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Last time you made an arse of yourself?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
When was the last time you made a proper tit of yourself?

For me, it would have been the Friday before Xmas - went out for a few after work, ended up falling asleep in the pub (photos of this now circulating round work) and when I went to go outside for something, I ran straight into a glass door and smacked my face really hard.



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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Every time I get drunk, so that would have been NYE. Just dancing like twat infront of all the locals.

    The worst time last year was when a mate was havin a BBQ. I decide to go inside and get a drink and walked staright into the french doors, I immediately panicked and tried to go through with other french door but that was closed too. Everybody loved it.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My uni house on the 29th. Was in a real hurry to leave so took a massive mouthful of drink and went down the wrong way, just sat there puking up for ages in the bin with everyone looking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NYE - got drunk on Punch and ended up spending an hour throwing up in my mates kitchen sink while her boyfriend rubbed my back and phoned my mum to get me a cab home....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've had a couple recently.

    On Boxing night we stayed over at my boyfriend's brother's house after a family do and slept on their sofa bed-thingy in the living room. In the morning he went out for breakfasty stuff and while he was gone his brother's 14 year old son woke up and came downstairs where I was reading. We sat shooting the breeze for about 10 minutes - as you do - before he went into the kitchen to make us a brew. It was only at that point I realised my pyjama top had been open and he must have had full view of my left boob for the entire conversation!

    I nearly died, I still can't look the poor lad in the eye. Hilarious to everyone else though, of course :grump:

    Then on NYE I humiliated myself again. Ran outside, jumped straight into the waiting car and told the driver where I wanted to go - only it wasn't the taxi we'd ordered and just some random bloke waiting for his mates.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Slipped down the stairs in a bar on Christmas Eve! Still have a huge bruise up my arm and a very tender elbow as a reminder of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    umm would probably have to be a few weeks ago at a mates' 21st birthday.

    got veery very drunk and ended up having to be carried half the way back to another mates house - and when i did actually walk on my own i fell over and fell into some dog shit :( had it aaall over my left leg. .. of course, i didnt actually realise this until i got to the house and everyone started laughing at me

    THEN i thought it would be a good idea to take my trousers off in the living room in full view of everyone instead of being clever and doing it in the toilet like a normal person.. so everyone had a really good look at my celulite covered ass

    oh yeah, before i got to the house i also bought some chips from the chippy which were in this sort of cone thing made out of newspaper - in my drunkeness i made a hole in the bottom of it and continued to 'search' the cone for chips, at the same time as they were all falling out the bottom of it.

    sooo all in all, a pretty bad night!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote:
    I've had a couple recently.

    On Boxing night we stayed over at my boyfriend's brother's house after a family do and slept on their sofa bed-thingy in the living room. In the morning he went out for breakfasty stuff and while he was gone his brother's 14 year old son woke up and came downstairs where I was reading. We sat shooting the breeze for about 10 minutes - as you do - before he went into the kitchen to make us a brew. It was only at that point I realised my pyjama top had been open and he must have had full view of my left boob for the entire conversation!

    bwahaha.. HE'S the man. 14 year old and does not flinch an eyebrow, so there was no way you'd think something was wrong. impressive little lad :p
    Then on NYE I humiliated myself again. Ran outside, jumped straight into the waiting car and told the driver where I wanted to go - only it wasn't the taxi we'd ordered and just some random bloke waiting for his mates.

    LOL! you're relentless. Correct answer would've been, "for you I drive to the end of the world." or if everything else fails, "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU DO IN MY CAR?!?!?!"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:

    The worst time last year was when a mate was havin a BBQ. I decide to go inside and get a drink and walked staright into the french doors, I immediately panicked and tried to go through with other french door but that was closed too. Everybody loved it.

    i ran full speed into some french doors once - they were also closed. i landed on my back about 6ft away from the doors. :(

    last sunday i was straightening my hair before i went to work and as i switched them off, i caught them on my hand (they go to 300 degrees). i held them under a cold tap for as long as i could and then i had to go to work. it was still killing so i went to see a first aider. she got some wet tape that contains some burn relief stuff. she had to get it go to around the end of my little finger and then next to my thumb so it was kinda tricky. it wouldn't stick properly so it kept falling off and people kept laughing saying 'who's put that on you?!'. i couldn't work on a checkout so i had to be a one handed shelf-stacker for a few hours. it wasn't easy. :no:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    during the last hour of the year. got in an arguement with my mate about me being a dossing piece of scum. started shouting rubbish at him.

