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InBox Full 1983



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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    I haven't seen the thread in question, but seriously, some people here seem to have nothing better to do than attack others for the lamest of reasons...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind

    I said my peace with 1983. That's that. Unless she decides to rant some more when she comes back.

    WTF? You're a liar if you can tell me this wasn't done for a reaction, otherwise you would have SHUT THE HELL UP.
    Originally posted by stressedstar
    :yes: so you cant really blame c2bk for posting it here cos 1983 posted it on the boards rather pm for all to see

    LIKE I JUST FUCKING SAID. 1983 didn't get a warning to stop, nor was the thread closed and she posted a new one to continue. Cruel2BKind did post a new thread to continue it, despite a moderator closing the thread so she wouldn't. If Jim V wanted her to reply, he wouldn't have closed the thread.

    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    Ya see I thought you would have picked it up already when I dedicated the thread to '1983' Not, Kiezo.

    Ah right, do you've never read or posted in a thread addressed to someone else. As the rules go, if you intend on addressing one person alone, PM THEM, otherwise don't be surprised when other people reply. Dipshit.
    Ya see? I understand ya can be slow sometimes. But come on lad. Keep Up if you insist in coming back to this thread.

    What have I said about this before? You can only use line slike this IF THE OTHER PERSON IS ACTUALLY SLOW, OR AT LEAST LESS INTELLIGENT THAN YOU ARE. Judging by the state of well, everything: you're a fucking moron. Every time we argue, I always win. You can't use comebacks like this without coming accross as a dumbass, so just drop it. K?

    I never fully understood the phrase "ignorance is bliss" until I came accross you ;[
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    Anyway, it's not just her that has these "issues" with you, so doing it in public is kinda understandable.

    How people sleep at night with all these semi-colons floating about on thesite...it's beyond me. :rolleyes:

    ETA: Zalbor, ITA.

    butting out now... :crazyeyes
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind

    She said her point publicly. I never got hte chance to reply before it closed. So I started a new thread. Ya don't like? Leave!


    Originally posted by briggi
    How people sleep at night with all these semi-colons floating about on thesite...it's beyond me. :rolleyes:

    Point out where I mentioned semi-colons. Oh you can't? STFU then :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    WTF? You're a liar if you can tell me this wasn't done for a reaction, otherwise you would have SHUT THE HELL UP.

    Course I'm expecting a reaction. Be losing my touch if I didn't get one. But thankfully I still got it!
    LIKE I JUST FUCKING SAID. 1983 didn't get a warning to stop, nor was the thread closed and she posted a new one to continue. Cruel2BKind did post a new thread to continue it, despite a moderator closing the thread so she wouldn't. If Jim V wanted her to reply, he wouldn't have closed the thread.

    Yes and the thread got closed, cause she decided to butt in as I was debating with enough pricks. Throwing the head up; over the way I post. :-/

    Ah right, do you've never read or posted in a thread addressed to someone else. As the rules go, if you intend on addressing one person alone, PM THEM, otherwise don't be surprised when other people reply. Dipshit.

    Oh I do, no doubt. I can be a nosey git. Always admitted it. But I also know when to keep me snot out of it.

    What have I said about this before? You can only use line slike this IF THE OTHER PERSON IS ACTUALLY SLOW, OR AT LEAST LESS INTELLIGENT THAN YOU ARE. Judging by the state of well, everything: you're a fucking moron. Every time we argue, I always win. You can't use comebacks like this without coming accross as a dumbass, so just drop it. K?

    Yes; cause you come across so well by having to insult me, by calling me a morn everytime or a dumbass and? Whatelse would ya like to add to your collection?
    I never fully understood the phrase "ignorance is bliss" until I came accross you ;[

    Yet; you still keep posting. So obviously you still don't understand it.

    God you're soo easily annoyed. haha
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    = win. ;o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    Like you're doing now, ah right!

