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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I find this really hard to talk about. I try to hid it because I feel so hurt and ashamed.
February 2003, I began seeing a guy called Gareth. After a few months I fell pregnant, I found out April 29th. I was so happy it's unbelievable. Things seemed o.k, Gareth could be an idiot and when we rowed, he pushed me abou and alot of the time blanked me and put his friends first. I thought it would change, just thought he was scared of being a dad.
When I about 8 weeks pregnant, he pushed me to the floor and punched me in the face. I went away to my dads for a week, he lives near cardiff!
When I came back he proposed to me, we moved in together and I thought things would change! How wrong was I!! I was scared to leave him because my did lived miles away and I don't speak to him very much because of things he had done to me in the past, we were not close at all. And I did not speak to my mother.
I was living 20 miles away from Hereford and didn't have any friends at the time, I look back now and realise he issolated me from everyone. My son came into he world on 31-12-03. It was the happiest moment of my life. The moment I pushed him out, took him into my arms and said, "hello Rhys, i'm your mum" and kissed his little forehead and had tears in my eyes I will never forget that.
Everything was amazing, I was so happy and felt so much love it was undescribable. Unfortunately, after a month, he went back to his old ways. I loved him and wanted a proper family so I stayed.
On March 29th I found bruising on my son, It was late at nite so I took him to the docters straight away the next day. The docter said that he was not concerned but if he continued to get bruising, to take him back for a blood test. Admittidly I was worried, but I thought at least no one has hurt him. The next day 1st April, the health visitor thought different. She contacted social services who wanted me to take him to the hospital and let him get seen by a child docter. I took him into Hereford, I arrived there and he was checked over. I was called into a room and was told he was to be taken into care because the bruises were not normal and not caused naturally. It hurt me, I ran to get my son and begged them not to take him, I ran away with him and was restrained and arrested.
Two weeks later, my sister admitted she knew how the bruising was caused. She saw Gareth trying to suffocate him! I passed out, i've never done that before but I had never felt so much pain. Some dickhead bloke thought he'd hurt a baby, his own fucking son!! I contacted the police, and considering it's nearly a year, he still has not been arrested. Anyway, because of this, on january 7th 2005, the court ruled that my son should be adopted. Tommorow, I have to go and hear they now have 'parents' for him!! It hurts like hell. I love him so much.... i'm on the comp all the time because I can't get over it. I don't want to go out, I have to deal with it then and I can't. He's my little boy and because of a violent man, has been taken out of my life. I will never forgive myself for putting my son through that, it was my fault, I should have left the father. And nothing can hurt like this.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i don't know what your dad did to you but ...your sounding like the classic case of women who continue the spiral of abuse ...irst dad now your man ...my advice would be to get the fuck out now but ...you'll probably repeat the same mistake again and again.
    not sure why this happens but it does.
    my wife had a bad dad ...then had a bad husband ...then i came along ...the first two years of my marriage was hell!
    cos she didn't know how to handle being with a guy who actualy showd her respect ...encouraged her to be her own person ...treated her gently.

    and someone will come along shouting ...

    wrong forum!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am not with him!! We broke up as soon as I knew what he did. It just kills me everyday, not being able to be with my little boy. I have let him done in a bad way and I should never have let it happen!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melodie wrote:
    I am not with him!! We broke up as soon as I knew what he did. It just kills me everyday, not being able to be with my little boy. I have let him done in a bad way and I should never have let it happen!!

    mel ...please excuse my laziness ...i didn't read the whole thing!
    i didn't realise you had lost your little 'un!

    now i don't know what to say ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thats o.k. Its just really tough, I put on this silly front to people and I can't do it anymore!! I'm happy and bubbly e.t.c..... but i'm also insecure and aggressive towards people because of what I have been through and I hate it all. Only time I was happy was when I had my son.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There's not much you can do about this except learn from it and not stay with a violent guy again.

    If you're in a stable relationship with someone else then surely you can attempt to adopt your own son, or something equally ridiciulous.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    have you spoken to a solicitor? i wouldve thought that if you aren't with the guy anymore you would be able to have him back???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    have you spoken to a solicitor? i wouldve thought that if you aren't with the guy anymore you would be able to have him back???

    :yes: thats what i'd have thought to.

    Was your son taken into care to be adopted or just for fostering?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The fact she ran away with her son and had to be arrested wouldn't look good on her behalf.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    /me offers hugs
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Surely if it wasn't you abusing him, you would still be allowed to keep him? They can't just randomley take babies away from people, espeically if you are not with this bloke anymore.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've hesitated to post on this thread but people are getting confused. Social services don't just swoop in like the cavalry and take children away for no good reason. There are complicated protocols they have to follow; I know, I've been through all this more than once when my crackpot ex has accused me of abusing the children.

