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Are Hackers Good?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Name me one reason why you NEED to play games. They are a luxury item. If you can't afford them don't buy them.

    Its as simple as that and what you are doing is criminal.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i don't need them, however i enjoy them, and as i would find it difficult to be able to afford most of these games ill go for the alternative and get them for nothing, without harming anyone

    so .. maybe its a crime, buts its a fuckin brilliant crime if you ask me ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How is it not harming someone? Are you actually a moron? It is intellectual property. It's a luxury and the whole point of a capitalist economy is to earn the funds to pay for the luxuries you desire.

    Your pirating harms the people who actually do want to buy the games but can't because either Steam doesn't work properly on their machine or Securom 7 is incompatible with their CD Drive. These people would have been able to play the games if people like you hadn't made it essential for these technologies to be implemented and distributed.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    How is it not harming someone? Are you actually a moron? It is intellectual property. It's a luxury and the whole point of a capitalist economy is to earn the funds to pay for the luxuries you desire.

    Your pirating harms the people who actually do want to buy the games but can't because either Steam doesn't work properly on their machine or Securom 7 is incompatible with their CD Drive. These people would have been able to play the games if people like you hadn't made it essential for these technologies to be implemented and distributed.

    And that's why there are devices that trick the safety parts such as that.

    It isn't harming people, thats bullshit. They still earn a living, because people DO buy stuff. Piracy has been about since things that could be pirated were invented. Piracy was at it's prime during the VHS and Casette era. Now it's harder, and NOW people bitch about it.

    Dont make me post the infamous downloading MP3's image, now :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So what if its been around a long time? Humans have been murdering raping and stealing for longer than anybody can remember so is it ok if I go out and do these things?

    This isn't an argument of if people do it. This is me saying its wrong.

    If I go out and decide I want a Dyson vacume cleaner but despite fact its a luxury to have one I just do not want to pay that much. So what I do is copy the entire thing and build my own at a fraction of the cost ignoring patents. Is this OK because I haven't cheated Dyson out of a product they have built and other people will still buy Dysons.

    The answer is no its not OK. The only reason data piracy is such a problem is because it is so easy to do. This does not make people who crack disc protection programs good. It isn't even particularly clever programming to beat most CD protections.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't agree with software piracy, but i guess i'm sort of guilty in that i do.

    I was mega pissed off when one of my own commercial programs appeared on a warez forum though.

    Swings and roundabouts.

    now movie piracy, someone please explain to me how it is ok to charge £20 for a dvd, when the film came out in the 50's and made back all it's costs years ago?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Isn't always easy to move something from an old type of media that has been in storage for a long time to a new format.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How about stuff you already paid for through the licence fee, as an example?

    How come I just had to pay full price for some BBC shite my cousin wants for xmas when it's already been paid for once?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    How about stuff you already paid for through the licence fee, as an example?

    How come I just had to pay full price for some BBC shite my cousin wants for xmas when it's already been paid for once?

    You paid to watch it once. Its like the fact anything you record off the TV you have to delete after so long.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    How come I just had to pay full price for shite when it's already been paid for once?
    you of all people should know ...if you buy into shite you never only pay once!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You paid to watch it once.

    Well, "you" in this case means "everyone who isn't me" I don't pay the TV licence, and have no intention of ever doing. Not that I would refuse if there was a genuine obligation, you understand.

    Not that they stop coming around, but I have a knack of asking the questions that no one else would think of when they do. ;)
    Its like the fact anything you record off the TV you have to delete after so long.

    Well, why is the price more than that of a blank video then?
    you of all people should know ...if you buy into shite you never only pay once!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Because when you buy something like a video or a DVD you are buying the right to continue watching that video or DVD indefinately as many times as you want and when you want. Different licenses may also allow you to screen them and whatnot.

    Buying a blank video allows you to record something to watch again soon but just because you have recorded something off the TV or radio does not give you the license to play that indefinately.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How is it not harming someone? Are you actually a moron? It is intellectual property. It's a luxury and the whole point of a capitalist economy is to earn the funds to pay for the luxuries you desire.

    Your pirating harms the people who actually do want to buy the games but can't because either Steam doesn't work properly on their machine or Securom 7 is incompatible with their CD Drive. These people would have been able to play the games if people like you hadn't made it essential for these technologies to be implemented and distributed.

    right, when its me (one person) you're talking about, it makes NO DIFFERENCE, as ive said several times but you just cant seem to grasp it

    and someone seems a bit bitter, eh ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    right, when its me (one person) you're talking about, it makes NO DIFFERENCE, as ive said several times but you just cant seem to grasp it

    and someone seems a bit bitter, eh ?

    Are you actually thick? Of course it makes a difference. What your basically (I think) trying to say is on a large scale it makes an insignificant difference but the fact is your not the only idiot who thinks this way. Therefore the idiots thiat think this way are a significant factor so it DOES make a difference. Look I can use capitals too to make my point seem more correct.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Are you actually thick? Of course it makes a difference. What your basically (I think) trying to say is on a large scale it makes an insignificant difference but the fact is your not the only idiot who thinks this way. Therefore the idiots thiat think this way are a significant factor so it DOES make a difference. Look I can use capitals too to make my point seem more correct.

