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a week to destroy hezbollah!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That statement is half true insofar as it points to the motivations of the Federal Government's long-running alignment with and financing of Israel. However, it does not touch upon the very religious/dogmatic motivations of the evangelical religious right which comprises a significant force in policymaking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bb, do you offer any legitimacy of "right" to the murderer who kills one of your family members or the thief who enters your home to do as he pleases?

    I doubt you would. Such is the principle at work from the very start as Zionists connived with Western powers of the day to instigate fullscale military assault on formerly peacefully coexistent communities to drive out what is repeatedly documented in the words of numerous Zionist movement leaders and moutpieces as non-persons (to put it mildly). This has been the central principle underpinning every policy and brutal, ethnocidal act by Israel from well before the official recognised state came to be to the present day.

    Neither Hezbollah nor Hamas nor the PLO existed or had need to exist until the Israeli ethnic cleansing brigades insitutionalised their overtly repressive agenda in hopes of driving the remaing rightful indigenous inhabitants from the land.

    I suggest you go and read that article I provided and if you care enough to learn the truth behind the mentality of Israel and its leaders, go and read the substantive analyses I previously provided here.

    The Palestinians are those resisting tyranny and as such should have the support of all who truly value freedom, human rights and true democratic principles. Sadly there is more mental complacency and dissonance on this matter than willingness to examine the truth of Israel's prolonged ideological agenda of neo-colonialist conquest being the cause of the conflict.

    The Nazis and Apartheidists could only dream of such extended moral deference to their similar causes.

    I cant help but notice that you still havent answered my question, and given you havent I can only assume that you think its justified for Hamas to kill civilians but not the Israeli's. Why the difference?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Mmm... I would call anyone who believes Christ will only come to earth again when the Israelites occupy the Holy Land in full and build the Third Temple as fundamentalist Christians.

    Of course there are millions in America who support Israel for different reasons. But there is a vocal social minority (who sadly has friends in high places) who fully support the hard right in Israel and even their calls to permanently annex the totality of the West Bank and Gaza because of said prophecy.

    I've spoken to a few christians in the US, and this issue of the Third Temple has never come up, they just believe basically, the war between the two sides has been going on almost for ever, and that it wont stop fully till Judgement. I was read the passage where it lays out the starting point for all this but I've long since forgoten it. So its not that there isnt sympathy for the Palestinians, but because they feel its not going to get sorted till He comes again they have a more fatalistic view of the conflict.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok, that's slightly more understandable.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Speaking to a few Christians is no counter argument to a very real movement within the evangelical community. In my early university years I myself was engaged in the fundamentalist movement as a gullible youngster and I can assure you that quite apart from the verifiable references provided above I associated with many evangelicals who susbscribe to Lindsey's warped apocalytpic political views.

    Oh and bb, as to your comment above, you must have conveniently missed or ignored post #64 which did in fact answer your question. Obviously though you prefer to avoid answering mine for the clear consistently of principle it would force you to acknowledge.

    No matter.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Speaking to a few Christians is no counter argument to a very real movement within the evangelical community. In my early university years I myself was engaged in the fundamentalist movement as a gullible youngster and I can assure you that quite apart from the verifiable references provided above I associated with many evangelicals who susbscribe to Lindsey's warped apocalytpic political views.

    Oh and bb, as to your comment above, you must have conveniently missed or ignored post #64 which did in fact answer your question. Obviously though you prefer to avoid answering mine for the clear consistently of principle it would force you to acknowledge.

    No matter.

    I was just putting my opinion based on what I've come across, that's what this place is for isnt it?

    Yes, I did miss #64, I've read it now. It just seems strange to me that you can justify the killing of civilians on one side and not the other. Are you saying all Israeli's are guilty, and therefore it doesnt matter who or how you kill them?

    The railway workers killed by a rocket, did they personally strike at Hezbollah first?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    Are you saying all Israeli's are guilty, and therefore it doesnt matter who or how you kill them?

    The railway workers killed by a rocket, did they personally strike at Hezbollah first?
    i don't think he is suggesting such bong but ...it does appear that israels enemies are all the lebanese and palestinian people and be killed whenever and however.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i don't think he is suggesting such bong but ...it does appear that israels enemies are all the lebanese and palestinian people and be killed whenever and however.

    I just think its double standards, killing Israeli's is justified because they started it, but the killing of Lebanese people isnt.


    Firing rockets into a civilian area is wrong, it makes bugger all difference which side your on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its considered itself immune from all accountability to international law since its founding. I remind you that Israel has ignored (or gotten successive complicit US administrations to veto) more UN resolutions than any other nation on the planet.


    Such is the intrinsic character of group exceptionalism at the heart of the institutionalised Zionist ideology.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its considered itself immune from all accountability to international law since its founding. I remind you that Israel has ignored (or gotten successive complicit US administrations to veto) more UN resolutions than any other nation on the planet.


    Such is the intrinsic character of group exceptionalism at the heart of the institutionalised Zionist ideology.

    So firing rockets into civilian areas of Israel is justified then?

    Suicide bombings on buses is justified then?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Self defense against the originator of an armed invasion (in this case Israel and its terrorist founders and successive leaders) is de facto justified, yes.

    Does this include civillians?

    And determine "invaders", at what point does the land becomes "yours". Is it when the UN recoginses your border or when your enemies do?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well Clandestine, you've been back to the boards since these questions were posted. Deliberately ignoring them, or just overlooked?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Considering that its wrong question to be asking in the first place and one which is clearly loaded to justify what has been explained at length as clear and willful state sponsored terrorism and breach of the Nuremberg Principles by a superior and tyrannical military aparatus, you apologists are free to extrapolate whatever you wish.

