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To cherry pop or not to cherry pop that is the question

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Dear everyone,

I'm on the prowl again and would like to hear from people who are either virgins or not virgins.

For the virgin camp: Why are you a virgin - what are your reasons and motivations?

Is it religious, don't feel ready, not met the right person or all three or other?

For the non-virgins - how was your first time?

Was it super special, earth shattering, mindblowing or equally dull as dishwater and ordinary in the extreme. Did your virgin or non-virgin mate flop at the first hurdle so to speak or was their rigidity comparable to that of a steel bar? I need to know all this and more.

Please come forward one and all if you would like to PM with your stories and most importantly you are 11-19 years of age as this is for our sister website with a slightly younger readership. Let's share expereinces and your case study (with name changed if you want) can go up on the web.

Come one and all.

Mariam xxxx


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For do-it.org? :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do a search:p

    Ah what the hell i'l tell ya anyway.

    For me, my first time was a huge let down. My boyfriend at the time was pressuring me to do it. He had an ensuite shower and I had only just begun feeling comfortable having a quick shower at his after school on the days I had PE. For the first few time I made him either leave the room or go in the wardrobe when I got out of the shower. The first time I didnt make him do that he got undressed, put a condom on and hid under the covers then suprised me with his condom covered bonner. I told him to put it away and carryed on getting dressed rather pissed off.

    A couple of days later, after a particularry sweaty PE lesson I had no choice but to have a shower cos I stuck to high heavens and didnt have my door key, so I couldnt go home.
    I asked him to leave the room, but he was faffing on his guitar and wouldnt go. I gave up getting him to go in the end and just go in the shower anyway.
    About 5 mins into my shower he got in and joined me bonner included. I didnt like the idea of his penis being anywhere near me with out a condom on, just incase some precum got on me and some how made it all the way up my...urm...passage and into my womb making a baby. Unlikely I know, but still best to be safe so I told him to go put on a condom, telling him the reason why and saying that I wouldnt have sex with him. He did this and re joined me in the shower. I continued to wash my hair, but he started kissing me, and the back of my neck. It felt nice but I tried to ignore it. I turned round and looked at him. Then I thought, ah fuck it, it'll stop him going on at me and get it out of the way. So I did it. I didnt hurt. In fact I didnt even feel it.
    We carried on having sex for a couple of hours after. But I got tired and bored so we stopped.

    So there you go. Thats how I lost my V Plates.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm 18, and extremely virginal :lol:

    I guess it's a case of a) not finding the right person, b) not feeling comfortable with my appearance enough to show it to anyone, and c) not being ready...

    PM me if you wanna know more :)

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    [twat]Read that a bit wrong I think[/twat]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am 17, male, virgin team. Well, i haven't actually happened to find a gf yet, so i'm a "virgin" in that area too. Not because of my looks or personality, but because of my shyness and insecureness. Oh, and due to the fact that when i have a crush, it lasts for 2 years, and i don't even notice other girls.

    I feel ready to some extent, but i need to get a gf first, that i will like, and most important be compatible with her personality. I guess i'm just the opposite of being a "player".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: To cherry pop or not to cherry pop that is the question
    Originally posted by mariam

    For the virgin camp: Why are you a virgin - what are your reasons and motivations?

    Is it religious, don't feel ready, not met the right person or all three or other?

    I'm still a virgin because i dont trust the wankers i end up going out with and its partly a religious thing...PM me if ya want more detail xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: To cherry pop or not to cherry pop that is the question
    Originally posted by mariam
    For the non-virgins - how was your first time?

