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19M looking for friends

JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
I’m 19 I have no friends and have never had any meaningful friendships, I’m worried I’ll just be alone for the rest of my life.

What can I do?, can I make friends here or on another part of this website?, is there any apps or any resources I can use to help?

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this I’ve just joined this website


  • Matthew_04Matthew_04 Moderator Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    Hi @JMMV2005
    You've come to the right place, there are lots of friendly people here who would love to talk to you =)
    Why not start by introducing yourself here
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,301 Boards Champion
    Sure you can make friends here! Everyone’s really nice. I’m almost 19 (female) and I don’t have any friends irl, I have friends here though!
  • ciabelle05ciabelle05 Posts: 10 Settling in
    Hi @JMMV2005, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. It must be really tough feeling like you will be lonely for the rest of your life. But I want you to know that feeling lonely at 19 doesn't mean you'll feel this way forever. Life changes a lot, and there are many opportunities ahead where you can meet new people and form strong connections.

    Engaging in online communities such as The Mix is awesome, lots of friendly individuals here as well as friend-making apps such as Bumble BFF. Apart from online, if you are currently in education have you considered joining clubs or organisations ( sports,arts,academic clubs,etc)?
    Another good alternative for this summer is taking up a new hobby or joining volunteering groups ( Do-it.org,VolunteerMatch UK) or local sports teams as it can be a great way to meet compassionate like-minded individuals like yourself :)
  • JMMV2005JMMV2005 Posts: 22 Boards Initiate
    @ciabelle05 I have thought about getting friend making apps but I have no idea what to expect and it seems pretty scary to be honest, but I’m not going to rule that option out, I’ve tried looking for clubs in real life but none of them seem right for me
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