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August achievements, with a theme of altruism!

kaiikaii Posts: 596 Incredible Poster
Hello! How has everyone’s August been?

I’m here again to encourage everyone to share their monthly achievements with the community! Again, these wins don’t have to be necessarily massive, it’s always the impact on you that matters. I see achievements as little reminders that you’re doing the best you can – so please don’t forget to reflect and count them all!

Again, feel free to write as many achievements as you wish! :3

My achievements this month:
- Turned 21!
- Ended my situationship
- Made phone calls to sort something out regarding my bank account, and made a spreadsheet to keep track of my finances
- Started learning a new song on the piano

As for August’s theme, it was Altruistic August (https://actionforhappiness.org/altruistic-august)!

So in relation to this month’s theme, what selfless deeds have you done this month?

For me, I had a nice chat with a friend who finished his Junior Research Associate programme in my uni over the summer – he showed me the poster for his project which I took part in, and the results he obtained were really interesting! He really hopes that research in psychology can be more accessible for participants.

And as always, you’re all doing amazing for getting through the year – I can’t believe it’s September already. Hope everyone has a good month! <3



  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,502 Extreme Poster
    my achievements this month:
    i managed to get 7 gcses under my belt
    i completed an essay competition
    i completed a futurelearn course
    i completed an openlearn course
    through my essay competition and my courses, i managed to learn more about criminology
    applied for a nationwide flexone bank account (im still waiting on the card and pin)
  • kaiikaii Posts: 596 Incredible Poster
    @toffuna101 aaa these are all so amazing well done!! All your hard work has certainly paid off! After doing your courses, did you develop an interest in criminology? :3<3
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,502 Extreme Poster
    yes i did @kaii
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 5,032 Part of The Furniture
    I didn't have many achievements really this August because a lot has been happening but I have been still applying for jobs eventhough the job market is super tough at the moment. I also still go to the coffee morning club at my local neurodiversity hub and have been socialising with others a lot more to the point Im becoming more confident talking to people. I also babysat my friends support dog when she was in the hub and someone had to take some donations so I had to take care of it and I stroked her and gave her a treat for being good too.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Matthew_04Matthew_04 Moderator Posts: 255 The Mix Regular

    @toffuna101 sounds like you've had a busy month of learning, so glad its paid off for you!
    @Amy22 It's great to hear that you've still been able to achieve quite a lot in such a busy month, it's nice to hear that going to the coffee morning club has been helping improve your confidence <3

    I thought I'd add some of my achievements this month too:
    - I've been focusing on nurturing relationships that bring me joy this month, its been freeing to stop putting energy into one sided friendships and focus on the people that really matter to me
    - I moved in to my university accommodation once again, decided to give myself some time this year to really settle in and readjust to city living
    - My friend also moved in to our accommodation pretty early on so we've both been helping keep each other sane in a relatively quiet flat
  • kaiikaii Posts: 596 Incredible Poster
    @Amy22, you're doing incredible for getting by a really challenging month, so well done! Applying for jobs is super tough, really good job for not giving up :smile: I'm also so so glad that your confidence is improving after socialising at your local neurodiversity hub <3

    @Matthew_04, I'm really glad to hear that you've acknowledged that some relationships were not benefitting you - it really is a freeing feeling to finally stop wasting time and effort to one-sided relationships and diverting all that energy to those who make you happy <3 I felt the same way with my situationship, so I'm so glad it's over. And best of luck with a new year of uni! It's great that you have a friend living with you as well :smile:
  • IsThisJustFantasyIsThisJustFantasy Posts: 92 Budding Regular
    My August was a mix of happy and sad moments. I travelled by plane for the first time in my life and it's one of the best experiences I've had. Sadly I got ill when I was abroad so I wasn't able to do much. I spent two nights in hospital receiving treatment and that was quite hard as I didn't get to enjoy my holiday fully. One of the hardest things I've had to go through but I'm glad I've recovered.

    Another thing I did when I was away was making a difference by giving some money to people who were in need.

    My mental state changed when I was abroad. I felt happier and more relaxed, and I kept my head up more.

    I managed to buy new stationery/supplies for uni. Although choosing what stationery I wanted to buy took ages haha
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,502 Extreme Poster
    well done @IsThisJustFantasy its good to give money away to people in need, especially if theyre poor or homeless.
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,455 Master Poster
    i helped ppl in mh distress i asked for help and finally got it. not many achievements but waking up is a achievement. proud of you all hope september is a gd month for you all. ❤️
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,502 Extreme Poster
    september has been a good month for me so far and its only been 5 days. its good that you helped people in mh distress @eylah
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Inactive Posts: 1,232 Wise Owl
    Aww amazing everyone! So proud of you all and hope September brings great things <3.Heres mine
    Setting boundaries and ensuring my health comes first
    Finishing my summer leadership program!
    Doing a lot of volunteering but getting more of a balance
    Being interviewed for 2 podcast!
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  • kaiikaii Posts: 596 Incredible Poster
    @IsThisJustFantasy, I'm really glad to hear that you felt more relaxed when you went abroad - it really is nice to go on holiday and rest, I hope you're feeling better now! Where did you go? And it's absolutely lovely of you to give money to those in need - you as well as the receivers must have such a warm feeling inside because of this! <3

    @eylah, it's amazing that you've helped people in mental health distress, I'm so sure that they are so grateful for your help! <3

    @ebyrne556, congrats on finishing your summer leadership program! It's great that you've been volunteering more and achieving a balance since it's so important to devote time to your health and to set boundaries! And wow, it's incredible that you got interviewed for 2 podcasts! What podcasts are they? :smile:

    So so proud of everyone, I hope you're all having a great September so far! :3<3
  • eylaheylah Posts: 6,455 Master Poster
    ppl dont always need advice. sometimes all they rly need is a hand to hold. an ear to listen. and a heart to understand them. 🧸
  • IsThisJustFantasyIsThisJustFantasy Posts: 92 Budding Regular
    Thanks for checking up on us @kaii 😊
    I hope u have a great month too ❤️
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