet' products misguide fat content.

    You will also find that words such as 'light' are meaningless in a legal context- I could sell a product and call it 'light' even if it is IDENTICAL to the 'full' product, for 'light' can be used to describe anything, including the colour of the product.

    I am perfectly within my rights to take full-fat butter, add white food colouring to call it 'light', and then say it is low-calorie by saying a suggested serving is 1g; I can then charge double for this product, and people will see the advertising and think it is healthy. Do you not think that this is disgusting?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Pepsi_104
    So you want them to say 'our (product) contains 5% fat'?
    That just wouldn't work would it? And I wouldnt say that's being untruthful....the fact's being stated perfectly well; just ina more positive, marketable way. Its the consumers own fault if they dont know that a 100% - 95% = 5% - which isn't that bad considering :P

    The reason they use the 95% fat free is so that people will buy it thinking that this is a good thing.

    And believe me 5% saturated fat is piss poor.

    If the companies were prevented from doing this then better informed purchases could be made, instead of having huge numbers of people fooled into buying something which they think is good for them....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit

    I am perfectly within my rights to take full-fat butter, add white food colouring to call it 'light', and then say it is low-calorie by saying a suggested serving is 1g; I can then charge double for this product, and people will see the advertising and think it is healthy. Do you not think that this is disgusting?

    I think that's a much better example on how manufatcures can be more truthful than the 95% fat free thing (whihc I think is perfectly acceptable).

    I think new legistration should be brought in perhaps from the EU to make sure changes occur with this obvious flaw in marketing.

    But........did you relaise (im not sure if this is true of now but it was a few years ago) that it's not even a legal requirement for the nutrutional values to be on the back of produce? so in a way companies are being ethical - at least you can't argue with measurements!

    And i think most people (at least that i know of) may be attracted to items that boast 'lightness' but more than ever people check the back and see if the lack of fat is accounted for by an increase in sugar or so forth - if there was a higher consumer awareness of the ploys made by manufacturers then perhaps consumers wouldn't be led blind down an alley.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    I am perfectly within my rights to take full-fat butter, add white food colouring to call it 'light', and then say it is low-calorie by saying a suggested serving is 1g; I can then charge double for this product, and people will see the advertising and think it is healthy. Do you not think that this is disgusting?

    Yup, Sainsbury's low fat crisps are simply thinner. Remember Walker's Lights? They were basically wafer thin regular Walkers crisps.... not much difference really except they left you emptier.

    'healthy' food does tend to be more expensive. I read somewhere (though I can't remember the source right now) that organic food can be up to 30% more expensive (despite supporting the idea of organic farming, the price difference with 'health foods' is disgusting in my opinion), low fat food is usually bland and tasteless and most of the products you get in the supermarket are packed full of chemicals, additives and the likes. You just can't win unless you buy fresh meat from the butchers and fresh vegatables.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On a related note, I see that McDonald's attempt to re-invent itself as a healthy choice is not going according to plan...

    McDonalds salads "fattier than burgers"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    On a related note, I see that McDonald's attempt to re-invent itself as a healthy choice is not going according to plan...

    McDonalds salads "fattier than burgers"

    Yeah i read about this today, its quite worrying really. Surely all the fatty cheese and whatnot can be left off it.
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