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Autism Diagnosis

violynenjoyerviolynenjoyer Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
Okay so... im autistic. I know that, ive gotten confirmation from other autistic people, and even received support in sixth form during exams such as supervised rest breaks and smaller rooms to do my exams. I need to know how to go about and get a formal diagnosis. im going to uni in september and i had a meeting with an inclusion officer, who was also autistic, and we put together a support plan for when im studying, that all my lecturers will have. however, because i do not have a diagnosis, i cannot apply for DSA.

i have put together a small folder so i can bring it to my gp to ask for a referral, just things regarding my traits since childhood, any questionnaires ive done. but now its time to make an appointment with my gp and im very anxious and i keep putting it off.

i was told i can continue my diagnosis process in uni when i transfer to the local gp but its better if i start now. making matters even more complicated, none of my parents believe im autistic, just shy. even though i can make an appointment for myself, its recommended to have someone who has known you your entire life there to vouch and answer questions. i would call my sister, but shes very busy and its not guaranteed she will be available and i cant handle any sudden changes if she isnt.

also, what do i say on the phone when making the appointment. should i ask for a mental health assessment? or specify its for autism? which one are they more likely to take seriously?

another cause for concern: will the gp im assigned to be my usual one? bc i dont trust her to make an informed decision on whether or not she will give me a referral. is it possible to ask for someone more experienced in giving referrals or will they do that themselves?


  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    @violynenjoyer I'm going through a similar process myself so I thought I would add my thoughts.

    I'm in quite a similar situation to you regarding receiving support etc but do not yet have a formal diagnosis. You could maybe contact your university about your concerns and see if they offer educational psychology assessments. This usually involves a person asking about your history and experiences in education along with some varied literary, comprehension, problem solving and numerical tests. There's then a possibility that when you receive the report on the findings there may be a recommendation to seek a diagnosis via the clinical route or they may be confident enough to diagnose you from the findings. Both of these scenarios would be sufficient evidence for DSA - so long as you have the intention of going through the diagnosis process.

    Do you have an idea of what you're asking for through DSA? You don't have to share here but if you have other diagnosed conditions such as mental health conditions you may be able to use that as a justification depending on what you're asking for.

    I would double check that you won't be set back in the diagnosis if you're moving GP's just in case it results in a longer wait time etc.

    I totally understand your concerns about the appointments - you don't have to have someone that has known you your entire life, just someone that has been in your life that understands your struggles and history. You could potentially take a friend or see if the university student support team can assist you in appointments.

    I would advise asking for an autism assessment as opposed to a mental health assessment as autism isn't a mental health condition but a neurological disorder so if you asked for a mental health assessment the person assessing you may not pick up on that and it could result in misdiagnosis. However autism and mental health definitely go hand-in-hand so if you feel you would like a mental health assessment you could definitely ask for one but they are different things.

    All GP practices run slightly differently so you might have an assigned GP or it could just be whoever is available but you could definitely request a certain GP or for a different GP. It would definitely be worth mentioning your concerns about not being taken seriously. If you choose to have the appointment I would maybe write a list of the key things you want to bring up at the appointment to have with you in case you forget.
  • violynenjoyerviolynenjoyer Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
    edited August 15
    @lunarcat522 Ty so much for the advice! Ive been procrastinating making an appointment simply because of the experiences ove had with my gp in the past... they dont take anything seriously and the receptionist is the rudest lady ive ever met. im anxious just thinking about it. im gonna try tomorrow 😬😬
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Hey @violynenjoyer sorry to very dismissive and actually really hard to navigate that but good luck making your appointment today we will be thinking of u <3
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  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    @violynenjoyer You're welcome! It's completely understandable to have feelings of apprehension when reaching out. Keep us updated! <3
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