    [/b]Point out where I mentioned semi-colons. Oh you can't? STFU then :) [/B]

    She wasn't talking about 1983, not you... jees :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whats going on here like :eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    Point out where I mentioned semi-colons. Oh you can't? STFU then :)

    Was in reference to the fact that one of those supposed common "issues" with C2BK is her use of semi-colons, I only used your quote out of convenience. There's no need to get over-excited.

    ps. you have a beautiful smile
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    Whats going on here like :eek2:

    Becky, the small kiddies are arguing again.

    Send them to bed without supper. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by JsT
    Becky, the small kiddies are arguing again.

    Send them to bed without supper. :p

    nah i wanna front side seat cos im bored sackless :D

    Got me popcorn here ;)
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    It's the same people again and again with their smart arse comments trying to get the better of one another - the smartest thing to do would be to shut the fuck up. It's boring.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Cheers for that. I'll keep that in mind!

    Sweet Dreams!!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cant people just get along? ;<
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by jake0
    cant people just get along? ;<

    errr no :lol:

    Im naffing of to bed now, so tara :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lol, goodnight ;p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What a crazy thread, i haven't got a clue whats going on or whats happened but must be something worth 4 pages over :eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    Course I'm expecting a reaction. Be losing my touch if I didn't get one. But thankfully I still got it!

    So in actual fact you lied when you said this thread was just to "say your peace[sic]".
    Yes and the thread got closed, cause she decided to butt in as I was debating with enough pricks. Throwing the head up; over the way I post. :-/

    This changes nothing. The point was the thread was closed to stop anyone continuing the arguing; you started it again.
    Oh I do, no doubt. I can be a nosey git. Always admitted it. But I also know when to keep me snot out of it.

    If you knew this, you'd never ever post again. Ever.
    Yes; cause you come across so well by having to insult me, by calling me a morn everytime or a dumbass and? Whatelse would ya like to add to your collection?

    Ah but see, when I say it it hold some weight. What with me being right and all.
    Yet; you still keep posting. So obviously you still don't understand it.

    How in the name of all things holy did you come to that answer from what I said?

    It's seriously so hard to argue with you because you're not fucking coherent.
    Like you're doing now, ah right!

    I'm above the law etc.
    She wasn't talking about 1983, not you... jees :rolleyes:

    She quoted me kthx.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    So in actual fact you lied when you said this thread was just to "say your peace[sic]".

    I said I wanted to say my peace, Yes. But I knew I'd attract the extras. It amuses me. What can I say?!
    This changes nothing. The point was the thread was closed to stop anyone continuing the arguing; you started it again.

    Yes! And no doubt this one will be closed as well. I'm not expecting them to make exceptions for me. What's your point??
    If you knew this, you'd never ever post again. Ever.

    I know to stay out of things which you same to have trouble to do, yet again. Oooh Boy!! :-/
    **Gets Coffee Out**

    Ah but see, when I say it it hold some weight. What with me being right and all.

    That's right hun; you keep saying that. Someday you may even believe it yourself.
    How in the name of all things holy did you come to that answer from what I said?

    Read carefully; then come back to me.
    It's seriously so hard to argue with you because you're not fucking coherent.

    Is hard to argue with someone you know is right. That's fair enough. Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll feel better in the morning.
    I'm above the law etc.

    Your humour is slowly coming back. WaHey!! About time you lightened up.
    She quoted me kthx.

    Good Boy!! And can you tell me what colour the sky is?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind

    I said I wanted to say my peace, Yes. But I knew I'd attract the extras.

    Then don't complain when you get them omg.
    Yes! And no doubt this one will be closed as well. I'm not expecting them to make exceptions for me. What's your point??

    I know to stay out of things which you same to have trouble to do, yet again. Oooh Boy!! :-/
    **Gets Coffee Out**

    WTF? How do you know to stay out of things? This thread kinda proves the opposite.
    That's right hun; you keep saying that. Someday you may even believe it yourself.

    What age are you? 12?
    Read carefully; then come back to me.

    I hope stupidity is terminal and you die from it.

    I did read it carefully. Your answer wasn't coherent with what I said. Is it seriously so hard for you to grasp this?
    Is hard to argue with someone you know is right. That's fair enough. Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll feel better in the morning.


    No, just no.
    Good Boy!! And can you tell me what colour the sky is?