    at least in a shitty club no one can make sence or even care of everyone elses stupid pissed up antics. in a local pub, everyone sees everything.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    soraliah wrote:
    umm would probably have to be a few weeks ago at a mates' 21st birthday.

    got veery very drunk and ended up having to be carried half the way back to another mates house - and when i did actually walk on my own i fell over and fell into some dog shit :( had it aaall over my left leg. .. of course, i didnt actually realise this until i got to the house and everyone started laughing at me

    THEN i thought it would be a good idea to take my trousers off in the living room in full view of everyone instead of being clever and doing it in the toilet like a normal person.. so everyone had a really good look at my celulite covered ass

    oh yeah, before i got to the house i also bought some chips from the chippy which were in this sort of cone thing made out of newspaper - in my drunkeness i made a hole in the bottom of it and continued to 'search' the cone for chips, at the same time as they were all falling out the bottom of it.

    sooo all in all, a pretty bad night!!

    That's made me fucking L.O.L. :lol: :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    last week i got way too drunk before i'd even left the house. i even threw up but then carried on drinking anyway. i remember getting to the club.. and i remember coming out at the end of the night at 5am shouting "right who's got a party?!"

    so thats 6 pilled up drunken hours i lost. and what did i do? i phoned up the guy i like who was in bed with his phone on silent. apparently i missed called him 25 times and left 3 voicemails wondering where the fuck he was :( i could have died when he told me. i felt like such a psycho :(

    (hasn't put him off though)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote:

    (hasn't put him off though)

    haha aww i'm sure he thought it was quite sweet! in a drunken way. :D

    is it still the one with the penthouse?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    haha aww i'm sure he thought it was quite sweet! in a drunken way. :D

    is it still the one with the penthouse?
    lol im sure he loved it really but i was mortified. i actually decided i should ignore him for a few days because of it. and no its a different guy..but i've known him for about a year and a half so i guess thats why he didn't run a mile.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote:
    apparently i missed called him 25 times and left 3 voicemails wondering where the fuck he was

    If that was a guy doing it to a girl, then all hope would be lost.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Asking if people from Hong Kong were called Hong Kongians..and I was sober.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote:
    If that was a guy doing it to a girl, then all hope would be lost.

    Haha! Fo sho.

    Erm, I've not made an arse of myself in a wee while actually. The fates pure love me the now. Haha.

    Briiiiiiian, you've still to get a pressie from moi. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rachael wrote:
    Asking if people from Hong Kong were called Hong Kongians..and I was sober.

    Haha, I do that all the time. Like, I was so sure Mexican folk spoke Mexican.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote:
    If that was a guy doing it to a girl, then all hope would be lost.
    definitely! i honestly thought he wouldnt want anything to do with me. thats why i ignored him for a few days lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    funny thread.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A month or so ago.. being the only completely plastered person at a party and throwing up everywhere.

    Last saturday, getting blind drunk and sleeping with a mate. I can't remember a thing, but he told me I fell off the bed tons.
    Plus shagging him the next night, as well, but I'm more ashamed than embarrassed of that. :/

    Need to cut down on the boozing.

    Edit.. Oh, and his mother coming in the next day with chips hahahahahaha. I felt like such a slore.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That would be the same as the other thread...

    Just copped with this mega fit guy, he was going down the stairs in the club, and i was following him, except i was sliding down on my arse, He came in handy as a crash barrier though. Don't think he realised i went down from top to bottom haha Just as well i was pissed and found it hilarious!

    Also, that was the same night I lost my handbag + phone, and woke up in the travel-inn... Had to make my way home in the lastnights tarty gear with no handbag. Didn't help when guys kept whistling at me, Oh the shame! :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On New Years Eve. At one point, I was walking around for about 10 minutes with a piece of tissue stuck to my skirt. It wasn't until my friend told me that I realised. She thought it was rather funny.

    Also, the gale force winds blew the back of my skirt up and half of Preston saw my french knickers! The men behind kept making jokes and kept going "nice french kickers love" :o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rachael wrote:
    Asking if people from Hong Kong were called Hong Kongians..and I was sober.

    At least if you did not a Hong Kongian himself... haha. . . . oh...
    well, got to go, you little Kentian

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just now...

    i dropped my highlighter lid on the floor, went to pick it down, head butted the desk and spilt my brew :(

    looked like a right fool.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On new years I hosted a party, was a bit behind schedule so I was still putting up balloons and emptying crisps into bowls when the guests arrived. Hence I was in a bit of a flap and forgot to eat any tea. I also forgot to eat all the party food I'd spent the afternoon making. Consequently I was battered within about an hour and made quite the tit out of myself

    1. Made my boyfriend a big plate of buffet food. Forgot that paper plates are bendy. Held onto the end, turned around, the plate bent in half showering the floor and everyone in the near vincinity with pickled onions, dip and potato salad.