    And I'm afraid to say that if your child is adopted then you have no further rights to or over that child. No access, no contact. It sounds like it's a bit late to be saying "get a solicitor" if that is what the court has already ordered.

    Melodie, I don't know the whole story, I feel sure that this isn't quite the whole story, nor am I asking you to tell it, but I do think it was brave of you to put all this out here. I really do feel for you and I hope it has helped you in some way, but I really think you ought to be finding someone you can talk to on a regular basis, otherwise you're going to crack up. Please do it for your own sake.

    Remember, people find themselves all the time in situations they never dreamed they could end up in. It doesn't mean you're a bad person.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Like Miffy I was hesitant to post here at first too. I get the feeling there must be something more to this case. A friend at work was involved with social services and child protection orders etc with an ex partner and Miffy is right, social services work very hard to protect the welfare of the child. It confuses me a little that they would take Rhys away from you if you are no longer in contact with the father.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The fact she ran away with her son and had to be arrested wouldn't look good on her behalf.

    No it did not, but I loved my son and I know that many mothers that are in the same pradicament would and have done the same.

    And to answer all the other posts......... My father physically abused me, and my mother was an alcoholic. At the age of thirteen I had enough, ran away from home and was placed into foster care. I did not receive and was not offered any counselling. Several things happened during those years.
    I met Gareth, he started hitting me...... No-one ever put me down as a parent. I had gone from being extremely impatient to being the most calm and patient person you could ever meet. He was always smiling, I suffered a severe bought of post-natal depression, I found things difficult but got through it. I went back to work when Rhys was a month old because his 'dad' couldn't be bothered to work. I worked a few hours over the wk/ends, Gareth didn't help with Rhys much so I did everything there to, did the housework on my own and cooked e.t.c. Rhys was on home made food when he began weaning as I found it to be a better option. But I coped. I was 18 and this was my life!! (as well as being beaten).
    I had no family support and had been isolated from my friends. Rhys was taken due to the bruising, and as I said my sister admitted that she saw. I was angry because if she had told me at the time I could have done something then.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Recently i found out that because Gareth and I had fallen out and because of the fact I had found out what he had done (I got beatings from him because of telling the police) he had concocted stories with his friends to stop Rhys from returning to me because he wanted him ( he had a child from a previous relationship, same story!!! found out recently) and because he hated the fact that I had moved on and was happy. He was telling the social worker that my current partner was hitting me, not true at all! And several other hurtful things. I saw Rhys everyday. The priceedings were going through the courts, they kept telling me that Rhys was coming home to me. Then I went to do an assesment........ Basically they stated that I have the capability of being a great parent, Rhys was well looked after, well loved and always a happy child. But because of what had happened and the fact that there was no real evidence to suggest that Gareth had done it and because my Father abused me, they felt Rhys would be better off with an adoptive family. Basically as my soliciter and many people have said, they were to late with me, and I am paying for my parents actions and being tarred with the same brush! My bf was very upset about it because he was attached to Rhys and wanted to be a step father to him! Gareths reaction...... He did not care. I am a total wreck without him. For example, Gareth and I share the same group of friends, I phone a friend earlier to explain that adoptive parents had been found, this was relayed back to Gareth, his reaction "*shrugs* I still havn't got my fucking phone" It was taken away, he assaulted me again last month and has been harrasing me and my bf.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All I know is I will never forgive myself, I will never stop thinking of my son and will write every year and make a book for him about his life that I know! I miss all the little things like, he would wake at seven in the morning, walk into his room and he would stop crying the minute he saw me and smile, and night time when we would have a bath together and cuddle up in bed till he fell asleep whilst I was singing lullabies (killed a few cats) and loads of other things..... He is perfect to me, and will never be replaced. I will always love him and be there for him if he wants to find me. I opened an account for him and will save money foe when he is 21 to make up for all the things I will miss.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well it all makes more sense now.

    I feel for you Melodie, I really do, and in a way I can understand how you're feeling and what you've got to go through. I have five children, two with the current, lovely Mr Miffy, and three with my looney ex. When we divorced there were no residence orders made for the children, it was all done by agreement that the children would live with me, which was fine, except that it meant that, shortly after I met Mr Miffy, my ex decided he was going to keep the children after they went to him for a weekend and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

    Well, I did get the two boys back, the youngest because he was only just four, and the eldest by his own decision although he can't settle now and has been back and forth between me and his dad ever since. But my daughter.... I never got her back. I don't know what happened to her, I don't know what he said to her, but she will have nothing to do with me, she won't talk to me on the phone, she won't see me, what little I know about her life I get second hand from my mum.