    OK, if I say this slowly you might understand it. You said she wasn't talking to me, I said she quoted me so it appeared she was. OK?

    Acting conceited is fine. If you can pull it off. When I prove you wrong, coming back with an answer like that makes you look like an idiot. Do you see why? Please take note of this in future :):):)

    I'm not just saying this. Please, PLEASE for the sake of my sanity think about your reply before you post it. Think about the possible answers to the questions to ask, and if they appear as obvious. It's really irritating when I try to have a proper argument and you comeback with retorts a primary school kid would be ashamed to use. If you GENUINELY think you've outsmarted me (LOL) use an appropriate comeback at the appropriate time, NOT random insults that have no coherency or bearing on the current argument, OK?

    PLEASE :|
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    Then don't complain when you get them omg.

    I wasn't complaining. Where was I complaining? Apart from my questions for 1983. You are the one going on and on AND ON about how this thread aint needed. Yet you still insist in coming back. Ooook!!!


    See; so easily annoyed :-/
    I started it, because I wanted to.
    Just like when you keep coming back.
    WTF? How do you know to stay out of things? This thread kinda proves the opposite.

    Untill your name is mentioned. You BUTT OUT!! understand?
    What age are you? 12?

    I didn't want to damage your inflated ego. I'm too nice sometimes.
    I hope stupidity is terminal and you die from it.

    And you ask what age I am? :-/ haha
    I did read it carefully. Your answer wasn't coherent with what I said. Is it seriously so hard for you to grasp this?

    Then explain yourself. Explain what I miss? You tripped up lad. Not fiz your mistakes. I'm eager to see whatelse ya got to say.
    OK, if I say this slowly you might understand it. You said she wasn't talking to me, I said she quoted me so it appeared she was. OK?

    Yes she did quote you; but she was talking about 1983 which I explained as well before she did herself. Now do you understand?
    Acting conceited is fine. If you can pull it off. When I prove you wrong, coming back with an answer like that makes you look like an idiot. Do you see why? Please take note of this in future :):):)

    That was cheap and pointless.
    I'm not just saying this. Please, PLEASE for the sake of my sanity think about your reply before you post it. Think about the possible answers to the questions to ask, and if they appear as obvious. It's really irritating when I try to have a proper argument and you comeback with retorts a primary school kid would be ashamed to use. If you GENUINELY think you've outsmarted me (LOL) use an appropriate comeback at the appropriate time, NOT random insults that have no coherency or bearing on the current argument, OK?

    Insults? Think out of all the posts I made to you, the most I called ya was a prick. The rest was trying to understand why you keep coming back; even though you go on about how pointless this thread is.

    You have started an argument with ME. Ya see. You don't like my thread. Doubt many people will on this forum. I don't care. But ya see the rest of the posters have more sense than you, to stay away from what they see is a 'pointless' thread which is in no concern of theirs. Maybe you should take note of that. eh?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I give up. You're a moron. Nothing can get through to you. Even when you explain a point to Hellfire, he eventually understands it. No matter how much anyone explains a point to you, you never understand. Ever. You just go off on tangents and continue to do so when anyone asks you exactly what the fuck you're talking about. You're beyond help.

    I'm out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How about everyone just let it go, you're arguing on the internet - don't you have anything better to do? :rolleyes:
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    Do you know what I do when there are threads that annoy me? It's really simple: Ignore them. Don't read, don't reply. If you keep doing either even though it annoys you, you want to be annoyed.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    I cant believe this thread is here to be honest.

    As Kiezo said, the other thread was closed for a reason. Any grievances from that thread should be dealt with in PM.

    Now, I don't actually give a fuck if 1983's PM box was full. You should've either put up a thread saying "Box full, please empty", emailed her or kept your big gob shut til she emptied it herself. This thread was always going to results in bitching and will probably be closed before Becky has the chance to defend herself.

    My estimations of some posters keeps going down.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru

    As has been said previously in this utterly pointless and totally immature thread, the last one was closed for a reason. Whatever your problem with each other is I suggest you get over it.

    And the next person to open a thread like this or reply to this one will be banned.
This discussion has been closed.