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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Just ordered a £20 bag of H. Never done it before, was going to smoke it but i've heard snorting it is a better idea depending on the colour/texture of the gear?

Obviously injecting isn't in question.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    £20 bag is loads if you've never done it before. Be careful.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    Mate I've only ever smoked it twice before, and gashed both times. Quite nice, though I far prefer my stimulants/trips.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Violette wrote:
    How do you smoke heroin?

    smoking it is called chasing the dragon, not exactly sure how it works out but basically you chase the heroin down a piece of tinfoil with a lighter underneath it or something like that.

    Heroin? Has a nasty image, would only ever take it if I knew I had a few says or whatever to live.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Just ordered a £20 bag of H. Never done it before, was going to smoke it but i've heard snorting it is a better idea depending on the colour/texture of the gear?

    Obviously injecting isn't in question.
    dangerous road but i'm sure you know that.
    like blag says ...twenty quids worth is a lot of gear to someone with no tolerance.

    i'm pressuming this will be brown heroin ...or shades of ...meaning it isn't water soluble ...meaning if you shove it up your nose you will have the unpleasant experience of having a nose full of mud ...and nothing more.

    to inject it you need to dissolve it in acid ...but then your seriously on the edge of that dangerous road.

    it is manufactured for smoking.

    you will be sick ...so you will need to be able to throw up somewhere.

    those who become addicted to heroin range from the animalistic one brain cell thug to the highest intelectual brains in the world ...so please don't even try to convince yourself that your far to clever to be a junkie.
    inteligence determination etc ...has no bearing on wether or not you turn into an addict.
    heroin isn't realy a sociable drug ...definately not a party drug ...not even exciting.
    what it is is very very nice ...to some people.
    you have no idea if your one of those people who will have a little door opened within your soul that slams shut once your on the other side of it.
    it takes around about a month using a fivers worth a day ...to develop a physical need/habbit.
    but ...most people who were ever addicted to it will attest to the fact that the first taste of the stuff was a taste to many.

    my advice ...go party with your twenty quid ...buy some booze or some entertaining drugs ...forget the heroin.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dangerous road but i'm sure you know that.
    like blag says ...twenty quids worth is a lot of gear to someone with no tolerance.

    i'm pressuming this will be brown heroin ...or shades of ...meaning it isn't water soluble ...meaning if you shove it up your nose you will have the unpleasant experience of having a nose full of mud ...and nothing more.

    to inject it you need to dissolve it in acid ...but then your seriously on the edge of that dangerous road.

    it is manufactured for smoking.

    you will be sick ...so you will need to be able to throw up somewhere.

    those who become addicted to heroin range from the animalistic one brain cell thug to the highest intelectual brains in the world ...so please don't even try to convince yourself that your far to clever to be a junkie.
    inteligence determination etc ...has no bearing on wether or not you turn into an addict.
    heroin isn't realy a sociable drug ...definately not a party drug ...not even exciting.
    what it is is very very nice ...to some people.
    you have no idea if your one of those people who will have a little door opened within your soul that slams shut once your on the other side of it.
    it takes around about a month using a fivers worth a day ...to develop a physical need/habbit.
    but ...most people who were ever addicted to it will attest to the fact that the first taste of the stuff was a taste to many.

    my advice ...go party with your twenty quid ...buy some booze or some entertaining drugs ...forget the heroin.

    I hear the advice but it's just one of those things i'm destined to do...anyway, just picked up the bag and have a bucket handy.

    How does it react with weed? Probably going to leave it right now because i'm pretty high.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    I hear the advice but it's just one of those things i'm destined to do...anyway, just picked up the bag and have a bucket handy.

