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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i know there are other threads on depression and i have done a serach but i cant find what i want. so please dont have a go.

how do you know when you're depressed and not just upset or really down?
and can you get out of depression with no help? like no medication?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There are a set of criteria that dodctors use to ascertain depression. THeSIte's magazine section lists them.

    Yes, it is posibly to get over depresion with the aid of ADs, but how well you can depends on what causes the depression, and what the symptoms are. Generally ADs are a good idea to try because they will stabilise moods and help you to get a level footing in order to work through the problems with a therapist or counsellor.

    Some posters, me included, swear by ADs as a first course of action, but others, like kaffrin, don't. I think that they're always worth a try, but they don't work for all people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't want to use Anti D's because I feel that would be like giving in and getting help at beating my own feelings. I've therefore never had anti depressants, but I'd say I've pretty much recovered depression now :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It depends how low you are I think, and your own personal attitude.

    Fluoxetine saved my life I reckon, but it isn't for everyone. I think ADs are worth a try in many cases, but I think doctors give them out far too quickly. They won;t alleviate many symptoms of depresion, such as blankness- ADs level out mood to nothing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    It depends how low you are I think, and your own personal attitude.

    Fluoxetine saved my life I reckon, but it isn't for everyone. I think ADs are worth a try in many cases, but I think doctors give them out far too quickly. They won;t alleviate many symptoms of depresion, such as blankness- ADs level out mood to nothing.

    Well I was pretty low. I did attempt suicide in January, maybe I should have been on anti depressants back then but since then I've recovered without them. :)

    Another reason I don't take anti D's is what you said, they level out your mood to nothing. My sister used to say she felt like a zombie, and she disliked it because she didn't feel alive, she had almost no emotion. No depression which is all well and good, but no real happiness either.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    please dont take this as attention seeking.

    i looked on the list on the info kermit said about, the list which is signs of depression. and all but about 3 of them i said yes to.

    i just dont wanna feel like this anymore
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am sorry you feel like this blonde_batman, Like kermit said some people will say try using AD's first and see if they stabalize your mood, Me personlly would say try councalling, AD's didn't work for me specially fluroxatine and I think it's better to sort the problems out without pumping myself full of chemicals unless I need to, but that is only my opinion, Firstly I think you should go to the doctor about how your feeling, he should refur you to the mental health department and get you an appointment with a councillor to talk to them. If you don't mind having your mood blanked, feeling numb and taking pills then by all means use AD's but remember they may/may not work,

    Good luck :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Hellfire
    If you don't mind having your mood blanked, feeling numb and taking pills then by all means use AD's

    i have no mood, and i feel numb from everything already. what can be worse?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    i have no mood, and i feel numb from everything already. what can be worse?

    That I do not know, I am sorry you feel this way, I do hope you decide to go to your doctors and/or speak to someone,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and that lots of people have a little knowledge on here.

    You should go to a professional if you think that things are getting bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    i just dont wanna feel like this anymore

    I know you're not very happy at the mo', but things will get better.

    2 years ago I went through a patch of feeling shitty. Very shitty. My mum was in hospital and I felt like I had no friends and I had really bad paranoia. I'd gone to the doctors about something and mentioned this to him (without even going into any detail) and he prescribed me some tablets.

    However, I never took them. While I'm not condoning people who do take them, I wanted to feel 'normal' by myself and didn't want to have to rely on medication to make me happy. That's just my opinion though.

    Perhaps give it a little while (we all get slightly depressed/down at some point) and if you're still feeling rubbish, go and see your doctor. :)

    There's always light at the end of the tunnel.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    chelle, what you need to do more than anything is get yourself down to the doctors and talk it through with one of them. only then can you get diagnosed and if you are not depressed they will know the right way to help you.

    i think alot of the answers here could scare anyone who thinks that they are depressed. we are not doctors, go and ask someone who knows and they will help you out better than anyone here.

    it is tough just now but speak to a professional and they will help you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i know being depressed feels horrible and there is a huge temptation to just get something (AD'S) to make all that disappear. but i found and still do find (like yesterday) that when you get depressed if you just talk things through with someone (a close friend or counsellor) you can begin to feel better.

    i go through stages when im really depressed and those are usually when im not busy doing stuff or during my holidays, its sort of like every year round this time i get it. but i've never taken AD's...i think having good friends you can talk to whether on the net or in real life does help cos they stick by you through it.

    you do seem to be up and down quite a lot but you never talk about what you feel...i'm here for ya if ya need me hun
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i would feel stupid to go to the doctors. they would just tell me to pull my socks up and get on with it and that people have it much worse than i do. that my life is easy and to stop moaning.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    i would feel stupid to go to the doctors. they would just tell me to pull my socks up and get on with it and that people have it much worse than i do. that my life is easy and to stop moaning.

    well they should never do that because when it comes down to it, depression is a medical condition. when you're clinically depressed, you can't simply 'snap out of it' as many people who don't suffer seem to think.

    if you feel so low you should definately go see you doctor. I had my first breakdown nearly 7 years ago and since then I've had a lot of ups and downs which included, antidepressents, therapy, a suicide attempt and being sent to the Priory for months.

    and even though i say i've been suffering for 7 years, and you may think, 'well if she's had all that and still gets depressed, it can't be workin!' but it does. I find ADs and therapy help me a lot. its always good to have someone who has no interest in your life outside of their job to talk to and moan at.

    honestly hun, its best you go to your GP. :)
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    i would feel stupid to go to the doctors. they would just tell me to pull my socks up and get on with it and that people have it much worse than i do. that my life is easy and to stop moaning.

    any doctor who says that to you should be shot. if they do then you go to a different doctor. honestly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wat do i say to the doctor?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    wat do i say to the doctor?

    just say you're feeling really low, for no real reason, and you want help.

    they'll take it from there.

    and remember it is up to you what kind of help you accept. in my area, the mental health system is vastly inadequate, and they try to fob everyone off with ADs and hope they don't come back. so people think that's the only help that's available. i wasn't having any of that. it took a while, but i was offered an alternative. don't feel pushed into anything you don't want to do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    wat do i say to the doctor?