    It's like grieving. Because there came this day when suddenly, she was just gone from my life, so it was like she died. But it's harder, because I know she's out there, somewhere. Everything just stopped there. In my mind she's still a little girl with pigtails, although she's thirteen now.

    It's hard, I won't pretend it isn't. At first, it's so bleak, you feel like it'll never get better, but like I think I posted somewhere else about bereavement, one day you wake up and it's not the first thing you think about. It still pops into your thoughts regularly, certain things remind you and set you off, the first everything is the worst. Birthday, christmas, etc.

    And the guilt, I'm afraid that comes with the territory, it never goes away but you kind of come to terms with it.

    You can get through this, it's just going to take time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i like miffy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I cried whilst reading your post. I find everything so hard...... it's killing me. Me and my bf are having a really hard time because of this. I just don't feel I can get through this. I have self harmed and today I dissapeared for three hours because I felt like I wanted to die. I didn't because I thought of my son and how much I love him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melodie wrote:
    I cried whilst reading your post. I find everything so hard...... it's killing me. Me and my bf are having a really hard time because of this. I just don't feel I can get through this. I have self harmed and today I dissapeared for three hours because I felt like I wanted to die. I didn't because I thought of my son and how much I love him.

    mel ...pleaese clear this up for me cos i was under the impression you were actualy in the position of being mum ...from your thread about about drug use and depression ....cut and paste of you ...

    this is how and why I smoke weed, I get thru a tenth a week, thats £5 worth.... I smoke 1 spliff before I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning feeling great...... I also suffer from ibs and it has been helping that really well, better than any medication a docter has given me.... (ibs = irriatable bowel syndrome)
    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.

    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mel ...pleaese clear this up for me cos i was under the impression you were actualy in the position of being mum ...from your thread about about drug use and depression ....cut and paste of you ...

    this is how and why I smoke weed, I get thru a tenth a week, thats £5 worth.... I smoke 1 spliff before I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning feeling great...... I also suffer from ibs and it has been helping that really well, better than any medication a docter has given me.... (ibs = irriatable bowel syndrome)
    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.

    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.

    I find it hard to face he's gone. Everything I do will still affect him. I guess here I could escape into a world where he was with me. But I need to deal with it all now. Does that make sense?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melodie wrote:
    I find it hard to face he's gone. Everything I do will still affect him. I guess here I could escape into a world where he was with me. But I need to deal with it all now. Does that make sense?

    Yes it does, and yes, you do need to deal with it, it would be extremely unwise not to. I would say you need to deal with an awful lot of stuff that has happened to you probably, and I really suggest you try to find some help for yourself.

    You have to take every day as it comes Melodie, and I KNOW it doesn't feel like it now, but it will get a little easier. It's too soon right now, but eventually you're going to have to think about the rest of your life. You can't change what has already happened, the only thing you can affect is the future and you owe it to yourself to make that as good as possible.

    Try to be a little bit kind to yourself Melodie, and keep talking if it helps.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A few years ago, i had everything, a partner, a son, a thriving buisness and a good network of friends. then i got attached to the demon drink(alcohol) in about six months i lost my friends, then my partner and son, it broke me like nothing had ever broke me before, i ended up drinking the contents of the pub which i had built into a good buisness, closed the door and didnt open the pub again.
    all i done was drink to oblivion i eventually lost the pub and was took into detoxafication to dry out. Hell Pure Hell. all i could do is think of joshua and what i was doing to him (something i never done whilst drinking).
    but for me to give him anything i had to sort myself out first, so i went to rehab for twelve months and learnt more about myself, im not suggesting rehab for you but i needed it, then i started attending groups every week even if i felt upset or did not feel like going i still went.
    not about six years on, and my ex still wont let me see josh, so i have to stay strong and if he comes to find me when hes a little older then great, but i cant think negative or ill drop like a bag of shite down the same spiral ive just returned from.
    sure i still think about josh all of time but have to think positive.
    i am now settled with my partner and her two children and we have a little girl with each other and i love them loads, but, i love josh just as much that will never change sure its painfull very fuckin painfull, but as miffy said it does get easier with time... melody, stick with it girl and if you need to talk then please feel free to p/m me anytime or post on the boards. just remember you will always have us to chat things through with, if you dont have access to a computer at home then try seeing if any of your friends have one you can use or book yourself one at your local library......hope things get easier soon...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i like miffy.

    :blush: I'm just doing the best I can, y'know?

