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No boys in bedrooms



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My parents are fairly good on this one. I'm 16, but am allowed girls over. My best friend is female, and my parents and her parents have no problem with it so long as we sleep in seperate rooms, which is fair enough really. They know we're just friends, but my parents really don't want the hassle of her dad going mad about it [her mum doesn't mind too much].

    Wobbles right, mums tend not to be so worried about their daughters, i'm guessing as they've been there before. Fathers tend to be very strict however - probably as we know how men think :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Doofay
    Fathers tend to be very strict however - probably as we know how men think :p

    so true, god help my daughter whenever i have one that is :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I often think its funny this situation ... my parents allow friends (male or female) in my room, door closed etc during the day and always have.

    I'm only allowed to have my female friends stay over as in sleeping in my room - guys can so long as they stay in the spare room or with my brother

    Guys are allowed in my room into the small hours of the morning, so long as they physically go sleep in another room

    3 weird paradoxes this entails:

    1) I'm bisexual ... but evidently my parents only object to sexual activity with guys at night, no promblems with girlies!

    2) Like most ppl, night-time is not the only time we have sex

    3) If a mixed group of ppl sleep downstairs in the living room its fine ... & the parents theory of ppl not doing stuff if there's other ppl are present is bollox, specially if ur teenage & have been drinking
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Mr_Wobble
    2. Parents just don't like the thought of their daughters having sex. Most aren't bothered about their sons, but people are funny about daughters - especially Dads.

    Mine hate the idea of me one day doing it :p and my mum had a go when she thought I was - purely for the possibilty of getting a girl pregnant and 'throwing my life away'. Got to admit, they have a strong argument.

    But then again, sex is sex.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    Mine hate the idea of me one day doing it :p and my mum had a go when she thought I was - purely for the possibilty of getting a girl pregnant and 'throwing my life away'. Got to admit, they have a strong argument.

    But then again, sex is sex.

    I'm surprised my parents have never brought it up... then again annoyingly my mum still treats me like a bloody baby (like today i tell them i've signed a tenancy agreement and they go 'oooh you're so grown-up aren't you?' and they wonder why I tend not to tell them things!). But its still a surprise as my mum had her first child at 17 and it pretty much fucked her life up right till now (after all she had me when she was 34!)... I suppose they're too embarassed to bring it up with me. Or maybe they actually trust me. Now there's a thought...

    Anyway its not an issue with me cos the last time I had a friend over at home was back in 1997. When I was 12. OK, for the last four years we've lived in the middle of nowhere but whenever i suggest it my mum isn't very keen. :( OH well i'm at uni now so who cares.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know how my parents would be, 'cause I've never had a serious enough boyfriend who's stayed over or whatever.

    My sister who's a year older than me...she was always allowed to stay at her blokes houses but they weren't allowed to stay here. I think it was a "not under my roof" kinda thing.

    After they'd been going out about 8 months the other half would be allowed to stay. I'm guessing the same would apply to me. I don't think it's my step-dad that would have the problem...more my mum.
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