    Was it super special, earth shattering, mindblowing or equally dull as dishwater and ordinary in the extreme.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah? :)


    Well, u can pm me too, but it's not quite that you can get something from experience out of me :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im still a virgin because I am not successful with women. I *could* have done it with my last and only girlfriend but i chose not to even though she was pushing me. I kind of dumped her cos it got annoying I want to wait until Im in a decent relationship, I want to do it right.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Feels like an AA meeting here, hehe, I'm Jase, 19, and I had a good experience when i lost my virginity.
    I was 17 and my girlfriend of the time was 15. The age gap is probably the only "odd" factor of the whole thing. It was never a problem for us as we were on the same wave length mentally, it wasnt a problem for her parents as her dad is about 20 years older than her mum, but it did cause an issue for my mum which led to my girlfriend never coming round to my house really.
    But thats about as odd as it gets.
    She had had a bad experience two years before hand where she was forced into sex and hadnt had sex or a serious relationship until me. So it took a while before she was feeling comfortable and secure enough around a guy, which goes without saying really. We never made a concious desicion to wait as such, it was just obvious to us both that it would happen when we were both ready for it.
    The "big moment" came about 2 1/2 months into the relationship. We had been out with friends and i was staying at her palce for the night as i often did. Admittedly we had both been drinking, but not to the point where we were plastered or anything, we both knew what we were doin and was goin on basically. We were fooling around and she just said "So do you want to.....you know?" .... and that was that. I'm not saying i just took it in my stride at all, cuz frankly i was shit scared. lol. I knew she wouldnt have suggested it unless she was ready for it, but i was still frightened of doing the wrong thing or hurting her in some way and just adding to her bad experiences with sex. Couple that along with the normal fears of having sex for the first time..."will i do it right? will i be good? will i manage to last longer than 30 seconds??"....yeah it was scary, but it was a good experience. I certainly dont regret it, I'm glad it was with her and I'm glad it happend when it did. It also felt good that she chose me to be the "first" one after her bad experience. I mean i cant imagine how hard that must have been for her, and it feels nice to be trusted with such a responsiblity.

    That was my virginity. hehe

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm 19 and lost my virginity when I was 15 to my exboyfriend who was a year older than me. We were together for 6months... maybe more (not sure) before we did anything as we wanted to make sure it was what we both wanted to do.

    We never planned it coz we tried to plan it before which ended terribly as the nerves got the best of him so things weren't up to standard, if you know what I mean. Was at me sisters house (on our own of course) and as you do we made out and we took it to the next step, feeling it was the right moment.... and voila.

    We don't get along now. But I have no regrets over it as he was a good guy to me at the time. We just broke up coz it got rocky over many reasons (Like all realtionships do) :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi, I was 15 when i lost my virginity to my ex girlfriend who was 15 aswell.
    I think my experience is alot like most of the posters here..... it was dull and embarassing.
    I think it only happened so i could say i "had done it", and wanted it over and done with.
    It was the first time i was round her house and a little kissed developed into a fumble in the dark and it was well embarassing and arkward. Neither of us knew what we were doing, i was shaking, i was that nervous....it was crap,
    But in time it gets better of course... much better
    Any more details etc just PM me, would be quite cool to have a case study on me..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nearing 19 years of age, I am still a virgin. I have had low self esteem for the past few years 'thanks' to sexual harassment (which has also caused me to get edgy around some men for no reason). Things are however starting to get better, so now I am just waiting for the right opportunity, and hoping that once all is set I won't back out, scared shitless that it might hurt a lot. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lost my virginity when i was 17, to a 22 year old guy who i'd known for a while and had been seeing. Was my first relationship, and there was no pressure put on me what-so-ever. i was totally ready, trusted him and knew he repsected me.

    The actual first time sex wasn't that great... but it got a hell of a lot better after that!

    No regrets!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Ilora-Danon
    I'm 18, and extremely virginal :lol:

    I guess it's a case of a) not finding the right person, b) not feeling comfortable with my appearance enough to show it to anyone, and c) not being ready...

    PM me if you wanna know more :)

    Ilora x

    not really the topic here, but point "b)" shouldn't be an issue at all, your absolutly stunning, points a) and c) are very important though.

    Just because very few peoples first times are perfect doesnt mean you dont have to try and make it as enjoyable as possible.