    2. Tried to smoke a lit breadstick for about 5 minutes until I was informed that it was not a cigarette

    3. Found a packet of fags under the xmas tree and wrongly assumed they were a belated xmas gift from santa. Smoked them all. Turned out they belonged to a very unamused guest who was NOT impressed at having no fags left for the rest of the night

    4. Spilled an entire pint of drink on the floor then proceeded to sit in it asking everyone why I had a wet arse

    Ooops :blush:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh, Oh... I got one... but I guess I make myself a fool frequently, but I don't mind, others neither. It was NYE 3 or 4 years ago, when I held this sack with cinnamon, because we were drinking tequila... I held the sack in the hand I had my watch on, in my drunkiness I turned my arm to check the time, when I was spilling the cinnamon on my sitting neighbours legs... and he's like, "hey.. hey!!!"
    and I was like, "hold up a sec, my watch is doing something funny...", while the cinnamon continues to trickle out and make a little cinnamon hill on his knee... when he goes again, "hey MATT, WATCH OUT." and I respond, "thomas, what's so fucking important right this second?" When I see this brown cinnamon gathering looking like a mole hill on his trousers "oh..."

    im sure i can come up with more... mhmmmm

    /edit: or when I was in Krems, a few days after x-mas my friend treated me to some pizza in a really fine pizzaria. So I went to the toilet said my last goodbyes to the digested pizza when I thought I text my friend georg, because it was my last day in krems, and we could maybe go for a beer or two.

    So I texted him. "I'm sitting in Krems finest pizzaria's bog, after a delicious lunch. Even have been to the sauna already today, I haven't even felt that new-born on my own birth. Will be in vienna at 9, you up to anything?"

    When the response came back, "Oh hello. Georg is working at the moment, but I will pass the message. sincerely, Klara."

    but like I said, they are not really "made an ass off myself", or I would make an ass of myself too often.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Drinking too much wine and decided to walk the five miles home after the work xmas do, and then walking half the way home crying most of it. Why I drink wine when it has the effect on me, I dont know.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rachael wrote:
    Asking if people from Hong Kong were called Hong Kongians..and I was sober.

    I asked a bloke that at work the other day. I was sober too, so dumb!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kangoo wrote:
    On new years I hosted a party, was a bit behind schedule so I was still putting up balloons and emptying crisps into bowls when the guests arrived. Hence I was in a bit of a flap and forgot to eat any tea. I also forgot to eat all the party food I'd spent the afternoon making. Consequently I was battered within about an hour and made quite the tit out of myself

    1. Made my boyfriend a big plate of buffet food. Forgot that paper plates are bendy. Held onto the end, turned around, the plate bent in half showering the floor and everyone in the near vincinity with pickled onions, dip and potato salad.

    2. Tried to smoke a lit breadstick for about 5 minutes until I was informed that it was not a cigarette

    3. Found a packet of fags under the xmas tree and wrongly assumed they were a belated xmas gift from santa. Smoked them all. Turned out they belonged to a very unamused guest who was NOT impressed at having no fags left for the rest of the night

    4. Spilled an entire pint of drink on the floor then proceeded to sit in it asking everyone why I had a wet arse

    Ooops :blush:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kangoo wrote:
    On new years I hosted a party, was a bit behind schedule so I was still putting up balloons and emptying crisps into bowls when the guests arrived. Hence I was in a bit of a flap and forgot to eat any tea. I also forgot to eat all the party food I'd spent the afternoon making. Consequently I was battered within about an hour and made quite the tit out of myself

    1. Made my boyfriend a big plate of buffet food. Forgot that paper plates are bendy. Held onto the end, turned around, the plate bent in half showering the floor and everyone in the near vincinity with pickled onions, dip and potato salad.

    2. Tried to smoke a lit breadstick for about 5 minutes until I was informed that it was not a cigarette

    3. Found a packet of fags under the xmas tree and wrongly assumed they were a belated xmas gift from santa. Smoked them all. Turned out they belonged to a very unamused guest who was NOT impressed at having no fags left for the rest of the night

    4. Spilled an entire pint of drink on the floor then proceeded to sit in it asking everyone why I had a wet arse

    Ooops :blush:

    LOL Brill!!
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