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accommodation in 2nd year

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study
hey everyone :)

im currently in my first year at uni and since october ive been living in the unis on campus halls of accommodation.

the thing is, everyone lately has been going on about how everyone needs to start thinking about where we're going to live next year and who we are going to share with.

the thing is, i dont know who the hell im going to go with! :no:
im currently in halls with 4 boys and one girl (who is only on a 1 year course). i get on really well with 3 of the boys but i think that i want to have more contact with girls next year so not sure about being with them! (plus one of them has already openly said that those 3 are already agreed on sharing but dont know about me :( - if they offer i will say yes though - but i doubt they will)

im also close friends with 3 girls on my course but im really not sure about being with them either!!
2 of them have been close friends for years so do everything together (which is fine and all) BUT they have NO social life whatsoever.. so if i live with them ill become a recluse and never go out!!!
and the other girl i think is going to arrange something with some of her hall mates :(

i know this a really stupid problem, and i know its ages away and all before it has to be arranged, but im getting myself REALLY down about it!
has anyone here done their first year at uni and then moved in with completely random people in their 2nd?
im just confused
Post edited by JustV on


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you not got any other mates from back home who are at the uni. Maybe you could move in with them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Moving in with randoms is always a risk, but can work out fine.

    There's no rush to get these things sorted out now though. You will make more friends throughout the rest of the year and probably find someone who you'd like to live with. Again, you don't need to live with a big group in a typical student house. I lived with one other guy in the second year and we got on really well and we had a great house.

    And you don't have to go out just with your housemates. If the girls are going to be good housemates and you have other friends to go out with, then that would be an option, no?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    soraliah wrote:
    hey everyone :)

    im currently in my first year at uni and since october ive been living in the unis on campus halls of accommodation.

    the thing is, everyone lately has been going on about how everyone needs to start thinking about where we're going to live next year and who we are going to share with.

    the thing is, i dont know who the hell im going to go with! :no:
    im currently in halls with 4 boys and one girl (who is only on a 1 year course). i get on really well with 3 of the boys but i think that i want to have more contact with girls next year so not sure about being with them! (plus one of them has already openly said that those 3 are already agreed on sharing but dont know about me :( - if they offer i will say yes though - but i doubt they will)

    im also close friends with 3 girls on my course but im really not sure about being with them either!!
    2 of them have been close friends for years so do everything together (which is fine and all) BUT they have NO social life whatsoever.. so if i live with them ill become a recluse and never go out!!!
    and the other girl i think is going to arrange something with some of her hall mates :(

    i know this a really stupid problem, and i know its ages away and all before it has to be arranged, but im getting myself REALLY down about it!
    has anyone here done their first year at uni and then moved in with completely random people in their 2nd?
    im just confused

    A few female friends have done that. It's no big deal, happens quite a lot. One of them moved in with randoms this year, a group of girls who are all friends, she hit it off with them and is rather enjoying herself.

    So don't worry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    most people don't begin getting sorted out until about april imo. just ask around with the friends you've already got - i'm sure you will get something sorted. and even if you don't you could move in with some "randoms" - it could work out fine. try not to get yourself down about it, - everybody is in the same boat! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm in my 2nd yr and in the end me and another mate just moved into new accomdation with 4 randoms.....luck paid off and i have ended up with 4 new good friends....!! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe you could apply to be a wardon in your second year as a back-up plan in case no other options come up (which they will). The wardons at my uni get a massive reduction on their accomodation and major RRRRAAAAAASSSSSSPect! from the first years...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Most people don't meet their new best friends straight away, and there really isn't the rush everyone thinks there is to get a house sorted out.

    I moved in with two people I vaguely knew, both deaf girls who needed a third person, and it was alright. Don't rush, because there isn't one.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We let a randomer live with us last year and it turned out to be a fucking disaster. We soon found out why he had nowhere to live.

    It can be ok and it cannot be. Best idea is to ask around to see if anyone knows the people better than you and ask them what they're like.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'll just live with whoever... Not fond of smokers though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You'll find somewhere to live.

    Thus time last year I was in the same position as you, I had just moved halls and I didn't know anyone that well and sort of missed the fact that people had already sorted out who they were going to be with and where they were going to live in 2nd year. It took me right up until May to find someone, randoms. Its not perfect but i got somewhere to live at least. Im much closer to other people now than i was last year anyway.

    Ironically the week after i signed the contract one of my friends lost a housemate. Ah well thats life.

    Next year Im going to be living with my actual mates. :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would say an important thing is to live with people with similar interests to you, in particular in going out. I spent my last year miserable a lot of the time because i was living out of the way of most people and the people i did live with never went out, which would have been okay but i really loved going out. You have to think about being able to get home safely with someone
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know at some unis they do like you to have it sorted out by December/Jan, whereas at others you don't have to worry about it until later, so it is worth finding out from your accommodation service when they really want you to have made a decision by.

    Is living in halls for your second year not a possibility if all else fails? If not, it may be worth asking the girls from your course as that may be better than living with randoms. If not, you could give living with randoms a go - just try to get to know them a bit first, make sure you ask lots of questions about how all the major decisions (bills, cleaning etc) are going to made, all the issues that can become really contentious later on.

    Good luck anyway.
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