    How does it react with weed? Probably going to leave it right now because i'm pretty high.
    personaly i find weed to be the perfect mixer with just about anything ...someone will probably tell me off for that but thats personel choice experience.

    well your going to do it so ...place a little on the foil ...whilst gently heating with a flame underneath ...suck through a tube ...rolled up twenty or whatever.

    the better the quality the easier it will melt and run.
    heavily cut gear will leave a crust.
    when it runs you chase the smoke ...

    split your twnety quids worth into about ten little piles ...one pile at a time.

    after around five piles taken over a half hour period ...leave it for an hour ...see how your doing.
    don't be alone.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Shortay wrote:
    - Theres never a happy ending.
    not that simple ...not that black and white.

    there are people who love using the stuff once a week ...once a month ...mnow and again ...they never become addicted but love the stuff.
    i know of people who have used heroin for twenty thirty years ...with never a problem.
    but i have to admit ...it is rare.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    personaly i find weed to be the perfect mixer with just about anything ...someone will probably tell me off for that but thats personel choice experience.

    well your going to do it so ...place a little on the foil ...whilst gently heating with a flame underneath ...suck through a tube ...rolled up twenty or whatever.

    the better the quality the easier it will melt and run.
    heavily cut gear will leave a crust.
    when it runs you chase the smoke ...

    split your twnety quids worth into about ten little piles ...one pile at a time.

    after around five piles taken over a half hour period ...leave it for an hour ...see how your doing.
    don't be alone.

    Girlfriend just arrived so i'll leave it to tomorrow night. Don't think it'd go down too well front of her LOL.

    Anyway cheers for the advice.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Girlfriend just arrived so i'll leave it to tomorrow night. Don't think it'd go down too well front of her LOL.

    Anyway cheers for the advice.
    make that five little piles taken over an hour and a half ...not a half hour ...sorry about that.

    spliff ...don't do it alone ...if your breathing should stop ...it's usualy quite easy for someone else to get it started again but you can't do that yourself ...you can't even shout for help when it happens. you can't bang on the floor or walls ...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'll be interested to see how this experience was- don't know what to say other than good look and dont enjoy it TOO much haha. :thumb:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    make that five little piles taken over an hour and a half ...not a half hour ...sorry about that.

    spliff ...don't do it alone ...if your breathing should stop ...it's usualy quite easy for someone else to get it started again but you can't do that yourself ...you can't even shout for help when it happens. you can't bang on the floor or walls ...

    Yeah i'm not doing it alone, a friend's wanting to stay throughout. Getting breathing started again - what kind of procedure?

    Oh, and what kind of comedown will i get off it? Is it more physical than psychological?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    After how I've felt after codiene, I'd expect H to be quite harsh unless you get some sleep a few hours later or don't have to do anything at all... this is no way advice by the way just what I'd expect.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Uprising wrote:
    After how I've felt after codiene, I'd expect H to be quite harsh unless you get some sleep a few hours later or don't have to do anything at all... this is no way advice by the way just what I'd expect.

    A mate of mine takes codiene quite a bit. Type of person who will get fucked on anything just to avoid sobriety.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Yeah i'm not doing it alone, a friend's wanting to stay throughout. Getting breathing started again - what kind of procedure?

    Oh, and what kind of comedown will i get off it? Is it more physical than psychological?
    picking you up and slapping you about a bit ...failing that a little mouth to mouth.
    it will only happen if you have od'd.

    i arrived at a house one day to find someone about to poke someone with two bare wires plugged into the mains to get them breathing again!
    i arrived just in time ...picked the guy up slapped him about and alklwas well.

    not realy any comedown cos there aint realy any high to come down from.
    it is a very relaxing sleepy dream drug. doesn't put much of a demand on you physicaly or mentaly.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know its your choice and everything but i just think there are such bad things said about Heroin for a reason, Why not just stick to other drugs out there. I know there are people who are able to do it without becoming addicts but it seems strange to want to get involved with a drug like this, again i dont want to sound like an ass but im just worried that you would want to risk your life by going down this path.