    Your argument here is sound.

    The Moral ground though, im not so sure of. One man, does, contribute to Piracy as a whole, if he buys nothing.

    But someone, as in my position, does not. I buy it when I can, when I can't, I Pirate! I still fail to see why actuall theft is a valid comparison - it is not.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    im never going to pay for the software anyway .. so what difference does it really make ?
    z01 wrote:
    i'm not the one who's cracking the software.. it makes absolutely no difference to them if i use cracked software or not..
    z01 wrote:
    no, it makes no difference

    how many times do i have to say


    whats so hard to understand

    no matter what, no money is going to be going into their pocket from me, so it makes NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL if i use it or not
    z01 wrote:
    right, when its me (one person) you're talking about, it makes NO DIFFERENCE, as ive said several times but you just cant seem to grasp it

    What your basically (I think) trying to say is on a large scale it makes an insignificant difference but the fact is your not the only idiot who thinks this way.

    i think i made it pretty clear a few times that i was talking about me personally

    it would be a different story if i initially had the intention of buying the software, but thats not the case

    even if i (me .. one person .. again..) didnt use the pirated software, it would still be cracked and released anyway ..

    meaning .. it makes no impact on anyone if i use the software or not .. whats so hard to understand ?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    even if i (me .. one person .. again..) didnt use the pirated software, it would still be cracked and released anyway ..

    meaning .. it makes no impact on anyone if i use the software or not .. whats so hard to understand ?


    Not true. If nobody used pirated software, it wouldn't be cracked and released. The fact that you participate in the piracy market means that you DO contribute to piracy, regardless of how you try and dress it up.

    Want a beer? Can't afford it? Have some water.

    Use it regularly? Pay for it. Can't afford it? Tough shit.

    Piracy is theft, there is absolutely no other way to describe it. If piracy wasn't an option, you'd either find the money to buy it, find a free alternative, or find a different hobby.

    I've used pirated software in the past. I think we all have. I have a lot of MP3s on my computer as well - but they are generally ripped from my CD collection, or my fathers. If I listen to something regularly, I'll buy it(or if my father has it, I'll not feel bad about not paying for it).

    I use someone elses work without paying for it - guilty as charged. But I try and do what I feel is right morally - I try to pay for it if I use it regularly. Still makes me a thief.

    Get some balls, accept the part you play in the system.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    I think the point he's trying to make is, he wouldn't buy it, even if he COULD afford it. He just isn't. Ever.

    Personally, I, Pirate because things are a) Stupidly proced up, cauing b) I cannot afford it. I have already gone over this in this topic.

    So what, I should go without? You are free to think that, all you like. I'll just think otherwise. Piracy has been around since piratable things were invented. And if it WAS so bad, and casuing SO MUCH damage, why are the big cunts at the top still living their luxury lifestlye earning billions a year? Bullshit, thats what I smell. The Film and music industry, if it is in crisis as it claims, its a self imposed crisis. Take a pay cut, you rich twats, you'll never spend all that money anyway. Perhpas gives the artists more instead? Or would that be logical, as THEY did the work, not some shitty publisher.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not true. If nobody used pirated software, it wouldn't be cracked and released. The fact that you participate in the piracy market means that you DO contribute to piracy, regardless of how you try and dress it up

    i really think it ive made it pretty clear that im not talking about everyone, im talking about me specifically .. look at it whatever way you want, what i said is 100% true ..

    the people doing harm are the people who crack and release the software (not me),

    the people who share the software (not me, again) .. i don't download/share software on any p2p etc, leech all the way eh .. if i shared anything that i have then theres the possiblity that people will download off me instead of buying, so i could be contributing in that sense .. but since i dont .. im not.

    and the people who download the software instead of buying it (guess what .. not me, again!) ..

    thats the important part, when i say instead of buying it i mean that they would have bought it in the first place, if the pirated version wasnt readily available .. they'd go to the shop and buy it ( .. still not me)

    and yes, they would still be cracked and released, even if theres not much demand .. the groups that do it generally do it for a hobby .. obviously it would take a while longer to circulate round the net and work its way to your average p2p, but just because its not as easily available to the masses doesnt mean its not there ;)

    this argument really is going in circles and i suppose you can look at it in different ways, but the bottom line is you're talking about a large scale, everyone who pirates as a whole .. thats not what im talking about
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You get these cracks or warez versions from sources. If not P2P then you get them from websites or something similar. You are part of the traffic on those servers that generate revenue for the pirating scene from advertising. The money you help generate helps the people who spend time destorying software to do that instead of having a real job.

    It IS theft. It is intellectual property. It would be exactly the same as copying the Harry Potter book in a photocopier and releasing it at a cheaper value.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've never understood really why software companies (such as macromedia for example) release trial versions that can be upgraded into a complete version. It's practically asking to be cracked since you can technically download complete versions with functions disabled rather than trial versions without the disabled functions in at all.

