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i miss you mum 😭

eylaheylah Posts: 3,598 Community Veteran
a whole week without mum its been so hard. i miss mum sm i rly want to be with her rn :( i dont see a future without her im so lost rn im trying my best to cope without her but its to hard everything is. im useless like my dad keeps saying im not sure what my life is now mum gone :( im rly trying but dad keeps making everything worse im trying to tell him how upset i am abt me losing mum but he keeps laughing and saying horrible stuff abt mum :(. im so upset i have no reason now :(. life is so unfair 😭😭. im failing everything. :( i want to try continue bc i promised mum i would but its so difficult. 😭😭
my pfp is made by me. 🤍


  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 25 Boards Initiate
    I'm so sorry about your mom, that's so hard at any age but so young but then for your dad to say such things about her like that is disgusting and you deserve so much better. I'm here for you and your moms will be so so proud of you for carrying on like this and so am I. You are being so strong and don't listen to him. You have her memory and you know what she was truly like wich I'm sure was wonderful. I know it sounds typical to say but it does get easier with time and you will be able to think of her an smile again one day I promise. She is watching over you right now saying stay strong and how proud of you she is I know it. You may not have your dad helping you like he should be and I'm so sorry for that but you do have me and all of us here. I'm Christian and if you like I can pray for you tonight and talk to her for you. You can also message me any time for a chat if you need to. It's hard I know but you've got this💖
  • eylaheylah Posts: 3,598 Community Veteran
    thankyou im trying my best today to keep going its so incredibly hard bc i miss mum sm. <3
    my pfp is made by me. 🤍
  • eylaheylah Posts: 3,598 Community Veteran
    i cant do this i cant without her im so upset 😭.
    my pfp is made by me. 🤍
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