    I took my time, lost mine to my current girlfriend almost a year ago, it wasn't very good, she said it was the best sex we've had, but i think she just means most special, i remember every detail of it, how she went all red, really hot, and her face looked all sweaty (ok, sounds minging, but i thought it was so beautiful!)

    I was pretty crap though i have to admit, but its all about learning and practising, and in the end its nothing to worry about :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ahh, sweat... The Final Fantasy :)

    Sorry, had to add that :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I lost my virginity when I was 17 to my boyfriend who was also 17. He was several months younger than me but a lot more experienced and I didn't tell him that I was a virgin as I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

    We'd been together about 2 and a half months and he'd wanted to take things further for a while although he didn't preasure me at all. I felt 100% ready to loose my virginity to him and we'd been fooling around for a while so the time just felt right.

    It was actually a good experience. No blood, no pain, no feelings of regret. We did it once and it felt ok and then we did it again staight afterwards and it felt better...things just kept getting better from that point
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I lost my virginity to my ex when I was 14, my bf was 17 and it wasn't a pleasant expericence. He never forced me into it, infact it was all my idea.

    My body was obviously not developed enough, I'm a really petite person and it was extremely painful and uncomfortable. Im happy to report that its got a lot better since though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    um... i had a thread on this, and can't help but noticing that all ye girls lost ur v plates to older fellas. Correct me if i'm right.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by xXxHelzxXx
    I lost my virginity when I was 17 to my boyfriend who was also 17. He was several months younger than me

    you're wrong see ^^^
    He was nearly a year younger than me
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yup. sorry... :(

    Any cases of younger guy / older gal?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The plain and simple fact is that I just can't get a girlfriend. And without a girlfriend, there is no sex.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    never had gf, never had sex...

    really simple :)

    I am thinking of turning my best female friend into a fuck buddy for that purpose :naughty:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Still a virgin at 16 and I don't really care that much, I'd quite happily stay this way till marraige if and when that happens.

    Backin the days when I had my first serious relationship there was the talk of having sex and the action of heaving petting but we were too scared to go further due to possibility of pregnancy and the lack of privacy and we were only 15. Then things went pear shaped and being together just went weird so the talk of sex stopped.

    Today I'm not with anyone but I'm not even bothered about having a bf or losing my v-plates, it all seems like too much effort and once you lose your v-plates it seems like it has to become a 'routine' to have sex and I'm far too self conscious and lazy for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I didn't really loose it too an older guy, i was 14, he was 15 and about 6 months older, we were in the same year at school.

    I don't regret my first time one bit. There wasn't any special setting or anything, it was his bedroom, seven o clock summer evening.
    House was empty, we'd been talking about it alot for along time, and this time it just happened.
    It wasn't like there was anything amazingly special but we were completely in love and it was perfect because of that.

    I think more people need to remember that, it's the person that makes it special and worth remembering, not the situation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I'm 21 and I'm still a virgin sadly. I'm actually getting really fed up with it. I got through my mid teens really wanting to get it over with. I spent my last half of my teens thinking 'I don't care, it's just sex' and now I've got back to a full circle, lol. I've only ever had one chance at it and my little man failed me.

    I'm not good looking and don't have the outgoing fun personality to make that not matter. I just can't talk to women to even get as far as a date.

    Fun times.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    was 18 when i lost my "v plates" (god, i hate that phrase) I lost mine to an older man, not sure how old he was, on a very, very drunken one night stand. not my proudest moment especially as i dont really remember much of it and ended up on the MAP too :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mine was with a girl I knew.. not dating or nowt, not the best thing due to several interuptions:o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my first time was great! my boyfriend was a virgin too + we decided to lose our virginities to each other long before we did. we ended up on our 9 month anniversary staying at a friends house after a house party,in his mums huge bedroom,with the massive king sized bed. it was really awkward the first time because we'd both had a bit to drink + he couldn't really keep his hard on but we woke up together the next morning + went at it like rabbits ;) it was fab,just gets better every time! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am too old to answer but it was shit anyway.
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