    Then if people do want a copy with all the registered functions in, then they could get a username and password to a members only area of a website, bind it to an IP address so it can only be logged in from the computer that registered it, and (maybe) do the same with the software too. (yeah well maybe that would pose difficulties) I don't know, it just seems at the moment alot of developers are asking for piracy.

    As for movies, well i'm sorry but it's no difficult at all to convert old movie formats to digital. Yeah you can sell them off as 'digitally remastered', but that justifies charging £20 for a film that made it's money back years ago at the box office? I think not. Even todays top films make profit at the cinema, and then even more on DVD's that cost probably less than a £1 to produce.

    One of my hobbies is collecting films circa 1920 to 1950 and i wouldn't have been able to see half of these without the internet.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    The money you help generate helps the people who spend time destorying software to do that instead of having a real job.

    Actually, haven spoken to said people before... They usually hold down full time jobs. They see the cracking as a hobby, a challenge to be done. Why climb Everest? The Challenge. Why crack the latest game? The Challenge. It's something they can do, are good at, so do it.

    He spent the revenue from the adverts on being able to own a domain, mainly. Or buying beer! :D

    Besides, cracks aren't bad. I have many cracked legal games I own, saves fucknig aobut with a CD when I want to play it. Plus runs faster, if its a game that plays Audio off the disk, I can just bung that on the HDD.

    As for things like that great little SD 4 crack? Well, obviously for Piracy.. but hey... it must have been a sodding big challenge to get that Working.

    And FFS, I need a pirate version of Vanashing Point. I bought the real DVD because I love that film... I really do. And guess what? The sod has gone missing. GAH! I don't want to have to pay for that again! Although look like i'll have too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd pretty much agree with that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You get these cracks or warez versions from sources. If not P2P then you get them from websites or something similar. You are part of the traffic on those servers that generate revenue for the pirating scene from advertising. The money you help generate helps the people who spend time destorying software to do that instead of having a real job.

    It IS theft. It is intellectual property. It would be exactly the same as copying the Harry Potter book in a photocopier and releasing it at a cheaper value.

    i don't get these from websites that genereate any revenue for anyone

    generally a crack is included with a release, i haven't visted a ad bunged site for a crack for years .. i don't get any warez from websites

    and its not the same you fucking moron .. maybe if i was selling copies of the game to people, which im not, so its not the case at all .. i suggest you stop making examples .. every one of them has been terrible
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    its like stealing a car, even if you didnt want to pay for it anyway, you would still be prosecuted, but as with software, it doesnt mean that you have physically taken something from the people
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    i don't get these from websites that genereate any revenue for anyone

    generally a crack is included with a release, i haven't visted a ad bunged site for a crack for years .. i don't get any warez from websites

    and its not the same you fucking moron .. maybe if i was selling copies of the game to people, which im not, so its not the case at all .. i suggest you stop making examples .. every one of them has been terrible

    No you just haven't any excuse for your actions. You entire argument revolves around you not making a difference. You get those releases from somewhere. You don't go and knock on the door of someone who is cracking these things. The money generated by advertising is paying for the upkeep of servers that are distributing the cracks and warez to people who are pirating for profit.

    You are getting something you have no right to have. You haven't purchased it and you insist that you have some sort of right to it just because you want it. The harry potter stories are intellectual property. The designs to a new car is property. Just because they can be copied to another format without destroying the original does not mean that somebody does not have ownership rights to that information.

    Patents are a perfect example of how knowledge is protected. You are stealing peoples work.

    Most cracks are ugly badly constructed undisciplined pieces of code. Some of them are genius I admit but the time spent writing them could have actually been spent writing something beneficial. When I am writing software it irritates me the amount of effort I now have to go to just to stop people trying to steal my work and pass it off as their own.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No you just haven't any excuse for your actions. You entire argument revolves around you not making a difference. You get those releases from somewhere. You don't go and knock on the door of someone who is cracking these things. The money generated by advertising is paying for the upkeep of servers that are distributing the cracks and warez to people who are pirating for profit.

    You are getting something you have no right to have. You haven't purchased it and you insist that you have some sort of right to it just because you want it. The harry potter stories are intellectual property. The designs to a new car is property. Just because they can be copied to another format without destroying the original does not mean that somebody does not have ownership rights to that information.

    Patents are a perfect example of how knowledge is protected. You are stealing peoples work.

    Most cracks are ugly badly constructed undisciplined pieces of code. Some of them are genius I admit but the time spent writing them could have actually been spent writing something beneficial. When I am writing software it irritates me the amount of effort I now have to go to just to stop people trying to steal my work and pass it off as their own.

    word, though i download things myself, not because its right or wrong, more of a case that i can
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    It is obviously not right to pirate.

    But it isn't wrong in the same way stealing a car is.

    I really want to post a link to Hacker or Spacker on b3ta. Sadly, it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So, where would you stand if the crack was coded by the person who wanted it and didn't intend to distribute?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What difference does it make? It's a person trying to destory somebody else's work. Regardless of distribution its theft.
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