    :wave: Hello Justin. Sounds like you know exactly what I was talking about.

    Melodie, you're not alone, you can see that... there are people here who can relate to what you're going through. Like Justin said, you can talk to us any time.

    ETA: Just seen your thread on the other board. I hope you find a way to come back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melodie i kno im only new and i havent lost my son. but ive been thru alot too hav ibs and still going thru post-natal deppression i took an overdose wen i was fourteen and used to cut myself no one was ever there for me. my son and bump is the only thing i live for. if you want to talk let me kno i realy feel for you ;-)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mel ...pleaese clear this up for me cos i was under the impression you were actualy in the position of being mum ...from your thread about about drug use and depression ....cut and paste of you ...

    this is how and why I smoke weed, I get thru a tenth a week, thats £5 worth.... I smoke 1 spliff before I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning feeling great...... I also suffer from ibs and it has been helping that really well, better than any medication a docter has given me.... (ibs = irriatable bowel syndrome)
    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.

    I do not smoke it to get cabbaged thank u very much. I have a child to think of.

    In your faceparty profile Melodie you say that you despise drugs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I did but recently I really cant cope. I feel like i'm having a break down and I needed something. I didn't want to drink alcohol because of the way my mum was, so I thought a little cannabis would help. I think i'm wrong, I felt o.k to begin with but now...... i'm a wreck. I find things so hard and don't get out much, I don't really have many friends because my ex destroyed my friendships as well as my life. The past few days, i havn't slept, keep picking at my bf and making excuses for an argument cry all the time, want to stay in bed feel moody and I really feel its because of the cannabis. I made a huge argument thinking it was doing good, and admitidly I was wrong. I even made him cry all night. I feel really guilty about that. I feel lonely and I don't want to go on but I know I must for my son.I feel empty, like a huge part of me is gone and the best thing in my life is no longer here. I'm always waiting for that 'light' at the end of the tunnel!! Hopefully it will appear soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    01j01 wrote:
    A few years ago, i had everything, a partner, a son, a thriving buisness and a good network of friends. then i got attached to the demon drink(alcohol) in about six months i lost my friends, then my partner and son, it broke me like nothing had ever broke me before, i ended up drinking the contents of the pub which i had built into a good buisness, closed the door and didnt open the pub again.
    all i done was drink to oblivion i eventually lost the pub and was took into detoxafication to dry out. Hell Pure Hell. all i could do is think of joshua and what i was doing to him (something i never done whilst drinking).
    but for me to give him anything i had to sort myself out first, so i went to rehab for twelve months and learnt more about myself, im not suggesting rehab for you but i needed it, then i started attending groups every week even if i felt upset or did not feel like going i still went.
    not about six years on, and my ex still wont let me see josh, so i have to stay strong and if he comes to find me when hes a little older then great, but i cant think negative or ill drop like a bag of shite down the same spiral ive just returned from.
    sure i still think about josh all of time but have to think positive.
    i am now settled with my partner and her two children and we have a little girl with each other and i love them loads, but, i love josh just as much that will never change sure its painfull very fuckin painfull, but as miffy said it does get easier with time... melody, stick with it girl and if you need to talk then please feel free to p/m me anytime or post on the boards. just remember you will always have us to chat things through with, if you dont have access to a computer at home then try seeing if any of your friends have one you can use or book yourself one at your local library......hope things get easier soon...

    Thank you..... I really feel that your ex partner not allowing you access to your son is a bit much. You have done all you can to change. Sometimes I feel like indulgeing in alcohol, but I remeber what my mum was like and how it made me feel. I think you have done alot to change, and you obviously think the world of your children and thought of them. I really hope things work out for you hun xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melodie wrote:
    Thank you..... I really feel that your ex partner not allowing you access to your son is a bit much. You have done all you can to change. Sometimes I feel like indulgeing in alcohol, but I remeber what my mum was like and how it made me feel. I think you have done alot to change, and you obviously think the world of your children and thought of them. I really hope things work out for you hun xx

    things slowly have worked out for me but the hardest part is sticking it out, you will always have memories of the good times those 'first thing in the morning smiles'. i still remember them.
    like i said before if you need a chat ill p.m. my msn addy or get in touch with us all here to bring a smile back....

    *hugs 'n' thoughts*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Miffy wrote:
    :wave: Hello Justin. Sounds like you know exactly what I was talking about.

    hello my dear :wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BumbleBee wrote:
    In your faceparty profile Melodie you say that you despise drugs.
    on faceparty it gives only a list of options, you can either say you take drugs or you despise them. It doesnt give you the option of saying you dont mind them.
    stupid really.
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