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Is this weird?

TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,943 Extreme Poster
edited September 27 in Home, Law & Money
I've just been out and where I live there's a wide road so a lot of driving instructors bring new students as its wide so good for earlier lessons. As I often do I saw an instructor I once had. I posted about this before ages ago but I remembered again and wanted to talk about it. When I was learning I remember this instructor gave me a cookie after a lesson just before I went out of the car. He sometimes used to wait for me to go in the house before I got a key. I know it was years ago but I see him regularly as like I say instructors including that one come on the estate where I live. Im worried he thought I have a problem because he seemed to treat me like a kid or like I have a problem. Is it weird that he gave me a cookie? He once gave me a pen for college as well which is more common I think like it had his business name on but I never heard of a driving instructor give their student a cookie. I struggled a bit in the lessons at the time and he often said that I was doing well. I didn't end up passing my test with him either. I ended up finding someone else, I had my uncle and ended up finding another more suitable instructor but I see that instructor now and again.

Also he taught my cousin and he seemed to treat them like an adult like I heard the way he spoke, he didn't give a cookie, didn't give a pen, didn't wait for my cousin to go in and seemed to be more honest like on bad driving lessons he said it wasn't the best. My friend had the same instructor to and I asked him if that instructor gave him a cookie or waited for him to go in the house but he didn't do any of it. My uncle used to talk to my driving instructors I had, is that common for your family to talk to your instructor? I probably should stop dwelling on the past but like I have mentioned in other posts I overthink stuff.


  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,023 Boards Champion
    Hey @TheNightmare, I think I remember you writing about this experience before! I hear how you're recalling this past experience - I can't say I've heard of an instructor giving things out, but it might be that the instructor was generous with little gifts like this. As for family talking to an instructor, it could be that they're saying a quick hello in between lessons - it might not be commonplace for everyone, but it seems friendly to me! What do you think about all this?
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  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,350 Boards Champion
    That does sound a bit odd. I mean I don’t know all the context, maybe you’d helped him in some way or something but yeah I’d be a bit weirded out by it.
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,943 Extreme Poster
    edited October 2
    Azziman wrote: »
    Hey @TheNightmare, I think I remember you writing about this experience before! I hear how you're recalling this past experience - I can't say I've heard of an instructor giving things out, but it might be that the instructor was generous with little gifts like this. As for family talking to an instructor, it could be that they're saying a quick hello in between lessons - it might not be commonplace for everyone, but it seems friendly to me! What do you think about all this?

    @Azziman thanks for replying anyway, even though you saw the last one, I thought I wasn't going to get any replies on this thread as it was up for a while and had none but it was probably the updates that caused me post to get left behind. I just worry sometimes if the guy thought I had a problem, even though it was years ago, he still remembers me and I see him on the estate often, I think I have seen him since making this discussion. The interactions were more than just a hello to my uncle, it was more about feedback on how Im doing, even my instructor I ended up passing my test with there were interactions about how Im doing. Can I ask what seems less common to you?
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,943 Extreme Poster
    edited October 2
    That does sound a bit odd. I mean I don’t know all the context, maybe you’d helped him in some way or something but yeah I’d be a bit weirded out by it.

    @AnonymousToe thanks for replying, I thought this discussion wasn't going to get any replies. I dont remember helping this instructor really. Can I ask if there's anything particular that you think is odd, him giving me a cookie, him giving me a pen, him waiting for me to go in, him talking to my uncle him treating me like a kid or maybe is it all of it that maybe seems weird?
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,023 Boards Champion
    @TheNightmare yeah sure - what I meant was simply that some people might be more talkative/friendly so it'd be in their character to talk to your uncle, while someone who's less so might not. This might simply be an instructor who's more like the first instance :)
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  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,943 Extreme Poster
    Azziman wrote: »
    @TheNightmare yeah sure - what I meant was simply that some people might be more talkative/friendly so it'd be in their character to talk to your uncle, while someone who's less so might not. This might simply be an instructor who's more like the first instance :)

    @Azziman I think I remember the instructor being pretty talkative. Thanks again.
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