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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    J wrote:
    Just out of interest is the coca plant illegal in it's natural God made state?

    Yes. In virtually every country except Bolivia.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    most addicts i ever met in life are very far from being weak people. in fact usualy the opposite.

    one thing i would love to crack ...the secret of how to perform at the same level i did when i was an addict ...now that would be something.

    back to the thing about will power.
    how the hell do you measure the willpower of a straight guy against that5 of an addict?
    the willpower to be an addict ...every day ...every single moment ...is hard to beat.

    addiction produces adrenalin and determination ...to get through today ....determination that is chemicaly driven.
    and thats where it all falls down.

    once your brain/mind/body connections are truly addicted ...you have the willpower to live forever ...and people start trying to point out to you ...that your rapidly falling apart ...eventualy ...you accept what your being told ...then start trying to undo do it ...with willpoer.
    but the addiction has turned your willpower into a mighty ...almost invincible
    city ...with bright lights armed guards and all the right words.

    addiction has to be the strongest will that many men will experience yet despite this ...most people beat it ...swap it for a while ...and survive to be safe and sane and productive loving people ...amen.
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