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Portfolio pictures

Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
edited June 24 in General Chat
Tonight I applied for college. I chose a photography course and I have to do a portfolio for the interview. I feel like all the pictures I took are shit :/ so I need yalls honest opinions on these pictures
Profile picture made by @Chloe234

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  • SlinkySlinky Posts: 411 Listening Ear
    I think these pictures are so nice @Rose113 , the first one is my favourite :)
  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    @Slinky sorry I was in middle of editing it with more pictures
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
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  • SlinkySlinky Posts: 411 Listening Ear
    awwwwk the little ducks :love:

    You captured some really nice views! You have some great shots there!
  • eylaheylah Posts: 3,167 Boards Guru
    edited June 24
    oh wow. i love number 2 & 4. well taken. you are very skillful. they are beautiful pictures. you should be proud of yourself.
    vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. truth and courage arent always comfortable. but they are never weakness.
  • Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 3,120 Boards Guru
    The photos are amazing!!
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    all these photos are brilliant - im obsessed with the second and third photos and the one of the ducks
  • AoifeAoife Community Manager Posts: 3,151 Boards Guru
    You've got some lovely photos here @Rose113. My favourite is the sun shots in your first two pictures and of course the ducks are very cute!
    Maybe somethings don't get better, but we do. We get stronger. We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are. We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't. Maybe some of us will never fully be okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying. We're doing the best we can. That's worth celebrating too ❤
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    You've got a really good eye @Rose113 I'm sure you'll do brilliantly on your course. I love the sunset pictures and the ducks are adorable!
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Your pictures are very beautiful and you definitely got a good eye for detail especially capturing sunsets. Im sure you will amazingly on your photography course and that you learn amazing things <3. Well done!!!.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Wow i love all of them u r so talented @Rose113 <3
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  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    My teacher printed me some more pictures off. Gonna collect them tomorrow. udui2wz0zlea.jpg
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    edited June 27
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    These pictures are so beautiful and amazing. I think its a great skill to have to be able to take photos of things as you can also frame them and they are perfect as gifts. I want to get back into taking photos again like I used to. <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    Beautiful photos @Rose113 !
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    Amy22 wrote: »
    I want to get back into taking photos again like I used to. <3

    You definitely should @Amy22 !
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,301 Boards Champion
    Wow, these look great!
  • SpaceOtterSpaceOtter Community Champion Posts: 885 Part of The Mix Family
    These look awesome!

    I especially love the fox glove (Digitalus purpurea) picture, i didn't know white fox gloves existed. Thats so cool.

    There's something incredibly dreamy about the Castle photo, the way the light hits the castle and the shadows define its features is awesome!
    You're awesome!
  • Orchid059Orchid059 Moderator Posts: 217 Trailblazer
    These are amazing @Rose113. I studied Photography for my A-levels and I can tell you are a natural. Keep up the good work <3
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