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Fiancees sexual past bothers me

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
My girlfriend and I recently got engaged, and we had moved pretty quickly to that point (8 months) but I know she is the one I want to be with for the rest of my life and she says she wants to be with me for the rest of our lives too, so we're engaged. My only problem is that when I think about her sexual history it makes me sad. I was a virgin when I met her, although I've had a number of sexual experiences, just never intercourse. She's been with two other guys, and neither of them was she ever in a relationship with. One of them was essentially a sexual relationship for a couple months, but it wasn't a serious thing, they still saw other people during that time, and she had been with the second guy in the middle of their "time together". Thinking about that part of her past makes me really sad and I know that it shouldn't bother me because that's made her who she is today... the woman I fell in love with, but it still upsets me.

Besides that we've also been arguing a lot... somewhat regarding her past. The one guy she had the sexual relationship with she's still somewhat friends with. They don't talk very much at all... and when they do, it's nothing serious. I have no problems with that... but recently he's called her up a bunch of times to try to get together, and it really bothers me to think about them getting together. I don't know how to come to terms with the fact that their friends, but it is fairly common to feel this way with someone your significant other has that sort of past with. We keep getting into arguments because she essentially refuses to give him up eventhough it hurts me so bad. Only once I've badgered it at her and balled my eyes out from getting hurt from it and from the frustration of having to have the same argument every month does she say she won't go hang out with him. It bothers me a lot that she wants to hang out with him... but the fact that it takes so much effort on my part for her to do to it so that I don't go insane hurts that much more. I don't know what to do about any of this. I know I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her, but it hurts so much having him still be a part of our lives. I really hate making her decide between me and him, and it tears me apart. Any advice would be great.

You can reply on here or e-mail me at deranier@hotmail.com ... but I would really appreciate some advice in either form...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It seems to me you have MAJOR trust issues here. By stopping your partner being friends with this guy, you aren't sending out a good message about your relationship. Just because she was once involved with this guy means nothing, she is with you now, and with you out of choice, your the one she wants. But you cant try to control her, stop her seeing her friends, or she is likely to begin to resent you. Im not saying you are all of a sudden going to be thrilled at them seeing eachother, but you need to trust that this relationship with him isnt sexual, they are friends. Talk to her about it, not in accusing, ordering way so it turns into an argument, but calmly just ask her about him, if it would make you believe there isnt anything going on, meet the guy, talk to him, show him your on the scene. It may be that she is more hurt by the fact you dont trust her not that you want her to drop one of her friends. If you dont trust what she'll do with this guy, then how many more male friends,workmates,etc are going to come along that you dont want her spending time with? She will end up resenting you for it. Hope you can sort it out and you can learn to trust her, and that she helps you do so, good luck,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kate has pretty much said it all..but I'll ramble on regardless.

    You need to be more confident, and have faith in your gf. Without trust, you clearly aren't ready for marriage. You need to build on your relationship and try and accept the fact that your gf happens to want to hang out with a male friend, who happens to be an ex. Just relax, don't be so uptight about it. If she really was hooking up with this guy, do you think you would let you know that they hang out/want to hang out?!?!

    Just take a step back and reassess the situation. Have more trust in your partner otherwise this could jeopardise your relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think you're being a bit unfair on your girl, to be honest.

    you are trying to make her feel guilty for having been with people before you, and it's not on. she wasn't with you then. she didn't even know you then. she's done nothing wrong, and still you are punishing her for it.

    being jealous is one thing, and i'm sure everyone feels like that, but letting this tear you apart would be a total waste. i was with people before i met my other half, and i know he doesn't like the thought, but it's tough. it happened, it's in the past, and letting it ruin what we have now (cause i'm with him. i'm not with anyone else. if anyone in the past had meant as much to me as he does, i would still be with them) would just be totally ridiculous.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's difficult to give advice on this one...

    All I can say is that you're gonna have to suck it up and deal with this, or your relationship is gonna end up going nowhere.

    People have sex with people and stay in touch. So what? Sure, if she is the only person you have slept with, this may seem a little strange, but, again, YOU are going to have to deal with it... Not her.