    They won't tell you to pull your socks up. They should be understanding and want to help you.

    Just be honest with them, that's the best way.

    They'll maybe see you're a bit nervous about telling them so should ask you questions and stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The others are right, you really should go to the doctor's. I know it's really hard to take that first step, but you really need to talk this through now before it gets any worse. It may also help to call one of the helplines below and chat it thriough with them - maybe if you do this first they could help you with what to say to your doctor. Just remember, whoever you speak to, it is their job to help people with these problems and they won't judge you at all.

    Take care x

    Telephone counselling service for children, young people and adults on any issue, including relationships, depression, mental health, child abuse, bullying, rape and sexual assault, domestic violence, addictions, stress etc.
    Telephone: 020 8875 0500

    Depression Alliance
    Charity offering information and self-help groups.
    Telephone: 0845 123 23 20; www.depall.org
    The helpline is charged at a local rate and will automatically put you through to your nearest office.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know exactly how you feel blonde__batman, I'm going through the same thing at the moment. For over a year I've just felt so unhappy with myself and my life, but I don't want to go to the doctors because like you've said I don't know if it is depression or just feeling down. Also again like you've said I don't know what to say to the doctor, I don't want them to turn around and say it's just a phase I'm going through. I'm just really scared. I want to be sure that I am depressed before I go to the doctors, because if not I'd feel really stupid and that I've wasted their time.

    I just want to be happy again, and I should be happy, my life is not exactly bad. I've got a loving family and boyfriend, I'm going into my second year at uni, and I'm doing well. But still it just feels all shit, and I know I'm going to end up pushing my boyfriend away, with all my mood swings and stuff.

    How did you all tell your family? Did you do it before or after you went to the doctors? And how did they react?

    I'm worried about telling my parents, because I don't want them to not believe me, and think I'm being stupid. Although it might help because we think my brother is depressed, but he's not said anything. I don't want them to be dissappointed in me, maybe I don't mean dissappointed, hopefully you'll understand what I mean.

    I'm sorry about that I just had to get it off my chest.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by RepeatToFade
    How did you all tell your family? Did you do it before or after you went to the doctors? And how did they react?

    initially i didn't. not for years and years. then a lot of stuff happened, one of my friends wrote a letter to my mum telling her everything (which at the time i was FURIOUS about, but in retrospect saved my life) and my mum frogmarched me to the doctors. but i was younger than you guys are now, and she was still able to do that.

    how did they react? well, like you said, disappointed is the wrong word, but somewhere along those lines. somewhere between disappointed and devastated. my mum thought she had failed as a parent, but was somewhat relieved i wasn't on drugs, which had been her immediate thought. my dad, well, he never feels anything, so he didn't notice. my brother thought it was hilarious.

    elsewhere in my family, it was mainly concern. they all started talking to me in softer voices, and asking me if i was ok a lot. the ones that mattered pulled together, and the ones that didn't drifted away.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Family already have an idea that something is wrong, especially your mum.

    My mum thought as I was off my tits on smack, to be quite honest :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What happens once you go to the doctors and they agree that you're depressed?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by RepeatToFade
    What happens once you go to the doctors and they agree that you're depressed?

    i want to know that as well.

    ive told my mum how i feel. and to be honest i wish i hadnt.
    i have also now made a doctors appointment. i made it with someone i dont know as i didnt want to talk to my doctor about all this. (i know he can look at my notes) then my mum came home and i was asleep and has now rung them and changed it to later in the week and with a doctor who is a family friend.
    im so annoyed. why cant she just leave me alone. i dont want it to be with someone i know
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Originally posted by RepeatToFade
    What happens once you go to the doctors and they agree that you're depressed?

    they work out what the best sort of treatment is for you. they will talk through various options like counselling and/or ADs and try to work out how to keep your mood levels up.

    its not a scary process, honest. and you will have full say in the matter :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by kaffrin
    just say you're feeling really low, for no real reason, and you want help.

    they'll take it from there.

    thank you
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by blonde__batman
    ive told my mum how i feel. and to be honest i wish i hadnt.
    i have also now made a doctors appointment. i made it with someone i dont know as i didnt want to talk to my doctor about all this. (i know he can look at my notes) then my mum came home and i was asleep and has now rung them and changed it to later in the week and with a doctor who is a family friend.
    im so annoyed. why cant she just leave me alone. i dont want it to be with someone i know

    Well done in telling your mum and getting an appointment, it's what I need to do. I'm not surprised you got an appointment with another doctor, and it's not fair for your mum to change it. Is there any way you can change it again and not tell your mum? Are you going to go to the doctors on your own?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by littlemissy
    they work out what the best sort of treatment is for you. they will talk through various options like counselling and/or ADs and try to work out how to keep your mood levels up.

    its not a scary process, honest. and you will have full say in the matter :)

    Thank you. :) I was a bit worried that I wouldn't get a say in the treatment. I know that in a way they have got to let you have a say, but I wasn't sure if they would try and persuade you to go for a certain treatment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by RepeatToFade
    Well done in telling your mum and getting an appointment, it's what I need to do. I'm not surprised you got an appointment with another doctor, and it's not fair for your mum to change it. Is there any way you can change it again and not tell your mum? Are you going to go to the doctors on your own?

    im going to ring back 2moro and change it and tell them that if anyone else rings to change it but me to not let them. and yeah im going on my own
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