    Think how your girlfriend would feel, i know id feel pretty fucked up knowing that my partner was doing Heroin. All i can say is think it over man...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A friend of mine did some a while back, pretty much for exactly the same reason you are, just because its one of those things he'd been curious about for ages.

    Smoke only a very small amount at first, its much better to have too little than too much.

    Have the bucket ready and turn your mobile off, you dont want the mrs phoning you during the high.

    Oh, and if you really like it, dont do it again.
  • JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    Spliffie, if you are going to do this then you are right to seek information. Release has some useful information, and I would try reading up on Erowid and Drugscope as well if you haven't already. Go easy and make sure you do have that sitter with you.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I want to try drugs for the first time.Can someone tell me how i should start?which to go in?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    owura wrote:
    I want to try drugs for the first time.Can someone tell me how i should start?which to go in?

    I've already said that you shouldn't really start them if you're bored but if you really feel the need to get some, try cannabis to start off with. Buy a small amount and have a toke with someone who knows how to roll or has a pipe or whatever.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    owura wrote:
    I want to try drugs for the first time.Can someone tell me how i should start?which to go in?

    It's not a good idea to encourage poepl to take certain drugs so I won't. I will say however the best and most worthwhile drug Ive ever taken is ecstasy.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    owura wrote:
    I want to try drugs for the first time.Can someone tell me how i should start?which to go in?
    i can't understand why anyone would ever want to take such risks ...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i can't understand why anyone would ever want to take such risks ...

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    seriously ...i can't remember for the life of me why i took those risks.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well spliffy ...
    howd it go?

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Smoked it late on a few nights back. Pretty much as I expected really - got a bird as a sitter, she was edgy as fuck though and was compelled to give me a slap when i was drifting away :D

    Didn't do the whole bag though, wasn't wanting to over-do it.

    People say cocaine is the drug for people who don't like drugs, but that ain't true - they obviously ain't done skag. That's the drug for people who don't like drugs, without doubt.

    It's similar to the kind of blissed-out everything-is-ok feeling you get for a brief moment as an orgasm diminishes...that's best the way I could add trying getting people to understand it.

    An worthwhile experience for me , although in all honestly weed's still king :cool: .
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    People say cocaine is the drug for people who don't like drugs, but that ain't true - they obviously ain't done skag. That's the drug for people who don't like drugs, without doubt.

    It's similar to the kind of blissed-out everything-is-ok feeling you get for a brief moment as an orgasm diminishes...that's best the way I could add trying getting people to understand it.

    Sounds nice..still a bit iffy on the whole thing though and it's not exactly available round here...one day maybe.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    Sounds nice..still a bit iffy on the whole thing though and it's not exactly available round here...one day maybe.

    The problem is some of the people you'd probably have to deal with to get it. I battered the brother of one of bigger skag dealers in town last year, so I wasn't going to one of his pals for it. Fortunately I'm good terms with someone a Big Issue seller and he was fine with it after a little persuasion :D.

    Always veer on the side of side of caution when it comes to drugs if you're unsure. Good grass is better imo and you can at least you can afford to over-do it if you've aquire the taste.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    she was edgy as fuck though and was compelled to give me a slap when i was drifting away :D

    :cool: .
    oh no!
    wnen you start nodding is whren you satrt visiting places ...opium places.
    adventures galore! semi awake ...in fantabulous lands.
    oh well.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    opiates would be my drug of choice if i didnt like them so much...

    i cant deal with comedowns and paranoia anymore so i dont really think about taking anything else anymore...but that feeling, its just wonderful. I think your account of the effects was quite accurate (IMHO), even though my experiences have been mainly with IV/IM/Oral Pethidine. You could just stay there forever, everythings so wonderful and nothing can hurt you, nothing will hurt you, not the faintest hint of a comedown, just a wonderful after-glow for several hours afterward.

    ...which is an excellent reason for me to stay well away, i'd be in trouble if i could get hold of this regularly... :no:
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