    Harsh reality bite, but it had to be said.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tbh, if you were my boyfriend I would have already left. I wouldn't have put up with your insecurities for months on end. What happened in the past, stays there. So fucking what if you were a virgin when you met her? If you want a star on your arse I dont think you're going to get it from her because she obviously believes in sex before marriage- -thats her choice. If you love her and trust her, don't make her chose between a friend and yourself. And btw, stop crying to get what you want. With the arrival of Jo Frost, it's been clincally proven...crying to get what you want doesnt even work for kids anymore. Its emotional blackmail.
    Grow up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you want a star on your arse

    Sorry - this is superb! Made me chuckle! :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you think that 2 people is a big deal!?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know I'm ridiculous and I know it's totally unfair to her. I hate this. I don't cry to try and get my way. Part of me wants to break off the engagement/relationship because I know it's fair to her to have to deal with this jealousy. I'm trying to seek counceling to deal with my problem, but just hearing his name hurts a lot. It's not that I don't trust her on a conscious level. I want to be ok with them being friends because I know how hard it is for her to have to give up a friend, but just the thought of them hanging out puts a ball in my stomach and causes me so much pain. I haven't learned how to deal with this kind of thing. I'm not looking for any kind of recognition because I saved myself for the woman I intended to marry and I know that 2 other guys isn't much at all, but it makes me sad to think about the reasons and the situations in which she had gotten together with those guys. I know that this is purely my problem, and I shouldn't impose it upon her. I'm sorry that you all think I am some overly controlling asshole. That's not why I was posting this. I was hoping that someone would be able to give me advice on how to deal with my jealousy and not just label and insult me for being the way I am.

    So, if anyone has some constructive advice on how for me to deal with my jealousy, please let me know, but I would appreciate not being attacked for having feelings, and being jealous in a situation in which lots of people would be jealous. I just want to stop hurting from their friendship and I want to stop being the jealous controlling fiancee. I want this relationship to work more than anything, and any advice on how to deal with my jealousy would be greatly appreciated.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you don't mind me asking, how old are both of you?

    This sounds like a very teenage reaction to be experiencing (not to be patronising) but things do tend to be less hassle the older you get (well, that could be a generalisation there but it was this case for me).

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm 20 and she's 19.

    I know it sounds very immature and teenager-like. I hate reacting the way I do it. I just can't figure out how to deal with it. I don't know how to deal with jealousy. I've never been jealous like this with any of my past girlfriends (the one I was with before this we had done everything except for intercourse and had seen eachother for longer than I've been seeing my fiance, but I wasn't jealous with that girlfriend). Jealousy is so foreign to me and I don't know how to cope. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    start recognising that it's not her fault and taking the way you feel out on her? stop dictating who she can and cannot see. that's a hideous basis for any relationship, let alone a potential marriage.

    you seem to be upset by the fact that she won't agree never to see him again, and see this as a lack of feeling on her part, when in fact it's just you being unreasonable. if you think this way about him, you will always think this way. there will always be some guy at work, or an old friend, or a friend of a friend. and it's all in your head.

    if she's going to cheat on you, she'll cheat on you, and if she's going to be faithful, she'll be faithful, and it doesn't make a sausage of difference whether she hangs out with this guy or not. either there is trust there, or there isn't. and in your case, there obviously isn't.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We can't sprinkle fairy dust on you and all of a suddne you're going to become this trusting loving boyfriend. That's something you need to do for yourself. Not the answer you were looking for, but maybe you should read the advice that was given to you and go away and think of a way to fix the problem between you both. You're still young though, so are you sure you are meant to be together?

    Good luck anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In response to Kaffrin and anyone else who wishes to make deconstructively criticizing posts:

    Stop leaving these messages. I don't want to hear someone bitching me out. I posted this question in hopes that someone will have gone through my side of this problem and have some advice on what I can do to eventually make things better. You seem to have some diluded image that I enjoy controling her life. I know that this is my problem, but until I've managed to deal with it I'm going to keep being in pain for it. She wants this relationship to work which as much as I do by the way. She's already decided that they're not going to hang out because I mean more to her then their friendship and she doesn't want to hurt me because of this anymore, and once I've managed to deal with it she'll decide if she will want to start hanging out with him again at that time. I want to deal with my part so bad. It hurts a lot to have her hanging out with him, but it hurts evenmore to know that I'm imposing so much opun her life. I need to learn some ways in which I can deal with my jealousy. So instead of just attacking me, please help me to deal with this. I know I am the one with the problem, I know I am the one who needs to deal with it. So if anyone knows a way to help me deal with it, please let me know. If all you're going to do is attack me and make me feel even worse than I do, then please leave me alone. I am in enough pain knowing what I'm doing to her with all this, I don't need more people making me hate myself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Noone has made any "deconstructively criticizing " comments. :confused:

    You're just hearing what people think of you, your situation, and you dont like it. Why don't you get your girlfriend to sign up and we'll hear her side of it?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All anyone has said that I'm a fuck up and imposing too much on my fiance. I know that already and I don't need to hear it anymore. You all seem to think that I enjoy being a jealous prick, and that I want to stay this way. I just want some help in dealing with my jealousy. Unless you have something to say that will be of some help to me, then don't bother posting.

