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Fly Agaric



  • JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    kittiwoz, I think you are being slightly alarmist by saying that Amanita's are deadly. They should be treated with respect, and mushroom classification is quite difficult so caution is urged. I'm not trying to downplay the risks associated with picking and taking mushrooms, but I think going around all the mushroom threads on the boards and posting that they are deadly is going a bit far. If you would like to find out more about the psychoactive ingredients in Amanitas (ibotenic acid and muscimol), Erowid's Psychoactive Amanita's page is a good place to start.

    I found the following information on the dosage page -
    Amanita muscaria is variety of mushroom that grows widely almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere. It is listed as poisonous in most mycology sources and it's use is not common because it's effects can be somewhat unpleasant, though it has been used traditionally by a number of cultures. There are conflicting reports on whether there has ever been an A. muscaria caused fatality. Be careful! It may be poisonous at high doses or to sensitive individuals.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I admit I know nothing about the chemistry of it. I'm not saying that Fly Agaric will kill you. I also admit I have simply regurgitated information I have learned from one specific source. However it is quite a good source and if you follow the link you will see it gives an account of the psychotropic effects of Aminita Muscaria and that it is used for these effects by the Lapps. It also says that the classification is based on "at least one death", which you say is in contention and that may indeed be the case, but the book certainly doesn't say that deaths are common.

    Of course many drugs are potentially lethal and people still take them because they balance the risk against the effect. I feel I am coming under attack for supposed opinions which I do not hold. I have no interest in taking it myself and therefore no intention of weighing up the risk/benefits. If people are interested in taking it they can do that themselves. I don't have any opinion at all on whether people should take it. I'm just saying what I know and the link provides some more information. People can do with it what they will. I'm very sorry to have to make this so brutally clear but I don't actually care.
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