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self-harm urges

toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
ngl ive been feeling these self-harm urges right now since the voices that i have right now say horrible things like im gone or that im the r word. ill try not to do it obviously but it sucks knowing i have to deal with this. i guess the antipsychotic medication doesnt cure all of the symptoms of psychosis (im safe dw everyone).


  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 26 Boards Initiate
    I'm probably not the best help as you know I'm śtuggling with it right now too but maybe I can offer you comfort in some way knowing you're not the only one going through this and don't have to do so alone. Also you are not that word as you know what I mean and I'm deeply sorry you're thinking that right now. I'm here for you
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    I'm holding on by a thread here as well, sending much kindness and peace your way
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 26 Boards Initiate
    If either of you need anything you can come to me and I will give any advice possible
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