    I feel bad enough without having more people rub into my face that I'm being unfair to her. I just want to be able to fix my problem so that my fiance and I will be able to stay together and stop arguing. So please... help with my jealousy, don't bother telling me the same shit time and again because I knew all that before I had even told her about my jealousy problems. I don't want to be this way... I want to fix my problems, so someone please give me some advice on how to do that instead of just telling me I'm jealous and it's not fair to her.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's not her past sexual history which you should worry about, it's her future one.

    Carry on like this and you won't be part of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    shes with you now

    Its you she wants

    remember that everytime you think 'he was better in bed than me' 'maybe she'd rather be with him'
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't feel inadequit in bed. I don't feel as though she'd rather be with someone else. I know she loves me, I know she wouldn't leave me for some other man. I know that her past sexual history shouldn't bother me, but it does. And every time he's mentioned it reminds me of that past and it makes me sad. And every time she wants to go hang out with him I just get really upset. I don't know where the emotions come from or why. I know that she wouln't cheat on me with him, but just the thought of them hanging out makes my stomach go into turmoil. I know that it's because I'm jealous but I don't know how to get rid of my jealousy. I need some advice on what I can do to learn to not be jealous.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dont think about it. thinking too much about it will drive you insane. which may piss youre fiance off. its hard cos youre a guy but you must embrace the facts and move on. dont stop. dont let the bastard get you down. and that bastard is you! feelings dont think. emotions will cloud your judgement. if the fact keeps you sad or jealous or angry all the time, the thought will always be on your head and there could be one moment when this complex of yours will come out the wrong way at the wrong time and put your relationship in jeopardy. (although these sort of events is what makes relationships exciting).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Thanks... you're right, I really need to learn how to just forget about it. It has no effect on our current relationship together and it shouldn't bother me the way it does. I don't know how to just forget about it. Ignoring it is one thing, but it's hard to indefinately ignore something. I need to just completely forget about it all. I don't know how to do that, but I'm going to try really hard. Thanks again for that comment
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can see where you are coming from. I can't say it wouldn't bother me if my boyfriend had a history like that. Though I when you love someone you must forgive them and besides you can't change her past, you fell in love with her as a person regardless as to he rpast so why let it ruin things now you loved her when you didn't know so you should be able to get over it since it should no longer affect her. But It would bother me to but not enough to ever leave my spouse
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rhodias wrote:

    Thanks... you're right, I really need to learn how to just forget about it. It has no effect on our current relationship together and it shouldn't bother me the way it does. I don't know how to just forget about it. Ignoring it is one thing, but it's hard to indefinately ignore something. I need to just completely forget about it all. I don't know how to do that, but I'm going to try really hard. Thanks again for that comment
    look ill tell you something very important. you can not repress these thoughts. they will always come to you everytime you a similar topics comes your way. you shouldnt find ways on how to contain the problem, but you should find a way to let it flow. what you must do is change youre perception of the issue. you must not ignore it but you must REALISE that it is not a big deal. you must convince yourself that there is nothing wrong with it. its not easy but i suggest its the best way. shit there are people in the world worrying about when and where theyre next meal is going to come and youre worrying about your dick?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hiya. New person. First post.
    From the other side of things I was in your partners position. My fella had one girlfriend before me. Whereas I have well..had more....For a long time I was still very good friends with an ex. However as time has gone on I've seen less and less because I began to realise just how hard it was for my partner to see us together. Maybe it won't happen in your case..maybe it will.
    However as others have said she is with you now. She agreed to marry you. That is a huge HUGE promise. It means that you are the one she wants, you who she daydreams about and you who she babbles about to anyone who will listen. But you can't be her everything. No-one can. Jesus if our boyf/girlf were everything to us and the only person in our lives we'd kill them in 5mins flat!!
    I know I'm rambling...but well...you've got the whole of your lives together and sometimes things are gonna be crap...it's part and parcel. You accept it, you talk (sometimes shout) about it and you move on to the next level.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm not unfairly criticising you, mate, i'm being honest. i don't do namby-pamby, i don't do *hugs*. i just tell it like it is, and it's not my problem if that's not what you wanted to hear.