    You of all people have no moral ground left to ask such questions given that you support illegal war of aggression by whatever nation states the tv tells you are the "good guys" or are "spreading democracy".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Considering that its wrong question to be asking in the first place and one which is clearly loaded to justify what has been explained at length as clear and willful state sponsored terrorism and breach of the Nuremberg Principles by a superior and tyrannical military aparatus, you apologists are free to extrapolate whatever you wish.

    You of all people have no moral ground left to ask such questions given that you support illegal war of aggression by whatever nation states the tv tells you are the "good guys" or are "spreading democracy".

    Hang on a minute.

    You accuse me of being an "apologist" for Israeli terrorist actions, even though I condemn them, and then refuse to answer simple questions about your own apparently apologist tendances.

    So why can't you answer the questions?

    Lets try again...

    1. Is it acceptable for Israeli civilians to be targetted? Yes/ No

    2. Define "invasion". For that to happen there must be borders to cross. As klintock would tell you (and he was right on this) border are not fixed. So at what point is a border deemed to exist (in your opinion)? Is it when the UN recognises it, of when your enemies do - or is there an alternative?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Considering that its wrong question to be asking in the first place

    Says who? You? The UN? Why is it the wrong qeustion to ask, when you claim I am an apologist yet your own comments could lead to similar accusations levelled at you...

    Surely your position should be clear here, if you are making (unsubstantiated) accusations about others...
    and one which is clearly loaded...

    Except it isn't.

    Becuase if you say that it isn't accpetable then you are not being an aopologist, are you.

    So actually it's only loaded if you already know the answer will show you to be a hypocrite. I certainly don't know that...
    to justify what has been explained at length as clear and willful state sponsored terrorism

    By "state sponsored terrorism" are you including the funding given to Hamas etc by Suria and Iran (for example), or are you just aiming your rhetoric at Israel?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You keep saying that you condemn Israeli actions and then proceed to justify them, MoK. You spend so much time wanting to straddle the fence and ignore the full context of issues which demand unilateral condemnation that you invalidate whatever token criticisms you do make.

    Given that the resistance rockets fired by Palestinian defence groups are not precision guided missiles as are those fired from Israel's squadrons of F-16's or Apaches, the term "targetted" Israeli civilians is even disingenuous.

    And now you want to dredge up klintock as an example of logically grounded argumentation to suggest there has been no illegal invasions of sovereign nation states? Well then, lets rush right back to the history books and exhonerate Nazi Germany because obviously they did no wrong in invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, et al.

    Try asking the question, do a brutally oppressed, routinely snipered, economically starved, randomly abducted and illegally imprisoned people have a right to fight back against the ideological state tyranny visited upon them with impunity?

    Maybe some reflection on that right, which you may find yourself living one day to defend your family from state tyranny, might help concretise your reasoning with some definite conviction.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You keep saying that you condemn Israeli actions and then proceed to justify them, MoK.

    Except I don't. You just think I do. Explaining how someone else is thinking isn't being an apologist Clandestine. I'd expect someone who claims to be intelligent to understand that.
    You spend so much time wanting to straddle the fence and ignore the full context of issues which demand unilateral condemnation that you invalidate whatever token criticisms you do make.

    Except unilateral condemnation isn't appropriate here, in fact it rarely is. Again I guess that an intelligent person would understand that there is more than one perspective involved, and although you might agree with one that doesn't make any other "wrong".
    Given that the resistance rockets fired by Palestinian defence groups are not precision guided missiles as are those fired from Israel's squadrons of F-16's or Apaches, the term "targetted" Israeli civilians is even disingenuous.

    So, suicide bombings are not targetted? Why assume that I am only talking about rockets?

    But as you raised them, is it acceptable to launch a missile in the general direction of a civillian area without caring whether they hit military targets or not?
    And now you want to dredge up klintock as an example of logically grounded argumentation to suggest there has been no illegal invasions of sovereign nation states? Well then, lets rush right back to the history books and exhonerate Nazi Germany because obviously they did no wrong in invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, et al.

    Whoops, missed the point again.

    Firstly, perhaps you could explain how klintock was incorrect in his assertion tha borders are not fixed .

    Secondly, why do you assume that I was talking about Israel crossing borders?
    Try asking the question, do a brutally oppressed, routinely snipered, economically starved, randomly abducted and illegally imprisoned people have a right to fight back against the ideological state tyranny visited upon them with impunity?

    I already know the answer to that one. I also know your view, which is why I asked something else.

    The question I was interested in was, as part of that "right to fight back", is it acceptable that they target civillians?
    Maybe some reflection on that right, which you may find yourself living one day to defend your family from state tyranny, might help concretise your reasoning with some definite conviction.

    Maybe with some reflection, you might want to consider if your assumptions about my views are actually incorrect and perhaps you should look at those areas where I express an "opinion" and those where I present a "perspective" and see if you can spot the difference between comments like...

    "I condemn Israel", with something like "but the Israelis would argue"...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i wish i was filming it, i'd get some prime cuts
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So at what point is a border deemed to exist (in your opinion)?

    That sounds like you assume that borders do exist. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Clan, why dont you just come out and say that its fine for Hamas to target civilians, but its not for Israel.

    I'm very curious as to what makes the civilians different.
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