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body confidence
Former Member
Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
how confident say on a scale of one to ten are you confident with your body? i no no-ones entireley happy with there body (theres always summat you wanna change) but in sexual relationships how do you feel when your starkers?
my varies, if im in a relationship (after the initial first few fumbles!) i'd say im way up on 8-9, i dont mind trotting round the house starkers with my b/f.
also i find when im in a relationship i dont seem to care as much what the other sex think of me so ill quite happily stroll around in my bikini or little hotpants and not care what anyone thinks.
this maybe why when you've got a partner you get loads more people interested in ya because you feel and act a lot more confident.
when im not in a relationship i'd say i was around a 5-6 because i try to impress lads more and always nearly feel self concious about summat.
so lads and lasses how body confident are you on a scale of one to ten?
my varies, if im in a relationship (after the initial first few fumbles!) i'd say im way up on 8-9, i dont mind trotting round the house starkers with my b/f.
also i find when im in a relationship i dont seem to care as much what the other sex think of me so ill quite happily stroll around in my bikini or little hotpants and not care what anyone thinks.
this maybe why when you've got a partner you get loads more people interested in ya because you feel and act a lot more confident.
when im not in a relationship i'd say i was around a 5-6 because i try to impress lads more and always nearly feel self concious about summat.
so lads and lasses how body confident are you on a scale of one to ten?
i think probably at the moment im a 7 or an 8, as im in a relationship with a great guy
wen im single it depends, its about a 5 or 6 normally, but if ive just been hurt/messed about by a guy, then it goes down to about 3
very confident then eh
how confident would you be stripped naked and tied to a lampost? would u still be a 10?
Ilora x
Yup! Assuming my missus was still around to tell me how great I am
That is very true! I'd say I used to be about a 2 then when I was with my ex probably a 7 or 8, I'm back down to a 4 I'd say at the moment cos I've only beeing seeing this fella for a couple of weeks so is still all a bit
Maybe 8 or 9 when I'm flattering it with nice clothes and/or underwear, unless there are too many gorgeous other girls around.
But only about 6 when naked. Or possibly less. My boyfriend does try to put that right with excessive flattery, and it's slowly building up my confidence, but I'm not great.
Dunno why!You have got a nice pair
I would say 5-6 when single.
But when im in a relationship about 8-9.
depends who im with
I'm tall and skinny.
When in bed though I'll never walk around in total buff in-front of my GF, obviously in bed and doing the deeds then I'm naked but other than that I will always have my boxers on. Don't know whether this has anything to do with confidence or just been a bit uncomfortable about it. So I'd probably say 8-9.
10 for body though yeh - Although there is always room for improvement.
I don't have a blokey, but I can imagine that if I did, that my confidence body-wise would be a tad higher than it is now.
Right now, I'm wearing my work uniform, mis matching underwear...and feel a bit bloated. Thus, I shall say that at the moment, I'm on 0 :rolleyes:
However, I expect this to change when I get dressed up in my gladrags to go out on the piss later on
I'd debate that. There are things you can do about it, such as exercise and making sure you're eating enough of the right things, though it's true that there's no point in trying to force yourself to bulk up (you could do steroids but you don't want to go there!) and it's a lot, lot easier to lose weight than gain it. And it doesn't matter too much, I mean if if it really mattered, skinny lads would pump themselves full of steroids, and we all know what happens then.
But around other my age, it's like 2 or 3... I cant help it and its really annoying lol.
Any advice? :eek2:
I do think however that its worse from a womens perspective. Women tend to be more self conscious of there bodies than men. This observation comes from 3 ex's and a current gf who always seem to be scared to get nudy even tho im telling them they look good. eh go figure.