    the problem isn't the way you feel. everyone feels like that sometimes. the problem is the way you are dealing with it. and the way you are letting it affect you, and affect your girlfriend, and affect your relationship. it's as if you have already decided that she will cheat, and are trying to impose damage control by limiting the people she can see.

    ask yourself: what if next time you felt jealous you didn't say anything? what if you tried to ignore it? what if you didn't let it escalate into a fight?

    i've been in your position before, and i've been in your girl's position too, and i'll tell you this for nothing: insecurity and lack of trust are the quickest way to end a relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rhodias wrote:
    anyone else who wishes to make deconstructively criticizing posts:

    Stop leaving these messages. I don't want to hear someone bitching me out.

    Oh for goodness sakes, stop being a domineering insecure pathetic fool and people won't have to tell you that you are being one.

    Sorry, I don't do sugar coating either. You are being pathetic for being so insecure, and, to be quite honest, if you are unwilling or unable to trust your fiancee then you should not be engaged to her and you should not be in a relationship with her.

    Either you can trust her or you can't. If you think that she will ride this boy's cock simply because she did in the past then you obviously have an horrendously low opinion of your fiancee, and you seriously need to question whether or not you should continue the relationship. If you don't trust her enough to stay with you then, eventually, you will drive her away, and you will have nobody to blame but yourself.

    Yeah, you're depressed and miserable and your self esteem is through the floor. Instead of whingeing and stamping your feet and blaming everyone else you should try taking some responsibility for your own actions, your own thoughts and your own reactions. The fact that you can't trust your lass is your problem and your fault, not hers, and if you do not start to appreciate this fact sharpish then you will discover that she will kick you into touch for a man who won't domineer her and tell her who she may or may not see. You are responsible for your feelings, not her, not us and not anybody else. Sort yourself out, and stop taking your insecurities out on your girl before you discover that she has got tired of being blamed for everything and has chucked you for someone who WILL trust her like she should be.

    I am being critical, but if you cannot see the construction in my criticism then there is no hope.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    If you think that she will ride this boy's cock

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I may be jealous around a lot of things, but I never let it come out to her. This is the only situation in which I've been jealous that I've let it come out into our relationship and have any affect. I don't know why this one guy bothers me to such a great extent, but it just hurts me to think about him. I DON"T BLAME HER for any of this. WHY CAN'T ANY OF YOU GET THAT!! I want to fix my jealousy problems, I don't want my jealousy to affect her life as much as it is in this situation.


    I don't want anyones opinion on me, I don't want people going off about how insecure I am and that it's my problem. I ALREADY KNOW, SO LAY OFF! I feel like an ass already and I don't need to have 30 strangers rip into me some more for it. If people know some ways in which to help me combat my jealousy, those are the comments I want to hear, otherwise don't bother posting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    /end rant
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There isn't any easy way to curb jealousy, you need to have some faith in yourself in order to do so. Happy and secure people aren't jealous, fact.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Same boat...only I think I'm being wierd about it.

    The whole reason I came onto this site is because I had a fight with my boyfriend [whom I've been with for over a year] last night. He had only one other partner, and I am a virgin. I've known him since Junior year in high school, and we both started dating...but not each other. The relationships that we both had, didn't work out. I was with a complete loser although I didn't know it at the time, and he was with what I like to call a slut (Is that being harsh??) SHE talked HIM (It feels like the majority is the other way around...) into having sex with her 2 or 3 months into thier "relationship". After they started being sexually active, they only saw each other once every week, and I still find it hard to belive that she was with only him during that time...I don't know if she was or not. 5 out of the next 7 weeks that they were together, they would just have sex and do nothing else, as far as I know. They would go up into a place in the mountains and park his car...and...you know... :eek: anyway, after a while, they decided that for next time, they wanted to drive to Wyoming and get a hotel room. It disturbs me, but that isn't the point. He justifies it for himself, saying that it doesn't really matter if a guy is a virgin or not because there is no physical evidence, and that it has nothing to do with self-respect. I think he's wrong....he wants me to get over it because it was in the past, and he loves me, yadda yadda yadda. But it still hurts me to think that he had told her once (maybe not verbally, but physically) that he cares about her and (In my opinion, one doesn't sleep with somebody unless they have even the smallest feeling of wanting to be with them forever.) I'm on the same page with you though, man. Except I don't know HOW I would feel if he kept in contact with her. I'm rambling.
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